Saturday, March 21, 2015




One of the more common genres of movies is the horror flick.  There are billions of dollars that are spent every year trying to produce the best and scariest movie and there are even more billions that are spent by people going to watch such entertainment.  We all remember the first scary movie that we watched and how we were a little bit jumpy for a period of time afterwards, but eventually we got used to those types of movies and they no longer bothered us.  So why would our eternal enemy be presented any differently?  We all know that horror movies are not real and so we must allocate those same images to Satan himself in order to understand him, right?  Not so according to the appearance of the morning star!

When I was a kid I remember the first horror show that I watched and to one’s amazement it was not actually your typical horror movie, it was a Christian film about the second coming of Christ and how people were going to be left behind.  The movie was very popular in the 70s and early 80s and it even produced a couple of sequels which did well in many arenas.  I understand the reasoning of these types of movies and to be honest I also understand the concepts behind the true and “accepted” horror flicks.  I remember that the movie I watched scared me to no end and even though I tried my best to push the scenes from my head they continued to haunt me.

Over time I began to realize that God was trying to get me to see some things about my life and that I needed to have a change in my life.  Yeah I was young at the time but the setting of that film was so pronounced in my mind and the message that it drove into my heart has stuck with me until this very day.  I still remember that movie and its content, and while the times have changed dramatically the concepts of the movie still remain subject to every person walking this planet.  In the movie there were many people that had no idea of what occurred, many others understood but did not know why they were left and others knew but did not care.  In each case everyone made their choice and stood by their choices and the results came full circle and hit them hard.  It does not matter if the message of that movie was fulfilled in the 1970s or will be fulfilled tomorrow or in the year of 2090, we must know that it all depends upon our choices.

Even though I know that horror movies are not real and pose no threat to my household, I still know of the doors that they open and the potential that they carry into my spirit.  To this day I really do not like this type of movie and in my house they are not welcome.  I know that I cannot control what occurs at my girls’ friends houses but they have been taught of the possible spiritual repercussions and torment that these movies bring and while I hope and pray that they choose not to view them, it is still their choice.  Looking back at my first “horror” movie it is a wonderful movie and it did the job that it was supposed to by grabbing my heart and showing me the truth about what might happen after Christ returns to take His Bride away.

Most people know that Satan has had two names and yet it is a point that many people might not understand and the importance of this change is what is of concern.  We must also not forget that Satan is a spiritual being and has an eternal life; and because of his choices he cannot change his eternal status no matter how much he wishes or might wish to change it.  His hatred of God and everything that God has ever done continually radiates through every aspect of his actions and if he can convince God’s personalized creations that He is wrong or to doubt God’s existence, then Satan has done his job to perfection and he has those people right where he wants them.   It was through this choice of wanting to be better than God that cost Satan his name, Lucifer, his name’s true meaning, and his place in God’s kingdom.  No other action caused this process and fall, it was the patterns of choice that did the duty and began his process of destruction and revenge on God’s creations.

Lucifer was the name of Satan long before he made his decision to fall from his place in heaven.  Lucifer was created as a beautiful creature and was the most radiant angel, over the spiritual music of the heavens and if something ever happened to God, which is SHALL NEVER occur, would be in line to take over all the eternal duties of everything ever created.  This was the status of Lucifer and how powerful he was, all due to the generosity and pleasure from God.  Yet, Satan wanted more and this wanting caused him to deal harshly with the ideas and laws of God.  This thought process soon became a desire and a few scheming plans must have begun to take shape within the presence of Satan. 

It was through this process that things began to change in Lucifer’s spiritual heart, yet while this was ongoing I find something very intriguing here and that is this fact.  God is all knowing and at the “time” that Lucifer began his scheming against God, God knew what was transpiring and still gave Lucifer an opportunity to rethink things before he actually made the act that gave God no choice but to act against him.  While this was the example of a characteristic of God, it is the fact that Lucifer believed that his thoughts and schemes were not being monitored by God somehow, or that he believed that due to his status in heaven God must not have been paying too much attention directly towards him.  What an eternal choice to make.  The fascinating portion of this act is this, it is through this very same action of Lucifer’s that he uses on humans in order to get them to turn from God.  Of course Satan leaves out the eternity portion of things but his ability to deter our placement in God within our hearts sets into motion his plan for our eternal destruction.

