True Equality
It comes as no surprise that everyone wants to be treated
equal. It is mankind’s goal for everyone to obtain this quality of
existence but as we have read about in history and are concurrently
experiencing today, it is impossible for humanity to completely agree on this
form of state. Mankind has lost some kind of connection to this
state and so far has failed to reach this goal, yet there has been one great
example of unity within the human history and there has been one terrible
example that actually set into motion all of the horrid practices of
inequality; of course all of this is in the name of equality. This state of
equality is obtainable but it has nothing to do with human / human status but
it all stems from our relationship with God or in our current frame of mind
lack of relationship with God.
The other day I was scrolling through some news sites on
the internet and I ran across a headline that said something like this: Church
sign brings community into uproar. Well, for the most part I do not
open these types of news stories because they are filled with hate speeches
from both sides but I took a chance on this one and clicked on the link. I
was surprised at two things when I opened this news headline; one was about the
sign itself and the message that was on it and the other about how the people
were responding to it. On the other side of the block I was quite
amazed at what the sign had to say, for whoever placed that message on it knows
exactly what transpired and that person also understands what the results will
be when humans try the same thing on their own. I dare to say that
this pastor and her / his congregation understands the principles of Kingdom
and for that I ask that God continue to strengthen this church and the efforts
they are doing to bring the truth to a dying world.
I cannot remember which church placed the message on the
sign and to be truthful it really does not matter, it is the content that was
stated that makes the difference. The message on the sign was this:
Lucifer was the first being to demand equal rights. As I stated
above I was a little taken back at such a statement from a church, since for
the last few years many churches have been promoting earthly and worldly
acceptance instead of what the Bible has to say about the truth of the
matter. I was very impressed at this sign, whoever placed the
message there and that it was allowed to stay up. This message also
states that this church will be teaching the entire truth about the Bible and
not just a portion of it which is exactly how things are supposed to be
done. It is the responsibility of the Church to teach the entire
Word of God and not just portions of it, whether it agrees with human feelings
or not.
I also understand the criticism that it is drawing for if
we do not completely understand how things began we cannot comprehend what we
are living today. Our methods of equality are strictly based upon
human wants and beliefs and while that is a great theory to have, that theory
cannot become a truth unless we know all aspects of why inequality has been
initiated in the first place. It is through this sign’s statement
that the origin of this inequality exists and until we accept this truth, all
of our efforts to live in equality will only result in more division and hatred
for others.
God has shared with us a while back about how things
began even before humanity roamed the land. But to set the stage for
this letter, we must refresh ourselves of how we have come to this state of
being. We must remember that God created angels before He created
mankind and that these angels are spirit beings that are eternal in
nature. The key here is to remember the order to which God created
things and in this case He created an eternal being first and in that manner
alone. God’s creation of the angels first sets the stage for our own
creation and the order to which we were created.
When God created mankind He did so in a specific manner
for God already understood that a huge change was going to occur within our
lives simply because of the choices that we were going to make in the
future. So instead of Him having to admit He made a mistake later to
His immortal enemy, God performed a magnificent creative process that
automatically bypassed His enemy and further infuriated his plans against
God. With the spirit beings having already been created and had made
the choice to fall, God knew that to prove His love for us He had to create us
a little bit different than the angels.
It clearly states that God created our bodies from the
earth first and then placed His Spirit within us. It is this order
that makes all the difference for our eternal lives. Because spirit
is eternal and the spirit that He placed within us is also eternal. If
God would have created our internal spirit first then created our physical
bodies that would be the order to which we would have be judged; spirit first
and body second. This was the part that Satan watched being
completed and it really made him angry because he knew that our creation order
was different than his and that through this order God had made a way for a
restoration process before our spirits were to be judged; unlike his
situation. In other words, since Lucifer was spirit and he made his
choice to be equal to God, his selfish means caused him to be eternally
separated from God. And if God would have created us spirit first,
then our death process would be equal to that of Satan’s, eternal first and no
chance of restoration ever.
This is exactly what played out through God’s divine plan
for our lives and since we automatically inherit a physical death, it is our
eternal lives that Satan now deals with on a continual basis. If for
any reason he can lure us away from God he will do it. It does not
matter how, when or why but he will do his best to confuse our hearts in order
to provide that little spec of doubt so that he may have legal grounds to
proceed with rent payments within our heads. And it is on this level
that he plays the equality issue, fully knowing that as long as we chose to
separate ourselves from God the better chances that he has to make us fail.
The relationship that mankind had with God while they
were in the Garden of Eden was like no other creation has ever witnessed. Up
until the choice of sin, mankind and God were on a visual and speaking level
with daily communication times to recount the events of the day and for God to
teach Adam and Eve a few things about Kingdom. There were no
divisions or separations from each other and God could walk the ground and
appear to Adam and Eve at any time He desired. The way our minds are
programmed they cannot truly comprehend this feat but it is one that must have
been so magnificent that words cannot accurately describe it. It was the
entrance of sin that transformed our relationship with God and it was through
this choice that physical death resulted. In Satan’s mind he had ½ the job
completed and immediately he began working on the second half.
