Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Simple Stream

A Simple Stream


Many of us love to sit beside a stream and take in everything that the scene offers.  Picnics, reading or listening to relaxing music dominate some of these settings and what do we think about while we are gracing the presence of such a magnificent body of life and on a different level, do we even understand the power that this small amount of moving water has?  How does a small stream reflect our lives in such a manner that we can contribute to a higher cause and how can we learn about life through this setting?  There are many considerations that must be accounted for when living the small stream of life and it has been proven many times over that unless we know our true source of life, we shall never come into contact with the ultimate goal that we desperately strive towards.

I have included a picture of a small stream at the top of this article and I want to ask if anyone recognizes this stream and where its location is at?  I know it does not look like much of a force but it represents a very significant event that leads to a great ending.  The beginning of this stream is only approximately a few feet wide and only a couple of inches deep and runs through a dense grassy area.  Small springs run into this small stream which force it to take a windy path to seek out more ground as its content grows.  While there may be some arguments concerning the true source of this stream, it is not hard to agree upon that the beginnings of this stream were small and unique which could never be re-created again. 

The picture represents a part of the origin of the Mississippi River system, which is the third largest river system in the world and it basically drew its life from a small humbling of a setting.  This small stream has its own life and feels free to flow with all of its might in a direction that would suit its drainage and even though this pathway at the beginning is small and if water had knowledge, it would so proud of what it was to become.  But one drop of water does not reach the mouth of the Mississippi Delta in one twenty four hour period but it takes time and encounters so many more “adventures” along the way.

As the water molecules continue their path along the current they encounter many different places and things.  Not every drop of water will make it to the mouth of the Mississippi but a good portion of them will, all the while performing a duty along the way.  The stream has become a small river because of other tributaries that have joined the system and their contents have forced the stream to increase in its size.  The strength of the river has grown and is beginning to mold parts of the earth according to its patterns and strength.

As the pathway of the river continues to move along it passes many sceneries and a vast number of landscapes pass by as the water runs its course.  The meadows give way to the small towns and gigantic cities which provide a change in atmosphere as it courses through its defined streets.  The river then leaves the city which turns into high cliffs which provide further assistance for guidance as the river continues its course.  Other rivers bodies join this main body of water along these cliffs which persuades the surrounding land to make a larger area for more water which she freely does, all the while this passive force struggles to stay within its boundaries.

As the miles crept along the small stream has become one of the most powerful rivers in the world and can even accommodate large barges heavily filled with materials going to other cities located on the river.  What a majestic scene this river holds as it winds its way down the country cutting the entire nation into two halves.  The end of the river is so vast that its delta actually covers miles in length, which is a hard thing to comprehend since the river’s beginnings were a small stream only about a couple of feet wide and a few inches deep.  But how this river has grown and how great are its resources that are vital to a needy society.  Many opportunities lie within reach of this river’s boundaries both to mankind and to nature itself.  The river comes alive with each bend and turn of its course and as long as there is a source of its feeding, it shall always run freely and gracefully until destination of the water has been reached.

It is true that not every molecule of water that is included along the way makes it to the mouth and the destination of the river.  It is virtually impossible for us to track a single molecule’s progress down the river, but if one could study this progression, it would be fascinating to watch unfold.  It is possible to watch these rivers and their contents to merge with the main river Mississippi and while I have not been able to see this phenomenon happen too often I do understand it is a wonder to witness.  In some cases the color of the water is different from the water into which it is merging and a line is formed that is quite visible and in other settings there may not be much visible change.  Whatever the case may be the waters do merge and begin working together to move down river to the common destination.

As with the origins of the Mississippi River the ending of this great waterway has a specific destination.  While the origins of this river are very small and minute the delta of the Mississippi is a vast system of drainage systems that flow into the Gulf of Mexico.  The delta of the Mississippi itself is not one single opening but actually spans miles along the coast of Louisiana and forms an entire ecosystem separate from the land that the river just finished crossing.  Sometimes the river is so full of water that it leaves it banks due to the many different weather conditions upstream.  Then there are certain weather patterns that also affect the flow of water from the Mississippi and these patterns are strong enough that the flow of the river is actually slowed enough to flow the surrounding areas as well.  It fascinates me that a river so powerful is still at the mercy of other patterns that affect its flow, in other words even a mighty river cannot control everything that it wishes.

The course of our human life follows a similar pattern as the origins and the destination of the Mississippi River.  From a humble and weak beginning our lives can go in almost any direction and take several turns at a moment’s notice.  We are dependent upon many things in order to survive our initial hours, days, months and years all-the-while we are hopelessly entrusting our parents for the vital support we need to grow and thrive.  Just as the small stream winds through the marsh and wetlands, so too do our steps when we are learning our new boundaries and horizons that present themselves.  We continue our growth process by encountering many different settings within our lives and when a change of season occurs, at first we do not know how to adjust to the environment either.  This growth and development does not come without challenges, bumps and bruises and it is the new learning curve that each one of us experiences every day.

After a while we begin to understand that our lives are not as fragile as we once believed, and more situational circumstances present themselves as we venture out into an unknown world.  Our movements are further expanded and are judged by how we respond to the new demands of our growth.  Our youth cannot be summed up with one paragraph but can be explained in short detail with the expansion of our hearts through the new adventures that we experience.  Love, life and liberty are the basics that many of the youth walk through on a daily basis and their struggles vary from incident to incident, yet as the Mississippi River gained power and strength through its new twists and turns the additions to its body increased its girth and stability to forge ahead into its fullness.

