Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Blood

The Blood


If we did not have blood coursing through our bodies we would not live very long.  Blood is the key component of our existence that is needed in order for our bodies to function and if we do not have this blood our lives would cease to exist.  Through medical advancements we have learned that we can actually live and function without certain parts of our body, but if we have no blood in our veins and arteries we simply die.  Without blood none of our organs can receive the necessary vitamins, oxygen, water, iron, phosphorus and other vital nutrients for our survival.  So if our blood is that important to our physical bodies why would it be any different in our eternal salvation?  We cannot survive without blood, there is no option other than this statement and there is no other option than the sacrificial lamb that was slain for our eternal lives and restoration between God and man than His blood either.

When I was in high school I went to one of the job fairs that the local businesses put on, it really was not much of a choice since the fair was presented at our school that particular year.  Anyway, I was walking through the displays and ran across one from the hospital.  One of the small booths had a few pictures of some round objects that looked familiar to me, they were red blood cells.  The medical field was not a new concept to me since my mother studied to be a nurse when I was very young and she had kept all of her nursing books which I thoroughly enjoyed to read.  As I stood in front of the laboratory’s display board, a man came up to me and asked if I was interested in the medical field and when I replied with a “yes, sir” he then asked if I might be interested in considering the laboratory as a more specific choice.  That question and my ensuing answer got me started on a career in the laboratory that I am proud to say has lasted almost 30 years now.

As my time in the laboratory has tenured, the knowledge of the components within our bodies has increased tremendously.  As time has progressed, I have learned many things about the main study project within the lab, blood.  There are so many components of a red blood cell and a white blood cell that it would take me years to try and explain everything that each of those two have on their cell surfaces and each one of their functions.  We continually learn more and more about these cells and just how important they are to the human body.  Over the years of studying the cells and how they operate within the confines of the bone marrow and circulation it has become evidently clear to me that blood is the defining and foundational component that we have to ensure life as we know it.

Without blood we literally cannot survive.  I know that is a pretty powerful statement but it is true for if we did not have blood none of our organs could function properly.  It is the blood that provides all of our nutrients to our vital organs and it is through the blood and its penetrating membranes that provide all of the necessary fluids to our organs.  Without these vital fluids and nutrients our heart would not have the capacity to beat and provide the necessary pressure in order for us to maintain consciousness.  Nor would our brains have enough sugar to enable our neurons to fire adequately to have coordinated muscle and nerve movements.  Our stomachs would cease to digest food and our gallbladder and liver stop providing bile that is needed for proper digestion and clotting.  All life within our bodies would cease to exist and we would not be able to take one breath of life; all would not exist.

I know that for many millennia not much has been known about the blood but the importance of its existence and adequate level within our bodies has been studied quite extensively.  With this knowledge of blood and its components it should not be too hard to understand why God placed within our bodies when He created them.  The entire circulatory system is an amazing organ which fascinates the smartest minds and it is an anomaly that one still cannot fully explain.  Yet it empowers our bodies on second by second basis thus creating and giving life as we know it.

Yet, there are problems that arise from the blood and for these deathly origins we are still trying to figure out many things.  Over my years working in the laboratory I have come across many people who have had many diseases that have been born from the blood and I have witnessed many of these people suffer greatly because of this process.  I am a diabetic and while I am lucky enough to be able to control my sugar levels with diet and exercise not everyone who has this condition can offer the same response.  But I do know that while I have this condition it is my blood cells that I still require to live and if I did not have these red cells floating around inside my veins, my sugar levels really would not be much of a concern to me.

A few weeks back one of the popular TV stars was asked a question concerning God.  This actor is a staunch atheist and has no real thoughts about changing his mind either.  The person giving the interview asked him a question concerning God and it had to do with this: if God were real in your mind, what would you ask Him?  The person’s response was with a question of: how dare you, how dare you create children with cancer?  Not many people hear about this interview and I understand why, but it provides us with a vital clue as to how people view God and His fantastic creation called the human body.  God did not create us in any type of faulty manner, He created a perfect and beautiful running instrument that was designed to run eternally, even the most brilliant scientists of today still wonder why our bodies break down, for they really shouldn’t.  So it is fitting that since our bodies do break down that there should be a connection still that is present within our lives that can connect us to God when needed.

We can live without an eye or our spleen and we can even have a heart transplant if one is needed and available.  Most of our body parts can now be successfully replaced and can extend our faulty lives by years and sometimes decades, but we all have one thing in common and that is this: if we do not have enough blood in our systems we can have the finest organs ever genetically constructed but they will not mean one thing if we do not have the blood to fill them and make them perform as they should.  The organs will lay waste and will not be worth a plug nickel to anyone without blood, so why wouldn’t God choose this part of life to use as the savior to for our lives.  We all know God is Spirit and He placed His Spirit within our lives so this means that in order for Him to use blood as His defining “life” point, then He must have something in place to start with, so no spiritual additions can be argued later.  However, once a person begins to lose blood it needs to be replaced and this replacement process can become a continual infusion.  While the glucose and kidney function tests may remain normal, the blood levels continue to drop and the person presents into another metabolic setting, one that usually results in a permanent procurement.

Now, when reading the Bible one must contend that those events were real and that they actually took place and if one understands this basic concept it is easier to relate to the people in the Bible because they were just as human as you and I are.  They shared the same vital statistics as we do and cover many of the same questions and hardships that we do as well.  So why would their “innards” be any different than ours?  It is evident that blood was a part of their lives and that they understood the importance of blood and what it meant to their existence.  Did they understand what Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia was and what it did to the body?  I doubt it but they did know how important blood was and the corresponding significance of its presence was.  The knowledge of the importance of blood must have been the topic of some discussion between God and Adam and Eve and it must have followed with their sons as well, for if it had not, how would they have known about blood and its significance?

