Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Omnipotent God

An Omnipotent God


We use this term often when we are referring to God and it is common to hear coming from a source that is trying to describe God.  But do we really understand what it means to be omnipotent?  It is obvious that our finite minds cannot fully comprehend all of the word’s definition but of the limited portions that we can fathom the concept of this word still blows the human mind of all of its thinking potential.  So what is the difference from what God can actually do versus what we can actually comprehend Him doing?  There are some examples that we can use to try and understand His capacity, but I know that even with some of these human explanations, my listings will fall terribly short of what God can do, for His completeness is a forever and eternal action range.

The definition of omnipotent is that a deity has the ability to obtain unlimited power or in other words has the ability to do anything.  This definition, in truth, is a limited one since our minds cannot really comprehend the word unlimited, and to be honest it is hard for us to even understand the phrase “at the moment” for if we did, when a basketball team or football team that should have no chance of winning against a stronger team beats them, we would not be required to portray the result as an upset.  So how can we honestly say that we understand the definition of omnipotent and everything that goes along within the confines of its meaning and can we even grasp just how complete the word omnipotent really is?

How many of us have used this knowledge when we are talking about one of our enemies or to express how God is going to use this authority to wipe out His enemies?  I know I have had those types of thoughts and have presented this type of belief in some of my writings.  We have no problem with making sure our enemies know how big our God is, and there is nothing wrong with that by the way.  But God’s omnipotence is not always demonstrated in this manner for His authority stretches beyond the forceful side of this word and portrays a grace that we as humans cannot fully understand either.  God is a complete God and for us to try and comprehend this meaning we have to include all sides of God’s existence.

I find it kind of funny that Christians love to say that God is omnipotent and then almost immediately confine Him to their own little box.  What buffoons we make of ourselves when we say or believe this.  If we believe that God is omnipotent then there is no way that we can even begin to think that we have the authority to limit what He can do or what He cannot do.  Who are we who might live to be 100 years old overrule a living and breathing being that has been around since the beginning of existence to believe that we can tell Him what His defining existence will be?  I have been around religious people all my life and it is interesting how they convey this containment belief of theirs without uttering one letter from their mouths.  If people who call themselves Christians actually believe this concept then they are liars and really need to reevaluate their beliefs.  And for those of us who do not believe in God at all, please understand that there that God is real and that He loves you so very much for you are His created beloved.  But here is the ironic thing about this idea that we humans harbor about God’s omnipotence, a good portion of this omnipotence is the fact that He allows us to make a choice whether or not to have Him in our lives or not.

One question that baffles me is why would anyone want to place God in a box to begin with?  The answer to that question is easy and it is called pride.  See if we contend that we have the ability to control God, then what we do in our lives and how we live out our lives can be placed in accordance to human standards.  If we do freely admit that God has no limits to what He can do this means that we give Him free reign in every aspect of our lives, in other words He can do whatever He wishes with our lives and we have no “control” over our lives.  When we dig deeper into this area we come to the conclusion that God allows us to make choices and will even allow us to choose not to accept His ways, which this too is a demonstration of the completeness of His omnipotent power.  There is a reason that God states hat His ways are not our ways and this is a prime example of why He wants us to understand this principle.

I have said many times in my life that God has a sense of humor since He allows some real funny things to play out in my life.  This sense of humor that God portrays is actually a portion of His omnipotent power in that when I ask for something or desire an answer to something His response is usually in such a manner that catches me off guard.  And while it catches me off guard it completely relates to my life and is relevant in my situation at the same time.  I cannot argue with this because when I look back at the choice that I would have made there would have been holes in that decision and could have proven to be more harmful than helpful.  It is this portion of His love and power that amazes me each and every day that I wake up for I know that His omnipotent abilities has once again rang forth to prove to my enemy that His Kingdom reigns supreme.  Oh yes!!!  The word omnipotent is a Kingdom word!!

