Monday, May 11, 2015

What is Mine

What is Mine


How much do we realize the contacts we make actually define our present and our future and to what extent will we go to ensure that these contacts stay in place?  We have a tendency that once a pact is made that it shall be intact until the terms are mutually ended.  Throughout history, we have witnessed this belief proven wrong again and again and yet we continue to place our trust in mankind instead of the One Truth.  Through these contacts and contracts, our lives become dependent and through these same instances may prove to be the end of our lives empirically.

My mother has always stated that hindsight is 20/20 and coming from a guy whose eyes are not very good, this should mean something special.  We have all made mistakes in our past and it is our goal to not rewrite the same personal history again.  So why is it so difficult to walk down a different path so that we can avoid the present pitfalls?  It is no question that making assurances and alliances gives us confidence in everything that we do, but how serious do we take these contracts and do we fully understand the entire scope and realm of those who we trust?

I remember during my junior high school and high school days that some of the kids that I hung around were not the best of influences on my life; I realize this now but not at that time.  I could not understand why my parents did not approve of some of them because according to my eyes there was nothing wrong with them, they even came from good families, some from the church.  But it was the background and history of those kids that I failed to know about or knew about that concerned my parents.  And it is this history that told many stories of their true behavior that they did want me to associate with.  I had no idea at the time just exactly what association with others meant and the potential consequences it could have on my life.  While everything that I could see at that moment and everything that I knew about my friends, I was not fully informed of all of the truth and it could have paid a huge price on my life.

Hobbs, New Mexico is not a great memory for me, even though I only lived there for approximately six months.  I had a few girlfriends during this time that really had no chance of any long term relationship developing, but there was one girl, in particular, that did fancy my eye.  What made things a little bit better was the fact that she went to the church and according to my standards, that was a shoe-in for acceptance from mom and dad.  I knew that her brother attended the church and that he was not the best person within the community, but I dismissed that fact and began to court her anyway.  The relationship seemed like it was going well and everything was on go for a while; without any hiccups.  On the other hand of the total picture, I had no idea that my association with this girl was actually setting me up for disaster.

My parents found out that her brother was a leader of a gang that was operating through the youth group of the church my dad pastored; and many people questioned my dad’s sermons concerning repentance at that time.  Anyway, it was through this gang that my life became a target and they were using this girl to lure me into a trap.  Did Tina know this, I have no idea, but my guess would be that she had an idea.  I was willing to basically sign my life away on a single thought over a girl.  While this has occurred many times in the past, it was not for me to endure and my parents had to step in and get me away from that setting.  But the point was that I was willing to do this without knowing or wanting to know the entire setting and circumstances.  And it is through this process of making a pact with our enemy that places all of us into trouble.  It is this type of choice that I am talking about when it could mean life or death and how important it is to understand all aspects of a contract before it is signed or agreed to.

One of the most horrific events in human history occurred during the mid portion of the 20th century in the form of World War II.  Not many people would argue that this single event brought more death and heartache across the world than any other previous event.  There is nothing good about war or the results and consequences of such fighting between humans.  Once a war has begun it is very difficult to see what the catalysts were that defined that war and set the overall course of that conflict.  Historians after the fact can sit down and ascertain some of the predefining circumstances that led to the destruction of all sides involved.  One of these predetermining factors of World War II is the Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact.  It was through this pact that Germany actually gained the upper hand with their enemy which would prove costly on both sides a couple years later.

When you look at German – Russian history, there are not many occurrences that both of these countries are on the same side of issues.  It is a common feature that both of these countries and ethnic peoples consider themselves to be arch enemies and probably never will see eye to eye on many present or future issues.  So why would these two nations sign an agreement so vital that it would prove detrimental?  Why would a bitter enemy sit and watch as their arch enemy take control of other lands and not believe that one day they would do the same to their lands?  It would be a natural response for this occurrence to transpire; so it goes in our spiritual lives as well.

It is to everyone’s amazement that Stalin followed through with his exiling and even execution of many of the personnel that he sent to keep an official eye on Germany.  These reports proved to be highly accurate and would have given Russia ample time to raise a formidable defense for the impending attack.  Instead, he used this information as a traitorous block and thus made ridiculous decisions accordingly which down the road paved for their destruction and not their construction.  It is easy for us to write about these types of mistakes concerning mankind’s history but by all accounts, could many of these Russian deaths and in some cases total annihilation of peoples caused by the Germans have been thwarted or subdued?  The answer is yes; if Stalin would have taken all sides seriously and welcomed all information coming from his spies instead of believing the propaganda of the Pact.

When a person is glancing over this non aggression pact between these two countries it probably would raise many questions as to why Stalin would do such a thing to his own people and willingly place his country at the mercy of an enemy whose was visibly bigger and stronger.  Yet on the other hand, if one conducts a hard and thorough study of such agreement they would come to the conclusion that the general contract guidelines were more important than what was ongoing behind the scenes.  Keeping the agreement solid made Stalin make the fatal judgment calls.

