Saturday, February 27, 2016

Time In Between

Time in Between


Time in between an event until its completion is a concept that many of us realize even though we are waiting on an issue to transpire or to be completed.  The complete equation can turn into an interesting type of solution when the issue that we have done and then realized it is not of a regular nature.  We have the glorious opportunity to make choices in our lives and we continually use this gift on a moment by moment basis, some of these choices result in glorious ceremonies while others may land us behind captive doors.  But no matter the case, there is a short period of time that occurs when we do things that are good or not good for our lives until the respective consequences appear.  It is this time frame that God is going to show us about in this article and just how important this period of our lives is and what actually is going on around us.

We will once again begin our quest in the Garden of Eden and as stated many times previously, even though I have read this passage many times throughout my life I still have to gently laugh when God shows me even more information about our lives through this setting in the Bible. Genesis 3:1-8 with the main focus coming from verses 6-8.  There is a world of information that occurs within this passage and as events are unfolding a pattern is formed in the time between the law being broken and when God shows up to speak with His beloved creations.

The act of not eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil was the only law God had in place that included a punishment, at that time.  God had placed into motion a Garden that needed to be kept up and that was the “job” that Adam and Eve had been given to complete.  Yet, it was this one law that was put into place that Satan jumped upon and began his actions towards the downfall of humanity as we know it today.  The act was eventually committed and the effects of the law became personally noticeable immediately to Adam and Eve.  At that point there was no further mention of the serpent until God had gathered all of the participants that had been involved, but the interesting thing is that immediately after Adam and Eve had broken the law and until God showed up, there was a specific amount of time in between and it is this time that will be the focus in this article from God.

Immediately after Eve and Adam had eaten of the fruit of the tree, Scriptures record that their eyes were immediately opened and that they knew they were naked.  Now, if one stops and thinks about what was going on here one must believe that they should be more interested in making things right with God; wouldn’t that be the logical process?  I understand that this new “development” within the condition of their existence would be a shock to them, but here we see that the next portion of verse 7 states that they sewed fig leaves together to hide their nakedness.  Remind you that nothing about their physical bodies had changed but that their eyes had been spiritually opened in such a manner that they now knew their physical condition of creation.

This last portion of verse 7 informs us that it was evident that they did not have any inkling of trying to make things right with God first.  How many of us immediately go running to our parents when we do something that we have been told not to do? Why is that, I wonder?  It is because we had already made the choice to do things on our own no matter what the consequences might be.  ALL of us have done this at one time or another and for the majority of us, we had to serve out the consequences when our parents found out about our actions.  So the parallels to this story from the early days of human existence and of those coming from humans today have not changed one bit, we still make excuses for the choices that we make and do not utilize the time in between the rule or law being broken until the authority figures appear with further information.  This portion of verse 7 describes humanity to a “T” and should stand out like a sore thumb when wondering why we act the way we do.

The portion of Scripture “They made themselves aprons” speaks volumes of what was going through their minds at that time, and one can ascertain that God had been squelched out of their lives enough that He was not first and foremost in their daily processes.  If we take a moment or two and think about this process concerning Adam and Eve we cannot help but be forced to ask ourselves are we living in this type of frame of mind as well today?  The idea of trying to get away from the truth and law is a basic mistrust that we place within the confines of our present day lives but it is clearly visible that the origins of this choice are being demonstrated in this verse that played out so long ago.  Their ideas and selfish ways had completely engulfed their vision of what God wanted from them that they voluntarily gave up God’s standards for their own which cost them true life.

There must be so much that began to race through Adam and Eve’s minds immediately after they had broken God’s law for as soon as they did they understood that a major change had occurred in their lives.  I also find it very interesting that the one thing that is mentioned concerning this law is that both knew they were naked and then found leaves and clothed themselves. For every thought pattern this reference deals with sex and all of the issues that were not a concern or being different before the fall; it is relevant since the direct consequence of this act by Eve is specifically mentioned about her future birthing process as well.

