Thursday, May 28, 2015

When a Nation Becomes 330 Million Inhabitants

When a Nation Becomes 330 Million Inhabitants


One would think that a nation of this multitude would carry a certain clout within the world’s stage and for the country known as the United States it does.  However, as we all know there are other countries that have certain populations that are just as populous and some even greater in number than this country, yet do not carry as much weight within the world’s community.  This means that a certain presence or place has been made for this country one that should be revered yet sanctioned at the same time; a place that should never forget its founder or its foundation.  For once a country is defined its foundation cannot be altered in any way and still expect to be maintained accordingly but for some reason I guess we want to become just 330 million.

It is no secret that both China and India have over a billion inhabitants each and represent almost a ¼ of the world’s population when combined.  It is also known that China is vastly becoming an economic powerhouse and is slowly buying up millions of acres a year in several countries and territories.  China has emerged out of its shell to become a formidable challenge to the remaining parts of the world and can no longer be considered a “small” nation.  It now has a large and modern military that can pose a threat to any country in the world, and is also figuring out how it can manipulate other regional nations into getting its way on many levels.

India is a nuclear nation which has an ugly enemy to its north.  India is not usually considered to pose a world threat to anyone even though it is most famously known as a former colony of the United Kingdom.  Many parts of India are still living in poverty and the sex and slave trades are horrendous with no end in sight for both of those industries.  And while over a billion people reside within its borders India still remains a fairly quiet territory which holds its tongue regularly but keeps an all Seeing Eye open on everything that goes on around the world.

With all of the diversity in number population within the world today it would seem that the countries with larger populations would dominate the major entities that govern the world.  Many of these nations do have this type of regional stigma and status but on a global scale they seem to be weaker while being boisterous in their communication levels.  With a world that follows population guidelines through the strength in numbers settings, one would believe that the same would be constitutionally sound on the worldly stage.  In other words, why is India and Malaysia so quiet during all of the United Nations meetings yet very vocal when their regional Asian organizations meet for their annual conferences?

Have we even begun to look at how these countries, both small and large, were established or created?  I do know that for many of these countries religion plays a huge role in their daily lives even marking who they complete business with a marketing nightmare.  How do these religious beliefs result in their development and status within the global community and is there any difference in these beginnings and how these countries fall within their global settings today?  Many would argue that there is no place for this concept in play, but one has to take into consideration as to why a billion people populous does not dominate world trends and markets extensively.

By whose authority should a nation of 330 million people dictate a global economy when there are at least two other nations that have more people living within their borders and several other nations close to the number of people as this specific figure?  It is clear that the tides of blessings have been bestowed upon our nation even though we ourselves have committed atrocities on many people’s lives over our history.  What sets our country apart from other nations in order that we have a unique place within the global setting?

For many decades this standard of ours, we have worn with pride and with dignity.  We have stood firm with our stick and have not had to use it many times, but at least we have displayed our resolute when times were troubled.  It is clear that times have changed and that some policies needed to be updated but it is also clear that some of the institutions that were deemed acceptable have been pushed aside as being too extreme or “out of touch with society”.  Are these ideas and beliefs actually out of date or have they just fallen victim of trends that feel good?

A while back God shared with us an article topic that stated that an idea of an individual will eventually grow into a law and take the necessary populous steps in order to achieve this status.  It is evident that this practice of humanity is in full swing with new additions to worldly culture being accepted and applied almost every day.  It is also becoming more difficult for these changes to be readily accepted by some of the other nations simply because of their religious beliefs or opposing moral standards.  Of course the quick and normal worldly thing to do is to become angry and boycott these nations or even protest their existence in society.  And when the country with 330 million people dictate what a billion people say and believe things could get a little bit hairy down the road.

What would happen if our status as a world leader and most powerful nation simply collapse?  How would someone or a state or even this entire nation handle such a situation?  What if another depression occurred, one that mimicked the 1929 crash or was even far greater than that travesty?  Would we be prepared for such a disaster or would we basically implode with all of the current issues that we are ignoring simply because our attention is elsewhere?  All of these questions shall come into play and we shall play out the results if we do not change our ways, now.  It is not a matter of if; it is a matter of soon.

When one looks at our historical timeline we have to believe in its founding and origins; our foundation if one wishes to use that terminology.  The foundation of our country did not start in 1776 as many would like to proclaim but far earlier than that.  It actually began when Columbus was leaving his port in and at that watching the Jews being thrown out of his country by the rulers of the land and the Church.  It was through this voyage that the New World was discovered and with this discovery and a little time the newly found lands were finally going to be inhabited by new people.

In 1607 the first thing that John Smith did when his ship anchored was to build a cross and to dedicate the new land and life to God.  This was the true and heartfelt desire of these people when they stepped foot on the shores of this continent.  Was everything from then on a bed of roses?  No way!  In fact, many startup projects were not completed and at times it looked like the newly arrived people were not going to physically make their presence felt long enough, but they persevered and did their best to maintain their presence and to make right the dedication to God.

Then the colonies became increasingly stronger and eventually gained their independence from the only know superpower of that time period.  The fight was severe and it cost many lives but it was worth it and every person that played a part in that fight has been remembered thoroughly throughout the centuries since.  Our first president George Washington made some astounding remarks during his first inauguration, which represented the first time that this country had an elected head and a legislative body which truly constituted our existence and defined us as a nation.

In President Washington’s first inauguration address he made this statement:” Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station; it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge.  In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either.  No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States.  Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.  And in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their United Government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most Governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage.  These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed.  You will join with me I trust in thinking, that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free Government can more auspiciously commence.”

President Washington further states: “Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained”

These two statements, from the first official act of the formal United States of America, from the first American President make a huge motion for God being the purpose and the provider for this country.  His words also proclaim what should happen if the people of this country should ever forget who is actually responsible for their freedom, way of living and provider and then goes on to say that if eve we shun the “eternal order and right” that our nation should not expect one more blessing from her provider.  These are powerful words delivered at a public and official setting and probably would never be spoken at a current and similar setting today.  And through this trust it should be known that we have reached the point to where President Washington stated that we should never receive another blessing from God.

An important fact that we need to remember about today that is tied in with the first inaugural address and prayer that President Washington led back in 1789.  After the Presidential address had been completed the president led Congress over to St Paul’s Chapel and prayed for guidance and leadership for the country.  It was in this church that the first president of this country officially asked God for guidance in order that he would lead the country in the right direction, especially after what the country had just endured over the past few years.  It was Washington’s heart cry to ensure Congress and the people of the country that he was hearing from the one who allowed this country to be established.

St Paul’s Chapel is still standing today and continues to hold church services on a regular basis.  St Paul’s sits just a few yards from ground zero where the twin towers fell on September 11, 2001.  During this devastating event the church was not structurally damaged in ant major capacity and it was a miracle that it was still standing after both towers collapsed.  I do not know if anyone has placed the connection between St Paul’s Chapel and the twin towers into this type of context before but God wants us to understand that it is time that we did.

In 1607 Captain John Smith dedicated this land to God and for His usage and purpose.  At that time the nation was not even inexistence and in reality no one knew if it would survive or not.  After a hard fought war and regional and tribal skirmishes with the Indians, the country finally was established and born.  In 1789, she elected her first president who upon the first official act declared the land God’s and thanked the Almighty Author for His protection and guidance during that time.  President Washington then dedicated all the past, present and future blessings of the country to God and recognized exactly where they had come from as well.  He also served a warning to everyone that if this country should ever abandon God and His rules and order that we should not receive any further blessings until we change.  In both “firsts” in this country God was present and the center of the people’s hearts which gives God claim to serve as provider of property; which automatically claims Shemitah laws over our lives.

What kind of country would grow to 330 million people and be considered the leader of the entire world and its standard then have it all collapse around us due to the fact that we “out grew” the need for God and pushed Him aside with the garbage.  Well, we are completing this task at record pace folks and it looks like we are going to continue this path without looking back.  I am amazed at the fact that St Paul’s Chapel escaped the horrific calamity that 9/11 brought to our land but I am so much more thankful of what that Chapel represents than any other thing.  The difference between a country with 330 million people who represent leaders of the entire world to that of the same country of 330 million people who have a small voice in world conditions boils down to one source, God.