As the Bible states Lucifer was a beautiful creature and one that shone greatly with a spiritual and magnificent light.  The word Lucifer means a bright and beautiful morning star that shines bright at all times.  Yes, bright and beautiful are words that are used in the actual meaning of his name.  His name is defined through his descriptive features.  Stop and think about that definition for a moment and hopefully one will make the connection between his name and his stature.  He was the greatest of the created being in heaven, he was at his pinnacle, the top of his game and it was at this time that the definition of his name took over his life and thoughts.  And it was also at this time that he fell, and he fell eternally hard.  Yet God did not change his appearance even after his fall from heaven, with one exception.

In the Garden of Eden setting God had made the perfect living space.  Everything that creation needed for existence was there in the confines of that garden.  It was beautiful and nothing was out of its place.  God had thought of everything and then turned it over to Adam and Eve to live in, to nurture and to protect.  That last sentence brings up a huge issue but I am not going to deal with it in this article, just going to let you think about it for a while.  It was at this time that Satan began to watch the patterns of the humans and at some point he made his first appearance.  With Adam and Eve being human they had all of the physical features that we have today, including the emotions of happiness and fear.  So, if Satan appeared to Eve in a grotesque manner with big pointed teeth and pointy ears and drooling all over the place, do you really think that Eve would have stood around and listened to what he had to say to her?

It would be logical to believe that if Satan had anything but a beautiful appearance that both Adam and Eve would have turned and ran away as fast as they could and would have told God exactly what had occurred.  I see a pattern here, one that Lucifer followed while he was still placed in heaven.  When Satan began appearing to Eve she must have had some personal thoughts about his presence and his “looks”.  I am not suggesting anything abnormal or sexual but ones that found a common ground and a reason to meet as friends.  Evidently the relationship that developed between Even and Satan was not of a great concern to Adam for it never has given any indication that there was any division between Adam and Eve over it.  So this suggests that Satan had a calming effect on Eve and was not hideous in appearance by any tune.

So if Satan’s appearance did not change even to the human eye, hat makes him so different that we can recognize the evil that he spreads?  There is no red colored skin and pointed tail to mark his appearance and no pitch fork to threaten our lives, so what gives?  What makes him so dangerous?  We must remember two things here and the first is that Satan is an eternal being and secondly that his eternal spirit was the thing that changed which means that his true intentions will be seen through his eyes, remember the eyes are the windows to our souls saying?  It really comes into play here and it is the one specific detail that needs to be understood and noticed in order to know that he is our enemy and not our friend.

Want an explanation as to why the world believes it needs to be beautiful all the time; there you go.  We as a world have glorified ourselves in the belief that we are beautiful in such a physical manner that it automatically takes tangible precedence over our spiritual aspects.  We make snide comments about those who we deem lower in beauty and snub out the ones that differ in appearance.  We fail to see that in this “beautiful” realm that we have incorporated that it actually serves as the foundation for many racial divisions that accurse our societies.  Satan has used his created beauty and has established that physical pride into our own lives and we have totally missed it.  It is not through hi actual beauty that has initiated this action, only his outward appearance that we have followed.  It is his coal black eyes of hate that we have failed to look at that defines his true nature.  How ironic it would be if we would realize that in order to recognize this false beauty, it would take the same eyes to understand the true dark manner of the beautiful created one that we define other humans.

It is the eyes of Satan that have changed and that define what his true intentions for your life really are.  It is not his beauty that matters nor is it his smoothly spoken words of encouragement and physical pleasure that are of any concern of his, it is your spiritual demise that he is concerned with and he shall do anything within his chained power to make this goal a reality.  Even in the Garden of Eden Satan did not desire to have a true relationship with Eve, his goal was to mesmerize her with his stunning appearance long enough to get her to doubt God and His authority over all creation, including her and Adam.  She must have not truly looked deep into his eyes long enough to see what was actually fueling his spirit, with all of the anger and hatred for her and that her existence alone was enough to enrage humanity for eternity. 

It was the physical captivation that he presented that overtook her thoughts and when the time was ripe, he struck out against her and the she was haunted forever through her own choice.  I am not saying that Eve was weak in any way, nor am I saying that she did not or was not able to make a rational or sound choice on her own, for the Bible does say her mind was active and knowledgeable with what God said, she just chose to add some things to His Word, and it was this action (choice) that Satan knew his plan was ready to be sprung.  It is through this example that God makes His case about truly knowing who our enemy is and what his true motives are.  It also gives us an example to what measures he will use in order to fool us yet at the same time reassure us that what we are doing is not wrong or does not go against God’s Word and laws.