Have you ever read a manuscript, book, or any other letter or note from a Jewish source?  Have you ever wondered why many of the religious Jewish people do not spell out the name “God”?  There is a reason for this and it is because in the Hebrew language there is no accurate definition for the word God.  To the Jewish people they understand that the human is not even comparable to God and that because of our limited capabilities of existence that if they even said the word “God” or wrote the word “God” that they would be in a complete sinful state for desecrating the name of God.  This is not a demonstration of a controlling God but one who has so much power that we mortals cannot accurately define His name.  As a Christian I do not believe in this strictness over writing out His name but I sure do understand the reasons why the Jewish culture does not, and I totally have the utmost respect for the reason why they believe in this manner.  So, when you see the word “God” written in this manner: G-d, understand that it is not a typo and that most likely a Jewish person is referring to the exact same person that we know as God. 

All of us who have children understand that there are those days that we just want to string them up by their toenails in order to make them understand that some of the things that they are doing is just plain ridiculous.  I know my parents had days that they wanted to kill me and tell God that I died.  These types of situations demonstrate God’s omnipotent authority that He has planted into our lives as well for we all understand that we as humans would go against every living concept if we actually killed a child.  But how can it be fully understood that a creating being actually loves us enough to allow us to make our own choices about our life no matter what the outcome may warrant.  This concept is difficult for us to understand but this demonstration of God’s love is another example of true omnipotence.

There is a new movie coming out in a few weeks and it is based upon the life of Noah.  For many years it was difficult for me to understand how humanity could become so evil that God would regret creating mankind.  Yet at the same time within His heart make the choice to keep His prized creations well established on the earth.  The progression of ideas within the human heart did not just appear overnight but must have taken time to advance to that point, yet even with all of this evil God choose to spare the human race once again. This redemption process through Noah is another act of God’s omnipotent authority that He has within His inner being.  God does not just destroy people, places or things because He is frustrated with them.  He does not look upon our physical lives as the sole projecting point to make His decisions concerning our lives, it is our hearts that He looks upon and then congruently chooses to act.  His love is just as omnipotent as His judgments and every angle and aspect of our hearts are infinitely measured before any blessings or corrections are witnessed.  It is at the point of no return according to our progressive hearts that God has to make the decision to grab our attention.  It does not have to be an entire city that loses its connection with God nor does it have to be an entire nation seeking revenge upon another holy nation, only God understands the purity of our heart according to His design and not ours, that He sees no other option in making us aware of our sins.

Anyone remember the movie “Schindler’s List”?  There was a great scene in this movie where the commandant of the work camp found out that a Jewish boy had been stealing from his own personal living area.  Goethe was famously notorious for randomly opening his window and began to pick off the workers one by one with a rifle from a distance.  He considered it to be a sport to see just how far he could hit a prisoner, to which he bragged about often.  When the boy admitted to his guilt Goethe allowed the boy to leave and go back to his siblings and caretakers. 
As the boy left the building he had to cross a wide area that was in front of the window that Goethe had been accustomed to shooting people after he let them go.  At this particular time Oscar Schindler was in the room when the scene played out with the boy and knew exactly what was going to happen as soon as Goethe retrieved his rifle.  Mr. Schindler began to plead with the commandant to spare the boy’ life and when things looked most grim for the boy the ultimate plea of power began to flow from Schindler’s lips.  While it fed the wolf on two accords if saved the boy’s life for the moment since Schindler informed Goethe that always taking a life when the opportunity arose did not mean that he was demonstrating power only greed and anger.

As Goethe contemplated these words the boy continued his run towards his place of residence without any shots being fired in his direction.  For the moment, the words of a brilliant human soothed a savage beast and life was allowed to continue.  But one day when Schindler was not present the same boy was dispatched to the commandant’s office and after the encounter was completed the boy once again left and began his run across the open area.  This time Goethe had no mediators confiding with him in his ear and the shots began to ring out and soon the boy’s body lay still upon the dirt.  The control issues once again overcame the power to accrue life and a young boy’s life was taken for no good reason.  It is evident that this act was driven by pure hatred of a race and it deems not worthy of true power or authority.  Yet God allows humans to make their own choices and to support the most conservative or the most liberal of ways.  It does not matter who the individual may be God still gives us ample opportunity before He must step in and remind humanity of who is actually omnipotent.