When a person or group prays that means they are talking to God.  It is a personal talk one that likens to having a relationship and it is through this relationship that God saved for us to remember just how strong He is and that as long as we are on His side and are in relationship with Him, He shall keep us protected when devastating storms (and collapsing buildings) are around us.  But if we do not keep this relationship He will allow our enemies to take down our idols completely.  We have a small window in which to change our patterns before God allows something greater to occur.  It is in our path if we do not allow God to restore our lives back into Covenant. 

One final thought from God for this article and letter and it is this:  this year marks a Shemitah year which means that it is a Sabbatical year.  It is a year of forgiveness and restoration for the Jewish lands and hearts.  God is a just and equal God and since He has shown us in the years 2001 and again in 2008 (both Shemitah years) that He has His eyes on our country and we are vastly approaching the end of this Shemitah year of 2015.  God does not waiver from His ways nor does He slumber in His ways and if God sets a pattern into motion if is guaranteed that He shall continue the motion until a final verdict is made.  It is strictly up to us folks and it is solely our choice whether or not to choose God or to choose the world.  God is making a move for His people and so is our enemy which one will we choose?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Watering System

Watering System


It is not difficult to imagine how important water is to our lives and to what extent humanity will go to in order to continually obtain its supply.  We all know that if we have too much water we will have total destruction and the same is true if we have no water at all.  There have been legal processes over water and there have been people killed in the name of water but there has been only one recorded place that has had an endless supply of water and it was our choice to throw that source away.  A component so vital to our existence and humanity trends away from its source, a question that rattles around in our hearts continually yet we still do nothing to restore the supply.

As many around the world have watched in fright, some of the states within our Union are getting pummeled with too much water from the sky.  Devastating floods have been the result of this rain and from what the forecasters have said there does not seem to be any let up anytime soon.  More good news for the people in these states, in just a few days the official hurricane season begins which places an entirely new threat of water dumping within these areas.  To add misery the areas that are receiving all of this moisture was in the middle of a big drought in which the ground was parched and this makes for further damage since now a good portion of the top soil that was remaining has now been swept into the Gulf of Mexico.  This is clearly an example of too much water and this setting is not new to these residents, but it does make one wonder about the reasons why these weather patterns occur which go totally off the grid and what humans predict.

On the other side of the nation, the opposite is in effect, with a severe drought baking the state of California.  That area has been in an increasingly destructive drought that has deepened every year for almost a decade now.  The conditions are so bad that the leaders of the state have issued tighter water restrictions for its residents, even though there is a huge source of water available to them along their shore.  This letter is not the one that shall address this specific issue for that shall come in a short time, but we must remember that in this state of the area there is an option and we have chosen not to use this option which has further damaged the area through voluntary means.

It is gardening season here in the northern hemisphere and that means many people will have small, medium and even large gardens that they wish to maintain, and in order for this to occur water is a main ingredient that is needed.  Here in Colorado the water supply is not as plentiful as it is in other parts of the nation so we have to irrigate our gardens in order for them to survive.  Sometimes it takes a couple of days for us to clean out these irrigation systems so that the water can flow to the plants properly, but while many years there are no restrictions on water I cannot always say that this is the case.

In other parts of the world, we are witnessing heat waves that are claiming hundreds of lives each day.  In fact just the other day the heat wave in India claimed over 300 lives in one area in just one day.  Still other areas such as my area are experiencing cooler than normal temperatures with a higher amount of moisture than normal and over the winter some parts of this nation had record cold temperatures and copious amounts of snowfall.  All of which contributes to the amount of water we have for the coming summer through the ingenious invention of the reservoir systems.  But even though we depend on many ways for our water supply all areas have one thing in common, none of them have the capability to produce its own water it must be supplied from a source, and when we look at the weather conditions that are currently ongoing that supply can be proportioned irrationally at times.

Over the many decades of the history of this nation, we have witnessed many settings in which people have been desperate enough over water rights that they take their fellow man to court.  There are many books written about the water wars out in the west between ranchers trying their best to keep their livestock fed and watered adequately so that they can have a good enough herd to sell at the market.  There are many movies that have depicted this type of setting which are entertaining to watch and allows our minds to think about how important water is to our lives.  My wife was raised in Wyoming and she has told me of stories about how important these water rights are and how they came to a head during her lifetime; and this was with water and modern irrigation systems in place.

Every part of our existence depends on water for without it we cannot survive for very long.  We can live for a while without food if need be, but many of us could not last more than a day without some type of water intake.  It would seem that if our bodies adapted from muck as many people say that it did, that during this process it would have found a way necessary to produce its own water source internally, the perfect and endless water source if one wants to put it that way.  Yet, that is one of the major faults of our lives I guess, or was it because at one time our bodies did not need the water in constant demand or was it continually provided from a pure source that would never cease.

There is only one system that has ever been mentioned that describes such a system and this setting occurs in the Garden of Eden.  The Bible states that God placed the Garden of Eden in a specific spot and created mankind to live and to take care of this Garden.  Many descriptive features are provided for us concerning the Garden of Eden and if we allow our minds and hearts to ponder its existence we can easily imagine of all the fulfilling necessities that were there for all life.  The stage was set for a perfect setting for a perfect creation yet through a gift from God we chose to abandon this way of existence and thus changing our lives forever.

One of the endless and perfect gifts that God gave the Garden was a continual mist that occurred in the cool of the day.  One can agree that the Garden of Eden was a perfect and pure setting for mankind and since God is perfect Himself, He cannot create anything that is not perfect which means that the Garden of Eden had its own perfect watering system built in place.  To be honest it would be hard for our minds to comprehend such a setting, one that provides all life with a perfect supply of water at all times.  Even the natural springs and hot mineral wells are not conducive to every form of life even though these sources are plentiful.  Such irony it is that the earth itself provides since the majority of its surface is covered in water.

In the Garden setting, we can picture this watering system as one that works in tandem with the surrounding conditions, providing the correct amount of water that each plant and life form needs.  The plant does not have to wither from the heat of the day nor does the human have to become dehydrated for their water supply is just a few minutes away.  No poisons in the water, no harmful chemicals to be ingested and no any microorganisms present to cause intestinal blockages or inflammations either.  A pure and perfect water system that is continually flowing and satisfactory on all levels of necessity.  This was just a small portion of the Garden of Eden but it was an important part since water was needed for life.  Even after mankind chose to end this setting God did not leave us out to dry, He provided a way for us to receive the water we needed but we had to go about things in a different way to obtain it.

God has shared with us about the difference between a want and a need in the past and one cannot find more a perfect an example as water is that would define this difference.  There is no way that a person can survive if they do not have a source of water.  Jesus used this example while He was talking to the woman at the well and through our physical beings He understands our need for physical water, yet on the other hand He understands our need for spiritual water as well and how that source has not stopped even though we continually ignore it and continue looking for something more tangible.

Since we have chosen to ignore this perfect and pure state that was provided to us we must now find ways to conserve our water supply.  This concept is not too hard to understand for it has been in practice ever since mankind has been around but when one has to deal with “Mother Nature” the human is forced to scramble at times.  While the term Mother Nature is a fictional being we still have to rely on the weather for the majority of our water, and since God is in control of the weather patterns this means we have to rely on Him.  One can call me crazy, stupid or any other name they wish but I do believe that our choices affect our lives to even the smallest degree including our earthly conditions and it is well stated as to how humanity can never run out of water.

In the book of Genesis there is a story about Joseph and how he was sold into slavery by his brothers.  We know that he was imprisoned and eventually rose to the number two position in Egypt.  One of the details about his life was when he was interpreting a dream concerning Egypt and a coming drought.  God showed him how to prepare for the coming famine by building adequate storage facilities for the harvests and it would be through these stores that Egypt would use during the famine.  The same philosophy can apply for water as well.  With all of the technology that is available to mankind now, it is a simple process to have all of the storage needed in order to survive any major disaster that might come our way.  Yet, we would rather tie up our resources on ridiculous items and waste our resources on other material wants instead of gathering up our harvests for the future.

