Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Watering System

Watering System


It is not difficult to imagine how important water is to our lives and to what extent humanity will go to in order to continually obtain its supply.  We all know that if we have too much water we will have total destruction and the same is true if we have no water at all.  There have been legal processes over water and there have been people killed in the name of water but there has been only one recorded place that has had an endless supply of water and it was our choice to throw that source away.  A component so vital to our existence and humanity trends away from its source, a question that rattles around in our hearts continually yet we still do nothing to restore the supply.

As many around the world have watched in fright, some of the states within our Union are getting pummeled with too much water from the sky.  Devastating floods have been the result of this rain and from what the forecasters have said there does not seem to be any let up anytime soon.  More good news for the people in these states, in just a few days the official hurricane season begins which places an entirely new threat of water dumping within these areas.  To add misery the areas that are receiving all of this moisture was in the middle of a big drought in which the ground was parched and this makes for further damage since now a good portion of the top soil that was remaining has now been swept into the Gulf of Mexico.  This is clearly an example of too much water and this setting is not new to these residents, but it does make one wonder about the reasons why these weather patterns occur which go totally off the grid and what humans predict.

On the other side of the nation, the opposite is in effect, with a severe drought baking the state of California.  That area has been in an increasingly destructive drought that has deepened every year for almost a decade now.  The conditions are so bad that the leaders of the state have issued tighter water restrictions for its residents, even though there is a huge source of water available to them along their shore.  This letter is not the one that shall address this specific issue for that shall come in a short time, but we must remember that in this state of the area there is an option and we have chosen not to use this option which has further damaged the area through voluntary means.

It is gardening season here in the northern hemisphere and that means many people will have small, medium and even large gardens that they wish to maintain, and in order for this to occur water is a main ingredient that is needed.  Here in Colorado the water supply is not as plentiful as it is in other parts of the nation so we have to irrigate our gardens in order for them to survive.  Sometimes it takes a couple of days for us to clean out these irrigation systems so that the water can flow to the plants properly, but while many years there are no restrictions on water I cannot always say that this is the case.

In other parts of the world, we are witnessing heat waves that are claiming hundreds of lives each day.  In fact just the other day the heat wave in India claimed over 300 lives in one area in just one day.  Still other areas such as my area are experiencing cooler than normal temperatures with a higher amount of moisture than normal and over the winter some parts of this nation had record cold temperatures and copious amounts of snowfall.  All of which contributes to the amount of water we have for the coming summer through the ingenious invention of the reservoir systems.  But even though we depend on many ways for our water supply all areas have one thing in common, none of them have the capability to produce its own water it must be supplied from a source, and when we look at the weather conditions that are currently ongoing that supply can be proportioned irrationally at times.

Over the many decades of the history of this nation, we have witnessed many settings in which people have been desperate enough over water rights that they take their fellow man to court.  There are many books written about the water wars out in the west between ranchers trying their best to keep their livestock fed and watered adequately so that they can have a good enough herd to sell at the market.  There are many movies that have depicted this type of setting which are entertaining to watch and allows our minds to think about how important water is to our lives.  My wife was raised in Wyoming and she has told me of stories about how important these water rights are and how they came to a head during her lifetime; and this was with water and modern irrigation systems in place.

Every part of our existence depends on water for without it we cannot survive for very long.  We can live for a while without food if need be, but many of us could not last more than a day without some type of water intake.  It would seem that if our bodies adapted from muck as many people say that it did, that during this process it would have found a way necessary to produce its own water source internally, the perfect and endless water source if one wants to put it that way.  Yet, that is one of the major faults of our lives I guess, or was it because at one time our bodies did not need the water in constant demand or was it continually provided from a pure source that would never cease.

There is only one system that has ever been mentioned that describes such a system and this setting occurs in the Garden of Eden.  The Bible states that God placed the Garden of Eden in a specific spot and created mankind to live and to take care of this Garden.  Many descriptive features are provided for us concerning the Garden of Eden and if we allow our minds and hearts to ponder its existence we can easily imagine of all the fulfilling necessities that were there for all life.  The stage was set for a perfect setting for a perfect creation yet through a gift from God we chose to abandon this way of existence and thus changing our lives forever.

One of the endless and perfect gifts that God gave the Garden was a continual mist that occurred in the cool of the day.  One can agree that the Garden of Eden was a perfect and pure setting for mankind and since God is perfect Himself, He cannot create anything that is not perfect which means that the Garden of Eden had its own perfect watering system built in place.  To be honest it would be hard for our minds to comprehend such a setting, one that provides all life with a perfect supply of water at all times.  Even the natural springs and hot mineral wells are not conducive to every form of life even though these sources are plentiful.  Such irony it is that the earth itself provides since the majority of its surface is covered in water.

