Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Informational Stash

The Informational Stash


The information age is here and most of us have adapted to this way of living.  There is nothing wrong with having an abundance of information but as we all can imagine this wealth can be used for or against us.  At some point in our history humans deemed it necessary to make sure that future generations could have a means to look back and to understand what life was like many centuries ago.  God also constructed this type of bulletin so that we could define our past and make sure that we had the opportunity not to repeat the same mistakes again.

When I was growing up most of you know that I was raised in church.  It was a common sight that each week when we all entered into the building we were immediately greeted by one or more individuals that would offer any type of assistance that was needed.  These people would also hand out a small piece of folded paper that would contain a pretty picture on the outside cover and general information about the services on the bottom portion of the front cover.  When you opened up the bulletin it was filled with the major events and news of the coming week that the church was either offering or announcing other pertinent information that the pastor and staff wanted the congregation to know.

Even though the church information and news was contained in the bulletin many of the announcements would still be repeated from the pulpit just to make sure that everyone in the building had the opportunity to know what was happening.  This was the way and still is in many churches how church information gets passed along to the congregation or to anyone who is interested in attending any church function.  This type of communication is also a good way to keep past information about the church and can serve as a great reference when any historical item needs to be brought back up for any particular reason.  I know that my parents still have a good amount of the bulletins that were handed out from many of their churches, just as a reminder and keep-sake from that time frame.

When I was in high school I have to honestly say that studying was not my forte.  I was a smart young kid but to get me to study was, as one of my friends likes to say, like herding cats.  It was an almost impossible task and according to my logic I really did not need to study much because I was making good enough grades to keep me out of a grounding status.  I had no idea of why I needed to study in the first place and at that point in time I considered books and the information that they contained to be a waste of my time.  So, when I was required to study for things I would open that book and stare at its contents for a while, turn the page and repeat that process until the assigned pages were completed. 

This really proved to my parents and to my teachers that I had no clue of how to study for assignments and it proved to myself that I had the potential but had no intentions of completing this task; and don’t even ask me to read an entire book from cover to cover either.  I considered my time to be more valuable and useful by doing other things and deemed those other things being far greater a life experience than sting behind a desk or table with my nose in a book.  Boy was I wrong, especially since I had no idea that if I combined both of these situations at that time I would have gained so much more knowledge about life than I could have ever imagined.  I look back now and really kick myself for not understanding what my parents were trying to show me by having me read and study.  I know that if I had listened to them and had ignored my stupid ideas back then I would understand much more of what the world is experiencing today.

As my high school years and college years progressed I was introduced to another type of information tool called the bulletin board. When I was attending Lamar University I lived in one of the academic dorms, don’t fool yourself even though it was an academic dorm that does not mean that everyone in that dorm considered themselves to be academic.  Anyway, the first day of classes the dorm mother had a meeting that was required that all students were present and it was at this time that the staff was introduced and general information was handed out to all residents.  The meeting lasted about an hour and covered all of the safety issues of the day along with the general security details about the building.  Many other topics were covered and as normal when the hour long meeting had concluded the majority of the people inside the dayroom were not paying attention.

Our dorm mother, Mrs. A, also made a couple of points clear and even re-iterated a couple of issues to everyone so that no one would have any excuses of not knowing what was being said.  One of these issues was the dorm bulletin board and everything about its whereabouts and contents.  She made it very clear that all dorm information was going to be posted at this location as it became available. She also stressed that it was our responsibility to go to that bulletin board every day and to read its contents because things would probably appear on a daily basis.  She repeated this statement more than once during the meeting and at the end of the meeting asked us where all of the dorm information was going to be located. 

Placing information on bulletin boards was a popular thing to do, I realized this when I got to my first job opportunity.  The hospital followed the same kind of format with general and departmental information that needed to be read by all staff members.  This trend followed all the way up to my current position some 25 years down the road and even today some of the general policies that have been created or changed in some way are still placed on a bulletin board for everyone to read, even if they do not have access to our email system.

The internet is a great source of information but as any other type of communication line, it can provide a wealth of garbage as well.  The concept of email is a great way to communicate with anyone around the world but falling into the wrong hands can bring about a total destruction of a person, company or nation.  The invention of the internet has revolutionized the means and ways that humans communicate with one another.  It does not matter if you are next door to a person or clear across the world for the lines of communication are now interconnected with each other.  This type of informational pathway proves important because the ones who want people to have certain information can provide this information and then have a record of its sending and receiving within a matter of seconds.

The human aspects of this type of communication are still in play but it is easier for those receiving the information to ask questions and get answers to those questions quicker than ever before.  I took an online history class a few years back and found that even though my professor was in Laramie, Wyoming and I was in Delta, Colorado I could send him information and he would receive it instantaneously. All of the communication and interaction during that course was conducted in this manner, it was marvelous and a great way to obtain answers, find information about the class and even receive grades.

