Monday, September 22, 2014

Consistency Through our Lives

Consistency Through Our Lives


God is consistent.  This is a theme that we must never forget.  God cannot change and by this definition He must remain consistent in all areas.  Being consistent is hard for us humans to achieve especially when the circumstances we face differ from situation to situation.  It should be a striving point for our lives to be as consistent as God, but when we as a creation cannot define our own personal lives without questioning that we have a purpose and then shove out the One who made us, this direction and purpose becomes an impossible task to conceive. 

Does anyone remember the song titled “We Are The Reason”?  It was popular back in the late 1990s or very early 2000s if I remember correctly.  The song had a wonderful message that we as humans were the sole reason that Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins.  While this is a concept and picturesque event that Christians hold dear to their hearts, it is a philosophy that is mocked by those who have no idea of why God would allow this type of event to occur.

To be honest some Christians may not understand the reason for this type of mockery especially coming from those who once lived in the faith of Jesus at one time, for not only did God allow this specific event to occur for our sins but it was also a step in Him proving to us of His completeness.  If God would have not allowed Jesus to come to earth, live, die and then be resurrected then our enemy would have had a reason to argue for his return to status because of God’s word to him in the Garden of Eden. This meant that God had to follow the plan of creation with this event as well, which in turn means that the ultimate sacrifice for mankind could not have a strict and total human bloodline; this throws the Muslim line of godly authority out the window!  For our sins to be permanently covered as in the sacrificial procedures in Scriptures, Jesus’ experiences on earth had to be divinely created.

A few of my past articles have dealt with the consistency of God and how He cannot change His ways.  Once again I will state that this concept is hard for us to contemplate and even more difficult to explain when we think we have made strides in figuring this process out.  It may be easy for us to be consistent in one minor area of our lives but to be consistent on every level is totally impossible.  Yet the One who created us constantly lives in consistency and with this definition can never change from this state of existence.  It is a joy to know that our source of life lives and continues to provide for us in this state and that if we ask for advice on one subject God will give us sound advice for all issues that we bring before Him.

When we sit back and listen to those who do not believe in God or His Word it is interesting to hear how they address the subject.  Whether the setting be in a comedy setting, television program or in a movie, the way that they present the topic is usually hard to swallow.  But when you look at their point of view it is not difficult to know why they are speaking such words against God and His Constitution.  Their perception of God and what they know about God is limited to superficial issues or personal ones in which things did not really turn out roses.  I can guarantee that when one reads the happy stories in the Bible that not everyone included in that story had the best of times.  Victories may have been won, but a price was paid by someone within the confines of that story as well.

With all of the scandals and mockeries that some Christians become intertwined with, it is not hard for others to make fun of our lives either.  We fumble and stumble on certain beliefs that we hold simply because we have just accepted them without studying them in accordance with God’s Word and while humans shall never be perfect in anything we must consider that we do know between right and wrong and when those issues present themselves in our lives, we do have a choice to reject or to respond to those options.  In other words, will we give those people who mock us more material to use against God or will we be proven innocent of those charges?  It is an important discussion point when and if it arises because if we are not prepared we cannot stand against the attacks that come against our lives.

Have you ever wondered why God talks about humans so much when He wrote the words in the Bible?  With the exception of the creation of the animals at the beginning of Genesis there are very few instances where the stories presented in God’s Word do not include humans and their actions.  Up until a few months ago I had not even recognized this specific point but it is true.   I guess that I just figured that humans being in the Bible was a given; and it is sad to say that most people believe this as well yet do not comprehend our actual meaning and worth.  But what we may not think about is that a part of God’s consistency was the creation of mankind and how He allows us to live, breathe, walk and talk each day and how our activities are a prime example of God’s consistency.

What?  You and I are a part of God’s consistency?  Yep, that is correct.  It all stems from the fall of Satan and how his life changed forever.  God allowed Lucifer to try and create and make the same decisions about life as God did.  God even gave Lucifer ample opportunity to complete this task that he so desperately wanted to complete.  But Lucifer could not be God nor could he even come close to God, so God had to prove once in for all that no one could reach the perfect status as He.  If God is consistent in this one area of creation He must be consistent in all other areas as well.  God created the angels long before He created mankind which means He had to be just as precise in His creating of us as well, including all options that angels had; therefore, if He gave angelic beings the opportunity to choose then He must follow the same pattern for humans too.

If this is the case then of course God would choose to use our lives as an example of what could happen to us if we do not choose to obey His ways.  When you look at the times that humans are mentioned in the Bible you will find many different types of settings in which they lived.  Some of the people mentioned were rich, some were rulers, many were poor, some were wicked and others just downright righteous, there are no differences from those who walk and talk on this earth today.  Different professions were mentioned along with those who even wanted to take what was theirs and blow all of it and then return home again, once again this type of activity is present all over the world as well.  Some people died of old age and others died in battle.  In short we can find many similarities to our own lives today; the answer to that question is of course, yes.

The same holds true for our secular history as well.  If we begin during the old ancient eras of Sumer and beyond we can safely surmise that humans existed according to their ways and means.  The same is true through the Greek and Roman periods along with the Dark Ages and Middle Ages as well.  Throw in the modern centuries and include present day and you will have a complete picture that humans existed and both lived and died during those time frames.  Place your studies into any era of human history and one cannot deny the fact that biblical opportunities for humans were exactly the same as they are today.  Yes, some of the technological advances were not present but the human and their mind and heart was still at the center of civilization and it is evident that both organs were being used.

