Appeasement Plan
is obvious that the majority of humans do not like surprises especially when it
comes to major events that adversely affect their lives. Even though
mankind has the capability of being mobile and fending off the aggressive
natural circumstances, we still like to have a stable balance in our world so
that our settings do not change much. The true character of how
humans react is then set into motion when these life changing events
occur. However, how comfortable do we have to get before we totally
lose our edge in preparing for such an event? And will we ever regain this
edge and ability to purge the darkness with the light of truth before the
darkness strikes?
has been noted throughout history that the people that live within the school
district, city, state, nation, realm, etc that their actions reflect what they
have been taught. As with many other issues one can flip through a
textbook and read about how the people conducted their daily business and the
reader can get a general idea of what that society has taught the people. These
general standards of education were put in place and have been accepted as the
norm throughout this country’s school systems, and have provided whoever
desires to learn, a basic level of education that has the ability to get them
by in life. But what happens to the system if these standards are
lower or directed in such a manner that the minds of the students are not
challenged? This represents an appeasement process that
miscalculates the ability to seek out the heart of learning and focus it on
subsidizing the student during their prime.
of you remember the movie called “Remember the Titans.” This was an
excellent movie on many accounts but basically was football and the race
issue. However, there was one scene in the movie that I found very
interesting and the issue that was addressed is an issue that we are now
beginning to see the result when students are not challenged. All of
you should know by now I do not have a racial bone in my body. My
parents taught me to treat everyone equally and accept them for who they are
and to show them Jesus through my actions and not through the world standards. The
scene that I want to describe to you occurs when one of the white football
coaches plays a bit of favoritism for some and not on the others.
becomes clear that the white football coach is tough and that he understands
the game of football very well. He is however very uncomfortable
with having to coach black players and to follow their movements on and off the
field simply because he does not wish to upset the general population of the
town. The coach is very well known and respected and from the dialog
in the movie one can gather that he has not been too kind to the black
community on a regular basis. A couple of his players that are white
obviously are not giving their best and this coach pulls them aside and just
reams them a new one. Now, for anyone who has played the game of
football understands that this setting is not uncommon and all of us have been
yelled at for not giving it our 100% best on every play.
a few plays later it is obvious that some of the black players are not giving
it their best either and this same coach pulls them aside and gently talks to
them and ten lets them continue to play accordingly. It is soon
evident that the remaining players on the team pick this difference up and once
again tensions rise on the practice field. Later that day the two
coaches are having a conversation with each other and the issue of treating
everyone equal makes it rounds. The head coach mentions to the
assistant that his actions are damaging the future of the black players and
that for them to be accepted in the world they must have the knowledge of how
the world is going to treat them. The head coach stressed that if you do
not treat everyone of the players equal that you are crippling the ones who you
pull along and only harm not only on the playing field but also in their life
as well.
any person differently no matter what the setting may be harms them if the
rules are not followed the same. People are smart and they will
figure things out when these types of occurrences present themselves. It
has always been a human way of trying to get away with things when that person
does not want to deal with an issue. It does not matter if the issue
arises during a football game, at work or when a life threatening choice must
be made, if the person has not been adequately trained in dealing with the hard
times ability for that person to adjust diminishes greatly.
the mind is a dangerous quality that one can offer to any person and it allows
that person to fake their way into society. There is no doubt that
people will face some sort of trials in their life and it imperative that we
have the know-how of how to deal with these circumstances. It is not
an “if” we have problems for it is only a matter of time until we do experience
them. How can a person be ready for life if they have not been
prepared to face the trials and tribulations that life is going to hand
them? It is a must that we make sure that our children know how to
think for them and to have the mental stability to adjust to what deals
them. Is a test accurate enough to honestly provide a person with
the knowledge of expectancy for the future if the questions for the test are
spelled out before the student begins the class?
I was in my junior year in high school I was at a fairly decent academic
school. It was a large Texas high school and for the most part had
high expectations for every student. Texas as most of you know is a
very fanatic state when it comes to football. Football is its
signature sport and it is expected that every high school football team do well
each year. The football programs for the schools draw in a very
large sum of money for the district and are considered to be the defining sport
of that school and how the year is going to be defined in each sporting
category. In other words, if the football team has a losing season
then no matter well the basketball program does it will be compared to the
football team for that year; they could even win a state title and be
considered second class. There are many people who disagree with
this concept but it is in place and until things change, this attitude and
belief will remain. However, no matter how good of a team a school
might have they were still graduating players that could not even balance a
checkbook or even write a complete sentence and it was bringing national
attention to the state. So, something had to be done with the
standards and a new plan was put into place; starting with the teachers.
