Saturday, April 4, 2015

Bloodline of Jesus

Bloodline of Jesus


Many people are now saying that the consistency of the Bible is in question.  These accusations are not just coming from the secular regions but to some dismay they are being introduced from the religious communities as well.  However, it is the important issues within the content of the Bible that we have missed and for many people have ignored.  Details within the Bible are very specific and when a pattern is set and then followed throughout it must have been so.  The question of Jesus’ bloodline follows this unique pattern yet it contains an unusual detail that speaks volumes and at the same time proves that Jesus is worthy of being the eternal and pure sacrificial lamb.

It was not up until a few decades ago that scientists proved that it is the father of the child that actually determines the sex of the child when conception occurs.  This was a remarkable breakthrough for the scientific community and it explained a great deal about the genetic transfer between male and female.  I have four beautiful girls that have been created and I love each and every one of them will all of my heart, yet no boy has graced my bloodline and due to this scientific advancement I have to say that the reason that I do not have a son is strictly my fault.  I joke and say that God said that there are enough Bishop boys running around the earth that He would not allow another one to “grace” the world and that He has a sense of humor because I continued to try for a boy.  No matter what my girls are my life and I would never trade them for anything.

I do not wish to sound sexist in any manner in this article, so please do not get me wrong.  God has some important details to share with us and I pray that the words that I use do not seem sexist in any way.  The Bible states in the book of Genesis of this originating sequence and this should be the reason why that this detail about males should not be surprising.  We all know that the Bible was written long before any type of genetic studies or specific information was available or known and through the statement of Genesis 2:19-22 it should be clear enough that all doubts should be squelched.

In this passage it states that God places Adam into a deep sleep and takes a rib from his side and forms the woman.  Now my father has a beautiful and accurate description of this process that also compliments the letter I just wrote about equality.  I am not going to quote my father exactly but these are his approximate words that he routinely uses to explain the relationship between man and woman.

God created Adam first and it was not until after Adam was a full creation did God decide to make his helpmate.  God did not create Eve from the ground for this would have placed her into the same category as the animals and she would not have been under the same Kingdom laws as man was, so God did the best thing ever and created woman from Adam’s side, his rib.  God took a rib from Adams’ side and formed his helpmate to share all responsibilities with Adam, both physical and spiritual.  Eve was not created from his foot so that he could step on her ambitions or to control her every movement.  Nor did God create her from Adam’s head so she could control his every thoughts and subordinate and subject him to her authority and have no respect for the first created human being.

Instead God chose to take a rib from Adam’s side which represented the middle of Adam, to be his equal just as the ribs line the middle of the body.  God mean for Eve to be with Adam in all manners as his equal and to be involved in all decisions that needed direct attention.  With this type of creation both divinely created beings would see eye to eye with each other and would have every opportunity to live accordingly.  No respecter of persons nor would there be any greater creation than the other, equal on all levels and unique to their own standards. 

It is this setting that should have rang bells in our head about who determines the sex of our children.  Once God establishes a pattern or law He cannot change it and this pattern is directly explained with the creation of Eve.  When God stated that man needed company and that it was not good for him to be alone He set out to create the perfect person to be with Adam.  Adam was a fully developed human being and it was from him that Eve was created.  This is the pattern that God set into motion that day and it is still in effect today.  Yes, a person can adopt a baby or child but for that infant or child or adult to be adopted it first had to be created by the union of the male and female.  No matter how the process of conception is completed, it takes a male and female to complete the process.  This process cannot be changed and it was first set in motion in Genesis and it is still going strong today. 

Another side issue here is how Eve was created and how it falls into line with the birth of Jesus.  God made Adam alone, by himself and there was no one else with him.  The Bible does not say for how long Adam was alone but it was long enough that God said it was time for someone to help him.  Adam was created first and Eve later; not at the same time.  This is a unique creation step that included Adam, a created being, and God.  No two humans were involved in the conception of Eve.  And as we will see later, Jesus’ creation was the exact same manner, a unique method of creation that has not been performed since. This manner of creation also brings to life that God can do anything He wishes and once He begins a process, each one is unique and distinct and represents a whole new inquiry about life.