I find another tidbit here that is fascinating to
me. Up until the point where Adam and Eve sinned there was no
mention of any arguments or bickering between Adam and Eve. Why
would there be any of this type of words or activity if they were equal? Even
in the manner to which Eve was created from man gives us details of how both
were equal to each other. The answer is simple, there was no
inequality up until the moment that they chose to sin. Then what do
we read? They start accusing each other of why things occurred and this
shows that inequality and division was then present. This also
presents another example for those who wish to blame God for the problems that
humanity continues to face today, even inequality was not around until mankind
chose to mess things up; it was not in God’s perfect creation process at all.
It was this relationship that man had with God that
defines equality. Even though humans were far less in creation as
God is, the level at which we were able to directly communicate with God sets
the picture into motion on equality. Adam and Eve could physically
and spiritually see God and directly talk to Him. God walked on the
earth which was pure and without any form of destruction, sin or death
present. It was holy in every way and through this perfect setting
God could have His presence visible in this atmosphere. The story
continues that when sin entered into the world God could no longer walk upon
the earth because He had to deem the ground unworthy because of the tree that
was eaten from. It might not seem fair for this to occur, but God is
a complete God and even the innocent bystanders sometimes get caught up in the
allowances of God. This canvass should be kept in mind for present
and future developments that are rapidly transpiring in our world today and we
should take serious note as to what probably will occur if we do not truly
change our ways.
Immediately after Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit
their eyes were opened and they realized that the protective and pure hedge
that was around them was gone. This sole act of disobedience changed
the course of human history forever. The Bible states that they
covered themselves with leaves trying to hide their nakedness yet up until that
time they had not even realized anything was “wrong” with their
appearance. It was obvious to them that their equal settings had
been changed for they knew that they had changed in a certain manner. Such
emotions that must have been running through their minds and hearts at that
time, and then to hear the voice of God calling out to them that afternoon must
have sent a flood of intensity through their veins.
The position of Lucifer tells us a lot about why he
decided to make the physical lives of humans so difficult. It all
stems when for some reason he decided to challenge God for His position. The
Bible states that Lucifer was a very powerful angel basically like being the
number two person in line. Now, this next statement shall NEVER
happen but, if for any reason God would die or cede His place Lucifer would
have been in the position to take over all creation. As I just
stated, this shall NEVER occur and it was this thought and want that cost
Lucifer his position, his eternal name change and his eternal place separated
from God. This end is what is in store for us as well if we do not repent and
allow God to restore ourselves into His ways. Or, if we chose not to
then we will be equal with Satan for eternity.
Now, the question remains as to how we can restore
equality back amongst humanity. Even though it would not be an
overnight process the answer to this question is easy and quite simple to
obtain. Restore our relationship with God that is how mankind can
become truly equal in all of our eyes again. That is the ONLY way
that true equality can be obtain throughout the human race. We must
deny our selfish desires and dreams and turn our hearts back to God so that we
may fully understand the process of His restoration process. Godly
restoration brings us back into equality with God first and then after that all
other issues will fall into line. However, this equality shall never
happen as long as we place our laws over the laws of God and for the Church not
to drop the charade of playing church.
When will we ever see God face to face again? I
have no idea but if we want to have that opportunity again and to have a
lasting conversation with Him, on pleasant terms, we must turn our lives around
pretty quickly and allow Him to restore our equality with Him. The
old adage states that a person cannot have a great horizontal relationship with
anyone until they have a great vertical relationship with God first. This
letter shows us that we had true equality at one time, both with God, and
between man and woman. This was lost as soon as the vertical
relationship was severed; however, God lovingly put into place a divine process
in order for this equal relationship to be restored and until we recognize this
path back to Him we shall never bear witness to equality on any level again.
Satan can never have his position back and as long as God
is God this is the sole reason as to why Satan cannot ever have his position
back. The Bible states that God is perfect in everything that He
does and that it is through the choices of His creations that cause things to
occur the way that they are. God gets the blame for many things that
is not His fault but is actually due to the choices that we make along the
way. It is through the choice that Lucifer made to be equal with God
that cost him everything, for eternity. God cannot change this due
to the fact of how Lucifer was created, an eternal being only. Hence
as to why Satan is so upset at God for creating our bodies first and not His
spirit first.
The second part of the news article I read that raised my
interests was how many Christians were responding against the message on the
sign. Of course one would expect the non Christian to respond
accordingly with their so-called hate speeches towards those who disagree with
their positions, but when people of God criticize a biblical truth, it says
that we are in big trouble folks. People have now begun to accept
the world in such force that they are watering down the gospel enough to try
and justify their worldly beliefs instead of cleaning their closets when
necessary. From the looks of things and how society is turning,
those closets which are now empty should have been cleaned instead of
abandoned. I am not just referring to one aspect of a person’s
closet either, I am talking about the entire realm of that closet, the identity
of that person and the only source of existence that those people know. If
a person leaves this closet to find comfort in the world they will be in for a
huge disappointment, from every direction, because that relationship shall
bring nothing but inequality.
So I guess the verse that states that God will heal our
land rings pretty true if we decide to allow Him back into our lives. We
have proof that the relationship between God and man was derailed when we chose
to disobey God. We also see that Lucifer was the first created being
to initiate the inequality process and we also know that God has provided a way
of restoration of the equal relationship that we once shared between each
other, both on the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. One
further detail to remember and that is if we do not turn away from our wicked
ways and continue the currents paths that we are taking the only thing that we
will ever be equal with each other is the fact that we are all equally sinners.
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