The reason that dorm mothers, parents, professors, bosses send out information is to make sure that everyone within that organization or living facility understands what is transpiring during that current period of time.  It would be a total disaster and legal nightmare if these types of informational packets were not made available to those that may be affected by certain events.  Employers and family leaders find it a must to communicate with the necessary people in order to keep the normal flow moving.  If any person in a position of leadership failed to make this type of information unavailable or deliberately withheld important information from the people under their care, then that person should be held liable for any and all damages accrued when the time came and people found out things the hard way.

The legal issues are what drive the points home to everyone that is involved in the communication lineage.  Every aspect of life is dictated by rules and regulations.  It does not matter if one agrees with these rules or not they are there and have been put into place in order for everyone to understand and to grasp the concept of protection and the importance of avoiding problems in the future.  God even follows a legal path to everyday life as well and I am not talking about the legalistic ways that man has put into place within the Church, I am talking about the legal aspects of our lives and the access that our enemy has to our inner core.

There are certain paths that we take in life and there are certain paths that our enemy must follow and when we open up a path then we must understand that he will be right there waiting to follow that path.  Ever stop and look back at your family’s past or history and wonder what traits you or your children might have?  I recommend that each of us do this step and find out what they can expect and it will give you a great opportunity to do some major healing before major problems arise.  If we humans choose to ignore any physical policy that has been put into place then why would it be any different for our spiritual side of life? 

God has provided an excellent bulletin board that is full of information on how we can avoid major catastrophes within our lives.  The forces of nature we cannot control but the actions and purposes of humanity we alone can control and solve if we just understand how to do this process effectively.  The answers are located within the Bible and that is God’s informational stash that He has provided us with so that we can avoid many troublesome times.  The Bible is a legal document about how humans have lived and the ways that they have chosen to follow.  It is also serves as a legal representation of what God and our enemy can operate in and how both sides of the issues can affect our lives. 

Our lives are the central feature of the content of the Bible.  The words in the Bible and the stories within the Bible give us a directional and legal concept of what will occur in our lives.  Many denominations have used this legal stance against the people of the world and have forced them to comply with their legalistic methods in order to subdue the individuality of the human heart.  God posted these stories within the Bible in order to provide us with a roadmap of what not to do and what to do with our lives and this informational stash of knowledge is not meant as a control measure but as a obligation from our Creator to give us a means of escape. 

This is another example of why the Bible is of great importance and relevance to our lives today.  Just as our parents sought to give us guidelines to teach us things when we were young and as our bosses set and comply with guidelines from above, God wants us to have an abundant life and also for us to understand that it is necessary that we read and study these guidelines in order to accurately obtain the freedoms we so desperately desire.  We cannot take the teenage mentality about studying and believe that we know everything that God is trying to show us.  It is impossible for us to figure out everything by this approach.  We must truly study this guidebook and understand every meaning that it has to offer within the confines of our entire life.  Being human means mistakes are going to be made, God understands this and that is a great reason why He has provided us with a book to help us limit our problems.  If we come to His Word and do our best to understand its contents God shall open our hearts wide enough to figure things out and to know exactly what it means for us today.  God is a contemporary God, in the ancient times, in the medieval times and even today.

As I have tried to communicate with the above paragraphs, man has developed various ways throughout history in order to communicate their ideas, plans, and wishes to others that might have interest in what is occurring around them.  Even though people may have no connection to these communities they still have a way to access this information if they choose.  The people that are directly included in these communities can choose to read or ignore the contents of these means of communication.  There are also those who will read these statements and misinterpret them or not fully understand the meaning or importance of what is being said.  All possible motives, angles and future excuses can be used if necessary to defend one’s personal recognition of the posted content; this is a great tool that humans use on a constant basis.

I suggest that we as a nation once again address the issue that we have a major problem that all of us are facing and that we turn back to the Bible for the answers to these issues that we so desperately need.  If we choose not to look into God’s direction we shall surely watch our nation and the western beliefs that all of us in the world desire go up in flames.  But if we turn our hearts back to the eternal provider and open His guidebook and apply its meanings to our lives, we will find comfort and rest from the inside out.  God loves each and every one of us and He created His words of wisdom for our guidance and not for our punishment.  He uses human history in order to provide a measuring stone for our current situations.  God is the only answer for you and every other inhabitant in the world.  Return to Him and He will faithfully restore everything that we have lost.  Reread all of the scripture verses in the old printed bulletins from church, or look at the verses of the Bible that are on the internet.  Which ever way you wish to choose, just open the Bible again and begin to find the answers to our troubled lives.


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