Saturday, February 15, 2014

An Issue for the Times

An Issue of the Times


What happens when a needed source for information and guidance does not work?  The most common answer one would give is that we would throw that source away and look for another one to replace it.  This is a logical response to almost anything that we might come across in our lives and it would not be an incorrect answer at all to proclaim.  What about our spiritual needs, where do we go to get them repaired?  The obvious answer would be to the Church yet the Church is providing wrong directions and needs repaired herself.  So I guess the next option would be to ask the world for advice, and that is exactly where we are at in our society today.

A common theme and question in our world today is how are we going to fix healthcare?  And if you would ask anyone this question you would receive as many different answers as you would the amount of people you asked.  Does this mean that a real fix to the system is too difficult or seem impossible to complete?  These questions raise so many other argumentative points that it is easy to become overwhelmed within a few minutes of listening to the answers.  Fortunately, this does not mean that there is no way that this issue can be settled correctly and not just how one person or group sees things.  If, and that is a huge if, the people to be wish to accomplish the best care for the person in need then everyone needs to be united in that cause and work together in order to accomplish the entire scope of the issues. If they do not come to this understanding then a bias will always loom large over the process and foot dragging will continue.

I find it very intriguing that this issue is being played out in every instance of our immediate worlds today.  I believe that it is being staged for an unrecognized reason and that this unrecognized reason has to do with the current state of our society which includes not just our national society but our overall society that we individuals live in every day.  It does not stop at the borders of our nation but it has infiltrated throughout the world and has become a worldwide issue that needs to be understood.  Of course nothing starts at the top but begins at the bottom with the individual and then progresses its way up the proverbial food chain.  This step by step process is a natural and a common theme in humans so keep it in mind as you continue to read this article.

I have stated many times over that God is a complete God and that His enemy is our enemy.  God is the ultimate Creator of everything and His enemy can only mimic what God has already accomplished.  This is evident throughout the Bible and throughout history of humanity, all one needs to do to understand this is to study both examples and then place the information alongside each other and then one will notice the truth in this statement.  God created mankind from His image and He kept a certain order in this process; so that all bases would be covered after the creation process was completed.  It was man who decided to go a separate way and to do things on their own, not God’s.  So it was man who set into motion all of the issues that we faced yesterday, that we are facing today and those that we will face tomorrow.

There was no smidgen of sickness or disease that inflicted man until we made the choice to do things on our own.  There was no need for doctors, hospitals, lab tests or pulmonary function tests to see how our bodies were rolling along; in fact, it was humans that created those analytical tests as a result of our choices.  Everything inside our lives before our fall was functioning at 100% efficiency and had no reason to operate any differently.  Our bodies functioned in the manner that they were meant to run with no signs of wearing or tearing down of any cell could be found.  Even today the physicians admit that the way that the human body is constructed, built and works there should be no reason why it should ever completely stop, but for some “unknown” final reason they know that at some point it begins to break down and will eventually stop all together. 

So I guess you could say that after the fall of man one of the first things that were addressed between God and humanity concerned the healthcare issues of humans.  Up until a few days ago I had really not thought about this issue but these conditions are a fact and they should be placed into our foreheads because these issues shall never go away, especially since it was almost immediately addressed after the fall which means that what occurred was a huge change to their lives. 

Throughout history we can read about all of the different medical conditions that have afflicted humans.  It does not matter where the person came from or where they lived at some point they were going to encounter a medical issue that would touch their lives.  Before the world of antibiotics, many people died of just simple causes and suffered great agony in the process.  From the time of the ancient world until present day the medical community has been ridiculed, scorned and praised for the works that they have done in order to prolong life and to reduce the amount of suffering.  Yet the medical community still takes strife in knowing that they have not conquered every medical issue that still plagues humans.

As modern times set into its places, further funding for medical breakthroughs and finds have increased yet the amount of information needed to provide a cure for every disease and condition continues to fall way short of the adequate amount needed to complete this enormous task.  It seems like while we find the cure for one ailment we are then lambasted with the discovery of 20 more conditions that we did not know about.  The cycle of disease continues even though we strive to find a cure for as many of the one that we know about, which can be overwhelming if one takes a good look at things.

I remember a few years back now that the scientific and medical world had a huge announcement to make.  It was concerning the newly completed human genome and how the researchers had finally mapped the entire human genome.  The setting was grand and every major newspaper, radio and television company was represented at this major event.  Excitement was everywhere and breaking news headlines filled every airway that was imaginable at that time.  When the news conference began the people in the audience clapped and stood in appreciation for what was about to be announced.  But as the announcement came forth some did not understand what was transpiring and a further explanation had to be given.

A question was asked of the scientists by a reporter that went something like this:  Now, that we have figured out the genome of the human will this mean that we will have many cures for the diseases that possess our bodies soon?  This was the penultimate question that everyone wanted to ask the scientists and as soon as it was asked all mouths hushed and every ear opened to hear the glorious answer from the panel.  They answer that the world received was a bombshell of information and disappointment at the same time.  The answer that we received was that even though we had mapped the entire genome of the human being it only meant that it opened a Pandora’s Box of information and possible diseases and conditions that we already knew about and those that we have no idea about that could appear tomorrow.  Basically what the scientists explained was that we now understand where to start with these conditions and that we have no idea about the millions of possibilities that we still do not understand.