As I look upon history I see many patterns that come and go for each part of the world.  Sometimes people are warned about these coming events and sometimes they are not but in either way humanity suffers due to its lack of belief in what is transpiring around them.  I also find that God usually gives His own set of warnings to those that are listening to His voice.  I also find it interesting that when people ignore these warnings humanity suffers even greater at the expense of themselves through their own choices.

Egypt which was a nation that held God’s own created nation in slavery had a leader willing enough to listen to what God was trying to tell him and God provided.  God even states in His map that He will heal our land if we turn back to Him and listen to His voice again.  The Pharaoh of Egypt was considered a god by the people and he was thus treated as such; this status totally violated God’s ways yet God was willing to keep His children and the people of Egypt fed during the famine.  Why?  It was because they were willing to listen and to follow the voice of God.

Over the last few years or so this nation has been torn apart by violence concerning some issues.  Recently we have once again been witness to some horrible scenes in one of our cities in this nation.  These scenes are not private and have been shown, videoed, tweeted and messaged all over the world for everyone to see.  During these settings it has been easy to watch as people choose to destroy other people’s businesses, cars and even sometimes display personal and physical violence on the innocent.

There is one striking aid here that has progressed that should be very alarming to those who were watching these festivities unfold; yes, it has everything to do with the topic of this letter.  In the previous unrest the officials of the towns and cities have tried their best to calm the nerves and tensions of all parties involved.  While some have not done their utmost in these instances, they have to be given credit for their actions.  The tensions were high a few weeks ago in Baltimore, Maryland when the same setting occurred that has fueled the past problems across the country.

The difference is that one of the officials of that city made it very clear that the city and the authority figures were giving them permission to destroy property simply because it was “just property.”  This is where the difference lies in these situations and it comes down to just one phrase.  We all know that at some point in our near future another setting like these is going to occur again and since this official used this phrase, and meant it, this official set into motion an open door for future destruction with a progressive agenda.  Yes there are those who live in this country that do not have much in storage with some having nothing at all, but the opportunities within this country are still almost limitless right at the moment.  But when times change and things go south what will be the state and frame of mind when it gets really tough for the entire world?

Whose voice will the people hear during this future time?  What mindset will the people be in when things come crashing down?  We have had plenty of warnings over the past few decades and we have taken it upon ourselves to ignore every one of them and try to “fix” things on our own.  We are not even on the same plane as Pharaoh was way back when.  A civilization that comes from nothing and then rises to prominence then is thrown into lacking, and has no God before them, can only fall into total calamity.

We still have a very short period of time before this occurs in our society.  God is allowing us to have one last opportunity to turn back to Him before He says “enough”.  Restoration is a painful yet rewarding process and it is completed with much more ease if we allow him to complete the process voluntarily instead of involuntarily.  We blew the pure and perfect water system a long time ago and can never retrieve that status again; however, we can restore our conditions if we simply turn from our wicked ways and allow God.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Map Studying

Map Studying


How many of us believe we know the way to grandma’s house?  How many times have we made a trek and after a while on the road and being close to the destination realize that we have not remembered the way?  All of us have had this experience and while it is embarrassing, most of us will hide this truth as long as we can from others.  But eventually the truth will slip and we must confess our forgetfulness and our stubbornness due to the fact that we relied upon our patterns instead of refreshing ourselves with the road map.  All of us have done the exact same thing with God as well and have relied upon our memories concerning His road map and in the end have fouled up His meaning for those who are dying.

Summer is approaching Colorado and that means that it is time once again to start finalizing plans for the garden.  While I absolutely adore Fall, Winter and Spring, I am always anxious to have my hands in the dirt planting and keeping our garden.  For the past five years of so we have had a garden that we have maintained through raised boxes which are located in our back yard.  For the past four years now we have increased our garden by building a few more boxes each season; this year was no exception either.  It is always fun to watch our garden expand and it is even more wonderful to think that God will bless us even more this year and in keeping with the laws of sowing and reaping we can immediately turn around and bless others with our blessings from God.

Over the past few months my wife and I had been carefully planning out what we wanted to grow this year according to what our pantry deemed was necessary.  As the time became closer to plant Bonnie had drawn out a map of how the boxes were laid out in the yard and both of us had discussed where each vegetable section was going to be planted.  The map was beautiful and everything that we wanted to grow had its own space.  The map and placement of plants took some time to complete but when this portion of the garden planning was completed, it was going to be the perfect garden once again.

For those of you who know me I am usually pretty good at reading and remembering maps.  Geography and Cartography also have come easy for me for both subjects I love to study with great enthusiasm and for most of my life I have drawn maps and geographical boundaries and other identifying landmarks in order for my mind to understand patterns better.  I pride myself on being able to look at a map and basically understand its patterns quickly not needing to look at it again until sometime in the future, and if I have been over that terrain or have looked at the same position on a map more than once I really do not need the map again.  Yet, this time was different and this setting, while simple, proved to be a challenge to me and after I had completed a task realized that something was wrong.

The process of expansion turned out well and everything was in order for planting soon after all of the topsoil was placed inside the boxes.  While our garden is not a community affair we are blessed to have one of our neighbor families who have four beautiful angels that like to help us with the garden.  At one point, their entire family was over helping us plant seeds and plants which was a tremendous help to us, plus allowing the kids to learn some gardening skills.  All of the kids had a blast and did a wonderful job and followed directions to perfection.

At one point of the planting session Bonnie had to go inside for a few moments to tend to some business and left me in charge of planting some of the pepper plants.  She handed me the map of where we had planned out where they were supposed to be and I took a quick glance over it again before we continued the planting mission.  I quickly ran my eyes over the map and then placed it back on the ground where Bonnie had placed it before.  I then went over to the plant carrier box and picked up two of the pepper plant containers.  I carefully looked at the containers and made sure that I was not going to mix up the pepper plants and put them in the incorrect order, not having a clue I was about to mess up the entire process by my next steps.

After retrieving the correct pepper plant containers, I brought them over to the box in which I believed was ready to receive the next plants into its confines.  I brought over one of my little helpers to begin digging the holes in which the plants were going to be placed.  After he had carefully dug the hole I asked another helper to put some water inside the hole while I got one of the pepper plants from its sitting.  I broke open the bottom of the roots and then bent over to place the plant into the ground, which went according to my plan without any flaws.  I then promptly covered the roots with the surrounding dirt and then had my second helper place more water on the area.  My little helpers and I repeated these steps five more times to complete the box and then I stood up and completed my view of the work and believed it was good.

I had planted the correct number of plants into the box and then was ready to move to the next box to continue planting the pepper plants, so my next logical step was to pick up the map again and look to see exactly where the plants should be planted and how many I needed to plant.  As I picked up the map and gazed upon the print, I realized that something was not right with the layout of the garden.  I looked at where I had just planted the pepper plants and then looked at the map again to confirm that I had just blown it big time.  As soon as I confirmed this error I said with a firm tone the words “uh oh” and it was then that everyone who was outside turned and looked at me.

There was nothing I could do but admit my mistake because just immediately before Bonnie went inside she and the little helpers had planted the beet seeds, in the same box where I had just planted the pepper plants.  After an embarrassing laugh I had no choice but to move the plants and to place them in the correct box so I tried t start the process before Bonnie returned; you know, covering up my mistake from the true person in charge of things.  That was not going to happen since as soon as I began to un-plant the pepper plants Bonnie returned to the scene and all had to be explained.  My one task that I was given to do I blew tremendously and repairs had to be done.

It did not take too long for the plants to be replanted into the correct box; however, the damage had been done to the beet seeds and I know that some of those seeds will be wasted due to my huge mistake.  Yes, seeds are cheap right at the moment but what if conditions were hard and money was extremely tight?  That small mistake would have proven to be a huge loss instead of a minor mistake, and a mistake that should have never occurred.  But was this mistake of mine really small?  And what kind of potential does it have to become a major problem?  All of these issues and questions do have a part to play in the overall picture and could potentially have devastating consequences.

