Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vampires Amongst Us

Vampires Amongst Us


Ever wonder why the craze for vampires and why the world is so accepting of their evolutionary trends?  Most of us have noticed that some of the more highly advertised entertainment works have dealt with this topic.  There is a reason for this and it might shed some light on the subject once you have read this article.  God does not see anything good coming from the concept of vampirism nor should anyone who wishes to seek life.  For the two realms cannot coexist no matter how much humans try to project compliance with both, hence the reasons why God views life instead of death.

When I was a young kid growing up many of my friends watched horror movies.  I have to admit that there are some interesting topics that horror movies project to its viewers but for the most part death is the main course of action that drives this genre of film.  While the horror flick will probably never cease to exist it does serve its purpose within the world’s stages and for some people represents the main reason they view its contents with excitement.  I on the other hand view them a tad differently and usually stay away from its presentations solely on the premise that it is not healthy viewing and it opens the mind and heart to many spiritual dangers.

In the good old days of horror films one could count on the fact that goblins, mummies, vampires and other scary monsters represented the dark side of life and had no good content towards the people in the film, book or play.  Over time that concept began to change and by the 80s a couple of movies appeared that reflected a different side of some of these villains.  Ever wonder why this concept changed from its origins and began an entirely new perception of the wicked and dark side?  I am not going to advocate any production on this specific topic but I do have to refer to the places to which bore God to share this topic with you.  I have to admit that they are from some of the things that I have watched over my lifetime and had no idea that their content would be used in this manner.  But as I have stated before God has a sense of humor and will use our findings in order to advance His Kingdom; which is exactly what I wish to do!

If any of you have watched the old horror movies you will understand what I am talking about when there was a defined line between good and bad and that the main characters in a horror film or novel were strictly considered to be on the bad side.  Comedy began to be instilled into horror flicks and the mood towards these villains began to change a bit.  In this redefining moment in horror film history, some level of sympathy was given to the monsters which allowed for the defined good / bad line to be bent a little or thinned out if you wish.  With this thinned line now established the door was opened for good to be represented within a bad character and the enthusiasm for such a genre took off throughout the world.  This article is going to be addressing the vampirism state that we in the world have come to love and to accept as a good thing but it could not be further from the truth because it advocates the true destiny of the world directly into our lives.  This destiny that it offers is a constant drainage of life into the darkness; keep reading and you will understand.

I was watching a movie this morning and it was not a vampire movie at all in fact it was a love story that was set in the 1800s.  However, one scene in the movie referenced the actions of the man of the house and the description that was given was intentionally accredited to the process of vampirism in which over time the father deliberately drained the life out of the entire family due to his methods and standards of living.  This process that the father exhibited slowly infiltrated the entire family and their attitudes towards life itself, which affected every detail and aspect of their personal lives, and it cost them their mother and almost sanctioned their lives into dust as well.  It is this section of the movie that God decided to point some things out about the world and its acceptance within our lives. 

We all know that there is nothing good about death or the process of it reflecting from our lives.  We also are aware that each one of us cannot escape this process and that eventually death will overcome our physical bodies. While none of us are really thrilled about the concept of dying we do have to face this reality at some point in our lives.  But even though there is no escape of death for our physical bodies there is a plan that a being has created for us to bypass this offering of death on the spiritual side of things.  This is where the concept of vampirism comes into play because it deals with the concept of the spiritual draining of the blood that should flow freely through our spiritual veins and arteries.  We all know that there is no such thing as a true vampire in the literal sense but I have to admit there are those out there who try to imitate them as much as possible.

The part that we are familiar with and can accept readily is that the world offers this type of plan to which nothing that it offers is of any long lasting value.  Yet our presence within the confines of the world continually drains us of the life that we have to offer.  As I have stated before the world does not offer a symbiotic relationship but only a parasitic one and if you think about this in this manner it represents the foundations of vampirism.  One can read throughout history and pick this concept up with ease for when it comes to mankind we are all in favor of beating the next guy to the punch and then mock him after the rewards are settled.  The world treats us bad enough we do not need to enhance the amount of suffering by taking pot-shots at our fellow human.  The actions of the world provide the setting for this vampirism due to the choices we make by sharing our lives with the world.

So why do we refuse to understand that if we allow the world to drain our spiritual blood from within our lives and at the same time believe that what it has to offer in return is a reward that is going to be good for our lives?  So we allow the world access to our veins and of course the world does what comes natural while we are continually inquiring about when will begin to feel the rewards that it promised?  The world gets what it wants from us and then detaches itself from us and then immediately turns and leaves, leaving us to yell out the same question that we had while it was draining us.  The world offers no reply as it goes on its way yet we forgive it and when the time comes once again we allow the world to attach itself once again and take our blessings form our inner beings.  We are foolish enough to allow ourselves to become spiritually anemic and still believe that the world is going to give something back to us in return, and in truth it is.  It is giving the only thing that the world can offer us and that is death.