teachers of my high school had regular meetings, so when the first meeting of
the second semester rolled around none of the students paid much attention to
it. But when the teachers came out of the meeting and went to their
classrooms us students immediately knew something was wrong just by the look on
their faces. The teachers did not say much about things at first and
the rumors began to fly around the school that some of the teachers were
getting fired for various reasons. Even though we had no clue what
was said in the meeting our minds ran with many ideas concerning the
matter. Within a few hours the truth began to emerge and we
understood that beginning next year the teachers were required to take an
aptitude test in order to prove that they were competent to continue
teaching. Seemed fair to us since they were the ones that continually gave
us tests; right?
remaining portion of the year was tense between the students and teachers but
for the most part everything seemed to be normal. The rumors about
the tests and how difficult they were going to be flowed though the rank and
file of the teachers worse than what the students could have done concerning a
normal teenage issue. As the school year ended all the students were
joyous that another year had passed and that another year closer to graduation
was at hand. For me, the next year would be my senior year and I was
looking forward to all of the “privileges” that this status posed.
summer flew by and school was upon us once again and it was time for the
teachers to find out when their test was going to be administered to
them. The tension did not quell over the summer and it was ever
present on day one of the new school year. When we asked the
teachers about their summer the majority of tem stated that the main activity
for the summer was to study for a test in which they had no idea what was going
to be over but to us students this concept was not too difficult to comprehend
since we dealt with it almost every week. Soon after the beginning
of school the teachers found out when the “D Day” was to happen as they put
it. It was going to be during Christmas break.
the time approached for the teachers testing to occur many of the teachers just
simply stopped verbally communicating with each other and concentrated on
teaching the subjects that they had been doing for quite some time. Everyone
in the school could feel the tension and it was reflected in many ways as time
crept closer to the testing day. Christmas break was upon us and the
students were once again excited to be away from the responsibilities that
school had over us. As the last day before the break came I remember
one of my teachers being so worried about the test that he actually said that
he did not expect to be back after Christmas break and he even told us that it
had been a pleasure to have the opportunity to teach us some things about life
before we grew up. Most of us blew this statement off but at the
same time we did hear from reliable sources that the test would determine if
teachers kept their jobs or not.
school returned in January we all were wondering which teachers would still be
with us and it soon became a joke amongst all of the student body. When
we walked into the school we went to our first period classrooms and waited for
our teachers to show up. And what do you know, every one of our
teachers came back to work on that Monday morning and every one of them had a
story to tell about their testing experience. The common theme for
each teacher was that they had no idea of what to study for since nothing was
directly relayed to them concerning the contents of the test. As it
turned out, the test consisted of one question in which the teacher had to
answer by using complete sentence structure and in the form of two
paragraphs. That was the entire test.
as the laughter died down the teachers made another statement concerning what
they had learned over the past year. Most of them, after they got
over their anger, understood that the entire process made them better in that
it allowed them to reacquaint themselves with how to give and to take a test
and that it had reminded them of how to use their brains in order to figure
something out that they had learned a long time ago. They also
mentioned that they were lucky to have the school teachers that they did when
they were in high school and that they would not have traded those years for
anything. To be honest the methods of how the teachers gave tests
for my remaining year changed over that Christmas break and on those lines I
truly believe that the change in philosophy from the teachers helped me down
the road.
human mind expects to be challenged in many ways and in reality thrives on this
type of situation. However, if the mind is not trained to overcome
adverse conditions then it shall not understand how to figure a way out of
things when times become tough. I have mentioned a few times of some
of my younger colleagues who I have asked general history questions in which
they have no idea about as their response. My own daughters have
trouble breaking down a sentence and diagramming a sentence, which even though
my grammar skills are not the best I do know how to use a direct object and
where to put it if necessary. Yet our testing skills for the state
are well within the national expectancy rate. This represents many
flaws in a system that is designed to teach and to bring interaction with
students and teachers in order to expand the young minds so that they can advance
our society down the road.
is also seeing this non caring attitude penetrating the streets with the rise
in the number of crimes against innocent people. Communication levels
between individuals is also under fire because the younger generations do not
even know how to verbally talk with anyone yet they know how they can get
pregnant and curse at a teacher for telling them to sit down in class. There
is a reason that the Bible addresses this topic by stating if you spare the rod
on a child you will soon find out the results of this failure. Now,
that does not mean that ANY human has the authority to beat a child or any
other person but a stern discipline will cause the person to think about what
occurred and that they should not repeat it.