If I would have only taken a more thorough study of the map that had been drawn out for everyone this mistake probably would not have occurred.  It was a simple misread of a location and resulted in the planting of plants in the wrong place.  Not only did I have to transplant the plants to another location, which can have a disastrous effect on them, but I also disrupted the stability of the beet seeds that were comfortably resting in their nook.  My one is due to the fact that I was not paying attention to the details of the map and while it was there and I could have picked it up at any moment and studied it further, I chose to take a glimpse of it instead and it was this glimpse that cost me.

How does this example come into play in our lives with God?  What is the map that God has provided for us so that we can have the perfect resource of guidance during our journey?  That map is the Bible and it is God’s Word for our lives and it is a map that will show us the way towards total happiness and restoration through Jesus unto God.  It is a given that the world wants nothing to do with this map, for its truths go contrary to the world’s beliefs.  But on the other hand it is also evident that many Christians are taking the same stance as the world when it comes to God’s Word.

Many of us have used God’s Word against people in order to prove our point in a debate and we have used the contexts of God’s Word in order to sustain a specific belief that we hold.  In every case this type of usage is totally wrong and a prime example of not studying God’s map well enough to understand what is actually being said.  Yes, we have read the map and believe we understand it well enough to command its usage, but in reality all we are doing is planting seeds into the wrong place and it could very well cost a person’s eternal life.

It is important for us to understand that the Bible is referring to examples that really occurred in the past.  The people in the Bible were not fictitious they were actual human beings and experienced true human problems and situations.  It is through these occurrences that we need to study what God is saying to us so that we do NOT have to repeat the things that those people encountered.  The people within the Bible were human; they had hearts, legs, brains, and all of the other physical and spiritual characteristics as we do today.  This means that everything that they went to and were subject to can be applied and experienced by our lives today.

It is through studying God’s map that we can begin to understand how our lives are drastically played out if we do not know what God is referring to through His words of wisdom.  The world and its leader can be very deceptive and place things into a humanly form which plays upon our hearts and according to earthly standards, makes perfect sense to strive towards.  But many of the worldly standards that are constantly displayed are not good for our overall lives but only satisfy current circumstances that are being experienced.  That type of condition is not a stable one and can only provide a temporary and situational result and does not prepare one for a future problem.

The underlying foundation for these notices is the true meaning of choice and important we understand the entire picture instead of the immediate standings.  If the overall picture has been explained and can be relayed to another person, group or nation before that same situation occurs, why shouldn’t this standard be put into place and made publicly known?  What I find most intriguing is that the world’s leaders are desperately seeking these answers to current problems that we have created.  Blame is the game being presented right at the moment which demonstrates to the world’s population that no definitive answers are being sought, or cannot be noticed.  Yet, the answers are right before our eyes and hearts and we are voluntarily throwing the map away.

God includes many nations, situations, individuals and even animals in His explanation of life and it is our responsibility to use our brains and our whole hearts to understand what is being portrayed to us.  God’s laws are NOT for us to slaves and to isolate us from living.  God’s laws ARE designated and were created for us to be separated from the world and to live in holy freedom from the world.  Given this truth, that means there is something really, really wrong with the world and its leader that God deems for us to not be associated with, and to not become involved.  I guess our lives are worth much more than many of us put into place for God has provided a way for us to bypass many troubles that we will have opportunity to encounter over our lifetime.  This truth also explains that God’s Word is literal and not subject to human manipulation.

The only way that we can come to this conclusion is to have studied the map carefully, identifying the intricate details of what is actually being said.  This examination is one of a constant manner and a continuous effort through a pure and selfless heart.  Self blinds our hearts greatly and will automatically cloud and inhibit our full understanding of what God is wanting us to understand about Him, our life and what the dangers are that surround us.  It is through His map that we find the way out of this world, not into it.  If God’s Word is a light unto our paths then His Word must show us the way or in this case provide a detailed way to rid ourselves from worldly possessions and standards.

We as humanity have voluntarily dulled our senses of the importance of studying and applying God’s map to our lives.  We have selfishly read the Scriptures and interpreted them in ways that suit our needs or wants.  And while God allows this choice to occur we not knowingly allow the world to creep into our lives more and more thus subjecting us to a damnable result and resulting in an eternity of separation from Life itself.  Studying the map of life actually provides us with a window of opportunity to obtain what God has planned for our lives but we can never understand what is at stake if we only skim over the map every once-in-a-while.  Skimming does not establish a relationship with God, only a divisive religion that serves only what it is derived from, itself.

Even though I helped write the map of the garden and where every plant and seed was supposed to go, I still messed up because I became careless with the map.  The Church has done the exact same thing with God’s map for our lives and it is evident that as of now we have no intentions of turning around.  That is our choice and from what God has shared with us today we need to re-evaluate the importance of that word – choice – for it is something that is far greater than we proclaim it to be in our lives.  Study the map do not just read it for if we do not study it there is no way we can effectively understand it well enough to provide a measurable and truthful completion of our mission to a dying world, only participate in it.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Graduation Time

Graduation Time


Most of us in this country have someone in our family graduating from a specific institution this year or know of someone having a family member walking down this aisle.  This time of year always hits us with both pleasant and anguishing memories which come with the territory.  It also brings into light just how many people cross our doors and pass through our lives over those years as well.  With all of the encounters with the people who passed through our lives how much have we influenced their lives, and what message did we portray in their lives are the two main questions that we must answer.  And to be honest, some of the answers to these questions can be eternally shocking.

Over my lifetime, I have been involved in many graduation ceremonies whether it be mine or with my friends and other family members.  My parents have been witness to far more than myself and have many fond, and sometimes even funny, memories of such occasions.  With each year that passes I find that more and more of the people that I have known are going through these types of ceremonies and on both sides of the setting, milestones are being set.

I have been privileged to have four daughters in my life and I would not trade them for anything.  Of these four ladies, two of them have already graduated from high school and have moved on with their respective lives.  One has her own business and a family and the other is still in college and pursuing her own career, both of which make me very proud.  This means I have two others still in high school which is about to change.  My 17 year old is going to walk across the football field in a few days and then it will become that I shall have only one daughter left in high school.

I am extremely proud of my three daughters that have already accomplished this task in their lives.  I will be even prouder when my youngest daughter completes this task in two years.  I can only pray that her days will be filled with joy and happiness just as my other daughters have experienced.  Have all of their days been glorious?  No way, but God has been their God through each and every one of those days and I am thankful that they have continued to keep Him in their lives.

Up until a few weeks ago this current graduation process had not bothered me at all and I found myself flying through the pomp and circumstances with no problems what-so-ever.  Things began to change after the battle of the grades was over and it became evident that her graduation was going to occur.  I had previously stood on the fact that even though Rachel was graduating I still had one more daughter left to graduate and that I would worry about becoming emotional a couple of years from now.  Boy was I wrong about that!

A couple of weeks ago this emotional time changed for me when my senior had her last choir concert of her high school career.  There had been some struggles with this time in her life and at one point she was ready to give up on the entire singing community, but she stuck it out and persevered like a Bishop does and was rewarded with a fabulous memory that no one can take from her.  As I sat in the audience and watched her perform it was then that it hit me, my emotional wave of finalization.  I have witnessed many deaths over my career, watched many surgeries with blood and guts hanging out and had no emotional changes occur, either at that moment or later down the road.  But when it dawned on me that this was Rachel’s last concert I could not help but to tear up and fight back the emotions of her accomplishments.

The other night the high school’s Baccalaureate commenced and it was a beautiful time with the kids, parents, friends and other family members that joined in the celebration.  Every part of the service flowed beautifully and it did not matter what a person’s beliefs were that night, this was about the kids hearing how much God loves them and that even though they have accomplished this feat, their lives still matter to Christ and that He has a future and a purpose for their lives.  The message was excellent and was presented in a way that the kids could relate with and I applaud the speaker for his courage, love and honor for God that he displayed. 