I must admit that there are many people in the world who have basically the same concept about God through the actions of His Church. While God did not personally complete all the actions of greed, lust and hate that the Church demonstrated throughout its history, the people within these walls are supposed to be entrusted with spreading the good news of life but are the ones who acted in this evil manner.  People who see what the Church has done have every right, on a human level, to blame God for all of these deeds and they are also right in questioning the legality and right of existence of God because of what man has done to man.  I argue this point, that if God is omnipotent and that those who believe in His name to be as such, why would anyone sucker punch another human being because their beliefs differ from someone else’s in any other way?  It is the people who have placed God in a box that claim to do things “in the name of God” by destroying other human beings in order to validate His omnipotent authority.  It is a grotesque lie to even consider this type of destructive action as a good deed and then have others declare yourself as a martyr for God after your life is over.

If God is omnipotent then He can take care of business in His own timing based upon Holy guidance and searching of our hearts and not because of our failing differences that manifest between ourselves.  What a great example that this forthcoming movie gives us and to understand how God is NOT like us and how wonderful He is not to even consider this type of punishment and control over our lives.  His willingness to forgive us for our lies, thievery, lusts, bribery and thousands of other types of grave wrong doings is once again a supreme measure of His omnipotent authority.  We must remember that God is a complete God and that even though we may associate His omnipotent power as one that provides strength in certain times that His completeness also reverts back to the other side of omnipotence in that His mercy and kindness is just as warranted many times in our lives.

This basic understanding of the omnipotence of God does not present a signal to our selfishness to believe that we can continue to live our lives in such a manner that we have no need for God.  It also does not provide an excuse for humanity to live like ravaged dogs and feed upon every human piece of meat that crosses our paths.  It should warrant our hearts to contemplate our daily lives and to search our inner beings in order to find those things that would cause God to act with His omnipotent power instead of His omnipotent grace.  The concept of God’s omnipotent power should strike a holy fear within our lives that at any given moment God could wipe us out in such detail that our physical beings could never ever be identified again for eternity, yet at the same time we have the assuredness that God’s omnipotent grace can reach to even the one individual that is considered useless and helpless to our societies.  Nor does this knowledge give us the authority to include or exclude the words of God for popularity, human correctness or acceptance in such a manner as to condone living in communion with the world.

God’s omnipotence places a greater responsibility on our lives to ensure that a dying world understand this completeness about God.  The social aspects of God are just but when we place the social aspects of God above the true mission that God has for our lives, we prostitute God’s omnipotence and place our entire beings into a slave condition.  It is important that we understand this concept and to make sure that we do not fall into this trap of our enemy.  The word omnipotence is a Kingdom word as I stated before simply because it is through the advancement of God’s Kingdom that pushes back the darkness and the kingdom of this world.  If God’s omnipotence was just that, His Kingdom would be powerless to complete this task as we direct our paths towards the true light.  God’s omnipotence is also a true demonstration and definition that there are only two kingdoms present and that we can only serve one of these; there is no serving two masters.

I have said over the course of a few articles that God is a complete God and that statement is a very accurate one.  There is a reason that God is complete and it is because He is holy in every way possible, He is honest and just in every way possible and He will carry out His ways according to His perfect plan.  God’s omnipotence is displayed by allowing us to choose Him or not to choose Him.  God’s omnipotence is displayed by him giving us the opportunity to choose Him for He did not have to do allow this process to even be in place. God is a loving God and He wants to have a close relationship with each one of us.  Allow Him to restore His loving ways to your life and I guarantee that your life will never be the same again.


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