Yoke is Easy
phrase that introduces this letter is one of the more popular verses within the
unlimited truths of the Bible. It
represents everything that Jesus stood for when concerning the Kingdom of God
and it also accurately describes His mission as to why He was sent to God’s
people. This simple phrase also explains
to us exactly what types of battles are ongoing for our lives and how important
it is for us to understand this unseen turmoil.
Jesus’ life on earth was no game and it was no picnic yet for some reason
the Church has turned it into one. The
Church cannot afford to project a half truths about Jesus, and in order to fully
complete this presentation of the Kingdom, its principles must be known through
this extraordinary phrase that Jesus used.
of us know that the phrase that I am referring to is from Matthew 11:30. All of us look to this passage and phrase as
one of truth and one that gives us hope, and rightly so. This passage is one of the more powerful
statements that Christ made while He was on the earth and we need to ensure
that we understand its complete meaning.
Does everyone know that this statement actually makes the statement that
Jesus is of a divine bloodline and human at the same time? For a person to make this kind of statement
they either are truly nuts or they must be created from another source other
than the human bloodline. Then the
question that is raised is if we believe that Jesus is a divine being or is He
in fact insane. See, no human person can
guarantee anything except one, death.
Even our own country’s Constitution states ‘the pursuit of happiness” it
does not guarantee it. The only thing
that human can guarantee is death, for not one of us shall escape this
of the more difficult truths about Jesus is that He is fully God and fully
human. It is hard for our minds to
fathom this type of concept sine all we know is how to be human. With Jesus being in this form it defines the
relationship between God and man and how close mankind was to God during their
tenure in the Garden of Eden. And it is
through this beginning that we must understand of how much damage we did when
we chose to break away from this unity.
Jesus lived a pure and holy life while He was on this earth and it was
not His mission to marry, or to “preserve” His bloodline nor was there any part
of Him that desired to be political. His
mission on this planet was to provide humanity the only way that we can have a
restored relationship with God and in order for Him to achieve this fact He had
to live the life of a sacrifice. It is
through this act of life that brings into play the reason as to why His yoke is
easy and His burden is light, for He was in total freedom from the world’s
When placing oneself into
this position they must have specific knowledge of their surroundings and know
exactly what is occurring within their surroundings as well as to the specific
reason that they are present. They must know that their presence is
different and set apart from all others in order to set an example for everyone
to choose their place with this person. We have witnessed many
humans try and make some sort of similar claim as this before and have failed
miserably. Anytime a human / human existence tries to make such a
high standing claim they seem to fall under the pressures of the world. Their
intentions may have been excellent, but their humanly and flawed follow through
is doomed to succumb under the world’s weight.
It is through this pressure of the world (its yoke) that Jesus uses to
inform us that things are different in Him and it is ok to be separated from
the world through Him.
Jesus’ claim concerning
His yoke is another bold move coming from a human being. However,
Jesus’ creation and birth into this world is quite different from you and I in
that His father is a divine one and not of human blood, which means that Jesus
stands far above any other created being that has walked on this planet. And
it is through this holy and divine status that allows Him to make this claim
about His yoke being easy. I wish everyone would believe in this
miracle of creation and it is the mission of the Church to proclaim this truth
to as many people around the world as possible. The Church has had
mixed reviews concerning her history and follow through concerning her mission
and now with more groups watering down Jesus’ life and meaning for being on
this earth, it seems like the present and future reviews may be worse than ever. That
is why the Church needs to stop and realize her position in Christ and take a
hard look at what His true meaning is and what He actually represents to her
and to the world.
A yoke is an instrument
that ties things together and allows the things that are tied together to move
in a single direction. My one and only time to have looked at a yoke
was very memorable to me. Being a young squirt I thought that I was
the strongest young man alive and the owner of that yoke asked me and another
boy to carry it over to the corral I boldly said that I could do it
alone. After he finished laughing at me he pointed to where the yoke
was at and said good luck. I went over to the yoke and realized,
without picking it up, that it was very large and would be heavy since there
were metal rings and frame around the wood. Did I ever feel stupid,
and when I turned around to ask for help the owner was still grinning about the
It took two of us to
carry that thing from point A to point B which was about 40 yards and it was
solid wood with old heavy, solid metal in bedded into the wood as well. The
two of us carried the yoke on our shoulders and carefully and slowly made our
way to the corral. I remember the solid weight that it placed on my
shoulder as we were moving it to its temporary resting place. The
owner brought two cows to the corral while we were fumbling around with the
yoke. As we reached the corral, we dropped the yoke on the ground
and then shut the gate after the cows arrived. It did not take too
long for the owner to get the cows in place which by then I was in learning
mode and stood there watching.