How do we know that Adam and Eve wasted precious time after the broken law up until God came to speak with them?  It is by their comments to God when He asked them about their physical condition that gives us the answer.  They began to blame each other and the serpent for their conditions, not themselves for their actions against God.  It is almost as if this response is a natural building block of human existence for everyone has blamed something else or someone else for the actions they have committed at one time or another, and guess what, it originated from the Garden of Eden and it is a direct reflection of what occurs when time is wasted for personal gain instead of doing what is correct in the eyes of God.  At no time before Adam and Eve had their conversation with God or during their conversation with God did they ever seek repentance for their actions, only blame.  When one asks just how much infiltration Satan had into their thought processes, this verse should leave no doubt concerning the answer, for the basis of Lucifer’s rebellion shines through here.

Verse 7 shows us that the consequences of them breaking the only law of God was immediate but on the other hand it did not immediately end their life but changed it dramatically and set them up to die.  The immediate effects were noticeable and they knew that they had to change their appearance, but it took time for them to change this appearance for verse 7 is split with a semicolon and through human rationale it takes some time to find the covering, make it and then place it on their bodies.  For those of you who sew or quilt, you know that the process of sewing anything takes time and then further adjustments.  Oh, to be a fly on the tree branches for those conversations that took place between those two people, eh.

This pattern of excuses and thought planning after God’s commands and laws were broken are continually noticed all throughout the Bible and in all such cases the consequences for these disobedient acts had very similar results, some of which had identical results.  We see Abraham sell his wife into a harem, Moses not obeying God to take specific ground, David not obeying specific wartime laws, Jonah and his experiences, Israel ignoring the child sacrifices to Moloch, the abomination of oral tradition that replaced the written laws of God when Israel was in captivity, the rejection of Jesus Christ, and the list goes on and on.  It is the identical pattern that Adam and Eve had immediately after their decision to eat of the fruit and therefore set into motion a sinful existence that we still share to this day.

Look at today and one can easy compare notes to past societies with little difficulty.  The work habits of Adam and Eve are protruding throughout our society today as if it were a deep cultural foundation and the level of name calling, excuses, back-biting and down outright lying to get ahead in any area of life is astounding today.  Our choices for governmental authorities have never been as corrupt as they are today, sure there have been evil and dirty politics in the past but nothing compared as to what is transpiring today.  Camaraderie is lost and togetherness is strictly based upon conditional supplications with those who are in like manner with the parties involved.  All of these examples are products of the time in between when God’s laws that have been broken and until He has to make a stand against our activities.  It is the utmost of importance that the results of our actions and the corresponding consequences are the aprons that pervert the true advancement of God and His Kingdom through our lives.

When the Church accepted these ways into their lives and hearts, our enemy won a huge victory, on the same physical level as he did when Adam and Eve succumbed to his tricks in the Garden of Eden.  The one perfect establishment that Christ began, not through Peter, was corrupted with perverted ideas that have grown into the entire incorporation of the world into the Church’s existence today.  Take a very close look at the priorities of the Church today and it will become clear that she is doing her best to satisfy the lusts of the world and to make for herself an apron around the holy and spiritual reproductive status of the Church. This process is a direct result and will be an identical following of Adam and Eve’s consequences of the time before the fall and after the fall with the time in between almost word for word in its playing out.

As God showed us in the “Working for God” article it is through our working habits and love for His Kingdom that determine whether or not He rules in our lives or if our enemy is allowed to take control.  Some say that the judgment that God placed upon humanity was too harsh and should not have been everlasting but in order for us to understand why this occurred we must understand the concept of the time in between as well, for it is both settings that demonstrate just what had already been injected into Adam and Eve’s lives.  The act had voluntarily been committed which meant that they already had enough time to decide whether or not to obey or to disobey.  Then, the time in between and up until God spoke to them and addressed the question, no sign of any change in heart occurred – this brings up a huge issue about the influx of the world into the Church today in which God will share soon with us – so that God had no choice but to act upon their disobedience accordingly.  It is the pattern which developed within them that set into place the conditions that we know about today, it deems strictly with choice and what we choose to believe is the truth, instead of facing the laws already established according to the highest authority.

