Thursday, May 28, 2015

When a Nation Becomes 330 Million Inhabitants

When a Nation Becomes 330 Million Inhabitants


One would think that a nation of this multitude would carry a certain clout within the world’s stage and for the country known as the United States it does.  However, as we all know there are other countries that have certain populations that are just as populous and some even greater in number than this country, yet do not carry as much weight within the world’s community.  This means that a certain presence or place has been made for this country one that should be revered yet sanctioned at the same time; a place that should never forget its founder or its foundation.  For once a country is defined its foundation cannot be altered in any way and still expect to be maintained accordingly but for some reason I guess we want to become just 330 million.

It is no secret that both China and India have over a billion inhabitants each and represent almost a ¼ of the world’s population when combined.  It is also known that China is vastly becoming an economic powerhouse and is slowly buying up millions of acres a year in several countries and territories.  China has emerged out of its shell to become a formidable challenge to the remaining parts of the world and can no longer be considered a “small” nation.  It now has a large and modern military that can pose a threat to any country in the world, and is also figuring out how it can manipulate other regional nations into getting its way on many levels.

India is a nuclear nation which has an ugly enemy to its north.  India is not usually considered to pose a world threat to anyone even though it is most famously known as a former colony of the United Kingdom.  Many parts of India are still living in poverty and the sex and slave trades are horrendous with no end in sight for both of those industries.  And while over a billion people reside within its borders India still remains a fairly quiet territory which holds its tongue regularly but keeps an all Seeing Eye open on everything that goes on around the world.

With all of the diversity in number population within the world today it would seem that the countries with larger populations would dominate the major entities that govern the world.  Many of these nations do have this type of regional stigma and status but on a global scale they seem to be weaker while being boisterous in their communication levels.  With a world that follows population guidelines through the strength in numbers settings, one would believe that the same would be constitutionally sound on the worldly stage.  In other words, why is India and Malaysia so quiet during all of the United Nations meetings yet very vocal when their regional Asian organizations meet for their annual conferences?

Have we even begun to look at how these countries, both small and large, were established or created?  I do know that for many of these countries religion plays a huge role in their daily lives even marking who they complete business with a marketing nightmare.  How do these religious beliefs result in their development and status within the global community and is there any difference in these beginnings and how these countries fall within their global settings today?  Many would argue that there is no place for this concept in play, but one has to take into consideration as to why a billion people populous does not dominate world trends and markets extensively.

By whose authority should a nation of 330 million people dictate a global economy when there are at least two other nations that have more people living within their borders and several other nations close to the number of people as this specific figure?  It is clear that the tides of blessings have been bestowed upon our nation even though we ourselves have committed atrocities on many people’s lives over our history.  What sets our country apart from other nations in order that we have a unique place within the global setting?

For many decades this standard of ours, we have worn with pride and with dignity.  We have stood firm with our stick and have not had to use it many times, but at least we have displayed our resolute when times were troubled.  It is clear that times have changed and that some policies needed to be updated but it is also clear that some of the institutions that were deemed acceptable have been pushed aside as being too extreme or “out of touch with society”.  Are these ideas and beliefs actually out of date or have they just fallen victim of trends that feel good?

A while back God shared with us an article topic that stated that an idea of an individual will eventually grow into a law and take the necessary populous steps in order to achieve this status.  It is evident that this practice of humanity is in full swing with new additions to worldly culture being accepted and applied almost every day.  It is also becoming more difficult for these changes to be readily accepted by some of the other nations simply because of their religious beliefs or opposing moral standards.  Of course the quick and normal worldly thing to do is to become angry and boycott these nations or even protest their existence in society.  And when the country with 330 million people dictate what a billion people say and believe things could get a little bit hairy down the road.

What would happen if our status as a world leader and most powerful nation simply collapse?  How would someone or a state or even this entire nation handle such a situation?  What if another depression occurred, one that mimicked the 1929 crash or was even far greater than that travesty?  Would we be prepared for such a disaster or would we basically implode with all of the current issues that we are ignoring simply because our attention is elsewhere?  All of these questions shall come into play and we shall play out the results if we do not change our ways, now.  It is not a matter of if; it is a matter of soon.

When one looks at our historical timeline we have to believe in its founding and origins; our foundation if one wishes to use that terminology.  The foundation of our country did not start in 1776 as many would like to proclaim but far earlier than that.  It actually began when Columbus was leaving his port in and at that watching the Jews being thrown out of his country by the rulers of the land and the Church.  It was through this voyage that the New World was discovered and with this discovery and a little time the newly found lands were finally going to be inhabited by new people.

