Friday, April 5, 2013

The Silent Laughing Syndrome

The Silent Laughing Syndrome


There are certain human emotions in some people that can trigger further escalating emotional responses in others when they are displayed in a condescending manner.  Laughter is a wonderful release of tension within the human body but when it is directed at one person the situation can turn from a light mood to one of anger in just a few seconds.  The feelings that we all harbor run deep within our inner beings and mean quite a deal to our lives when we observe others attacking us, with our responses sometimes being deadly.  Yet, we ignore all of the spiritual laughter to go unabated when humans perform the same actions that affect our lives.  Why is this?  Why do we not allow humans to get away with these types of actions, so why the opposite in the spiritual realm?  Have we lost our spiritual hearing enough to be deaf to this important clue to our spiritual survival?

Having a sense of humor within us is a fascinating option that God has incorporated into our lives.  One characteristic of our sense of humor that it brings out a mystery about ourselves and openly presents this special type of mystery to others in a wide array of forms.  Some of us have a dry sense of humor while others have a quick and sarcastic sense of humor.  In my profession, which is the medical field, one has to have a “sick or twisted” sense of humor in order to get by with all of the different types of human specimens that I have to process and even those people who say they have no sense of humor have within them somewhere a subject that makes them laugh.  All of these types of humor and others that I have not mentioned allow us to adapt to our living world so that we may function in a complete state while walking on this planet. 

The majority of us like to laugh this is a common feature of our existence.  It does not matter what culture, race, sex or creed you call your own laughing is a natural part of life and is easily fulfilled at a drop of a hat.  Medical studies have shown that laughing is a process that helps and speeds up the healing process after a medical condition has invaded the body.  One side of the film industry that brings in multi million dollars to the economy deals with comedy films.  Keeping the mood light in some tense meetings or situations can allow clear thinking to occur so that real answers can be provided to tough problems and it a wonder drug for other general stress conditions.  Laughter is also a wonderful example of how people can relate to each other and establish a trust between people that allow further relationships to develop.  All of the above examples are those of a good nature but as humans like to participate in good things, some members of our species will surely take things too far.

As with the different types of humor people also possess feelings.  Our individual feelings are just as various in their forms as with every other emotion that humans harbor within.  All of us have been involved as the subject of a practical joke or comparison at some time in our life, we may not have known it at the time but we are all included.  And when we find out about our position in these circumstances our feelings do not handle the situation well sometimes so we bring in our other emotions to offset our current involvement.  This too is a normal process that lies within our inner beings and sometimes is not presented to the public until conditions similar to these occur.  All of these emotions are given to us by God to relate with other people in the world and should be taken as such and not limited and shunned towards others.

So if this part of our lives is a God given quality then it must be part of our enemy’s job to stymie this portion of our lives enough to ensure that we cannot further our relationships with other people around us.  This is where our enemy’s attacks play a dual role within our existence.  One side is the physical and the other side is the spiritual, with laughter being the common card played on both sides all at once.  We must remember the Kingdom principles, both sides, are in play while this process is transpiring in our world.  Always remember that there are only two kingdoms that matter one that God controls and rules over and the other His and our enemy rules over and when one kingdom is advanced the other kingdom is automatically pushed back.

When people laugh and joke around with others no matter what the situation is and also it does not matter if God is mentioned at all, God’s Kingdom is advance since it promotes togetherness and it strengthens relationship with others.  The majority of those people who tease too much or say the wrong things have no intentions of hurting other’s feelings and this is the place where our enemy steps in and tries to take over.  If our enemy can seize the moment and convince the hurt person to react and cause division with the “offending” person then God’s Kingdom is pushed back and his kingdom is advanced.  In both Kingdoms, our lives are the most important issues that are present and both kingdoms desire your cooperation in order to achieve their goals.