The only way to break this cycle in our existence is to turn back to God and allow Him to completely consume our lives so that we may live according to His origins.  It is quite evident that we are living in a specific time frame of an in between time status and this nation and life as we know it are secularly dancing and parading itself around ignoring the laws of God and placing our entire world into a dire and deathly situation.  I do not claim to know the specifics about when God shall say enough, but He has all the framework in place to do so.  Mankind has physically changed many of His laws in order to justify their actions and feelings, just as King Henry VIII initiated and executed quite controllably centuries ago.  Our choices are no good for our lives unless we place God’s laws in front of our lives and use them according to His ways and not humanity’s.

There is no way that we can go back to the perfect and beautiful state that Adam and Eve squandered but we can return back into a covenant life by turning our hearts back to God.  It is God’s ultimate desire to continue His blessings upon His people because they have willingly chosen Him over the ways of the world.  But because of the blindness that we have incurred through our captivity, we are readily choosing the world instead and at some point God will appear and speak.  Also, we deep down know that we have played a horrific game with God and have ultimately forgotten the truth of which we play, for it is work that is to be done and not games as our enemy has so brilliantly directed.  It is now time we turn back to God and allow Him to restore our dominion so that we may advance His.

The ultimate question that we must honestly and openly ask ourselves is this: what are we doing with the time in between?  We as humans have fallen and this is a given and there is a short amount of time that is left before God comes to visit us.  What will be our evidence when He comes?  Will it line up with the mission that Christ gave to us or will it be solely based upon fruitless works of the flesh trying to cover our sinful existence with aprons?  This passage of Scripture defines this time in between and how it not only affected Adam and Eve’s lives but also ours today.  Identical concepts are in place today and it is of dire importance that we apply God’s eternal mission to our individual lives and to our nation immediately.  God is calling for repentance and it is our duty to first respond to this call and then spread the message of repentance to all nations.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Working For God

Working For God


Where does the concept of working for God first mentioned in the Bible?  Have we even thought about it before and do we even think about our lives and how does this concept become incorporated into our work day?  And I can guarantee that not many people comprehend that working for God is actually a Kingdom stance and since one has heard that word they can imagine where this truth actually is first portrayed in the Bible.  Working for God is the utmost principle that God set before us for when Kingdom is involved yours, mine, and someone else’s eternity is at stake.

I have been in my current profession for over thirty years now, with my current employer being almost twenty-five years straight.  I absolutely love my job and until God tells me to change my profession I shall remain in this profession and being the best example of His servant as possible; He continually blesses my life and my family’s every day and to this I cannot deny.  I cannot say that I have enjoyed every day that I step foot into this small hospital for when one deals with humans as a profession, especially sick ones, things can become quite grim on certain days.  Even with these potential devastation days of my profession, I continue to love my work and through my work, I have also continued to have the opportunity to learn about people and their everyday existences.

I have mentioned a couple of times in past articles that my specific job is located in an Oncology clinic within our hospital and that each day I learn something more about the word courage from the patients that come in and out of these doors.  While not much “unusual” activity occurs within these small confines of my job, there is always a possibility of some excitement being provided by my patients.  It is through this work of mine that I can provide a basic foundation of support that has the ability to sustain these devastated people another day, all the while providing me a chance to watch and learn from these same people that may not live for very much longer.  But it is through my continual learning and providing of an accurate service to these people that sets the example of a dominion completed and an example that should be followed according to the original setting of mankind.