Girls, when a boy comes to you and tells you that you are pretty, believe him but do not give him access to your body as a reward.  Guys when a girl thinks you are cute accept those words, but do not use those words to take advantage of the situation and abuse her body against God.  It is the job of our enemy to lie to a person well and long enough to have them compromise their standards for his purpose.  Then if this plan works, the doors are wide open for him to initiate any other divisive plot against you.  Am I saying that every person who tells you these things are bad, no but as one who has been tricked a few times I understand now that it only caused pain, suffering and heartache and most importantly division from God in my life.  They say that beauty only runs skin deep and it is true, both on the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

It is of dire importance that e understand this “beautiful” detail about our enemy.  He shall not stop at anything in order to separate you from God.  That is his one and only goal for the short amount of time that he has left on this earth.  We must have enough knowledge about our enemy to recognize this detail and the only way to obtain this knowledge is to know how to look into his eyes.  See, Satan cannot read your mind but if you look directly into his eyes and know what is in his eyes, he then will understand that you know his game which means that you have been talking directly with God and that you know exactly what to look for when the enemy makes his appearance.  It takes strict determination not to be swayed away from God and as long as we are focused upon the deep confines of Satan’s eyes and not be taken by them, we will know what his diabolical plans are for not only our own life but for the lives of all humanity.

It is sad to see that the modern Church has looked into the eyes of our enemy and have failed to stick with the truth about what is in his eyes.  We have become captivated with his lies that we have weakened our stance concerning his motives.  The Church has become focused upon growth of a building and its appearance instead of knowing the truth behind its corresponding growth.  The world’s population is continually increasing so it would be “natural” that church populations will grow as well, but as the world’s spiritual depravity grows it is painfully evident that the Church’s is following in this pattern as well, which ultimately means that her focus is NOT on God but on the acceptance of worldly standards.  How can I, a medical technologist make such a claim as this?  These words I share come not from me but from God.  God shares these words of knowledge with me and I am an obedient servant that records them in the personal manner that God gave to me; that is why I do this. 

God is calling out to His children that times are about to change and that the Church needs to get her head out of the clouds and reject the presence of the world in her life.  Over the past few years we have continually heard about the Arab Spring and renewal that it has brought to the Muslim communities.  It is time that we need to renew our hearts back to God and to seek His ways once again.  The Church needs to understand that our enemy is just that, OUR ENEMY!  He is NOT our friend and since we have allowed his presence to be all around us, we need to take the opportunity now to look into his eyes and see what his true plans are for our lives. 

If we really complete this act, it will become apparent that we need to shake this fixation of his “beautiful” ways from our lives and to completely separate ourselves from his accompaniment.  God created each one of us to be beautiful, that is of no question but it is through the physical perversion of this fact that is a major key that Satan uses against us.  God asks you to look into our enemy’s eyes and see his true motives.  God also asks you to look into His eyes and notice the difference.  God has given us the capacity to make this choice and God desires to give us eternal rest and peace while our enemy offers no eternal…..anything, for he has nothing to offer except eternal separation and gnashing of teeth.  Yes, you are created in the image of God and have His eternal spirit within us.  Each one of us is beautiful beyond measure but it is not limited to the physical side of our lives.  Our enemy uses this physical aspect to define our thinking and perverts it into becoming first in our judgmental stability.  It is a “great” tool that he uses in order to obtain his goal and it has devastating effects on our lives at the same time.

It is true that we cannot determine who our enemy is unless we have the willingness to look into his eyes and see for ourselves his true motives.  First we must be willing to recognize that we have an enemy and not to be blind to the fact of what is truth and what is not.  We as a society have lost this aspect and the Church is quickly following suit.  Secondly we need to understand that we cannot look at our enemy’s outward appearance and immediately accept that he is not evil.  Thirdly, we need to understand that our enemy is all around us and that it is not hard for us to look into his eyes to see the true motives.  And fourthly we need to then take a step back and tell him to leave our land for our land and our lives belongs to God alone.  If we take these steps God guarantees that He shall restore our land to its full potential and that includes our personal lives as well.  But if we choose to allow our enemy to infiltrate our society and personal lives, we will remove God’s hedge of protection from our lives and give free reign of our enemy’s destructive notions both spiritual and physical upon our lives; a setting that is not pleasant to think about.  The eyes have it folks and we need to begin looking in the correct place NOW!


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