My wife and I were watching an old comedy program from the 1980s the other night.  It was a popular program during its original run and the program was on TV for many years.  Like most other programs in the entertainment business it took a couple of years before the word got out to the majority of the country that this program was a great show.  The ways that the characters treated each other reflected on what type of relationships each one had with the others.  The mood of the time was relaxed and not uptight which allowed for true humor to be expressed on both sides of the pranks.  This type of comedy situation would not be allowed to run in today’s entertainment market for it would be deemed boring and unrealistic to the crowd that currently follows the comedy TV circuits.

Flash forward to today’s comedy and entertainment guide which poses several comedy shows and other personality profiles which provide a different type of satirical view in order to pacify the public.  Whereas the old style of comedy keeps the punch lines on a simple and level plane today’s jokes are meant to insult, hurt or ridicule a person’s beliefs or stance in life.  Vulgar insinuations are followed by degrading and immoral acts that are directed towards those people that do not share the “common” or “believed” view of the producers of the comic settings.  While this may be funny to some people it is a divisive measure that our enemy uses on each other to further the divide between people who differ in opinions.  This type of laughter is the kind that allows our enemy’s kingdom to flourish all the while fulfilling our destructive destiny wit each other in the physical realm.

When this type of situation occurs and the people of the world become divided over a common trait that we all possess we begin to compensate this order with another option that seems to sooth each side yet continues to maintain the divide that has been established; and we find this compromise suitable and livable while both sides remain pleasantly divided.  How much more damaging could this be towards another human being that lives within our immediate atmosphere?  By allowing this type of physical living standard to thrive, it forces us to find alternative measures in order to establish our accepted divided status as a permanent solution to a common human trait based upon who believes that they are right and that the other party involved is wrong.

Now let us look at the spiritual side of this issue.  Our enemy is now gloating over his victory in the physical realm.  He has successfully divided the human race further into believing that they cannot function together on another capacity of life.  He is proud of himself for working his magic touch once again and setting up a potential time bomb within the consciousness of man.  So what is his next step?  His next step is to fully enjoy himself at his accomplishments by doing the exact same process which caused the division between us in the first place, he is going to laugh.  And with our physical conditions that are taking precedence in our immediate lives we have tuned out the spiritual aspects of our lives, because when we allow the physical to dominate our thinking then we force the spiritual to take a backseat and when this realignment occurs our enemy can do whatever he pleases in our lives because we have hindered the communication line that God uses to pass His divine instructions to us in times of need.

Hear is one thing that you need to keep in mind when you consider this topic and any other topic that you are dealing with or thinking about.  It does not matter which side of the argument that you agree with and it does not matter if you are right or wrong our enemy will be laughing at you no matter what the outcome of the problem is.  See, he does not care if you are right or wrong or if you have good intentions or bad ones all he is concerned with that you are further separated with your fellow humans and your Creator enough to dim the true communication factors that would provide all of us with favorable lives together.  It does not matter where you live or what economic status you come from, all that matters to our enemy is that by advancing his own kingdom, God’s Kingdom is pushed back.  Now stop and think about how many times we have completed an act in this manner.  And now think about how many times you heard our enemy laughing after we have completed this act.

It is a logical process for our enemy to attack us by using a gift that God has blessed us with, and laughter is not an exception.  All aspects of our lives are subject to ridicule by our enemy and if we allow him to continue in this manner our fall will be greater than we can ever imagine.  It is time for us to take seriously the laughter that God has placed in our lives and to use it for its proper meaning and course in our lives.  God named one of the people in His lineage laughter; that is how important this gift is to Him and for us.

We do not need to be focused on which type of comedy and laughter is important, we must remain focused on what He has designed within us and use it to bring people, all people and not just certain groups of people, together so that we can hear the spiritual aspects of unity that God is calling for us to participate in.  Why don’t we try and hear the spiritual laughing that is being directed at us and in turn do our best to silence this laughing syndrome and advance God’s Kingdom by coming together and being one human race through God.  I have said many times that God has a sense of humor and for us to understand His sense of humor we must continue to develop and maintain ours.


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