Up until a few years ago I had never really looked at my job as being a portrayal of God’s Kingdom and how through my actions in my job provided such a benefit or detriment to His Kingdom.  For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be in the medical field and this desire is still present within my heart today.  I was told and have felt that my place was going to be in the medical field and even though some days I have wanted to walk away from it, my love for the people and the services that I can provide them have continuously trumped all my negative thoughts.  As I look back on my career the things that God was trying to show me about my job and how it related to the advancement of His Kingdom, I missed.  He did not chastise me nor did He punish me, but He continued to show me things until my heart opened up enough to allow His wisdom into my life; then the real fun began.
For the umpteenth time, God has given us a perfect example of how our lives are divinely placed into positions that have the specific purpose of teaching us things about His Kingdom.  And for the umpteenth and 1 more time God has brought me back to the book of Genesis to illustrate what He has provided us and what He expects from us when we are placed into these positions. As the Word of God has repeatedly stated, each one of our lives has a direct purpose for the dying world and through this purpose we must recognize that God’s Kingdom has the potential to be advanced and we have here the first example of this in Genesis 2:15.  This verse is well known and it has been used countless times before and it has been in some of the previous articles that God has shared with us as well.  But just as God likes to do, He compounds the previous information that He has given us and adds to the information already given so that we may further understand the true meaning of our existence and His Word combined.

Genesis 2:15 states as follows: “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” The following verses of Chapter 2 continue with the command that God gave to Adam concerning the Garden and what would occur if the rule was broken.  But it is this specific verse “15” that God wants us to focus on for this topic and up until a short while ago, I had no idea of the depth and meaning of this verse and how it represents our life existence today, through the words of Jesus when He was walking on this earth.  This verse not only represents our lives but directly refers to the work we are supposed to be doing as either pushing God’s Kingdom forward or allowing our enemy’s kingdom to make its advancement.

This verse states that God took Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden.  The previous verses of Genesis Chapter 1 state that God created the Garden of Eden and all of the plants, animals, seas, light, etc. which means that everything that we know today was created by God and therefore, His in its origin.  This portion of verse 15 states that God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden where he was supposed to dress it and to keep it.  This sounds like a pretty direct explanation of what was to occur in Adam’s life and since God is a consistent God, He expected Adam to keep the Garden in perfect working condition and in order at all times.

One of the more frequently asked questions from those people who do not believe in God or have serious doubts about His existence deals with the issue of what gives God the authority to require this from Adam or anyone else that has ever lived.  The answer to this question is one of the cornerstones of God and the belief in what Jews and Christians hold dear since God created everything around Adam including the Garden of Eden He had complete authority to present the “chores” to Adam to complete.  Adam knew that God was the creator of everything including his home so that meant that Adam had the responsibility of keeping the property instilled to him from God.  

This meant that Adam and soon with Eve had the responsibility to maintain everything within the Garden to the standard that God wished for His creation, the same standard that God required of His ultimate creation, mankind.  With God being a complete being, including all areas of His existence, even though our finite minds cannot truly comprehend this state, therefore, cannot accept anything less from 100% in His plans and requires His perfect creations to participate accordingly.  But as we have been previously shown by God gift of choice and free will was included in our capacity as humans, and thus, we have the contingency to not do according to what God desires of our lives when we represent ourselves in a specific time down the road.

It is this process of procrastination, laziness, lack of will, or just do not wish to do it the way necessary that begins the process of decay that when left unchecked becomes a deviance from God’s holy order and results in an ugly destiny.  This work ethic was established by God in the Garden of Eden and was changed and deviated by Adam and Eve, not God.  If God would have lowered His standards in ANY way, then our enemy would have pounced on God’s authority and holy status and would have a legal right to reclaim his position in heaven, not to mention the fact of a bit of history to hold over God’s head as proof that He was not all powerful, all knowing and complete in every way.  Since this true, there is no way possible that God could have any “do overs” when it came to His life establishment of mankind.