In 1607 the first thing that John Smith did when his ship anchored was to build a cross and to dedicate the new land and life to God.  This was the true and heartfelt desire of these people when they stepped foot on the shores of this continent.  Was everything from then on a bed of roses?  No way!  In fact, many startup projects were not completed and at times it looked like the newly arrived people were not going to physically make their presence felt long enough, but they persevered and did their best to maintain their presence and to make right the dedication to God.

Then the colonies became increasingly stronger and eventually gained their independence from the only know superpower of that time period.  The fight was severe and it cost many lives but it was worth it and every person that played a part in that fight has been remembered thoroughly throughout the centuries since.  Our first president George Washington made some astounding remarks during his first inauguration, which represented the first time that this country had an elected head and a legislative body which truly constituted our existence and defined us as a nation.

In President Washington’s first inauguration address he made this statement:” Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station; it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge.  In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either.  No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States.  Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.  And in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their United Government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most Governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage.  These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed.  You will join with me I trust in thinking, that there are none under the influence of which the proceedings of a new and free Government can more auspiciously commence.”

President Washington further states: “Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained”

These two statements, from the first official act of the formal United States of America, from the first American President make a huge motion for God being the purpose and the provider for this country.  His words also proclaim what should happen if the people of this country should ever forget who is actually responsible for their freedom, way of living and provider and then goes on to say that if eve we shun the “eternal order and right” that our nation should not expect one more blessing from her provider.  These are powerful words delivered at a public and official setting and probably would never be spoken at a current and similar setting today.  And through this trust it should be known that we have reached the point to where President Washington stated that we should never receive another blessing from God.

An important fact that we need to remember about today that is tied in with the first inaugural address and prayer that President Washington led back in 1789.  After the Presidential address had been completed the president led Congress over to St Paul’s Chapel and prayed for guidance and leadership for the country.  It was in this church that the first president of this country officially asked God for guidance in order that he would lead the country in the right direction, especially after what the country had just endured over the past few years.  It was Washington’s heart cry to ensure Congress and the people of the country that he was hearing from the one who allowed this country to be established.

St Paul’s Chapel is still standing today and continues to hold church services on a regular basis.  St Paul’s sits just a few yards from ground zero where the twin towers fell on September 11, 2001.  During this devastating event the church was not structurally damaged in ant major capacity and it was a miracle that it was still standing after both towers collapsed.  I do not know if anyone has placed the connection between St Paul’s Chapel and the twin towers into this type of context before but God wants us to understand that it is time that we did.

In 1607 Captain John Smith dedicated this land to God and for His usage and purpose.  At that time the nation was not even inexistence and in reality no one knew if it would survive or not.  After a hard fought war and regional and tribal skirmishes with the Indians, the country finally was established and born.  In 1789, she elected her first president who upon the first official act declared the land God’s and thanked the Almighty Author for His protection and guidance during that time.  President Washington then dedicated all the past, present and future blessings of the country to God and recognized exactly where they had come from as well.  He also served a warning to everyone that if this country should ever abandon God and His rules and order that we should not receive any further blessings until we change.  In both “firsts” in this country God was present and the center of the people’s hearts which gives God claim to serve as provider of property; which automatically claims Shemitah laws over our lives.

What kind of country would grow to 330 million people and be considered the leader of the entire world and its standard then have it all collapse around us due to the fact that we “out grew” the need for God and pushed Him aside with the garbage.  Well, we are completing this task at record pace folks and it looks like we are going to continue this path without looking back.  I am amazed at the fact that St Paul’s Chapel escaped the horrific calamity that 9/11 brought to our land but I am so much more thankful of what that Chapel represents than any other thing.  The difference between a country with 330 million people who represent leaders of the entire world to that of the same country of 330 million people who have a small voice in world conditions boils down to one source, God.

When a person or group prays that means they are talking to God.  It is a personal talk one that likens to having a relationship and it is through this relationship that God saved for us to remember just how strong He is and that as long as we are on His side and are in relationship with Him, He shall keep us protected when devastating storms (and collapsing buildings) are around us.  But if we do not keep this relationship He will allow our enemies to take down our idols completely.  We have a small window in which to change our patterns before God allows something greater to occur.  It is in our path if we do not allow God to restore our lives back into Covenant. 

One final thought from God for this article and letter and it is this:  this year marks a Shemitah year which means that it is a Sabbatical year.  It is a year of forgiveness and restoration for the Jewish lands and hearts.  God is a just and equal God and since He has shown us in the years 2001 and again in 2008 (both Shemitah years) that He has His eyes on our country and we are vastly approaching the end of this Shemitah year of 2015.  God does not waiver from His ways nor does He slumber in His ways and if God sets a pattern into motion if is guaranteed that He shall continue the motion until a final verdict is made.  It is strictly up to us folks and it is solely our choice whether or not to choose God or to choose the world.  God is making a move for His people and so is our enemy which one will we choose?

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