We continue to recognize the repetitive course that the world holds us to but fail to break the stranglehold that we need in order to redeem back our energy, yet we extend our veins to the world once again for our energy sources.  Hope springs eternal goes the saying and we follow that quest to the infinite degree but in some fashion wait to be filled up with the refreshing supplies that the world has told us about, but as soon as the world has received its portions it is gone once again leaving the dying hope of empty lies as our reward.  Humans’ lust for life in the world is just that, lust. This mentality will follow after every lead until it believes that the premium source has been found, only to figure out later that it only offered drainage with no benefits added.  We forget that when we offer our house to anything that represents death every bit of power that we have is rendered useless that is what we will reap as long as we ignore that the “job” of a vampire is to drain blood from people; thus the process of vampirism is alive and well in the world and we are continually lining up and sticking out our necks to be drained.  When we continue to settle for the emptiness that the world has to offer we are in effect allowing the world’s vampires to drain the life giving blood that we so desperately need. 

It is our mixing with the world that poses the greatest possibilities of this scenario to continue repeating itself in our lives.  Ever wonder why the Bible states, come to me and I will give you rest?  There is a reason for this because when this verse was spoken it was referring to a tired and near death person who had been drained of almost every living source from their lives.  It was also referring to a dying and bleeding Church that continues to allow the world to suck her dry of her life giving blood that everyone is so desperately needing.  Without the blood coursing through our spiritual veins we are destined to die and it is the job of the world to make sure that we die as quickly as possible.

We might believe that the world needs the blood that is drained from our spiritual veins and in all honesty it does, but in reality world refuses to accept this blood supply but it will take as much from you as it possibly can in order to render your life useless.  The spirit of the world cares nothing for the everlasting blood and as long as we allow the world to drain our life source from our lives the world will spit it out as it is turning away from its supplier.  So why does the Church continue to supply the world with a product that it refuses to accept?  And how does the world know to reject this life giving blood supply?  Because the ruler of the world is our enemy and it is his job to silence the church and to destroy each of our lives without us finding out the truth of what the world is completing in our lives. 

In the olden golden days of medieval medicine there was a popular technique that was used in people that had a fever, it was leeching.  Doctors would take leaches and attach them to specific parts of the patient’s body and allow them to stay connected for hours at a time.  Also, the doctors would slice a cut across one of the major surface veins of the patient and allow the blood to flow slowly from the arm.  Sometimes the patient would become quite pale due to the lack of blood that was now circulating through their veins.  This process seems like a logical one but over time the body may reach a point where its ability to reproduce red blood cells could falter and the person become permanently anemic.  This is a perfect example of what I am trying to get across to you concerning spiritual vampirism and that if we continue our course we will continue our pathway of spiritual anemia.

It is of the importance that we understand this concept of vampirism and we must also accept the fact that the world acts as a vampire hunting for our spiritual blood.  The world’s vampires are on a mission and they are there to complete their job as efficiently as possible without us even being aware of their presence.  It is not an option that we ignore them for they do not care about who they bleed for each person walking this earth has the potential to advance God’s Kingdom.

It is vital that we ask for forgiveness and seek restoration for every opportunity that we have allowed our spiritual blood to be drained from our spiritual veins.  The Church has no magical garlic sauce that they have around their doors to keep the spiritual vampirism out either; everyone is vulnerable if we do not recognize our enemy.  We need to rend ourselves from the world’s standards and to allow God to restore our spiritual blood according to His divine protection.  Without our spiritual blood there is no way possible for us to grow in Christ and to fulfill our mission that He commanded us to complete.  Once we disconnect ourselves from the world’s vampirism we will begin to feel the effects of God’s blood running through our spiritual veins again.  God is faithful in this department and is eager to help us out as much as possible in order to get us back on our spiritual feet again.

The topic of this article not everyone will agree with but if the reader will take it to heart and place its content in their minds and think about the words, they will grasp the concept that God wants us to understand.  I know that talking about vampires is not a real Christian topic but it does deal with a rapidly growing trend in the world today and it relates to mankind in such a manner to which they can relate.  It is our job as Christians to find ways to reach the people in the world and to warn tem of what our enemy is trying to accomplish within their lives.  We can no longer afford to sit back in our pews and wait for God to return and in my opinion that is a grievous sin by doing nothing.  God loves each person on this earth and He wants everyone to be free from the chains of this world and the only way that this can be possible is for you and me to spread the word to those who are being drained by the world.


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