Since God could not change His standards and cannot change His standards today either, it places all blame upon the human for selfishly interpreting God’s laws for their own likeness.  It was the responsibility given to Adam first to dress and to keep the Garden of Eden according to God’s standards, not mankind’s ideas.  Here is something that we need to remember and it is very important that we keep this in mind at all times, it was this deviation of standards that Lucifer wished God would allow him to achieve long before the events occurred in the Garden of Eden.  If God could not allow this to occur from a spiritual, created being why would God allow it to occur in another physical and spiritual created being?  The answer is simple, the standards would be the same and the choices of both created beings would depend upon themselves alone and it is through this standard that God expected Adam and Eve to keep and to dress the Garden for Him.

To fully understand the expectations that God wanted from Adam and Eve concerning the upkeep of the Garden of Eden we must further explore the words “dress” and “keep” that are used in this verse for they are just as important as the initial phrase of placement within the Garden that is stated beforehand.  The word “dress” used here is strictly a word that describes the equivalent of work.  Ever wonder why so many people have issues with work, here is the origin of these problems and it stems from the lack of adequate (God) ethics and standards.  God’s Word clearly states that the only job that Adam and Eve had to do was to keep the standard of the creative edge that God had established for them.  They saw this standard and walked around it continually, so they understood what needed to be done in order to keep this standard.  See the direction in which we are headed?

It is through this word that our “jobs” in God’s Kingdom are defined.  We are to work to advance His Kingdom at all times, to go and to identify the issues that need to be attended to and properly take of the issue according to God’s standard, nowhere does God’s Word state for us to control the issue but to recognize the issues and to fix them according to what God requires of us.  In the Garden, it was Adam and Eve’s job to go around and to ensure that all order within the Garden was kept in the order in which it was created.  How hard was this job?  I have no idea but it must have been large enough for Adam and Eve at some point to wane from their responsibilities enough to eventually be beguiled by the serpent.  In other words, it is obvious that they had been completing the job of dressing and keeping God’s order long enough that they believed that they could skip a few corners and still “fool” God into believing that the complete job was done, again, God’s allowance of choice being presented here.  God would not be complete if He did not notice all of the details of His workmanship, thus, He did notice what was ongoing within the Garden and must have dropped hints to Adam and Eve of what they were doing and not doing, just as any parent would hint towards their children when they do not properly complete the chores set before them.

The dynamics of the second word in this portion of the verse is just as significant as the word “dress” for its usage means to be in charge of something and in the case of Adam and Eve their job was to serve God by keeping watch over or to be in charge of His Garden of Eden.  The word “keep” here is a fascinating word because no matter how it is used throughout the Bible, it always means the following: to keep, to be in charge over or of, maintain, keep watch over, to secure, to take care of, to protect, observe, watch or watchmen to regard and to heed to or guard.  It does not matter what type of situation this word describes it reverts back to the fact that the person involved is placed over an issue and is responsible for a specific task.  If one wishes to place it into context today, many police departments have this phrase or one similar to it as their logo as their motto: “To Protect and to Serve”.  In the terms used in this verse, it is simply stating that it was Adam and Eve’s job to understand, know and protect while watching the holy growth of God’s Kingdom at work.

While the word dress refers to serving the word keep refers to maintain and to keep watch.  It is purposeful that these two words are placed into this one portion of the verse because if they were not it would mean that both would not have to be present in order for them to work together.  But with the addition of the word “and” into the phrase it is recognized that both must be present in order for things to work together and to function appropriately.  It is this concept of Adam and Eve’s recognition of God and His authority as the creator of the Garden of Eden and the willingness to work for Him in order to maintain His creation both of these words must be included in structure for His holy order to be complete.  In short, if you do not believe is the One and only Creator of the world and of yourself, that His Word is accurate according to His divine completeness, there is absolutely no way that one can fulfill the second portion of this verse by keeping an adequate and complete watch over what He has established, including your own life (dominion).