This was evident in the story of Cain and Abel and the example of their sacrifices to God.  Both men understood what had occurred with their parents and their past living space and they both knew that atonement had to be accounted for when it came to repentance and how to achieve this passing over of judgment.  Abel was acutely aware of what blood meant and used it fervently in his sacrifice to God who had no problems accepting this holy yet imperfect gift for Abel’s sins.  Cain on the other hand did not choose to offer blood but fruits of his work and nothing on a personal and intimate level and as we all know his sacrifice was not accepted by God.  The importance of blood and the shedding of blood in order to provide the necessary sacrifice set the standard for man and the relationship with God.  No other offering would be acceptable.  God provided a pure and holy covenant that He can never break and we offer up blood in return to which we cannot live without. 

This example proves that God is not just serious about His commitment to us but He has established an eternal covenant with an impossible and immeasurable reciprocation required upon our part.  I cannot believe that God would establish anything less than a perfect and eternal offering to “the table”.  And I cannot believe that He would accept anything less from our side of “the table” either.  God understands that we chose to lose His perfect created status for us and to make things acceptable to Him, He provided us with the “perfect” way for us to show our need for Him.  This concept of shedding of blood must have had many minds running during the times in the Bible and since they were human there must have been plenty of doubters, just look at Cain.

There is no way that I can explain as to why God chose this element to represent the one item within our bodies that He would recognize as acceptable.  I do know that all throughout the Bible blood is the symbol that God recognizes and that our enemy recognizes as the one identifying source of covering.  From the early days of the Old Testament to the Exodus of Israel and including the crucifixion of Christ blood has been the one source of covering for countless numbers of people.  And up until this date, it is the only acceptable offering that God has recognized as pure enough to obtain His mercies and forgiveness.  Once again Abraham was prepared to offer up his own son as the sacrifice that had been asked by God but God had another plan even though Abraham had to persevere a huge test until that final moment.  Abraham was ready to shed his own son’s blood in order to keep the covenant that had been promised by God, but the purification process was instead through a ram.

God was consistent throughout the Bible in how we can “purify” ourselves by the usage of blood.  God also made it very clear that there was only one way possible for this purification process to be completed.  While God did not require human sacrifice to obtain this holy and divine covering He did require our hearts to understand and to recognize the reasons why blood was the necessary component that completed this process.  Blood represents the single organ within our lives that provides the necessary ingredients that gives us life and it is through this blood covering that allows us to have direct access to God.

There is no way that our lives can be changed from this sinful state.  We chose to have this eternal placement put upon our lives and it is through the mercy of God that He has provided a way for us to seek and to obtain covering for this fact.  God views all life precious and has from the moment of life’s creation.  God makes each life very distinct and treats each life with the utmost of respect, for every life that has ever been created He loves.  God understands that there is a separation between Him and humanity and that separation cannot be closed due to the sin that inhabits our life.  If one recognizes this separation, then it will become clear that God is consistent in His ways and when one method is mentioned in the Old Testament that same method He shall follow from that point onwards.

It is not difficult to follow God’s patterns.  Even though He is a personality that our human minds cannot ever totally comprehend, He puts things into motion that we can understand.  God is not a God of variances or variables He is consistent all the time and can never change His ways or thinking.  Humans tend to place our standards upon other humans which make mistakes, lie, cheat steal and kill in order to deal with problems.  And now there is a growing number of people who wish to place God into this same category, which they 9the humans) can do this all they want but one day they will find out that God does not change and that He cannot change.  God chose the blood for a specific reason and He shall never change this element as the standard of covering and restoration.

When someone refers to someone else as being related then they accept the fact, whether good or bad, that they are blood.  My grandfather always viewed people and family from the standpoint of whether or not they were “blood or not”.  Not that he would treat anyone any differently but it was the recognition that set blood from non blood.  God is the same way in the fact that if you receive the blood over your life then you are made clean and whole.  This was the concept that the Old Testament procedures followed and it was through this sacrifice that their sins were forgiven and their lives covered.  But over time this heart service became a drill and monotonous

We may never fully understand what each blood cell might be able to do within our body.  Technology is advancing each day but we still have so many unanswered questions concerning the blood.  I know that through our study and repeated testing we have found out countless facts about blood and through these means researchers will inch closer to the full knowledge of what blood truly does.  I have the utmost confidence the same holds true if we continue to study God’s Word and what it really means to our lives, both physical and spiritual.  The more we study and comprehend the blood of Christ and what it serves in our lives the more we will want to ensure that we are covered by it. 

Blood was the center piece in Old Testament sacrifices and the meaning of the shedding of blood should have kept humanities spiritual fires burning, but like us today those fires burnt out and we began to do things our own way.  God sent messengers to tell the people what was going on within their hearts, yet the people still ignored the warnings.  When Christ walked the earth He preached and taught the exact same words and still the people did not understand His teachings.  How much more love can One give than offering His own Son up to serve as the final sacrifice and opening up of the relationship between God and man again.  There is only one way that mankind can return to God’s presence and relationship and that is through the blood of Christ.  It is this covered bridge that we will either ignore or walk under.  It is a gift of simple means, chose Christ or not to chose Christ.  Is blood that important?  You bet your eternal life it is.


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