As the service came to a close they had a slide show of each one of the seniors which is usually the highlight of the program and once again it proved to be an excellent presentation.  As the music played and the slides scrolled across the screen I could not help but to notice just how many of the graduating class had been a part of my wife and I’s life and of our girls.  As I continued to sit there and watch and listen I began to realize that the majority of the ones that would be graduating I knew personally and had some type of connection with them over the years.  I also realized that I had been here long enough to remember many of them being born and having the privilege of watching them grow up; which made me feel kind of old.

The many personalities that entered into my world flooded my mind with a wide array of thoughts as I continued to watch the slides scroll across the screen.  It was then that I had a horrifying thought about each one of the kids that had graced our lives over this period of time.  Almost every class that has graduated in this country has experienced some kind of pain whether it is during their education years or shortly afterwards, with my graduation class being included in this terrible statistic.  I pray that nothing ever comes of this type of setting to this class and I wish that I could guarantee that it would not, but there is still a minute chance of something happening even before they walk across the field to receive their diplomas.

The thought that crossed my mind as I was watching the kids’ slides scroll on the screen was this: what kind of influence did I and my wife have on these kids, and was there a good enough example of Christ from our lives to be projected as they stepped foot into our lives?  It was at this moment that another wave of emotions came rushing into my world and this time that this service became a different type of setting.  How many times over these kids’ lives did they come into contact with my family and the question of Jesus’ example did or did not appear came into my mind?  Of course, I wanted to say all of the time but did I really portray this at all times?  To be honest, I know that many times over the years I was not happy for some reason when these kids were around.  Or there might have been problems at work that I had to deal with that made my attitude different.  And of course, there were times that I was angry at my kids for some reason and when I put off of these thoughts together, I had to stop and think about this question again.

I have never devalued a human beings life before and I shall never do such in the future either.  But I must ask myself if I did these kids an eternal disservice with my actions in the past.  It broke my heart for me to have to think about this being a possibility and praying that I did not continually portray a good example to these kids.  It would mortify me if I found out that I had any ill effect on a human life especially where their eternal salvation is at stake.  With this in mind I have once again committed myself to be a good example of Christ to my world and I cannot be more committed to being so around my daughter’s friends.

While God has shown me many things to write about for His people, He still works on an individual level in my life.  We can get caught up in the overall picture but forget about the individuality of our own existence.  The mission of the Church is to be a witness for God and to represent Christ as His Bride.  His Bride is not adorned in physical beauty but graced with the battle scars through encounters with a dying world and it is through these encounters which we make representation of Christ to those who need Him.  In other words, it is through my representation of Christ to these kids over the years that make His presence known or not known to them.

Baccalaureate 2015 for Delta High School began as a simple service that ended up spectacular and a great time for everyone who attended.  It also set into motion another aspect of my life that I need to improve.  Not by making God’s legal authority known to these kids but to enlighten them so that they know that it is a good thing to have a relationship with God and that by having a relationship with God actually renews their lives in a complete way and brings the meaning of life into their hearts.  It is my prayer that I shine more each day for Jesus for the world need Him in order to stop our destructive ways.  It is sad to say this but the Church needs Him again too and until we do, the world has no hope at all.

God asks us to have open and loving hearts to a dying world and that dying world also includes our personal lives.  God wishes to separate us from the world and its grasp of death on our lives; death is not our destination but eternal life is but it is our choice to accept this way of freedom or not.  God encourages us to find ways to represent Him to each generation of people and it is through this responsibility that defines the mission of the Church.  We cannot accept any portion of the world but cause all its kingdom can only give us death.  God loves each and every one of the seniors in all of the graduating classes of 2015 around the world and if we love them too, we will make sure that each one of the kids sees Jesus through our lives.  God challenges us to fervently pray for the graduating classes of 2015 and beyond for it is this generation that will come into contact with a wicked world that they will either join or fight and it is through this choice of theirs that will define the future course of the world.


Monday, May 11, 2015

What is Mine

What is Mine


How much do we realize the contacts we make actually define our present and our future and to what extent will we go to ensure that these contacts stay in place?  We have a tendency that once a pact is made that it shall be intact until the terms are mutually ended.  Throughout history, we have witnessed this belief proven wrong again and again and yet we continue to place our trust in mankind instead of the One Truth.  Through these contacts and contracts, our lives become dependent and through these same instances may prove to be the end of our lives empirically.

My mother has always stated that hindsight is 20/20 and coming from a guy whose eyes are not very good, this should mean something special.  We have all made mistakes in our past and it is our goal to not rewrite the same personal history again.  So why is it so difficult to walk down a different path so that we can avoid the present pitfalls?  It is no question that making assurances and alliances gives us confidence in everything that we do, but how serious do we take these contracts and do we fully understand the entire scope and realm of those who we trust?

I remember during my junior high school and high school days that some of the kids that I hung around were not the best of influences on my life; I realize this now but not at that time.  I could not understand why my parents did not approve of some of them because according to my eyes there was nothing wrong with them, they even came from good families, some from the church.  But it was the background and history of those kids that I failed to know about or knew about that concerned my parents.  And it is this history that told many stories of their true behavior that they did want me to associate with.  I had no idea at the time just exactly what association with others meant and the potential consequences it could have on my life.  While everything that I could see at that moment and everything that I knew about my friends, I was not fully informed of all of the truth and it could have paid a huge price on my life.

Hobbs, New Mexico is not a great memory for me, even though I only lived there for approximately six months.  I had a few girlfriends during this time that really had no chance of any long term relationship developing, but there was one girl, in particular, that did fancy my eye.  What made things a little bit better was the fact that she went to the church and according to my standards, that was a shoe-in for acceptance from mom and dad.  I knew that her brother attended the church and that he was not the best person within the community, but I dismissed that fact and began to court her anyway.  The relationship seemed like it was going well and everything was on go for a while; without any hiccups.  On the other hand of the total picture, I had no idea that my association with this girl was actually setting me up for disaster.

My parents found out that her brother was a leader of a gang that was operating through the youth group of the church my dad pastored; and many people questioned my dad’s sermons concerning repentance at that time.  Anyway, it was through this gang that my life became a target and they were using this girl to lure me into a trap.  Did Tina know this, I have no idea, but my guess would be that she had an idea.  I was willing to basically sign my life away on a single thought over a girl.  While this has occurred many times in the past, it was not for me to endure and my parents had to step in and get me away from that setting.  But the point was that I was willing to do this without knowing or wanting to know the entire setting and circumstances.  And it is through this process of making a pact with our enemy that places all of us into trouble.  It is this type of choice that I am talking about when it could mean life or death and how important it is to understand all aspects of a contract before it is signed or agreed to.

One of the most horrific events in human history occurred during the mid portion of the 20th century in the form of World War II.  Not many people would argue that this single event brought more death and heartache across the world than any other previous event.  There is nothing good about war or the results and consequences of such fighting between humans.  Once a war has begun it is very difficult to see what the catalysts were that defined that war and set the overall course of that conflict.  Historians after the fact can sit down and ascertain some of the predefining circumstances that led to the destruction of all sides involved.  One of these predetermining factors of World War II is the Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact.  It was through this pact that Germany actually gained the upper hand with their enemy which would prove costly on both sides a couple years later.

When you look at German – Russian history, there are not many occurrences that both of these countries are on the same side of issues.  It is a common feature that both of these countries and ethnic peoples consider themselves to be arch enemies and probably never will see eye to eye on many present or future issues.  So why would these two nations sign an agreement so vital that it would prove detrimental?  Why would a bitter enemy sit and watch as their arch enemy take control of other lands and not believe that one day they would do the same to their lands?  It would be a natural response for this occurrence to transpire; so it goes in our spiritual lives as well.