We must also acknowledge that the word dress that is used here is an action word and it is not referred to any type of past tense.  It is used as a current or continual process of recognition of who actually owns the property and in this case we are referring to the Garden of Eden.  It automatically places God as the rightful owner of the Garden and since He created a perfect state, the growth and maintenance of this perfect state was to be represented by Adam and Eve’s keeping of such tasks.  It is impossible for us to fully understand this type of living conditions, for all our minds can grasp is a state of flawed existence.  In conjunction with the word dress, “keep” completes status of mankind and the work that was required first of Adam and then of Eve was set into motion according to God’s standards of existence. 

For some reason, Adam and Eve decided to start doing things on their own and not fulfilling their obligations to the Garden of Eden as directed.  There is also a question as to why God would even have to allow for such a directive in the first place, and that question can be answered with the presence of the serpent.  God walked with Adam and Eve every day and had numerous discussions amongst the parties involved.  One can also comprehend that the enemy of God and our enemy as well being present and listening to the conversations that were had.  This is part of the beguiling process since it takes talent to have a continual presence in all matters and not be alarmed while motions are being conducted, such craftiness must have been determined during this time while our enemy was waiting to gain enough access to steal, kill and destroy humanity’s eternal and perfect state of living.

This setting also provides us with a picture of an owner walking amongst their property and making sure all is going well with the workers as well.  Business owners continually monitor their workers’ progress to see if their level of productivity is meeting the owner’s conditions.  So, why would God not be concerned in the same setting?  If He was not, then He would lose His all complete status and be deemed a liar.  From the passages that we are studying here it becomes clear that it was not God’s fault that things had to change from its origins, and since in an earlier verse it says that Adam and Eve walked and talked with God daily, this would tell us that God was doing His job to perfection.

The situation between God and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden presents an important question: why did God have to give Adam and Eve “jobs”?  it is at this point where we have to re-introduce the word dominion here and what it means to God and His Kingdom and the kingdom of our enemy Satan, for both are involved.  It really seems to the uninformed heart that God was a little bit unfair when He created humanity and then gave them work to be completed in a perfect state, but there is a reason for this and it provides us with one of the first examples of God’s Kingdom being advanced and the kingdom of Satan being pushed back.  If God created us for a specific purpose then that means His creation of the Garden of Eden and everything that went on in that area was created for a specific purpose as well.  God never does anything without Him promoting His creative expertise for eternity’s sake.

With God setting the standard for Adam and Eve to work in the Garden means that He expected them to keep up and to watch out for His creation at every turn; not that God could not have completed this event alone for He could easily have protected this event without any hesitation or problems at all.  But as we see throughout the bible God does not set into motion many things without the choice of humanity coming first and when this occurs God must act accordingly.  This is witnessed in the Garden of Eden, the rape and pillage of Israel and Judah, during the temptation of Jesus, When Jesus was hanging on the cross, When God resurrected Jesus from the dead, the end times, and countless other times mentioned.  It is an important concept that must be kept in mind when trying to understand the ways and consistencies of God.

We also must consider that once God initiates something His enemy, and ours, shall always do his best in counteracting the perfect plan of God; this is what enemies do.  When wars are fought they are fought over territory and whoever gains the most territory over that day is declared the victor.  In humanity’s case, the territory does concern physical land sometimes but it is NOT the ultimate goal of God’s Kingdom or Satan’s kingdom, that eternal objective is you!  God understands the human capacity of the human and the need for their perfect fitting so that they can maintain their existence, which is why the setting of the Garden of Eden was set into motion, not only to promote the human satisfaction and security of living but mainly to promote God’s advancement of His Kingdom to His enemy and to ours also.  This setting also explains the importance of your life and allows one to understand exactly what kind of fight is ongoing for our lives.

In other words, your creation was solely out of love for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and has a divine purpose that was produced in order for us to actively pursue His kingdom.  Our enemy, who rebelled some time further back before we were created established the war that is still in motion today and this war has one objective, your eternity.  God wants so much for us to choose His ways and to push back the kingdom of darkness which engulfs the world and prove to our enemy that God’s ways are the best for every life on earth.  The goal of our enemy is to prove his standard of cheating, lies, murder and separation from God for that is the fruits of his choices and all he can offer as the leader of this world; even our enemy has work for you to do in his kingdom and on the other side it is the mission of the Church to spread the eternal gospel of salvation and restoration in opposition to this world.