This pact between two ancient enemies signified a larger scaled event that would come to haunt both sides a few years later.  But for the meantime all seemed fairly quiet on the other side of the pens.  Germany used the pact to ensure that they could have forces available in the west so it could run across Europe without any provocation from Russia.  Similarly Russia needed an assurance that Germany would not attack on their western border due to the fact that Japan was threatening Russia with attack from the East.  Both situational circumstances were in agreement, but while one party took the agreement as a long term and potential permanent treaty, the other party took it as a means of ultimately expanding their empire into the other’s territory.

It was through this deceptive proclamation that Germany used to gains its access to Russian lands.  Germany made no dire threats during this time period nor she it banish any Russian government official from its capital, Germany just quietly and methodically built up its troop levels close enough to the established border with Russia so that an invasion would be easier and more effective.  Russian spies within Germany saw this troop movement and reported their findings to Moscow, but the Russian leader ignored them and placed the spies on notice resulting in some of their lives.  Germany placed its war machine into high gear after its conquering of Western Europe.  All wheels were rolling when it came time to execute its ultimate plan, destroying its arch enemy once and for all.

When the capitulation in Western Europe was completed, Germany now had the resources to attack Russia and on a specific day and time that invasion came with a ferocity that took all of Russia by surprise.  Stalin was stunned, so much so that he actually hid himself in his cabin in the woods to try and absorb the shock of the betrayal.  But was this a real betrayal or a lack of following through with a known enemy?  Over the course of the next four years Russia and Germany fought a bitter war with each other, with both sides committing atrocities against each other.  Total bitterness raged through these fights and as these battles continued the death toll mounted.

Germany knew exactly what it was wanting to accomplish and so did Russia; however, the goals of each side were totally different and while Russia eventually won their fight against Germany the toll and loss placed a heavy burden upon that country, and for many decades to come this toll and punishment continued in the form of a new philosophy which dominated the Soviet Union.  It was the difference in the two sides’ goals that set the course of action and it also determined the outcome of millions of lives as well.  The fighting within Russia continued and even after the war had ended Russia continued to murder its own people, some for the vaguest reasons.  When all was said and done, the world was torn apart by man’s selfish beliefs and it would take a miracle from God to put the pieces back together.

Today, Russia and Germany are still squabbling over many issues and with Russia doing its best to fulfill biblical settings it does not seem likely that matters have been settled at all.  As one watches the tones and body languages of each leader, they can tell that neither are comfortable being around each other and it is not difficult to notice other leaders dancing around the same flame.  The die was cast a very long time ago and it remains as a huge stain on each country and it is through this dye that the eyes and heart of each country sees the other.

How does a human pact between two warring countries impact our individual lives, both spiritually and physically?  It is because the same concept is in play here and we humans have done a fabulous job in forgetting who our enemy is and just what his goals are.  The major truths that we have forgotten and are now fully ignoring include that we have lost consciousness concerning who our enemy is.  We have also forgotten why he hates us in the first place and from where he originated, his destiny and his purpose for our lives.  We no longer care about the powers that he has over the world and how he shall use them according to our choices.  Finally, and most importantly, we have totally forgotten what is at stake.  In other words, we have different goals than what he has and one day it shall come to a head.

An important detail of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the fact that territory was involved.  It was through this territory that Germany saw their capacity at the expense of Russia.  Germany has always been a major force within Europe and their beliefs of cultural and ethnic domination has followed them closely.  Hitler fully believes that all of Europe belonged to Germany and that it was Germany’s right to reclaim it.  Hitler was so enraged at what the European nations did to Germany after WWI that he forcefully took back the land that Germany once controlled and then wished to expand the living space for the future of Germany.  Germany’s mission was to reclaim what was theirs and to expand according to what they believed was necessary to live comfortably which is exactly what Satan desires for our lives, and just like Russia we are totally ignoring Satan’s buildup.

In Matthew where Jesus is being tempted, Satan takes Him up to a mountain top and offers Jesus the kingdoms of the world.  Jesus does NOT argue these words from Satan.  Why?  Because Satan is actually telling the truth, he does own the world and every earthly kingdom that has been in existence.  And while he understands that God is the Creator of all life that means his goal is to destroy life as we know it, both spiritually and physically.  Satan sees us as inhabitants of his realm and he wishes to rid us of his territory.  Just as Hitler believed that ridding the world of the Jews would solve his problems, expand Germany’s territories through conflict would settle old scores, Satan too will see his kingdom come crashing down; but what of the toll before that day?

As the suffering in Russia continued throughout the war and afterwards, so will our pain continue as our enemy begins his assault on our lives and establishments.  We no longer can say that we were not warned.  We no longer say that we did not know.  We can no longer state that what is ongoing was not expected.  Every human catastrophe that we hear about or read about each day is a warning from God that we ignore by blaming others collectively.  We have elevated ourselves so high upon our selfish pedestals that with one easy swing our lives would come crashing down, kind of like June 22, 1941 when Germany officially invaded Russia.

The endurance of Europe was over and a total breaking point had been reached.  All of Europe was in ruins with the exception of one country.  Asia had been overrun by Japan with China and the Philippines suffering horrendous atrocities.  Almost every life within the conflict had been turned upside down and it really did not seem like too much more could occur, that is until December 7, 1941 came and the world plunged even further into its quagmire.  Global conflict was now at hand and it would take years before the fighting and death tolls would end.  Now, take a moment and think about all of the garbage that we are facing today and place it on the same scale as a war.