Our adult lives become enriched with many of the blessings that are allowed to humans.  A family, kids, jobs, friends, education and a happy fulfilled environment are just some of the rewards that our existence can bring.  It is understandable that not every second of our lives bring this much happiness and contentment but even through the tough learning times of adulthood provide us with an added stability and foundation that we can pass on to our children and grandchildren when the opportunity arises.  This vastness and briskness of life is also a common theme noticed with rivers and can be witnessed when a powerful boat within the center of the river struggles to make headway against the flowing current.  Even with our strong physical currents we still struggle within our lives as to who we are and what our definition and legacy will be in the future.  All of these settings can be wrapped up in one single word and that word is life.

As we continue our course our destiny soon comes a calling and we enter into another stage of preparedness.  The Mississippi River has a huge delta system that feeds many miles of land with a mixture of water, silt and other forms of natural minerals from all parts of the country that are vital for the new products of the area and so should our life produce the same as our last days arrive.  We can look back from our humble beginnings and watch our progress grow as our lives followed suit and adhere to the ethics of our growth as a cornerstone for our children to adhere to.  As we review our lives we tend to be discreet about some areas and wide open with others judging ourselves with due course.  We look at our failings and short comings as greater than our achievements which should never be the case.  If a river could think I wonder what it would believe about its course including all of the misguidings and losses along its path instead of the great achievements of supplies along its path.

The next portion of our lives is when we draw our last physical breath and enter into another completely different “time” zone.  None of us alive have had this experience as of yet and none of know when this time shall come.  We all understand, and many fear, that this time will arrive sooner rather than later and that we will miss out on many things according to what we can see and know.  I have idea if a water molecule knows that it is reaching the end of its river journey or not or even if it realizes when it is drawn upon the side of the bank to dry up and cease to exist, but I do know that there are billions and billions of these water molecules that reach their final destination and know that there is some other job waiting for them in another place.  Our last breath has been taken and we see a new world coming into focus, but none of us can know what it is until we all reach this destination.

Our lives have a planned destination and for us to reach this destination we must live our life one day at a time.  None of us knows when our live will end but we were never created to live in this fashion anyway.  We were created to be a thriving being, full of life and adventure so that we may know the entire meaning of our creation.  In order for us to know this truth we first must know our Creator and the reasons as to why He made us in this way.  As the water molecule has a simple structure yet represents a huge bond when pulled together so is humanity if we truly know our origins.  It is tough when our lives become rocky but we must realize that as long as we have the truth within our hearts we will get through that mess and come out stronger than when it started.  All of the trials that we encounter throughout our lives should strengthen us for our future, not only for our own personal lives but also so we can teach our children and leave a better legacy behind.

To understand our Creator is not an overnight process, nor is our entire life either.  We should grow in physical stature and we should grow in spiritual truth as well.  It is easy to compare our growth to a stream and then to a mighty river but we really do not understand what kind of driving forces we have within us until we place a tugboat in our center and it tries to go upstream.  It is at this time when we must understand our reasons for life for if we do not we may force ourselves to take a wrong turn and give into that boat.  A divided life is a devastated life and if we do not understand the forces that are against us, this division is only a matter of when and not if.

It does not take very long to witness this type of activity within a person.  Just sit on a bench somewhere and casually watch people as they pass by you.  In no time you will see people in different walks of their lives and every aspect of a human’s life will also be represented.  Pain and suffering will soon present themselves to your eyes and if you listen close enough you may even hear their cries of agony calling out.  Many reading this will be quick to point out that I am talking about the physical, but I am not.  I am talking about the spiritual because it is the spiritual aspect that serves our lives according to our Creator.  Yes, our physical lives may be in this manner and this type of physical condition is serious and important to Him as well, but our eternal lives represent the truth of our creation.

We may live a strong and fulfilling physical life but be totally defenseless when it comes to our spiritual well-being.  As the molecules of water leave the center of the river or stream and wash up on the banks, it dries out due to the surroundings, or they can encounter animals or other obstacles that would inhibit or prohibit its continued journey our spiritual journeys may fall subject to the same recourse.  It is the job of our enemy to ensure that our lives become so divided that we fail to see the difference between our spiritual life and our physical life.  There is a reason as to why it is stated within the Bible that it is difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God and it is because that person fails to understand that both aspects of our life are important enough to be kept strong at all times.

The foundations of our physical life are drawn up in the book of Genesis and this beginning represents a small stream in the history of man.  As we progress with all of our selfish ways and means we build our girth on finite details which eventually cloud both the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives.  It was God who formed us and it was God who made woman out of man and not separate; there is a reason for this.  God does not expect us to understand all of His creation overnight it takes diligence and perseverance in order for us to know HIM, not man.  It is not fair that we place our understanding in God through the works of mankind.  Our understanding of God comes through spiritual growth and daily communications with God.  Our physical growth is independent from our spiritual growth yet both can be just was weak or just as strong as the other.

It is God’s ultimate desire that when it is time that we reach our physical delta, that our spiritual legacy will spread across many miles not just a few feet.  The physical is limited on what it can do and how long it will be around, but the spiritual is eternal and will have everlasting effects on one of the two spiritual kingdoms.  Everyone starts out the same but it is our delta that makes all of the difference.  How is your spiritual delta and how will it reflect your spiritual legacy, the physical notwithstanding.  If you are reading this article then you still have time to change your spiritual delta content and I ask you to take a hard look at your life, both the physical and the spiritual but mainly the spiritual and see how it has been developed.

The pictures that I have included are of two sources one is the beginning of the Mississippi River and the other is a picture that my youngest daughter drew for this article.  Both are beautiful representations of what this article topic was created for and that is your origins, beginnings, growth and destination; both the spiritual and the physical.


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