It is to everyone’s amazement that Stalin followed through with his exiling and even execution of many of the personnel that he sent to keep an official eye on Germany.  These reports proved to be highly accurate and would have given Russia ample time to raise a formidable defense for the impending attack.  Instead, he used this information as a traitorous block and thus made ridiculous decisions accordingly which down the road paved for their destruction and not their construction.  It is easy for us to write about these types of mistakes concerning mankind’s history but by all accounts, could many of these Russian deaths and in some cases total annihilation of peoples caused by the Germans have been thwarted or subdued?  The answer is yes; if Stalin would have taken all sides seriously and welcomed all information coming from his spies instead of believing the propaganda of the Pact.

When a person is glancing over this non aggression pact between these two countries it probably would raise many questions as to why Stalin would do such a thing to his own people and willingly place his country at the mercy of an enemy whose was visibly bigger and stronger.  Yet on the other hand, if one conducts a hard and thorough study of such agreement they would come to the conclusion that the general contract guidelines were more important than what was ongoing behind the scenes.  Keeping the agreement solid made Stalin make the fatal judgment calls.

This pact between two ancient enemies signified a larger scaled event that would come to haunt both sides a few years later.  But for the meantime all seemed fairly quiet on the other side of the pens.  Germany used the pact to ensure that they could have forces available in the west so it could run across Europe without any provocation from Russia.  Similarly Russia needed an assurance that Germany would not attack on their western border due to the fact that Japan was threatening Russia with attack from the East.  Both situational circumstances were in agreement, but while one party took the agreement as a long term and potential permanent treaty, the other party took it as a means of ultimately expanding their empire into the other’s territory.

It was through this deceptive proclamation that Germany used to gains its access to Russian lands.  Germany made no dire threats during this time period nor she it banish any Russian government official from its capital, Germany just quietly and methodically built up its troop levels close enough to the established border with Russia so that an invasion would be easier and more effective.  Russian spies within Germany saw this troop movement and reported their findings to Moscow, but the Russian leader ignored them and placed the spies on notice resulting in some of their lives.  Germany placed its war machine into high gear after its conquering of Western Europe.  All wheels were rolling when it came time to execute its ultimate plan, destroying its arch enemy once and for all.

When the capitulation in Western Europe was completed, Germany now had the resources to attack Russia and on a specific day and time that invasion came with a ferocity that took all of Russia by surprise.  Stalin was stunned, so much so that he actually hid himself in his cabin in the woods to try and absorb the shock of the betrayal.  But was this a real betrayal or a lack of following through with a known enemy?  Over the course of the next four years Russia and Germany fought a bitter war with each other, with both sides committing atrocities against each other.  Total bitterness raged through these fights and as these battles continued the death toll mounted.

Germany knew exactly what it was wanting to accomplish and so did Russia; however, the goals of each side were totally different and while Russia eventually won their fight against Germany the toll and loss placed a heavy burden upon that country, and for many decades to come this toll and punishment continued in the form of a new philosophy which dominated the Soviet Union.  It was the difference in the two sides’ goals that set the course of action and it also determined the outcome of millions of lives as well.  The fighting within Russia continued and even after the war had ended Russia continued to murder its own people, some for the vaguest reasons.  When all was said and done, the world was torn apart by man’s selfish beliefs and it would take a miracle from God to put the pieces back together.

Today, Russia and Germany are still squabbling over many issues and with Russia doing its best to fulfill biblical settings it does not seem likely that matters have been settled at all.  As one watches the tones and body languages of each leader, they can tell that neither are comfortable being around each other and it is not difficult to notice other leaders dancing around the same flame.  The die was cast a very long time ago and it remains as a huge stain on each country and it is through this dye that the eyes and heart of each country sees the other.

How does a human pact between two warring countries impact our individual lives, both spiritually and physically?  It is because the same concept is in play here and we humans have done a fabulous job in forgetting who our enemy is and just what his goals are.  The major truths that we have forgotten and are now fully ignoring include that we have lost consciousness concerning who our enemy is.  We have also forgotten why he hates us in the first place and from where he originated, his destiny and his purpose for our lives.  We no longer care about the powers that he has over the world and how he shall use them according to our choices.  Finally, and most importantly, we have totally forgotten what is at stake.  In other words, we have different goals than what he has and one day it shall come to a head.

An important detail of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the fact that territory was involved.  It was through this territory that Germany saw their capacity at the expense of Russia.  Germany has always been a major force within Europe and their beliefs of cultural and ethnic domination has followed them closely.  Hitler fully believes that all of Europe belonged to Germany and that it was Germany’s right to reclaim it.  Hitler was so enraged at what the European nations did to Germany after WWI that he forcefully took back the land that Germany once controlled and then wished to expand the living space for the future of Germany.  Germany’s mission was to reclaim what was theirs and to expand according to what they believed was necessary to live comfortably which is exactly what Satan desires for our lives, and just like Russia we are totally ignoring Satan’s buildup.

In Matthew where Jesus is being tempted, Satan takes Him up to a mountain top and offers Jesus the kingdoms of the world.  Jesus does NOT argue these words from Satan.  Why?  Because Satan is actually telling the truth, he does own the world and every earthly kingdom that has been in existence.  And while he understands that God is the Creator of all life that means his goal is to destroy life as we know it, both spiritually and physically.  Satan sees us as inhabitants of his realm and he wishes to rid us of his territory.  Just as Hitler believed that ridding the world of the Jews would solve his problems, expand Germany’s territories through conflict would settle old scores, Satan too will see his kingdom come crashing down; but what of the toll before that day?

As the suffering in Russia continued throughout the war and afterwards, so will our pain continue as our enemy begins his assault on our lives and establishments.  We no longer can say that we were not warned.  We no longer say that we did not know.  We can no longer state that what is ongoing was not expected.  Every human catastrophe that we hear about or read about each day is a warning from God that we ignore by blaming others collectively.  We have elevated ourselves so high upon our selfish pedestals that with one easy swing our lives would come crashing down, kind of like June 22, 1941 when Germany officially invaded Russia.

The endurance of Europe was over and a total breaking point had been reached.  All of Europe was in ruins with the exception of one country.  Asia had been overrun by Japan with China and the Philippines suffering horrendous atrocities.  Almost every life within the conflict had been turned upside down and it really did not seem like too much more could occur, that is until December 7, 1941 came and the world plunged even further into its quagmire.  Global conflict was now at hand and it would take years before the fighting and death tolls would end.  Now, take a moment and think about all of the garbage that we are facing today and place it on the same scale as a war.

We have to remember something here, Satan does not care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or not even affiliated with a political party.  Satan does not care if your are Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran or Assembly of God.  He does not care if you are a male or female.  He does not care if you are young or old.  He does not care about 1 thing about your life.  The ONLY thing he cares about is your total destruction and eternal damnation with complete separation from God.  And in order for him to accomplish this goal, he needs us to cooperate with his goal.  So, he has drawn up a plan, a pact if you wish so that he can achieve his goal.

By blinding us enough to begin this process he has started a method of deceit that has overtaken and overrun our borders.  The potential that we have to thwart his goal is slowly yet steadily evaporating all in the name of choice and freedom.  As Hitler used the non aggression pact against Russia, so too is our enemy against us.  He is placing us in a lulled condition while he walks through and takes up our own space.  He has dulled our hearts enough to accept wrong as right and has grayed the lines of said borders, enough to glorify death and rage while laugh at the innocent and mock the just.  Russia did not prepare for such an invasion from the west and it proved costly not only for the military of Russia but for millions of innocent civilians as well.  The signed pact between two countries was deemed perfect, yet only one of the leaders banged his fists on a banquet table and screamed “now we’ve got them” when he heard the news of the signing.

The bottom line is this, Satan deems us his property and territory and as long as we allow him to rule our lives accordingly, he will continue to build up his forces in order to form the final invasion.  It is true that the United States of America is the greatest country that has ever been inexistence.  The enormous amount of wealth and power has been used on every table throughout our history, but the time has come that we have rose above our own creations and initiated ourselves as gods.  It is in this condition to which our enemy wishes because when this belief becomes a law within our hearts, and we are at this point, he is poised to strike a death blow to our realm.