So why is it so difficult to believe that God wrote His Constitution based solely upon our lives?  First of all we struggle to get passed the fact that the Bible is God’s Constitution and that what is written in between those covers actually comes from God and God alone.  Then we put into play the concept that everything that is contained within those covers relates and pertains to us and how God has established a system of consistent justice, both spiritually and physically, for our lives.  This allows for our humanness to come about and to administer the “me” category to the situation.  So many questions can be presented according to this manner and these questions are the basic defense that people who struggle with God use on a consistent basis, they are also questions that many Christians have no clue how to answer either.  Think about things for a moment, if God was not consistent or not being honest with us He would have placed emphasis on worldly things, on animals or how to get and stay rich and to have the best life possible, but He did not speak in these terms, only in the terms concerning our lives was He trying to get our attention and what might happen to our lives for those who do listen to His instructions.

On the other side of the street you have an entity who wishes nothing but destruction on our lives.  How many understand that our enemy knows God’s Word from front to back and understands exactly what God is trying to get across to us through His messengers?  Do you know that Satan knows every language that has ever been created, whether it is a current language or one that is now considered shelved or even dead? 

There is a series of movies out that has to do with Jesus coming back to earth as a man and bringing a specific person or group of people together in His sight so that He might witness to them.  While this setting is fictitious never underestimate what God can do; in one of the films a lady from India or Pakistan area is having trouble with getting out of the plane that they are in and it is obvious that she is frustrated in some fashion.  As they are standing there the man begins to speak to her in her native language and she almost instantly calms down.  The girl that the man is with is impressed that this man speaks that language and asks him how many languages he speaks.  His answer is “all of them” which means that God’s completeness goes down to the language level of humanity.  I know the movie is a work of fiction but the message about God is true, He does know each language perfectly and it is job to make sure that each one of us understands that there is not language barrier.  This is a great movies series and I highly recommend it as a family night setting.

A real life example if you want one, this occurred in Africa where a demon was manifesting through a human and was about to be confronted by a minister.  The minister could not understand the language that the demon was speaking in but God showed up and said that the demon spoke English and that it could understand the minister with no problems.  Even the demons know every language and can communicate with their “hosts” in any manner that they wish for if they could not then what would be the purpose of their trying to inhabit a person who they could not influence.

It is of the utmost importance that we keep in mind just how important each one of us is to God.  Each one of us is created in a special and a unique manner that we can never be reproduced ever again.  Even identical twins have physical and inner being differences between them and while they might be hard to distinguish by others, they know the differences intimately.  A question concerning our bodies if I may, not considering the basic forms of our genetic makeup, what is the basic form of structure that is defined?  The obvious answer is cells. 

Each organ, each drop of blood is made up of unique types of cells specific for a job within the body, or on the outside of the body, so that we may have the opportunity to know and understand life itself.  Millions of cells make up one organ and that organ in turn performs a specific function that aligns us up with life.  Without these small individual cells doing what they do, our bodies could not function in the manner that could sustain our existence and would almost immediately self destruct due to the exposure of the surrounding environment.  Yet through this minute detail we can have the opportunity to thrive like no other.

If God can create a functional life form at this level, then He must care a great deal about us and one can say with the utmost of confidence that He knows us pretty well if He created us to the cellular level.  But God goes even further that that by creating the living molecules that makes up the specific identity of these cells, which brings further individuality of our lives through Him.  I bring this aspect into this article for specificity and to demonstrate exactly how detailed God is about everything that He is associated with.  There is not an area that His presence has not been in place before ours and this truth shall continue until God deems our ways and motives have strayed far enough from His ways.  When you place this specific information in line with how humans acted in biblical times and how we currently act today, all measures line up with a consistency on our part, and if this is the case we must have a consistent Creator in order to look towards for guidance and understanding.

Our creation as humans was part of a divine plan that one can try to explain away or even deny but even with those flimsy excuses of doubt cannot stand up to the truth that is behind our existence.  God’s plans are always complete and our lives are a living and vibrant example of His will for our lives.  Each cell within our body serves as a functioning purpose for each organ that it occupies; this presents another example as to why we would even question God’s existence or His love for us as well.

I know that I gave some examples here that are not explained in specific detail those details will come in short time.  Right at this moment the message that God wants us to know that our lives are very important to Him and that it is His desire is for each one of us to accept Him by our own choice so that we may know not only the details of physical life but also eternal life itself.  We simply do not exist without a purpose and when we look back at history it is obvious that those who represent themselves as having no purpose cannot function optimally and will always be searching for true and hardcore answers but do not know where to look for them.  Our lives are not destined to be eternal slaves or to be served by unworthy and nonexistent virgins, but it is our purpose to have eternal life in its fullness according to God’s original and divine plan for us.  We can start this eternal process while we braw physical breath and it is possible to understand as much about this process as our human hearts can comprehend. If there were no forces of evil that had other ideas for our lives then there would be no reason for any of us to have choices, no matter what the issue might be, but all of us understand what evil is and we accept or deny it accordingly.

You are precious in God’s eyes and so very special to His heart.  Learn to seek Him in all of our ways and He will guarantee specific knowledge of why your life was created in this manner.  God loves you and is calling for us to repent and to turn back to His ways.  His love is the perfect example of freedom and happiness and it is His desire that all of us know and feel this freedom through Him.  Recognize your importance in this world and understand why your life has purpose, for you DO have a reason for being who you are!


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