We have to remember something here, Satan does not care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or not even affiliated with a political party.  Satan does not care if your are Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran or Assembly of God.  He does not care if you are a male or female.  He does not care if you are young or old.  He does not care about 1 thing about your life.  The ONLY thing he cares about is your total destruction and eternal damnation with complete separation from God.  And in order for him to accomplish this goal, he needs us to cooperate with his goal.  So, he has drawn up a plan, a pact if you wish so that he can achieve his goal.

By blinding us enough to begin this process he has started a method of deceit that has overtaken and overrun our borders.  The potential that we have to thwart his goal is slowly yet steadily evaporating all in the name of choice and freedom.  As Hitler used the non aggression pact against Russia, so too is our enemy against us.  He is placing us in a lulled condition while he walks through and takes up our own space.  He has dulled our hearts enough to accept wrong as right and has grayed the lines of said borders, enough to glorify death and rage while laugh at the innocent and mock the just.  Russia did not prepare for such an invasion from the west and it proved costly not only for the military of Russia but for millions of innocent civilians as well.  The signed pact between two countries was deemed perfect, yet only one of the leaders banged his fists on a banquet table and screamed “now we’ve got them” when he heard the news of the signing.

The bottom line is this, Satan deems us his property and territory and as long as we allow him to rule our lives accordingly, he will continue to build up his forces in order to form the final invasion.  It is true that the United States of America is the greatest country that has ever been inexistence.  The enormous amount of wealth and power has been used on every table throughout our history, but the time has come that we have rose above our own creations and initiated ourselves as gods.  It is in this condition to which our enemy wishes because when this belief becomes a law within our hearts, and we are at this point, he is poised to strike a death blow to our realm.

Russia was always asking the Allies to open a second front against Germany, but their resources had been exhausted in trying to curtail Germany’s movements.  The USA was quietly staying neutral on most terms, but was totally against committing men and machinery to the cause that really did not involve them.  A quick note here in that it was later discovered that Germany had already drawn up plans for the invasion of the USA and so had Japan, so eventually the plans of the USA were outdated and on a different level as our enemies’.

We have played games long enough with the notion that God’s Kingdom and cooperate with Satan’s kingdom.  We have tried our humanly best to mix the two kingdom principles all the while not even fully understanding the principles of the two in the first place.  Satan sees you as being his, period.  What he considers his is your eternal damnation and separation from God which means if he succeeds, then…..he really has eternally succeeded.  It was no secret that Germany wanted to wipe out the Jews from the face of the earth and it was also no secret as to their similar belief of Russia as well.  Let there be no mistake that our eternal enemy wants to eternally destroy our lives and to eternally separate us from God, period.

The involvement of the United States into World War II was the shot that was needed to save civilization as we know it.  Due to this inclusion we can only have thoughts of what life might have been after the shooting had ceased.  We can look to the USA’s participation in WWII as a turning point of that conflict and one can with honesty state that if the States had not joined all hope would have been lost.  One can also compare this participation as being a savior for the world.  While not every act on our side was truly holy, our overall God fearing beliefs carried us towards victory over the enemy.

Boy, how have we turned from this concept of God fearing.  Just as Russia had forgotten about the thinness of the agreement between Germany and itself, so too have we forgot to include God in our lives.  As a result our defenses have become vulnerable and our stamina sluggish.  Our once proud might and stature is now been leveled at the knees all through our misunderstanding of the enemy and his purpose for our existence.  We have played right into his fists of banging on the table and like Russia have voluntarily given up the fight without even knowing where to shoot.

The only way for us to get back into the game is to erase the contract with our enemy that we have signed.  If we continue to live by these decrees then there will be some point where the enemy will want to claim what we have as his.  If we do not grasp the concept of Kingdom and how that battle comes into play over our lives, we are sunk just sitting ducks waiting for the shots to be fired in our direction.  Every aspect of our lives will change with our entire way of life will no longer be easily achieved and maybe never reached again.  Our enemy is eternally bound in separation from God and that is exactly what he wants for our lives, as an individual and as a nation.  Satan shall claim what we have given to him, for it is his right to do so and through this spiritual right, God can only sit and watch His people be destroyed.  Hedges of protection mean everything to our existence and we are burning them away at drought like speed.

God does not wish to see even one of His children lose their life and be eternally separated from Him.  However, if we do not turn around and repent of what we have voluntarily done, this will be the case for billions of people, not just one.  The solution is simple, give up the ways of the world and return to God’s ways.  If we really seek true freedom and peace, this is the only way possible, on all levels of our existence.  If we continue to push God out of our lives do not be shocked when the world as we know it comes crashing down.  There have been many people question the fact that the west (USA) is not mentioned in the end times, and to be honest there is a specific reason for that.  God wishes to restore His eternal relationship with us and this was physically proven to us through His Son Jesus.  God loves you and me equally and justly.  Seek Him to find the end of our contract with our enemy for He is the only way, before our enemy takes what he believes is his and has access to.


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