Russia was always asking the Allies to open a second front against Germany, but their resources had been exhausted in trying to curtail Germany’s movements.  The USA was quietly staying neutral on most terms, but was totally against committing men and machinery to the cause that really did not involve them.  A quick note here in that it was later discovered that Germany had already drawn up plans for the invasion of the USA and so had Japan, so eventually the plans of the USA were outdated and on a different level as our enemies’.

We have played games long enough with the notion that God’s Kingdom and cooperate with Satan’s kingdom.  We have tried our humanly best to mix the two kingdom principles all the while not even fully understanding the principles of the two in the first place.  Satan sees you as being his, period.  What he considers his is your eternal damnation and separation from God which means if he succeeds, then…..he really has eternally succeeded.  It was no secret that Germany wanted to wipe out the Jews from the face of the earth and it was also no secret as to their similar belief of Russia as well.  Let there be no mistake that our eternal enemy wants to eternally destroy our lives and to eternally separate us from God, period.

The involvement of the United States into World War II was the shot that was needed to save civilization as we know it.  Due to this inclusion we can only have thoughts of what life might have been after the shooting had ceased.  We can look to the USA’s participation in WWII as a turning point of that conflict and one can with honesty state that if the States had not joined all hope would have been lost.  One can also compare this participation as being a savior for the world.  While not every act on our side was truly holy, our overall God fearing beliefs carried us towards victory over the enemy.

Boy, how have we turned from this concept of God fearing.  Just as Russia had forgotten about the thinness of the agreement between Germany and itself, so too have we forgot to include God in our lives.  As a result our defenses have become vulnerable and our stamina sluggish.  Our once proud might and stature is now been leveled at the knees all through our misunderstanding of the enemy and his purpose for our existence.  We have played right into his fists of banging on the table and like Russia have voluntarily given up the fight without even knowing where to shoot.

The only way for us to get back into the game is to erase the contract with our enemy that we have signed.  If we continue to live by these decrees then there will be some point where the enemy will want to claim what we have as his.  If we do not grasp the concept of Kingdom and how that battle comes into play over our lives, we are sunk just sitting ducks waiting for the shots to be fired in our direction.  Every aspect of our lives will change with our entire way of life will no longer be easily achieved and maybe never reached again.  Our enemy is eternally bound in separation from God and that is exactly what he wants for our lives, as an individual and as a nation.  Satan shall claim what we have given to him, for it is his right to do so and through this spiritual right, God can only sit and watch His people be destroyed.  Hedges of protection mean everything to our existence and we are burning them away at drought like speed.

God does not wish to see even one of His children lose their life and be eternally separated from Him.  However, if we do not turn around and repent of what we have voluntarily done, this will be the case for billions of people, not just one.  The solution is simple, give up the ways of the world and return to God’s ways.  If we really seek true freedom and peace, this is the only way possible, on all levels of our existence.  If we continue to push God out of our lives do not be shocked when the world as we know it comes crashing down.  There have been many people question the fact that the west (USA) is not mentioned in the end times, and to be honest there is a specific reason for that.  God wishes to restore His eternal relationship with us and this was physically proven to us through His Son Jesus.  God loves you and me equally and justly.  Seek Him to find the end of our contract with our enemy for He is the only way, before our enemy takes what he believes is his and has access to.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Moneychangers

The Moneychangers


This title should not be unfamiliar to many and it might even stir some personal emotions giving the situation that the title of this letter suggests.  I find it amazing that God opens the spiritual eyes of those who wish to learn the deep truth about His Word and this message is no different.  How does this example come into play with our lives and in the life of the Church?  One might be surprised after they read this letter; God is steadily tugging at our lives wanting us to fully understand His Word so that we know everything possible concerning what lies ahead for our existence and also answers the question whether you are a moneychanger or not.

First of all I have to admit that I have struggled with this letter and its writing of it.  God has been giving me many things to write about over the past three years now and the topics continue to flow from His heart every day.  I have no shortage of things to write about for God is a complete God and He follows a specific pattern and does not waiver at all.  I have started this letter two previous times and have been so frustrated with its content, like something was not correct about the words.  I blamed the enemy and then I blamed myself all the while missing what God was trying to get across to everyone.  It was in my hurriedness that I totally missed what God was trying to say; yes, some of the words that I had written are used, in fact, many of them are but in a total different way.  So, I too have learned another example of God through this letter and that is to be patient, for He is in control of things, not me.

What is funny about my rushing to complete this letter is that it basically deals with a similar topic that God has been sharing with us for a while now and that is about our personal lives and how we believe that we can mix the two kingdoms together, especially when they are so engaged for our eternal lives.  I know that I do not completely understand everything that is going on for our lives, but the things that God has shown me to write about have one specific meaning and that is Kingdom.  Kingdom stands for repentance, restoration and for the advancement of God’s Kingdom to a blackened world.  Our enemy is doing a fabulous job in dulling our hearts enough to make sure that we do not wish to participate in this choice, but to choose his kingdom of pleasure and availability instead.

Many of you know that I have four girls in my family.  Right at the moment we are keeping another young lady in our house until graduation and she has become a part of our family as well.  You put her along with all of my other daughters’ friends that call us mom and dad together and our family becomes quite extensive, and I would not have it any other way.  I love all of my girls and through their presence within our walls, I have learned so much about them and about life itself through these ladies, on every level.

A couple of evenings ago my girls came home from their youth group and one of them asked if she could ask me a few questions about what was taught at youth group; of course, I said.  She began to ask me about a specific example that the youth pastor used and I gave her an explanation that she could understand.  While the idea of her asking me a question was wonderful it was the other side of the issue that gave me confidence in what she was receiving at youth.  She actually had questions!!!  Not about how many kids were at youth or what kind of games they played before and after the service, but about the service itself and the content of the message spoken.  And it is through this setting that we can grasp a good concept of how why moneychangers were allowed into the Temple at all.

How easy is it for us to accept things into our lives without knowing what the extent of our decisions will have?  Yet we have countless examples of this occurring throughout human history and even within Church history as well.  We have become a blinded and numb society when it comes to information and accordingly we readily accept this information without making sure it is legitimate.  We continue this path by applying it to our lives and unknowingly indoctrinate ourselves with its information.  It is this path that brings us to the example of the moneychangers and every participant in the example.

As the title of this letter suggests God will be sharing with us about the exchange Jesus had with the moneychangers and the High Priest and the other priests of the Temple.  But there is a few details that some of us may not know about that brings this setting into today’s world and sheds more light on how we have allowed the enemy to enter into our spirits and to accept the world as our standard instead of God.  Matthew 21:10-15 will serve as the reference for this letter; even though verse 16 goes with this setting I am not including it in this article for God has another topic in mind for that powerful verse.  But please know that God is planning on using that verse as well for another topic.

In verse 10 we read that Jesus has entered into the city of Jerusalem and that the city is all abuzz with this arrival.  Today Jerusalem is a modern and bustling city with every type of movement one would expect from such a venue.  In Jesus’ time this would also be the case since even back then Jerusalem was the centerpiece of that era.  Now, the population of Jerusalem was not as it is today but when you compare the overall population of the area at that time to today, one can agree that the proportions would be similar; in other words, with the human population and the vantage of word of mouth travel, it is feasible that the entire city knew that Jesus was in town and were curious to find out what all the commotion was about.  This verse also states that Jesus was very well known in the area and that His words were interesting enough to grab the attention of most of the community and those not of Jewish belief as well.

Verse 11 states that people began to answer those who were asking about Jesus and who He was to them.  This verse also sets into motion the scenario of the moneychangers through the normal participation of humans, for it is through human activity that thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are born and then cultivated.  The center of all Jewish life was the Temple and it would have been very common to see many people in its outer courts every day.  Milling around would have been totally accepted with all types of casual conversations being completed.  Great anticipations from the High Priests and leaders of the Jewish community would have been heard as well here; good or bad information being presented.