After a period of time the Bible states that Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bore a son.  The word “knew” here refers to the act of sex and the Hebrew word used here is quite specific in origin and has basically only one meaning.  This means that the act of sexual relations had been established between man and woman and that the conception patterns are the same in those days as they are today; a male and a female must be present in order to create another human being.  The next portion of the passage states that Eve conceived a child which means that the presence of the male sperm and female egg joined and created a new human life.  The last portion of the passage states that Eve bore a child.  As the first two portions of this passage it follows the exact same patterns that we see today when a child is born.  From the first recorded child birth up until this very moment that you are reading this article, nothing about the physical process of child birth has changed.  It is a miracle that with modern technological advances that allow people to have children these days, but it is still the same biological process within humans that creates human beings that gives each one of us our own start in life.

From this point on in the Bible a pattern is formed and is repeated in many passages throughout the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures.  This pattern refers to the lineage of a person and through the word “begat” defines who the father of the said person is.  We have countless chapters in the Bible that demonstrate this pattern and it leaves us no doubt to whom the fathers were and how the blood line was passed down from generation to generation.  The typical and continual pattern of the father creating (begat) sons and daughters never changes in the Old Testament and with this detail proves that bloodline comes from the male side of the issue.  I also understand that these passages tend to become mundane, confusing and even boring at times.  But in their own manner, they serve an importance that defines God’s specificity and timing through the creation of humanity.  This portion of Scripture deals with history of mankind and if understood enough, can explain how lineage activities come into light in the New Testament.

Some of the more “famous” people within the contents of the Bible follow these same long lineage “begat” passages just the more “common” people or lesser known within the same biblical contents.  This does not mean that only a certain few people are worth mentioning but that if every detail was filled in the Bible would be a massive text that would be overwhelming in stature.  Mary is a good example of this type of passage for it was her life that was used by God in order to bring the perfect and eternal sacrifice for our lives into the world.  The usage of Mary also spells out a unique switch and further defines God’s perfect plan for the destruction of His arch enemy and ours, Satan.

The pattern of male lineage continues without interruption until a certain event at the beginning of the New Testament.  When the New Testament starts with Matthew it records the lineage of Joseph but at the end of his line there is a remarkable change within the line along with an interesting omission, or in this case divine change.  Matthew begins by listing all of the male names that leads up to Joseph.  It is a complete lineage and one that follows the original patterns from the Old Testament. However, Matthew 1:1 states that these were the generations of Jesus Christ which means that the lineage of Jesus and is specific to Him alone.  And then Mary changes the entire setting.

After all of the names are listed in biological and chronological order, Joseph’s name is mentioned with a few changes taking place concerning him.  The entire lineage of Joseph uses the word begat up until and including Jacob the father of Joseph.  But here it stops and immediately states that Joseph was the husband of Mary.  This is the change that makes all the difference in the world and for humanity.  With the pattern that was formed and followed throughout all of Scriptures, it changes with Joseph, Mary and Jesus.  This is not a typo or some error in order to change the settings of humanity but it is a divine change that sets into motion the fulfillment of a scene in the Garden of Eden where God foretells Satan of his ultimate defeat. 

Matthew 1:16 says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.  We all know that Joseph and Mary were betrothed to each other.  The equivalent, yet different, comparison that we have today would be like an engagement.  Then in sequence the verse states that Joseph was the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus.  This means that Joseph and Mary were married when Jesus was born but it leaves out the fact that Joseph was the father of Jesus.  And at the same time it brings into play the name of Mary and if you look back in the Old Testament, how many times was the mother’s name of the child mentioned?  This is the huge change that makes all of the difference because if Joseph was not the father of Jesus and Mary was still a true and pure virgin, then that means she got pregnant by some divine presence and not by a human male.

If God could create the female from the side of the male then should not be any question that He could in turn create another person through His this process He must have a special purpose to have used His own spiritual DNA.  God understood and has never departed from the act of sacrifice as being the redemptive process of restoration of our relationship with Him.  God also knew that with these sacrifices blood was to be shed but it was imperfect blood and pure in content.  Yes, the animals were perfect looking and came from great bloodlines but the sacrifice’ blood was still subject to death; a flaw which God overlooked but still had to perfect for all eternity.  Some people kept this truth within their hearts and passed the information down to their generations, but many forgot the true meaning of this practice and systematically became cold to its truths.

