Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The True Price of Equality

The True Price of Equality


This concept is huge news throughout the modern lands and it is a topic that everyone wags in their opinions.  While the issue seems like a good idea its confluence within established societies can present to be a troublesome presentation.  One also has to ensure that we all remember that being equal sets a standard and then after everyone is settled then the question of where do we go from here then presents itself.  And where is God in this equation, does He have a say in this issue?  It is easy to defend freedom if one chooses to, but what about equality, that subject is a tougher position to swallow.

The topic of this article is going to be varied from the other articles that I have written.  While I will give a few examples and paragraphs concerning God and His ways the majority of my words will be of a secular nature.  The goal of this article is for a person to think about their lives and the choices that we make and how they might affect themselves, others and future generations solely based upon the progressive nature of humanity alone.  We all understand that choices are adherently vital to our individual and societal lives, and while these choices that we accept within our lives may be important we need to always consider these angles of opportunity before we put into place a standard that may prove devastating to our future generations.  Therefore the question still remains that if a standard of equality can be achieved, will it prove to be a good characteristic of humanity?

During the birth period of our country many issues were at stake.  Some of these issues were decided fairly quickly without much pain being incurred during the resolution process.  However, not every situation that our Founding Fathers addressed came out so easily.  Even as the country grew and demanded more money, territory and respect these issues rarely smoothed themselves over without any large objections.  In fact there were many recorded sessions that abruptly ended due to the arguments that the men of the assemblies conducted.  At one point even England was laughing at how these men conducted themselves in a formal setting.  It was evident that even though these issues needed to be addressed and how vital these issues were for the survival of our young country, the men elected to represent this land of ours could not unanimously agree on any issue that was presented.

The history of this country and in every other country’s history a person can look back and see that there is very few times that a unanimous decision has been made concerning a major issue between all parties involved in pursuing that issue.  Humans have a basic instinct of providing one’s own will and making it known to those who might disagree with that personal opinion.  This is a human nature trait that we love to display whether it is for spite or in all honest intentions.  How humans react to these objections can be quite humorous and in some cases quite violent, it all depends upon how serious the shared issues have become.

There have been very few occasions that the law makers of this land have been in total agreement upon and these few instances were minor in nature.  Some small resolutions, orders and procedures can be placed into this category throughout our history but in major circumstances and votes this unanimous contingency has but only one spot that serves a reference.  The only time in our history that the lawmakers and countrymen and countrywomen were ever in a unanimous compliance with each other was when George Washington was elected President of America.  This vote, while some doubts still proceeded, was the only time that a unanimous vote on a major issue was achieved in this country.  This instance happened only once for when the unanimous vote was announced, almost immediately the grumblings began about the first president; even before he took office.  We all know that George Washington was elected again for a second term but it was not even close to a unanimous vote that time around.  The honeymoon was over as the old saying goes.

Even though a unanimous vote was reached for the first president of this country that did not automatically mean that President Washington would have an easy time during his tenure.  Not every suggestion that he made was agreed upon and passed into law.  Not every decision to improve things about the ordinary life of the young country was blindly accepted.  There were many trails and errors that came into play during these early years of our existence.  These delays and struck down policies did not mean that some did not achieve their desires, but it took a little extra time and thinking in order to establish what was best for the country.  However, the question still remained for the people at that time of what would it take to happen in order for their wishes to be accepted into daily life and deemed normal for everyone else within the country.

I remember a couple of times when my parents were considered for churches and we had to travel to that specific area of the country and go through the regular routines that congregations do in order to select and then elect a pastor.  Even in some of the election settings they had a few votes against them which always raised flags within my parents’ hearts because at no time did they ever want anyone to be against the ministry that God had for the congregation.  Even though some of these “no” votes were totally in disagreement with my parents I remember some of the times these “no” votes were cast simply because those people wanted to make sure that a 100% majority would not be reached.  Whether it was done from the heart or out of spite, these votes counted and a unanimous vote was avoided.

In each of the two examples that I have presented not everyone turned out to be happy with the decisions that they had made.  As witnessed in the second presidential election of the country, not everyone electoral voter agreed with Washington and I can guarantee that Washington was not always enthused with his constituents either.  The same goes for my parents in their quest to proclaim the message that God had for the Church, for it was obvious that we did not stay in one town my entire life.  Each example had good results and bad results and the corresponding consequences went right along with each trend.  Does this make the decisions wrong?  Of course not it only reinforces that when humans are gathered into situations that chances are they will not agree upon every issue that has been deemed important.

Once equality is reached and mean truly reached the ultimate question that we all have to ask ourselves is what will be next?  What issues will be deemed necessary to address and how will we obtain these answers?  Has humanity and society accepted these new questions of equality and what further consequences might be necessary for mankind to endure while obtaining them?  It is the nature of humans to progress so this is a logical question that we must raise before we accept the equality journey.