The owner then picked up
the yoke by himself and placed it on the necks around the cows. The
cows did not move much but one could tell that they knew that their conditions
had changed with the looks in their eyes and their body movements. It
did not take him long to hook them up to the yoke and soon it was time for them
to go to work in the “small garden” as the man put it. I remember that
all it took was just a tug on the reins and the cows began to move
simultaneously and steadily together in the direction to which the owner wanted
them. I felt kind of stupid at that moment because I had proven
myself to be inadequate about how the yoke worked, how heavy it was and the
true meaning of what the yoke did to the animals that it was placed
around. The owner of the farm did not scold me or belittle me at all
but he did take the opportunity to teach me a few things about the yoke and its
designed function.
It was the owner of the
yoke that knew what he was doing when it came to having someone, or in this
case more than one person, carry the yoke to another spot. He
evidently had watched our previous movements while we were doing the other
chores that day and had drawn a pretty accurate conclusion of how many of the
three of us it would take to carry the thing. Being the citified boy that
I was I had no clue about my abilities on a farm so of course my pride rebuffed
him; with that two of us carried the load across the path. Which as
I look back at that time and remember how heavy that thing was it kind of
baffles me as to why Jesus said this about His yoke, but as my memory continues
I remember the owner of the farm just easily picking it up and placing it where
it needed to go.
In short I did not trust
the owner to guide me correctly when it came to the yoke. I thought
that my strength alone could handle the situation and that I could prove him
wrong. It did not take me long to realize that I was the one who did
not know what he was talking about and that the owner of the yoke did. How
many times have we stated the exact same thing about God when it comes to His
ways and the ways of our Savior? I know that I have doubted
countless times throughout my life and have even cast doubts into other
people’s walks at times in my past. If we are honest with ourselves
we must contend that we all have played out to be terrible examples of Christ
at times in our lives, but it is through those times that Christ’s yoke and the
meaning of His yoke comes into light. And if we do not understand
its full Kingdom meaning, we will totally miss what Jesus was referring to when
He used this phrase.
If Jesus represented the
world it would be easier, on human terms, to understand what He was
meaning. But Jesus does not represent the world He only represents
the way of restoration between God and mankind. Even though Jesus
was human He was also divine and it is here that His yoke is defined. God
understood what it meant to be bound up by the world and what sin did to our
lives, does to our lives and how it spiritually separates to us from God. We
were created to walk and talk freely with God without any divisions and since
our fall we have not been at this level. God had to establish a plan
of restoration in order for us to understand our need for Him. In
Old Testament Scriptures this process was through the blood sacrifice of
animals and in the New Testament Jesus became the perfect sacrifice for
everyone who chooses to accept Him. This sacrifice of purity and
divinity represents His yoke and it binds us to God through Christ, and totally
separates us from the world through His blood.
The yoke that Jesus was
referring to was Him and what was in store for His life and what His creation,
life, death and resurrection means for our eternal existence. Jesus
can claim to have a yoke that is easy, unlike that physical yoke that the owner
placed upon the cows for Jesus’ yoke represents a unity with Him separate from
the world. The world cannot offer anything else but death and that
is a heavy price to have placed on anyone’s life. But Jesus offers
eternal life and a true freedom from death that takes all of the weight of the
world (sin) away from us and moves us in one direction towards the Father.