What does this choosing say about Mary?  We all know that Mary had two human parents, so she was not a divine character and had no redemptive aspects on eternal matters.  On the other hand, her human status does not mean that we should ignore her life and to “throw her existence to in the wind” either.  God choose this young innocent lady to birth His only son and to give the entire human existence a chance to personally see God at work for our eternal lives.  We cannot afford to place any human being on a higher plane that what they are, human for if we do then we are in subject to the same categorical level as Muslims place Mohammad.  Before jumping to any conclusions, think about what that statement says and ponder on it a while; could it serve as a god?

God keeps His pattern of reproduction and laws in tact when He chooses Mary.  When God created Adam, He did so from the dirt that was still holy and pure.  The same went for Eve when God took a rib from Adam and made Eve from it.  Mary was just as innocent as Adam was in the regards to sex and therefore, chose the perfect vessel for the creation of a divine / human so that the world may once again have a chance to have true and equal relationship with God again.  What more intimate way could God give us than the presence of His son?

So, God had to initiate through a guided bloodline, a unique heart to which to bare His divine Son into a sinful world.  This process says so much about the human bloodline and what role the female plays within bloodlines; it actually elevates the female and not downgrades her.  Matthew 1:16 states that Mary gave birth to Jesus and at this point in Scriptures it does not continue the human bloodline as His father, which means that God was the Father of Jesus and not a human being.  This places Jesus into a divine and holy bloodline status which only two other people had known, Adam and Eve.  So why wouldn’t God continue His perfect reproduction process with His own Son as He did at the beginning of His greatest creations? 

God was very deliberate in keeping with the formal lineage of succession when the author of Matthew recorded the people before Joseph.  He was also specific to mention that Joseph was the husband of Mary.  God also made it very clear that Mary gave birth to Jesus and it also placed into the factual category that Jesus had no earthly father.  This can have only one meaning that Jesus was created inside Mary’s womb from God alone.  It is a known fact that when conception occurs it is not felt.  The pleasure of the sexual climax is felt but when the steps of conception occur, this process is not known on any level, it just naturally takes place.  I have no explanation of how God preformed this miracle and we on earth shall never know but what I do know is that the process was competed and Jesus was formed the instant God decided.

It is through this bloodline of God that establishes the perfect sacrificial bridge for all mankind.  The significance of a blood sacrifice throughout the Old Testament should have given the people hope that one day their sins would be forgiven on the eternal basis, not just year to year.  Yet the world’s super powers overcame their hearts and the direct purpose for which the sacrificial process became a mill or production line that served little more than a ritualistic service.  That is why we completely miss things as humans because we place little redemptive value upon what God’s laws mean to our lives and we lack the frugality of their meanings as well.

I do not find it unusual or weird in any way that God uses blood throughout His Word to penetrate the depths of His laws and wisdom.  I also find it ridiculous that we try to thin out His laws and the meaning of His sacrifice in order to justify the mere words and actions of our daily breaths.  We continually demean the value of God’s love for mankind and ignore the severity and true jealousy of His concern for our eternal security.  We belittle Jesus’ mission on earth by placing Him as a political and social figure instead of ourselves desiring to teach His ministry to a dying world as He did.  It is for us that Jesus came into the world to serve as a sacrifice for our lives, not to take sides of a political argument about a human choice.  And Mary did not birth God’s Son in order for her to be elevated as a god or deity in order for us to have another object to worship. 

God gives humans the choice to accept Him or not and it is through this gift of choice that Jesus agreed to come to the earth and to live amongst His people.  See, since sin entered into the Garden, God has not been able to set a His physical foot on the earth, so He had no choice but to create a human, yet keep the divine bloodline in tact in order to show Himself to the people once again.  It is a perfect plan that God gave us and it is strictly up to us to choose Him or not.  The holy bloodline is secure and it forms a covered bridge for each one of us so that we may be in complete relationship with God again.  But if we continue to scoff at this bridge and reject who is on the other side, then one day that choice will be taken away; and the ironic thing is that the choice will be taken away by a final choice that we ourselves will make.


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