If this was the setting that Jesus had walked upon there probably would not have been any true commotion, but it was not the scene that He witnessed and the scene that He did encounter defines the place that we currently find our own churches struggling with today.  Most of us understand the concept of a moneychanger and why that person would be doing business but to do so by taking advantage of the daily situations and placing it into the Temple is way over the top of Temple practices and authorization.

Yet the High Priest and his subordinates allowed this event to take place and for the moneychangers to operate within the confines of the Temple grounds.  Verse 12 states that Jesus came into the Temple and began cleaning house so to speak.  For everyone who has read this passage understands this portion of the verse but it is what occurs before this scene that some of us have not thought about yet it sets the overall facts of why Jesus did what He did to these people.  It also gives us a behind the scenes explanation as to why the leaders of the Temple were so upset as well.

In order for Jesus to have encountered the moneychangers and those who bought and sold in the Temple, there must have first been an agreement with those people and the leaders of the Temple for them to be there in the first place.  Nothing of continual notice was allowed on Temple grounds that the leaders did not approve of first.  This means that the moneychangers and everyone else who was selling items that day had direct permission to do so from the High Priest.  Why?  With the human mind in place here, one can formulate that those people had made some kind of arrangement with the leaders in order for both parties to be accepted within the Temple grounds.  In other words, both sides of the table were going to profit from this exchange.

The moneychangers and their practices had been accepted within the Temple confines and allowed to do their works on Temple grounds unabated.  Is this a condition of the Temple that God would really approve of?  With the arrival of Jesus into the city, and given the size of the city at that time and how fast a person could relay information, the spreading of His presence throughout the city meant nothing to the High Priests or the moneychangers which means that they were comfortable in their spots of trade and according to their surroundings were not in any need of worry.  Have you ever asked yourself why there was not any commotion in this setting until Jesus provoked it?

All of a sudden a man who has some influence within the Jewish community comes into the courts and begins throwing a fit with those who have direct permission to be there.  Today many would scream and cry that they had a right to be there and according to the humans in charge of the day they did.  But in God’s eyes and they were wrong and they needed to be shown in a stern manner of such.  The question now must be asked is this: by whose authority do we have the right to bring our compromises into the church walls?  Many times it is allowed through the leadership of the church and others it is just allowed, period.

When Jesus entered into the Temple and witnessed what was transpiring, His blood pressure must have gone through the roof.  Of course He noticed all of the business transactions ongoing but what really must have got His spirit in an uproar was that the leaders of the Temple were right there watching everything occur, approving of every deal that was made.  Jesus was upset with every side of the setting here but He must have been tremendously hurt by what He saw and heard from the leaders of the Temple; or did He already know of their hearts???

As I have stated above, in order for the moneychangers to have access to the Temple they had to have permission with the leaders of the Temple.  This also sets the stage that the Jewish community had enough knowledge of the Temple leaders to broach the subject of trading within the Temple in the first place, which means they felt like they would not be turned away, or not afraid of their ideas being suggested to them.  The people had to have known the beliefs of the priests in order to suggest this, or how to react if a priest suggested this type of behavior to the people.  In any case, all sides must be considered when humans with selfish intentions are involved.  So, which side of the argument do you place yourself in?

When one places it into a human content it is easy for us to also understand why the priests would allow this to occur, the influx benefited both parties.  The “in thing” was for the Temple to allow such activities, but according to the Laws that God made this was totally unacceptable.  This entire setting indicates that the eyes and hearts of the leaders of the Temple were on the people’s wants instead of the true Laws of God.  This setting actually will play a part into the betrayal of Jesus in just a short period of time; it also depicts of how the heart progresses in spiritual and physical behavior.  The main question today is: what is the “in thing” at this moment and how does it relate to the moneychangers inside the Temple in Matthew Chapter 21?

It is evident that both the moneychangers and the priests had similar ideas about how to make money for themselves and at the same time justifying and defending their choices.  Both took advantage of the situation according to their knowledge of the popularity of the setting and it was this mixing that Jesus took great measures against.  This setting might seem a bit trivial to some but if one understands why Jesus was so upset it will become clear that the true mission of the Temple was being violated.  Jesus explains why He did this act through a few simple words.  Those words are recorded in verse 13 when He said that “My house shall be a house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

This means that the moneychangers and the priests were stealing from God.  What a bold statement coming from a man who the priests did not like in the first place, especially when He was undoing a prior agreement between both involved parties.  Why did Jesus state that they had made His house a den of thieves?  It begins with the first portion of verse 13 when Jesus states that His house is a house of prayer.  This means that when a person comes into that place they should be totally focused upon God, not the things of man.  God takes precedence and sole command of the person’s time, for it serves as a time of relationship with God and a time of communication between Creator and creation.

It is this reason that Jesus makes the statement, in the second portion of verse 13, that they made His house a den of thieves. For their actions to buy and sell were taking away the purity of the Temple and stealing time away from God and His creations.  God’s buildings, designs, plans, and all other means concerning His creations have a direct purpose and one goal in mind and it does not include any distractions of the human heart.  Why is this setting important for us today? Because we need to understand exactly what is going on in this story because in some cases it has already been put into motion and in other cases it is vastly approaching to being put into place within our lives.

It is a dangerous situation since the Bible clearly states that we are the Temple and we need to place it into our hearts the importance of this statement.  If the moneychangers were allowed to roam the Temple freely and promote their products within the grounds, the same type of setting can be introduced into our personal temples as well.  We cannot afford to become comfortable with the things of the world, for if we do then we will eventually allow them into our Temple grounds.  The world did not create us, God did and that means that if He needs to overturn our tables, then He shall do it.  Jesus set the example when He performed this act and it made the Jewish leaders mad for it broke up their evil and divisive scheme.  God will shake His ground at some point in time when needed; it is up to us to heed this example before He has to do it Himself or if our enemy is given the opportunity to perform this task unabated through our choices.

Jesus understood that there are two kingdoms vying for our lives and through His actions that day in the Temple, He took authority over the direction that the Temple was headed.  It was not according to the choices of the moneychangers nor was it according to the leaders of the Temple, but of God’s.  The moneychangers did not have to a “member” of the Jewish community to be allowed into the Temple grounds, but a deal was struck.  The leaders did not have to believe that all was bad concerning the buying and selling of items within the Temple and a deal was struck.  But God had a huge deal with these actions because the only direct link between Him and mankind was being interrupted by man’s earthly thinking and reasoning.

Lastly, in verse 14 it states that the blind and the lame came to Him and He healed them.  This is what the House of God is supposed to be doing.  These types of actions are a direct result of prayer and what it means to be instilled with God.  Are we seeing many healings and praise reports in our churches today?  No!  It is all about who did what to others and what other denominations are doing to suit their congregations.  There is no focus on God and His message to a dying world.  Jesus was NEVER accepted by the world and neither should the Church!  If you are being accepted by the world then you should be made aware that you have become a moneychanger.

Why will you not be accepted by the world?  Verse 15 explains this in that through Jesus’ healings and miracles the chief priests were very upset.  They should be overjoyed!!!!  Yet their true intentions came out and were mad because Jesus did what the Temple was built to do.  Wait a minute….Think about that for a minute and place it on a personal level.  If you are a Temple then that means you should be healing and performing miracles as well; pushing God’s Kingdom forward and not the enemy’s.  It is very clear that we are not completing the mission that Jesus told us to do and if we are not, then we have become moneychangers and have allowed this story to take place in our lives.

There is time for us to wake up and to change our hearts.  We need to change our hearts quickly because the more of the moneychanger spirituality that is allowed into our lives the harder it shall be to end it.  God is asking us to choose Him and to turn from our wicked ways before He has to allow some severe shaking to occur.  God asks us to look at our personal temples and to see the condition that they are in and if we see any mixing we need to rid ourselves of the moneychangers.  God loves us with every inch of His huge heart and it is His desire for us to live in direct communication with Him at all times.  He sent His Son to explain this concept to us and through this truth provide us with a glimpse that there is a distinct line between these two kingdoms.  God is giving us a few more chances to understand this truth before things change for our lives; Repent, turn and allow true restoration that is the message that God wants us to hear.