Why is this topic so important today?  It is important because God is now allowing certain events to occur in our world on a daily basis that needs to be understood, not only as to why they are occurring but also as to what has been allowed to transpire to occur.  From the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden up until this very day, humanity has incessantly demanded that our way be formed instead of God’s and with this concept laid out, God is about to allow such devastation on this earth like never witnessed before.  As of this moment, we still have time to change our work methods and once again truly begin to keep the dominion that God has given us.  The restoration of this world shall not occur in the manner in which Mr. Al Gore wishes, nor shall it comes from saving all of the trees from being cut down in the forests.  The promised restoration shall ONLY come upon our land when we turn our hearts back to God and begin to work for Him again.  ALL human selfishness has to be voluntarily wiped out before God can come back into our lives, for God cannot play second violin to anything.

Working for God is a continual process and we have plenty examples of what occurs when we do accomplish His work and when we do not.  Why is it so difficult for humans to understand this truth about our existence?  It is because we listen to the convenience of our world and apply the world to our existence first.  Over time this placement will catch up with us and the consequences shall appear in our lives.  The outlook for our country has been spoken in great detail if we do not begin wholeheartedly working for God again.  It is time that we open our eyes, both the physical and spiritual, and see the fields that Jesus was talking about when He was on this earth.  Feeding the people is on the physical aspect is a great idea and should be engaged fully, but we cannot afford to stop our efforts there, we must see the fields for who and what they are, people that shall die in their sins and spend eternity away from God if we do not tell them about God and what His Son did for us.

Working in the fields cannot be ½ way completed, it needs to be fully compiled each and every second.  When we work for God and our hearts are truly focused on His Kingdom, He shall show us how to manifest His love and support through our lives but if we have any worldly ambitions that are placed in front of this concept, our mission is rendered useless and will show it quickly.  Adam and Eve demonstrated this type of work habits because it would make sense that these types of events would occur if one is not fulfilling their job as instructed: dare I say the first example of a lukewarm Church, thus being the reason for something going awry both then and now.

Israel who was created and defined by God was given the task to share with their people of how to follow and to work for God, through His covenant.  With time passed, Israel sought other directions and eventually demanded their own king to represent them instead of their own individual lives.  Study the Bible and read the history books and one will see that the idea of Israel having their national king was the perfect example of a bad idea.  Their land was totally destroying including their temple, multiple times!  Even after God allowed them the opportunity to restore the temple, they continued to use it for their own services, Not God’s.  This is not working for God, it is working for our own manipulations.

Here is something to think about concerning our nation.  There have been many debates whether or not this country was founded on biblical principles or not.  The nation of Israel had the same ideas concerning their land and many of the Israelites still do today.  It is a choice to believe this or not and from the looks of the current situation of this country, something is about to occur that shall change our existence as a nation forever.  God has allowed it to occur to His own people so what makes you think that God shall not do the same to our land?  Get back to work, people!  Not just the physical work but our spiritual work for God as well.  Our focus is off and from all indications, we have refused to remove the cataracts from our spiritual eyes so that we can see the true fields that are right in front of our eyes.

As the newest prophecy for this country addresses, it is a sad state when beautifully dressed people are standing in long bread and soup lines, but in true spiritual terms we already represent this type of appearance, so why wouldn’t be logical for the physical to follow.  This means something very extraordinary is about to occur in our nation and to our lives, and since we as Americans and the leaders of western societies demand that we be in the limelight for everything, well, I guess that is what we shall behold.  

