Monday, November 4, 2013

Right Next to the Ball

Right Next to the Ball


Ever wonder how come some people never see the light when a subject or issue is being presented to them?  I have found many ways to deny the truth in my life and I know how foolish I have felt when that light actually has turned on.  But what I forget is how people have tried their best to present me with the facts and I still refused to believe what they were saying to be the truth, so I denied myself what I was looking for in the first place due to my own closed heart.  How many times have we done this when God is being presented to our lives and have refused to listen to what He was telling us for our lives?  It is probably more common than one realizes.

It is almost the end of football season here in Colorado and some of the popular rivalry games are beginning to come around and of course our family, mainly myself if I am being honest, was involved in another one of those games that we really had no connection with, but wanted to witness anyway.  As one knows there are two sides to most stadiums and usually the visiting team has a section in which they are “welcome” to sit.  And for this game one of the teams was a local team and the visiting team was from out of the area, so the setting was just as one would suppose it to be.  However, our family being a little bit different decided to sit on the visitor’s side due to the fact that it was easier to park in proximity to the stadium than if we parked on the home side; thus is the justification of our seating arrangements for this particular game.

The visiting team was behind for most of the game and the situation for this team was the same when the events that I am about to speak of occurred.  By all accounts the home team should have been far ahead due to the fact that they were a higher class in population but in this case the lower populated school actually had the better record, so one could understand that their fans were a tad upset with what was transpiring before their eyes.  At this point of the game the visiting team made a string of errors, or penalties that gave the home team a couple of automatic first downs.  These penalties really got the visiting team’s supporters in an upheaval state and began to yell at their players.

At this moment the home team had the ball and the visitors were on the defensive side of the ball.  The play was called and the teams lined up to face to face with each other and at this time both teams were on their respective sides of the imaginary line that separated them.  As the quarterback approached his position he began to bark out numbers and reinforcing the play that had been called to his players.  Everything was going according to plan and everyone on both sides of the ball was anxiously awaited for the center to snap the ball.  The defensive line had four players that were lined up across the imaginary line from the offensive line players.  One of the defensive line players had taken his place almost immediately in front of the center that had control of the snapping duties.  This defensive player was the closest player to the ball on the defensive side and had the perfect view of the ball.

The quarterback then gave one designed loud command and the offensive line stood still without motion.  However, when this command was given the defensive person almost directly over the ball jumped and broke the plane of the imaginary line which immediately demanded that action take place from the officials.  The yellow flag flew high up into the air and the play was stopped even before it had begun.  The penalty was called and the yardage assessed and the two teams were about ready to begin again.  There was no question about what had just occurred and even though there was more than one player that jumped over the imaginary line when the quarterback gave the loud shout, the frustration from the crowd was mainly directed towards only one player.

The player that the crowd was the angriest at was the one who was almost directly over the ball.  They were not angry at the quarterback for he had done his job in tricking the defensive line to jump off sides and they were not even too upset at the other players away from the ball that crossed the line either.  A gentleman that was sitting directly behind me stood up and began to yell at this player and asked him about his level of discipline of the guilty player.  What I found most interesting was that the gentleman who began this rant asked the player, or yelled towards the player, “how could you do something like that you were right next to the ball?”  “Can’t you see what the ball is doing?”  These two questions proved very intriguing to me and they both caught my attention as all of my family continued to sit in silence watching the penalty yardage be marked off.  The visiting crowd continued their displeasure of the call and the questions about their level of play murmured until it was time for the next play.

At this point God decided to take control of the situation and present a concept to me about His people.  Yes, God is even with people at a football game in Grand Junction, Colorado and will give a person something to write about in order to advance His Kingdom and shed light on His and our enemy.  Within a few seconds of the gentleman’s statement God dropped a thought into my head concerning the evidence of God’s existence and His relationship with us.  It is a simple thought but it has a huge question attached to it.

The objective for each team is to advance the ball down the field and then to score points against the opposing team and then not allow the opposing team to score against us.  Let me try and put this into Kingdom terms so that the point of the article can be reached.  As we know there are only two kingdoms represented and it is each other’s responsibility to advance against the other kingdom.  Our enemy has his players and God has His players and whether we know it or not every human being ever to walk on this earth is a player and will represent the advancing or retreating kingdom.

