Saturday, April 13, 2013

Your True Intentions

Your True Intentions


Humanity has a habit of not really revealing their true intentions about many things until the results are completed.  This act is one of the more fascinating characteristics of created beings that I find so intriguing.  It is also one of the definitions of mankind that makes us not trust each other when it comes down to crunch time.  Yet, we glorify these actions about people and continue to place our beliefs in the feeble minded qualities of human logic while rejecting the one true logical and perfect being that will never betray us nor tell us a lie.

I have started a tradition that many people have done over the years and that is allowing our pets to share some of our food while we eat.  I know that it is not a healthy idea for the animals and that they should stick to their own type of food.  However, I know that there are many people out there that do the same thing with their pets so I am not in this boat alone, plus as they sit there and watch the family eat and we notice their “starving” eyes we feel guilty and after a couple of verbal “no” remarks to them we give in to those pathetic looks that are tugging at our heart and feed them some of what we are partaking. 

An unusual event occurred in our house this morning in that our youngest daughter woke up earlier than we did.  This rarely happens but when it does she is the first one to suggest that breakfast should be made as soon as possible, not that she is going to help but that it is just made quickly.  A similar setting occurred with our two Dachshund dogs as well, they hardly ever get up and going early but like our daughter they too were up earl and ready to scrounge whatever they could from the table.

So our youngest got her wish of waffles, and whatever else we wanted, was graciously granted and within a short time breakfast was being served.  Of course the puppy dogs took their usual spots at the foot of the table and waited impatiently for their portions.  After prayer the eating commenced and the dogs soon received their table food after a cooling down period.  Everyone was filling their stomachs as normal and enjoying the food that had been prepared, including the puppy dogs.  All of the human side of the family had finished eating and was just sitting around the table and then Heidi began her second ritual of wanting more food.  Most of the time we do not pay any attention to her because she has her own dog food close by and after a few begging sessions that end in nothing, she goes and begins to eat the food that she should be eating.

Enter the cat, Tigger.  With the smell of waffles, eggs and ham being cooked and consumed Tigger eventually made his way down to the table and rightfully took his spot close by and gave one small meow to make sure we all knew of his presence.  Since Tigger usually does not come down and beg for food this was a rare occasion in which he had a change of mind.   This change of mind did not settle well with Heidi and she began to react accordingly.  Now, Tigger and the puppy dogs get along well together so much so that they do not even fight over food, Tigger eats his and the puppy dogs eat theirs and Tigger’s it is a happy arrangement and a sight to behold.

After a few moments of sitting and rejecting small morsels, it was obvious that Tigger had no intentions of eating but just wanted to be around the table with us.  There was a larger portion of a waffle that was left over that was lying on the table.  Heidi continued her dancing around the table trying to make sure that if any food was left that she deserved it and not Tigger.  So when Heidi saw that I was about to deliver the goods she positioned herself right next to Tigger and Tigger continued his non caring attitude about the food so, knowing that Tigger would not eat anything I gave another portion of this remaining waffle to Heidi who took the piece into her mouth and walked to the other side of the table.

I really did not think anything about it at the time but what Heidi had done was to take the portion of food that I gave her and move it to another part of the table and there she dropped it on the ground.  I had noticed that she almost immediately came from under the table and headed over to the water dish and began to drink, another reason why I did not suspect anything this is a common movement of hers. 

As I got up from the table I finally noticed that the piece of waffle that I had given her a few minutes ago was lying in the spot where she had dropped it.  It dawned on me that she had no intentions of eating that piece of waffle and that all she was concerned was that the cat did not have the opportunity to eat it himself.  I picked up the piece of food and showed it to Heidi and she reacted like any spoiled dog would, looking at the piece of food like she had no idea of why you would be showing it to her.  I threw the piece of waffle into the trash and then went on my way.  A few minutes later was when I received the subject for this article.

I am not comparing humans to animals that is not the intention of this article.  However, I am comparing our actions to that of what Heidi did when God gives us His words of knowledge for our lives.  The wisdom and understanding that God gives us is not to stored up or hidden under a table it is meant to be shared with others so that they may know that there is a God who loves them and that has every answer that humanity is asking.

For so long we have sat in our pews and have received the food that God has given to us.  We have received so much of the blessings of God that we have voluntarily stored it up in our spiritual cellars and it is now almost rotten because we have not performed what God intended for its usage.  We are completing the same concept when we allow ourselves to use this philosophy when it comes to God’s Word.  God did not mean for us to receive His benefits and then sit on them until we depart this world.

God meant for His words to be an active part of our lives that when another person approaches us or spends any time with us will know that we have something that they do not, but realize that they need to have it.  This concept shall not work if we are sitting back and not doing what Jesus commanded. Sitting around only advances the kingdom of our enemy, even though we are receiving our daily bread from God.  How can this be possible if God continues His outpouring of daily bread to our lives one might ask?  God will not stop showing His words to His people even though they are receiving them but not using them for His purpose.  However, there will come a time when He will stop sharing His words because His Kingdom is not being advanced which when this occurs, then He takes over and has to reinforce His authority over the world and remind humanity once again who is actually in charge of things. 

The art of sitting in the pews and waiting for our ticket to heaven to be punched is an act of treason simply because those actions represent an alignment with the world and an agreement with the world’s acceptance of the Church structure and not the function of the church.  It does not represent nor reflect the true separation of the Church from the world as a foundational light to the world.  This position also inactivates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as a covering of our lives back to God and invalidates any hope that the world might have of restoration.

Do not take what God has given you and hide it or keep it from others who want to receive God’s words, for there is a reason that they are at the table.  We should be happy in the fact that God is within our lives and has supplied us with the spiritual food necessary to share with others.  That is exactly what Jesus said for us to do, not to preach and condemn, He did not even do those things.  Share the food that God has given to us and you will be amazed to witness what will happen.  People are hungry for the truth and if we do not share what God has given their only other option is what the world has to offer.  If you are not willing to complete this for God, then why are you in a pew?  This action or lack of action by us shows our true intentions where God is concerned and what He has done to provide for His children.

God loves you and everyone else in this world, equally.  He recognizes their sin as He does yours and mine.  He also knows that there is only one way to Him and that example has been provided to us and we cannot afford to sit on it and let it rot inside our lives.  Repent and ignore your pride and restore the spiritual meals back to the world that they so desperately need.


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