Thursday, April 30, 2015




People want to be treated fairly throughout all parts of life, but as we know that is not always the case because humans like to change things up whenever they can.  The Church is no exception to this rule and has demonstrated countless times over the centuries that human emotions and whimsical actions dominate over calculated truths.  It does not take too much research to find this type of action occurring today, not necessarily within the church buildings walls either.  Are we taking the correct stand or are we reverting back to an ancient practice that was responsible for millions of deaths throughout the ages?  And, of course, the most important thing of all is to ask ourselves if we are doing what Jesus would have done.

This topic could be a heated one on many levels, but that is what the true separation from the world is supposed to create, especially since two kingdoms are in play and are vying for your eternal presence.  Lately, we have been bombarded with the hot topic of same-sex marriage and the overwhelming support for homosexuality within our world’s societies.  There have been numerous accounts of gay couples deliberately entering into bakeries and wanting services rendered, which is well within their rights to do so.  It has also been highly publicized that many of these occurrences have been conducted in Christian bakeries. Whether these acts are deliberate or not, Christians should not react with hard line defenses but do what Jesus would have done.

One has to wonder if some of these incidents are staged and when you place the human mind into the game, along with the American and western societal attitude of making a name for oneself, it is well within conception for this to be completed.  I am not saying that both sides are all displaying this type of behavior, but the ones that are drawing attention are making huge waves within both communities.  In every publicized case that I have heard about I honestly believe that the bakery itself and the people who are running are taking the wrong stance.  While their motives are noble and just according to their personal faith and beliefs, their actions is not what Jesus would have done.

Some of you may know that I come from a minister’s home.  For most preachers’ kids being from this environment means we get to move around a lot and my family was no exception to that fact.  I did not mind the moving too much, but it was a variable in my life that at the time I found a bit stressful but manageable; I got to meet so many new people and witness different cultures and beliefs, to be honest as I look back at it now my parents’ calling taught me a great deal.

In all of my moving around I had the opportunity to be in several school districts across the country.  It was kind of intimidating for a while when a new curriculum was introduced to my world but for the most part, the lessons, studies, and grading systems basically all were similar.  It was the grading system that I found that provided the most confusing element within the changes. While the school subjects were the same they had different names to them.  This applied to the teachers as well for they taught the same courses, but their styles varied from person to person.  Yet, each teacher formed their own opinions on grading and it is through this process that I found most difficult to maneuver through.

All of us know about the “curve” and how it really, really, really helped some of us in certain classes.  But as I moved through my high school and college years I quickly came to the realization that not every teacher or professor used the curve system. While it was a benefit for me at times the curve also was a detriment in some of my classes.  In my last two years of high school, I went to a school that was considered to be an academic school rather than a sports school.  I know that is kind of hard to believe since I was in Texas, but it does occur and the school that I graduated from, at that time, was such one.

I remember that my junior and senior years were rough on my life since I had made my choice of future profession and had to begin taking the appropriate classes to pursue this field and I quickly found out that not all of my teachers were lenient in the grades category; and my parents found out just as fast as well.  While the curve was a good idea and helped everyone raise their grades up a bit, there were still some in the class that fell outside of the curve limits and their efforts still proved to not be adequate.

During these last few years of my high school tenure, I faced an unusual setting because even with a curve in place, sometimes it did not help us.  Our grading system did not follow the standard practice of the A = 90 – 100, B = 80 – 89, C = 70 – 79, and D = 60 – 69, with everything below a 60 being an F.  The lowest passing grade in my school was a 70 which was the lowest D a student could make.  It was tough and it forced students to know what was being taught to them and this standard also had a direct and challenging effect on our teachers as well.  With the raised standards along with the curve, some people did not do well in school.  This system was not designed to hurt students who tried and sought help in the subjects that they were struggling with, but it did draw ire from those who did not place any care upon their grades or graduation status.  Even with the new standards in place a student who made a 50% on a test, quiz, or grade still failed the section or class and had to take another step towards the ultimate goal.

What is my point with all of the curve business and the pass, fail standards?  Well, in many cases today this example shows exactly how the Church is demonstrating Jesus’ actions towards those who are not of the church.  There are Christians that really try to do well within society yet are overshadowed by those other Christians who become more popular with their 50% biblical standards, which eventually dominate the majority of non-Christian’s thoughts.  If one places the curve and 50% setting into the existence of the examples that we are portraying, one will be amazed since it is running almost identical.  And in truth, this type of 50% stance for Christ is a selfish and egotistical standard that the Church has displayed for centuries and is once again in full swing today.