a mind is challenged with a problem it will always bring about the best out of
the person at that moment. Also, it will stick into that person’s
mind and will provide an answer when that person’s grandchild is facing a
similar situation. Now this can work in both directions if society
allows it in such that if society promotes laziness then that is exactly what
our minds will be trained for when attacks come; the opposite is true as
well. Whatever the mind is trained for that is what it will portray
in the future towards others and we need to bear this in mind as we sit down
and think about the adventures that we are about to endure.
understands life for He is the one that created life. He also
understands that our minds need to be challenged in order for them to stay
current with life. The ways that we trend towards God also
understands will keep us in the dark when challenges are not dealt with
accordingly and appropriately. God designed us to be defined by our
challenges and not by our everyday routines that we mundanely complete. Do
we fancy this type of challenged society or have we become a welfare oriented
state of mind when it comes to coping with the hardness of life, that is the
question that all of us have to answer.
need to understand that many people will not stand up to the challenges of the
world and to complete these challenges for the best interests of the
world. If one watches the news and reads the blogs and websites they
will see a pattern that has been rising for a while now that should shed some
light on which direction we are heading in. The time is now for us
to stop and to expand our mind’s capacity and realize that the paths that we
are choosing are creating destruction all around us. Out of
necessity for our lives and future we need to wake up and realize that our
society needs to have God in the center and not having Him sit on the sidelines
of our surroundings.
As I
look back into history and read about the troubled times of our past, I cannot
but wonder how those people survived all of the catastrophes that were
presented to them. The numerous wars and disease outbreaks alone
could have brought civilization down to the ground yet the minds of that time
found a way to stretch their methods of thinking in such a manner as to keep
the societies functioning and productive amongst the trying times. I
am so thankful that I was not born during those times in human history but even
with that selfish thought of mine I applaud the people who lived during those
times because they had the mindset to find a way to get things done and to
survive another day.
As a
believer and studier of God’s Word I have ran across some of the most bizarre
human experiences that one can imagine. But while these stories are
hard to contemplate based upon modern standards, I can believe the content
because of how humans adapt to their surroundings when pushed into
service. There is one portion of the Bible that I had confusion over
for a very long time but those passages are becoming clearer to me as each day
passes. For some reason humans cannot seem to figure out how to
control each other and allow one person to rise up and take over the world,
which leads to a bunch more fun and exciting things. To me, this
description sounds like the minds of civilization have been so condensed that
they no longer can function outside of the box so to speak. And for
a long time I could not understand this philosophy that is written about but
with the current events of today I now understand the meaning of the beginning
of the birthing pains and how the one ruler will come into play since the
dividing lines are so wide that only anger and infighting can be
seems to me that we as humanity continue to search for our testing skills based
upon the known and not the true unknown. Life deals its cards
through the unknown and it is important that we articulate this concept to our
children, grandchildren and for anyone else who will drop the dividing lines
that we have established and listen to what our history is telling us. God
is alive and He understands everything that we are going to be facing. Yes,
there shall be tough times ahead; I cannot tell you when because I do not
know. Yes, many people will fall apart due to these changes; how
many and to what degree I do not know but based upon our mental stability now,
it will not be pretty. Yes, governments and nations will disappear and
wars will rage; how many I do not know but it is coming. All of this
had been told to us through the words of the Bible, just read it and keep in
mind that it is talking about humans and their activities.
agree with many people that we should expand our thinking about how we are
doing things. I disagree with them on the premise that secular
methods and current views need to replace the valued and storied standards that
we have had lived with ever since this country was established. I
believe that right at this moment that there is enough people in this country
who have a fighting spirit to rise up and defend our country if needed, but if
this should happen it better hurry up because those numbers are decreasing by
the day. The sharpness of the mind is being whittled away at
breakneck speed and our enemy loves every minute of it. God is
calling us to wake up and to shape up before the predicted events of humanity
begin. The process of torment and pain can be delayed if we only
turn back to Him and allow God to change our hearts. It is easy as
the question remains if society will be allowed to continue its appeasement
process of our lives. The results will be clear no matter which
answer is given to that question. The choice is strictly up to us
and whichever way we decided our fate is in our hands. Let us use
our “authority” of choice to boot the “right” of choice out the door. Let
us make the correct choice for our future and get off our butts and dig into
the greatest history book that has ever been written. God loves you
and wishes nothing but peace, love, joy and prosperity in our lives. But
in order for this to occur we need to have sharp minds and hearts when the
tests come along. It is also guaranteed that if we are not prepared
the opposite will be true in that we will totally destroy ourselves due to the
lack of Godly understanding.