Let us say that we obtain the perfect utopia conditions and everyone is now in agreement with the conditions of marriage equality.  We as a society have established that anyone within humanity can marry anyone that they please with gender not being an issue.  This is a hot topic right at the moment so I will use this one as my example.  Please note that I am not in any way promoting or denying any topic or issue in this article.  My only purpose in this article is for one to think about what equality means and if we really wish to pursue this eternal state.

Given the fact in our fictional state that any human can marry any other human, a pattern soon develops just as it has played out throughout the history of man.  This pattern of excitement and new ideas soon bogs down and becomes mundane just as the traditional marriage beliefs did; which started the push for new marriage acceptance practices in the first place.  Identical problems arise within these living conditions and unhappiness reigns over utopia land once again.  The stalemate of desires again pushes our boundaries and the human realizes that they are not happy with the accepted practices and that they need something new.  The progressive mind begins to work within our silent thoughts and new ideas are presented into motion.

Remembering that your parents told you that certain sexual practices would be considered immoral and that if you did a little research on the internet you could find out if some of your new ideas were even legal or not, all pop into your head once this process begins.  Being an adult and seeing that your parents are very old and all of your grandparents are no longer living you begin to justify your new stance on these ideas within your head noting that the older generation does not care or has no concept of how things are in the world anymore, so you continue your pursuance of these ideas.

These ideas continue their progression within your head and you find yourself thinking about them more often and even meditating on these ideas on a regular basis.  A point then arrives where you want to publicly express your thoughts to one of your friends and to your surprise he / she have the exact same thoughts running through their heads concerning this specific issue.  A new excitement within these two individuals arises because they now realize that a progressive state has occurred and now at least two people have the same issue needs; this can only mean one thing, to find others who have the same desires.  These two individuals become obsessed with locating other individuals that might be curious or have already initiated these beliefs into their lives and it is only a matter of time before their search lands results.

As time progresses these people who have now a formidable amount of like minds and hearts begin to call official channels and to see what type of protection or legislation can be granted in order to suspend any opposition that they have encountered while promoting their newly accepted lifestyle.  With the amount of people supporting their cause they go internationally public and find that more people outside of their country have the same feelings or beliefs as they do, so now their movement is an international cause and looks like nothing can stop their ideas from gaining further ground.  As this movement grows these people realize that not everyone is supporting their cause and some have formally approached their ideas as being wrong and inhumane and should be banned for forever and never to be considered again. The utopia state of equality has just been shattered and humanity finds itself back into an uncertain peaceful state in which its inhabitants are once again at odds with themselves.

The people that support this new type of lifestyle cannot understand why there are those that different opinions concerning this issue and even though they are gaining ground in the laws and acceptance corners of the world there are those that still adamantly protest these acts as being and becoming accepted as normal.  The groups win legislative support and a few laws are placed on the books and yet there are those that still enhance previous laws that defend the opposite views of the newly instilled laws.  The inequality between societies seems to be just as efficient as the new laws are that are created that try to enforce them, but at whose expense is this fight for true equality comes and what standards are being set for the next battleground for equality?

Time continues its progress and the legislative, judicial, executive and more importantly personal powers come to terms and accept this new practice of marriage equality to be normal and is established as a new standard in which can bring people into harmony with each other no matter what the circumstances.  While there is still some opposition present the people that have accepted the new marriage laws as the right choice know that it will not be too much longer until those who oppose these standards will die off and will no longer be heard. Progress has won out and the correct decision has been made and the narrow minded opposition has been thrown out of existence.  For we all understand that if a society promotes a keynote instruction that many accept as normal it will not be too much further that those in opposition could be thrown out of contention for promotion.

Since I have dealt with the example of marriage equality I will now tell you the specific nature of what this utopian equality quality of marriage was.  The newly formed laws that everyone was so excited about and others so opposed to be the concept of polygamy. Polygamy is a topic that was present in certain circles of culture in our nation’s past and for those of you who have not kept up with the news it is a topic that is beginning to show itself once again.  While all states currently have laws that restrict this form of living it is still played out and is becoming recognized by certain federal courts.  What if polygamy becomes an accepted law and how will people even consider it to be a possibility?  These are questions that many people have already asked and have completed the process or progression that I explained above and have brought this concept to the public arena. 

Let me give you another tie to support this progression.  When I was a kid it was my parents who taught me about the birds and the bees. I knew that for some reason that I thought about girls differently than from boys and every question relating to this matter my parents and I talked it over.  If the subject of sex would have ever came up at school the teachers and the school officials would always tell us to ask our parents and that the subject was not appropriate for them to discuss with us.  With me being in many different school districts within my schooling tenure I can honestly say that this was the policy at each one of them.

Today, the sex trend has set the stage when the topic of sex is brought to the attention of school age students.  It is highly taught and talked about within the classroom and it is highly bragged about amongst the students themselves.  The sex lives of everyone within society is openly confessed and publicly promoted as legitimate.  Do you see the progression that was set from a quiet foundation to the public stage of excitement of today?  What comes next is the logical question that one must ask ourselves and how will it be portrayed in our society? 