I have no doubt that the owners of these stores believe that what they are doing is the correct thing, and to a certain point (50%) they are correct.  From Genesis Chapter 2 until the mid portion of the Book of Revelation the Bible teaches us that God is a merciful, compassionate, loving, law-abiding, God who absolutely believes in life, liberty and freedom through His divine and perfect ways.  Yet, over and over in this history book we see that humans fail to get it and go about doing things their own way and then forcing God to act according to His laws that He has put into place.  The subjects in the Bible were humans and as of this moment we are a still human which means ALL of us fall into the same category of learning.  Why is it so easy for us to abuse the separation stance from the world, all the while not fully understanding its meaning, display a worldly stance to those who do not know God and yet proclaim to be victims of such a setting?

We have plenty of examples during Jesus’ time on earth about how He associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, the low-lives of society and many other people that would be considered out of bounds for “normal” living conditions.  This was one of the areas about Jesus that drove the Jewish leadership nuts and eventually rallied them into personally get rid of their problem. Jesus did have associations with these people and He loved every minute of it for they were the ones who were looking for true guidance and a way out of their status.  Of course, Jesus experienced those who were just trying to catch Him in lies or trying to make a point to society about Jesus but in every instance Jesus proved those types wrong.  The only way that Jesus could truthfully and adequately reach every field was to include Him with those fields, not shun them or throw biblical statutes in their faces first.

While Jesus associated with these people He did not just sit around chewing the fat with them, He also taught them the ways of God and how they were sinners and needed to change their ways.  He set a godly example to them and made sure that they understood what the bigger picture consisted of.  Never, did Jesus ignore them or place His hand up to shun their appearance and their inquiries.  Nor should the Church shun her responsibility when sinners, “scum” or stinky people enter into the places of worship; this includes businesses that are owned by Christians as well, for the fields come in every shape and size all across the earth, not just in perfectly wrapped packages.  Jesus was willing to talk to people no matter their condition first, then He witnessed to them in a gentle and loving manner, all the while making it clear of His stance and mission.  This setting provides the perfect opportunity for those people to make a choice, either to listen to Him or to walk away; without spiritual damage to the people.

We have countless examples of how the Church and how Christians can be ugly and sometimes downright hideous to those who do not believe in or follow God.  Some have even used their status within the area to influence worldly or selfish decisions in order to assert their power even further.  I wish that identical examples today were not mimicking historical examples from the past but if I did say that they were not, I too would be lying and giving out only 50%.  How are the churches participating in these types of accusations and conditions?  By accepting the people who wish to attend church and then allowing them to sit in their pews while the minister presents a feel good sermon and those hurting people suffer and continue to live in direct sin. Having people come to church and then teaching them things that have no direct and authoritative biblical meaning represents a 50% grade; a failing one.

Accepting people who wish to be in a church congregation is exactly what we are supposed to be doing, but it is the 2nd half of the equation that we are truly failing at, the witnessing portion.  In churches it is of the utmost importance that we present a living gospel that represents the full entity of God.  Over the years I have come to the realization that some denominations have jaded their concepts of God while others have flat ignored them and began making up their own ways and means.  This is a dangerous practice for it sets up the Church for failure, a 50% grade if you wish to place it in numerical terms, for it takes away the direct purpose of the Church herself which is to witness to people, not interpret the world for their own gratification.

A couple of declarations at this point are needed.  The first one is this: Christian businesses, the ones who have made the news concerning your hard stance against serving people or groups that you do not agree with is noble but you are wrong!  You are not setting a Jesus like setting you are demonstrating a worldly denominational setting and you have received a 50% on this test and have filed.  The second one is as follows: churches you have done a good job of accepting sinners and hurting people into your walled confines and this is exactly what you are supposed to be doing, and this too is a noble gesture but wrong; however, by allowing them to sit there in their sins and you do nothing about it automatically gives you a 50% on your setting as well which as the Christian businesses you have failed.