In the Garden setting, we can picture this watering system as one that works in tandem with the surrounding conditions, providing the correct amount of water that each plant and life form needs.  The plant does not have to wither from the heat of the day nor does the human have to become dehydrated for their water supply is just a few minutes away.  No poisons in the water, no harmful chemicals to be ingested and no any microorganisms present to cause intestinal blockages or inflammations either.  A pure and perfect water system that is continually flowing and satisfactory on all levels of necessity.  This was just a small portion of the Garden of Eden but it was an important part since water was needed for life.  Even after mankind chose to end this setting God did not leave us out to dry, He provided a way for us to receive the water we needed but we had to go about things in a different way to obtain it.

God has shared with us about the difference between a want and a need in the past and one cannot find more a perfect an example as water is that would define this difference.  There is no way that a person can survive if they do not have a source of water.  Jesus used this example while He was talking to the woman at the well and through our physical beings He understands our need for physical water, yet on the other hand He understands our need for spiritual water as well and how that source has not stopped even though we continually ignore it and continue looking for something more tangible.

Since we have chosen to ignore this perfect and pure state that was provided to us we must now find ways to conserve our water supply.  This concept is not too hard to understand for it has been in practice ever since mankind has been around but when one has to deal with “Mother Nature” the human is forced to scramble at times.  While the term Mother Nature is a fictional being we still have to rely on the weather for the majority of our water, and since God is in control of the weather patterns this means we have to rely on Him.  One can call me crazy, stupid or any other name they wish but I do believe that our choices affect our lives to even the smallest degree including our earthly conditions and it is well stated as to how humanity can never run out of water.

In the book of Genesis there is a story about Joseph and how he was sold into slavery by his brothers.  We know that he was imprisoned and eventually rose to the number two position in Egypt.  One of the details about his life was when he was interpreting a dream concerning Egypt and a coming drought.  God showed him how to prepare for the coming famine by building adequate storage facilities for the harvests and it would be through these stores that Egypt would use during the famine.  The same philosophy can apply for water as well.  With all of the technology that is available to mankind now, it is a simple process to have all of the storage needed in order to survive any major disaster that might come our way.  Yet, we would rather tie up our resources on ridiculous items and waste our resources on other material wants instead of gathering up our harvests for the future.

As I look upon history I see many patterns that come and go for each part of the world.  Sometimes people are warned about these coming events and sometimes they are not but in either way humanity suffers due to its lack of belief in what is transpiring around them.  I also find that God usually gives His own set of warnings to those that are listening to His voice.  I also find it interesting that when people ignore these warnings humanity suffers even greater at the expense of themselves through their own choices.

Egypt which was a nation that held God’s own created nation in slavery had a leader willing enough to listen to what God was trying to tell him and God provided.  God even states in His map that He will heal our land if we turn back to Him and listen to His voice again.  The Pharaoh of Egypt was considered a god by the people and he was thus treated as such; this status totally violated God’s ways yet God was willing to keep His children and the people of Egypt fed during the famine.  Why?  It was because they were willing to listen and to follow the voice of God.

Over the last few years or so this nation has been torn apart by violence concerning some issues.  Recently we have once again been witness to some horrible scenes in one of our cities in this nation.  These scenes are not private and have been shown, videoed, tweeted and messaged all over the world for everyone to see.  During these settings it has been easy to watch as people choose to destroy other people’s businesses, cars and even sometimes display personal and physical violence on the innocent.

There is one striking aid here that has progressed that should be very alarming to those who were watching these festivities unfold; yes, it has everything to do with the topic of this letter.  In the previous unrest the officials of the towns and cities have tried their best to calm the nerves and tensions of all parties involved.  While some have not done their utmost in these instances, they have to be given credit for their actions.  The tensions were high a few weeks ago in Baltimore, Maryland when the same setting occurred that has fueled the past problems across the country.

The difference is that one of the officials of that city made it very clear that the city and the authority figures were giving them permission to destroy property simply because it was “just property.”  This is where the difference lies in these situations and it comes down to just one phrase.  We all know that at some point in our near future another setting like these is going to occur again and since this official used this phrase, and meant it, this official set into motion an open door for future destruction with a progressive agenda.  Yes there are those who live in this country that do not have much in storage with some having nothing at all, but the opportunities within this country are still almost limitless right at the moment.  But when times change and things go south what will be the state and frame of mind when it gets really tough for the entire world?

Whose voice will the people hear during this future time?  What mindset will the people be in when things come crashing down?  We have had plenty of warnings over the past few decades and we have taken it upon ourselves to ignore every one of them and try to “fix” things on our own.  We are not even on the same plane as Pharaoh was way back when.  A civilization that comes from nothing and then rises to prominence then is thrown into lacking, and has no God before them, can only fall into total calamity.

We still have a very short period of time before this occurs in our society.  God is allowing us to have one last opportunity to turn back to Him before He says “enough”.  Restoration is a painful yet rewarding process and it is completed with much more ease if we allow him to complete the process voluntarily instead of involuntarily.  We blew the pure and perfect water system a long time ago and can never retrieve that status again; however, we can restore our conditions if we simply turn from our wicked ways and allow God.


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