My focus here is not on the side of the ball but the players themselves, or if I wish to be more specific each player represents you and I.  The above example that I used occurred when the defense player jumped offsides but if all is to be understood, the offensive player could have performed the same infraction and cost the offensive team a penalty as well.  My point is how our individual actions can quell a potential huge advancement for the Kingdom of God and provide the enemy with an advantage against our lives. 

Of course the players represent human beings and that is really not hard to understand.  There are players all around and at any time can enter the game and participate in all of the activities that are required.  The rules of the game are known and have been studied for a few years if not a couple of decades yet due to the anxiousness of making a positive play and thriving upon the emotions and adrenaline of the game, plus having the human portion about us an obvious error is committee and one becomes the goat for a few minutes.  There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and wanting to be a part of the upcoming play but when one makes an error it throws us off and forces us to play cautious once again.  Being human does not stop others from letting us know about the faults that we commit, which this process can prove to be more brutal than the error itself.  We must keep our eyes and ears focused upon what our coach has placed into our heads about the opposing team and then execute the appropriate play when needed.

We can reference the specific play as what occurs in our lives each day as we deal with the deeds of the day which have been set into motion by our Creator.  The day has been drawn out according to Hi perfect plan and if we listen to His instructions and execute His ways as we have been taught everything should work out for the good of our side.  Still, we continue to take matters into our own hands and try to go about things on our own terms which most of the time there is no major fallout of our actions but once we “get away” with doing things on our own it is like a conveyed freedom that we use in order to satisfy our willingness to excel and to get noticed.  Eventually, we do get noticed by bringing the humanness out and doing something wrong so the coach must sit us down and talk to us and teach us a lesson according to the true guidelines.

How many times have we jumped the gun with our over anxious desires and actually harmed a potential play that will push back the darkness?  I understand that it is easy for us to try and do things on our own, but we need to remember that God has the timing all wrapped up within the perfect setting and if we do not wait for His timing, we stand a large chance of messing things up for His Kingdom.  Kingdom advancement is all about timing and how to be in the right place at the right time.  Where is that you ask?  The time is now and the place is everywhere that you occupy a step, or a chair, or a room.  It does not matter if you are right close to the action or on the sidelines, you have a part in each play and the timing of your actions will result in a forward or reverse movement of either side.

If we keep silent about our Lord and not be a witness for Him, then we are creating an advantage, or penalty that gives the enemy’s kingdom an upper hand against the world.  It has been stated that even tough friends that are close and have known each other all of their lives can be the worst enemies when they are playing against each other.  The same philosophy is true here, our enemy and our King were once friends but now are eternal enemies and it is the desire for our enemy to destroy everything that we know as life and we really do not need to help him out any if at all possible.

Who is the crowd and what do they represent in this example?  They represent all of the other people who have their eyes trained upon us and what we are doing at each moment.  It is very important that we understand that while we are trying our best to make a play on the field there are those that are accomplishing the exact same feat who are watching from the sidelines.  We need to remember that our actions will be scrutinized if we make a mistake or do harm for our cause, for this is the job of our enemy as well to cheer as we allow our opponent take advantage of us in any way.  There is no way that we cannot ever make a mistake for we are human, but we can limit our jumping offsides by understanding and listening to our coach for personal instructions for each play.

It is hard to believe that God has only us to use to advance His kingdom.  When you look at this group called humans we are nothing but a bunch of clowns trying to get a job done.  But when we spend time with our coach and learn the ways that He wants us to play then we come together as a team and understand the overall goal of His plan.  We cannot function as individuals on the field we must be a one team and so should it be when we are walking with God against this world.  We cannot afford to do any harm for God’s Kingdom by our selfish ambitions we must act together.  And as I strive to better my life and to advance His Kingdom and then you do the exact same thing, then our Coach will bring us together and we will see that our understanding of our opponent will increase and our mistakes will eventually grow fewer.

Our enemy will do his best to try and trick us to create a penalty for God’s Kingdom.  For centuries he has done a pretty good job in creating animosity in the world by abuses of all kinds.  It is time for us to get back into God’s playbook and to understand every meaning He has for our lives.  His playbook is about people and how they lived their lives and if a book is written about people that means that as long as humans walk this planet we can learn from them.  God wants us to win and win strong over our opponent but it is your choice.  You want to understand the game and everything that is happening on and off the field read God’s playbook and understand His plan for our opponent and you will surely win.


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