We need to remember that if we take a hard defense against people who do not agree with our beliefs we are inviting further division which makes their winning to Christ that much more difficult.  If you welcome people into your doors of your business do so with a kind and loving heart.  Witness to everyone, not just those who cross boundaries and do not understand God and what He means to their lives.  Christian business owners fulfill their orders and witness Jesus to them every step of the way.  In this manner you shall be fulfilling Jesus’ statement about giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s. Always do your best at your job and you shall be a true witness at the same time.  One never knows what is exactly in a person’s heart for even the one who is trying to make you out to be an example for their cause just might have an open heart to God and through your witnessing come to know Jesus as their savior.

A principle here that needs to be kept in mind, the world and its standards shall not accept your stance or beliefs, so one of two situations will occur when you complete the job asked from you.  First, the people who are trying to make a statement will either not fulfill their order or make things very difficult for you trying to make you slip up.  Keep calm and since it is your establishment free speech is warranted on both sides; witness to them with a kind and gentle heart.  God has granted you a business and you should allow Him to speak to you when these types of experiences come your way; He will help you to witness to them, if you are listening to His voice.  Chances are these people will never set foot into your facility again, for their purpose was completed, but always be steady in your ways because our enemy loves to keep up his attacks.

The second scenario that will occur is that people really want a service completed and really do not have any other motive at stake.  Even if they stop you in your method of witnessing they will respect your views and opinions during the transaction.  A friendly transaction will occur and all will go as scheduled.  They may or may not recommend your place of business to anyone and that is ok.  At least you have witnessed to them and they have their well prepared product and God is satisfied with your actions.  Christians must also remember that the world is not going to approve of God’s ways or methods and these occurrences will become more and more involved as time goes along.  This process is another great example of why our fight is through the spirit and not the physical and an even more important concept is that Christians understand this and know how to apply it to our lives.

Church, we need to be doing the exact same thing as God has instructed us through the business aspect of life.  If we allow sinners into our places of worship and not tell them about the gospel of Christ and their sinful ways, we are not doing the command that Jesus gave us to complete.  If we treat them as scum and isolate them, scream at them, condemn them in the name of God how will we ever gain them to God and snatch them from their eternal damnation?  In either case we must show them respect, care and love all the while witnessing to them and telling them about the condition that they are living in and how it is wrong for their lives.

Just as in the business situation, the same two settings will play out.  Either they will leave their seats in the pews and never return, but on the other hand those who truly want to know God will be much more receptive to witnessing if we present God in the manner to which He really is and not what religion has made Him out to be.  People may never step foot in another church again but after all is said and done we have done the job that Jesus commanded us to do in His manner.  Just like the setting above one never knows what a person may begin to think after they have a good encounter with those who love God and they might just follow Jesus at some point down the road.  Which ever the case may be, the door of salvation is opened and it will be their choice to listen or not.

In the end both of these situations represent a Kingdom setting.  Many think that taking a hard line is always the way to be or to get things done, but there are times when that tactic is not effective and actually pushes the enemy’s kingdom forward instead. AS we are seeing almost every day, the Church and Christians are failing this concept miserably and voluntarily allowing Satan to gain the upper hand.  I am not saying that there will be times that both the Church and Christians should take a firm stance, but in these voluntary conditions wisdom needs to be incorporated here, not lines.  God is not asking us to compromise our faith in Him but He wants us to remember His mercy and justice over our lives and how much work our lives still need and to portray this truth towards others.  And refusing service or repentance to them is not moving God’s Kingdom forward.

It is our responsibility as Christians and as a Bride to show the world the true Light of the world, not be the instruments or bearers that blow Him out.  If we act according to some denominational requests the true mission of Christ becomes null and void.  It is the job of the enemy to push the lines of Kingdom and it is important for us to keep in mind that most of these people have no clue about who is pulling their strings and challenging our stance.  In any case if we do not follow the guidance of Jesus all hope is lost and it will not be too long until Satan’s kingdom completely rules over every stance of mankind.

Let us be the example of Jesus when dealing with the world and let our light shine and bring forth truth into the dark and dying world.  Christians and Church God wants us to take a closer look at our hearts and to repent of the worldly standards that we have embraced.  If we regularly look at the news we will find that humanity inches closer each day to a worldwide humanitarian disaster.  It is at this time that we cannot afford to have a failing grade and the Church needs to get her grade up immediately. God loves each and every one of His children and each one of us were created for a specific purpose in order to push back the darkness of the world, not to incorporate it.  Repent Church and allow God to restore our land to its full potential once again.


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