Why is this important to this article?  Well if the medical issues were almost immediately addressed after the fall of man then that means everything that surrounds this issue is deemed important to our survival.  And as mankind has continued its progression in growth it is well known that these issues are gaining influence over our lives.  With the information and knowledge that we have today we can go back in history and read about some of the conditions that were described and we can know what they were and how they affected the people of that time period.  There can be no coincidence that our bodies are subject to returning to the basic elements from which it was created and since God created our bodies from the elements He knew that there would be reason as why this act would be necessary.

If we look at the ancient Egyptian period we can see that many people died of a simple tooth abscess.  CT scans prove that the people who suffered with this condition lived with condition for a very long time and were in considerable pain.  King Henry VIII received a huge wound in his leg while out sporting around with his friends.  It was a painful wound that never did heal properly and no one could really understand why.  On the outside the man seemed healthy and there was nothing wrong with the medical attention at the time, but little did they know about a condition called diabetes.  It is highly suggestive that Henry VIII had this condition and that the condition was the primary reason that the wound never fully healed.  Today there are still thousands of diseases that we cannot explain nor are there cures for, so of course the healthcare issues of humans will be of great concern to everyone.

Because of this unknown situation of many diseases it raises the awareness that there are many more things that need to be done in order for humans to have complete healthcare and potential coverage from these conditions.  But not everyone is in agreement on how this task should be completed, so one can see that the issue of health and healthcare can be one that has the potential to divide.  With all of the experiences that humans have had with their health issues it would seem that we would have a better grasp on the direction that is needed to proceed.  But as we all know we are not even close to that answer and until we do have a direction, no one will be happy on either side of the issue.

What we also tend to forget is that not everyone in the healthcare field can agree on this issue either.  It would seem logical that there would be a huge consensus amongst the workers in this industry but one will be surprised to know that we are not.  In fact the division is so large that in some areas it is beginning to tear the industry apart and if this continues we will be witness to the same bitter in-fighting that we are now seeing between the political parties.  Once again the reader must keep in mind that I am not just referring to the healthcare issue currently being raked over the coals in this country but I am referring to everything that healthcare stands for around the world.  If a person thinks about some issues for a moment, they will realize that there are not many issues present that some people or group does not deem as a crisis and thus falls into the same category as healthcare.  We have done a fantastic job in trying to work things out by using human methods and if we continue this type of selfish progress we can look forward to not many things in the near future.

What does this have to do with our spiritual settings and how it relates to our relationship with God?  We must once again remember that God is the creator of everything including spirit.  In fact God created spirit before He created human flesh and thus both aspects come into play no matter what subject that we wish to discuss.  So it is a logical step process to believe that our condition spiritually has parallel implications with our physical healthcare.  It has been said many times over the centuries that if our relationship with God is not in the correct order then our physical conditions will automatically reflect that condition.  This physical healthcare problem will continue to spread until there is a complete separation that occurs between God and mankind. 

The Bible addresses this when it states that there will come a time when man will not be able to die and will be in so much misery that they will even try and kill themselves and it will not happen.  I have no idea how this will take place but if it is mentioned in the Bible then it must be truth.  The interesting part about this passage is that with all of the problems and misery that is being portrayed, the people still do not repent or cry out to God for help.  It was difficult for me to understand this for a long time, about not calling out to God for help part, but I do now because I see it within the younger generations of this world due to the fact that the Church has not done her part in spreading the correct message to the world.  It is important that we need to remember that the physical will always reflect the spiritual whether it is in a good way or in a bad way.  This is a guarantee and if one takes a hard look at the Church and everything that she has done since her existence, then it will not be too hard to understand why we have reached this point in our society.

God created a way so that we may return to the same status as Adam and Eve had where it concerned relationship.  The direct communication link was God’s son Jesus and what His actions did on this earth established this fact.  When Jesus completed His work on earth He handed over the reins to His disciples, not just the 12 disciples but to everyone who knew what and why Jesus walked this earth.  His Church was established within our lives so that we may continue what He did while He was alive.  He created a pure Church and once again mankind, through the aid of our enemy, messed up the process by incorporating selfish ideas.  These selfish ideas split the Church and then later split the Church even more and today it is so divided and directionally challenged that it is now incorporating herself into the realm of the world.  Talk about being sick!!!  No wonder we have a physical healthcare problem, our link to God is desperate enough to travel to the world for assistance.

It is my utmost desire for us to see the return of the connection that lays blind in front of our lives.  This spiritual connection between God and man is being slowly yet methodically severed by our own choices.  And while this continued process surges forward God still allows His promises of pure progress to continue though the works of man.  While we are choosing to root our God from our lives He is still instilling within our ambitions to find cures and permanent healings for the conditions that plague our bodies.  I beg you Church to wake up and to see what is transpiring and to recognize the condition that you are promoting.  Our problems are not going to subside or even go away until you wake up and return to the place that was established for you.

The choices that we make for our lives are very important even if we do not see them in this capacity.  It makes perfect sense when we understand why these issues are becoming more volatile in our wakes when we understand that this issue originated as a result of our choice in the Garden of Eden.  This issue of healthcare can be resolved if we first take care of our spiritual sickness that we have allowed to take hold inside.  The answers will pour from our hearts if we just return to God’s ways and forget that the world has any clue about what is the truth.  Return to God and allow Him to restore our designed direction and life once again, for He is the only one that can heal our spiritual sickness and our physical sickness at the same time.  Remember that God is a complete God and once He has started a process it must play out accordingly.  It does not matter what we believe to be correct either, for a finite mind shall always be subject to an infinite mind and heart.  But there is an answer and it is our choice whether or not we accept that answer into our lives.


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