The sexual acceptance within western lifestyles actually promotes the concepts of polygamy.  Just go to a restaurant and listen to the conversations that are bouncing off of the walls and windows.  One can step into a church building and hear these exact same conversations as well.  Everyone talks about how many people that they have been with or want to be with and how easy it is to obtain a night with a certain person.  While there are those that still disapprove of this concept it is out there, it is alive and well and if you ask anyone about it they will agree that it is here to stay so do not suggest anything different.

So what comes after polygamy?  To answer this question properly one has to examine the foundation of the newly accepted platform and to understand that the foundations have been cured and will serve as the basis of the next wave to arrive.  Will pedophilia be accepted?  I can hear the sounds coming from some of your mouths about that suggestion but stop and think about it and take a logical approach to the reality of such a suggestion.  What about bestiality?  Could that area ever be addressed?  Of course it can and to be honest it already has since all of these states of living have been addressed within the contents of the Bible.  This means that at some point in human history, mankind has already experimented with these specifics and when given the opportunity can enact those same conditions sometime down the road.  All of these issues were made possible by a decision and choice that some person initially made and then processed those ideas to others. 

Some people might say that these two potential ideas will never come into practice, but the people that lived in Alexandria back in the year 300 did not think that humans would ever step foot on the moon either or develop a antibiotic that would cure the common abscessed tooth either.  With the human mind and heart any foundation that is laid can become the launching pad for further development.  That is the way we were created and it is the way we are supposed to progress.  But if left along and unguarded by our true source of life this progression can and will become grossly infected and lead to our demise.

It does not matter which end of the spectrum a person choose to advance, it is all possible within the realm of our mind.  I could have chosen house construction and development for my main example, or aquarium building or even bread making.  It does not matter that I chose equality in marriage, but if one wishes to be picky, then…..it was my choice to make it the foundation of this article.

The platforms of progression can be staged in any area of the world and can be harbored within any human being.  It is of the utmost importance that we understand exactly what we are doing when we make choices for equality.  While the concept of equality is a good goal to pursue we need to ensure that we understand that whatever goal we actually obtain will serve as the foundation for the next generation or group of individuals will base their progression upon. 

I realize that any choice that humans can make could make or break their lives.  It does not matter what opportunity the human has in life they will have to make choices at some point in their lives.  The results of their choices will soon be recognized and displayed for everyone to behold.  This type of setting has been played out by a countless people in history and will be witnessed by countless others in the future. The choices we make resemble the foundations for our lives and for our future generations and it is so important that we make the correct ones now so that our grandchildren will have an opportunity to live a normal and decent life.

So when a person disagrees with you about an issue please do not call them names and try to belittle them.  Try talking to them and to understand what they are thinking and why they believe in the manner that they do.  Yes, it will be a frustrating procedure and it may try your patience but it also may help our society at some point down the road when another harmful issue may arise.  It also may bring people together in such a manner that they will work together in making a better choice for our future instead of a hastily and destructive one.  The human mind is a fascinating organ which carries a tremendous burden to prove its existence and through this existence the mind has the audacity to believe that it should progress everything that surrounds its environment.  

While this function of the mind some see as a curse others see it as an opportunity to progress societal functions.  God intended our minds to function in this capacity and He wants nothing less for us to fulfill the abilities that He has created within our bodies.  But we must contend that our actions and choices may not always be concluded as for the best, and when we recognize this characteristic about our minds and hearts then it becomes imperative that we do not make quick and whimsical choices but sound well thought out decisions that truly fuel mankind into a complete state of being.

A simple truth before I end this article and it has to do with how humans perceive things.  I ask you to go to the library, bookstore or just pick up a non-fiction book that you have on a bookshelf.  Read its contents and think about what you have read.  The subject of any nonfiction book is the story of a person, group or nation that is trying to create a better life for themselves.  The book entails of their trials, tribulations and opportunities and each story has a different outcome.  Yet at the same time as one is trying to accomplish their own idea of equality it is always at the expense of someone else.  It does not matter on which level the story is being told either, some will win and others will lose.  When humans try and work things out on their own, disaster on some level is always close behind.

We also understand that mankind will continue to try and pursue this goal of equality on our own and even though we give it our best, when traveling this road we will always have to accept some certain defeat in our gains.  Have we truly considered the entire price of equality and what it will take away from mankind while it gives something else in return?  Why do we continue to do this in this manner?  There is a better option and it is guaranteed to work peacefully and completely without harm but it requires little of ourselves and a whole lot of God.  God takes the man out of the primary question and if allowed places mankind into its proper position within the primary equation. And when the equation is properly formed then the perfect solution can be obtained by everyone who is seeking equality.  Is there even a possibility of equality when humans are the only ones involved in the achievement process of this question?  From everything that we have done to each other so far, I could be safe to answer that question with a simple “no”.  Why don’t we try God and see what His ways can do for our lives instead.


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