When the cows were placed
in the yoke they had no option but to go where the person driving the team
wanted them to go. Of course they could fight and resist if they
wanted, but nothing would get done and eventually they would hurt
themselves. They had no choice but to do what the owner wanted, so
their lives were in his hands totally. To some this seems so cruel
and is a punishment for being a cow but if we stop and think about things for a
moment we can see how it also fits into our lives as well. The Egyptians,
Greeks and Romans proudly displayed heir deities every day of their lives and
some of these cultures even did their best to try and say that they themselves
were deities, representing both the gods and man through their human features;
all were proven incorrect thus defining their worldly yokes instead.
The world also has a yoke
and it is automatically placed around our necks as soon as we are
conceived. The question that we must ask ourselves is this: do we
actually know that the world presents this type of yoke? If we do
not recognize this then we have not been told about God and His love for us or
we have totally and willingly blinded ourselves from this truth. In
this frame of mind one would not really understand the difference between
Jesus’ yoke and the yoke of the world and thus would deem both as equal. It
is the job or our enemy to make sure that we do not understand the true meaning
of Jesus’ yoke and what it gives us. It is also our enemy’s job for
us not to accept Jesus’ yoke for when we do it unites God and mankind once
again so that we can forward God’s Kingdom through the blood of Christ.
Another question to ask
ourselves: why would Jesus deem His yoke to be easy? Others have
placed this claim into existence and why would He claim to be someone different
and have “better” answers than all of the rest? It is here where the
modern day Church is beginning to gray a bit and it is filtering within her
walls and it will prove to be a huge stumbling block for the Church. It
is at this point when we must recognize the Bible as the true and authentic
Word of God or do we not recognize this and say that it is serious words to
live by but not mandatory. If you do not place the Bible as the
authentic Word of God then you justify that Jesus was just a common man who did
good yet was unjustly murdered for nothing. It would also place the
words in this passage into the same category as Confucius, Buddha, Mohammad,
and any other person that tried to establish her or himself above the human /
human conception level; therefore, placing Jesus as a liar and a thief of
person’s time, all the while teaching others how to change their world. It
also can be placed into the category of not understanding the true meaning of
the phrase and at the same time not knowing who Jesus is.
If one recognizes the
Bible as the authentic and true Word of God, then they must consider every
object within the context of those words as truth and that there is both a
spiritual and physical meaning to everything that is represented. God
has created us both in spirit and in the flesh so that means everything that we
know has a spiritual aspect as well. It is common knowledge that
while Jesus was on the earth He was in physical form. Jesus also
used terminology, parables and other types of examples to explain things to the
people around Him. Jesus understood that the world revolves around
the flesh and that His Father revolves through the Spirit and by using these
types of known terms and phrases the people had a better chance of
comprehending that there was a far more important aspect of life than the
If one places this
knowledge into place with the Spirit, then they will have a concept of why
Jesus used this phrase and had the complete authority to do so. He
knew that His mission on earth was not to be just a physical one that it had
just as much a spiritual aspect as well. The phrase itself deems Him
as divine and spiritual because Jesus uses the word “my” in the phrase. “My”
is a very specific word and it is of singular and possessive content. Through
the authenticity of God’s Word this sheds a great deal of light on Jesus and
further proves that He is the only way to God and that He is the only way to
have restoration with God. All other ways taught by mankind are
false and will cause a great deal of disappointment to those who follow
them. Jesus is the only way to free ourselves from this world and its
death yoke that burdens us. Jesus’ yoke is of divine nature and pure
and refreshing, one to savor in peace and tranquility all coming from the
origins of life, God.
It is such a relief to
know that God has everything under His eyes and that if we dive deep into His
Word He will give us the knowledge and the insight that every human is looking
for. The only thing we need to give up is our selfishness and allow
God to take over once again. Church, we have long been overdue for
this type of action within our hearts. Our focus has been on the
world and not on God and if we do not change we shall not be recognizable to
God but only to the world. It is through God’s Son that He provides
us with the connection between the spirit and the physical and it is through
the example of the yoke that Jesus declares His divinity and way to the
Father. Thank the Lord that there is only One way for
restoration. Jesus paid it all for us and even though I let Him down
many times, I am so thankful that He loves me enough to continue His
restoration process within my life. I
cannot believe that Jesus would have ever made this concept known to mankind
unless He had a passion that is a fire and that He wishes nothing but complete
purity from His Bride.
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