This setting also places into order the working relationship between God and mankind, we work for God and God does not work for us and means that our lives will change during our work of Him and His statues shall never be changed.  God asks us to turn our hearts back towards Him, NOW!  Allow Him to restore our hearts to the way they were created to be and for, His work.  This is exactly what Jesus was trying to explain to His disciples and to those who really wanted to understand His presence in our lives, not just to walk amongst the people.  It is called a relationship and it is through a personal relationship that God desires with us.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Being Hypocritical

Being Hypocritical


How many times a day do we hear this word being proclaimed towards someone, something or group?  It is an effective tactic used by many people in order to shun another person’s beliefs or feelings and for the most part, its usage produces results.  It is through these results that further divisions and anger are protracted thus injuring our nation and more importantly, our individual hearts more.  What we need to understand that each one of us that take a breath are hypocritical from our beginnings onward and when we use this term towards others, it actually makes us look like ignoramuses in the sight of the one who created us in the first place.

A few decades ago I had the honor to work with a gentleman by the name of Cyprian Baruffi.  I worked the evening shift and Cyprian was the phlebotomist that was along my side for countless hours during the evening.  As most of you know, I grew up as a minister’s son and I am still proud to say that I continue to live as one today.  I spent many hours in my youth asking my father about the different denominations that were around and he always took the time to inform me as much as he could and that I would understand.  As I learned that the majority of people would not believe as I did I knew that we shared a common bond with each other and that we also did not, and many would not, understand this common bond either.  It was through the common bond of our creation that we must look at in order to understand how horrific our hypocrisy stems and it is through this origin of ours that we can only obtain our true eternal life eternal.

I have no doubt that Cyprian is a man of God and that he has a heart after God and since we no longer have any contact with him I miss our conversations that we had concerning God and humanity.  One of the areas that he and I talked about concerned our status as humans in the sight of God and how because we chose to embrace sin through our selfishness, our lives while still being precious in God’s eyes, rendered us all guilty before Him.  We became the prize of God’s Kingdom and fell to the status of nothing because of our choice of selfishness in the Garden of Eden.  While Cyprian and I were discussing this matter I did not understand that his points were not directed at the status of our national ethnicity, or denominational terminology but through the level of creation.  And it took me almost two decades for God to shine His light on this subject and He has now beautifully shared details so that others may understand as well.

The idea of hypocrisy is all around us and with all of the different attitudes, beliefs and situations that humans live in it is not hard to fall into this category without even knowing what has occurred.  The definition of hypocrisy is best stated as the following: “The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own does not conform”.  There are many other definitions that render the same concept here but this definition goes straight to the point and serves the meaning of the word with direct truth and it serves as the basis for the topic of this message that God wants us to understand.

The best example that I can give concerning this hypocrisy state of ours today just occurred a few days ago.  As everyone in the world knows we as a nation are embattled in a huge political venture called the presidential race.  Many tensions are visible and emotions are running high with new accusations and commitments being announced and shared with each passing hour.  The latest example made immediate coverage and in turn, flamed the emotional statuses of all parties directly involved and indirectly involved.  The example comes from the pope and one of our presidential candidates and how the press and general consensus opinions have deemed the term hypocrisy on all sides concerned.

The call of hypocrisy from the pope I really find laughable and genially sad because if someone who claims to be the representative of God here on earth should know the origins of our existence and creation and therefore, not even consider the statements that he made concerning the situation.  Yes, I am standing up against the pope and calling him out for his words because he should know better; this means that I am also calling out all of the other Christians who fall into line with this damning status because we have been ignorant of our origins and knowledge thereof.  It is through his position of words that brings into light of the magnitude of destruction that we are encouraging and incorporating into the world, once again from the egotistical society we know as religion.

Humans may be different in appearance, culture, height, etc and that is a beauty of such a creative status but our origins were from one line only and it was through this part of our creation that we must understand and hold true.  It was our choice to do things on our own, not God’s.  This means that we chose to live a hypocritical life, one away from how we were created, supposed to live and continually exist.  Since our selfish choices overrode God’s ways this means that God had the authority to change our status through His holy order and He did so as described in Genesis Chapter 3.  Our lives turned and changed status when we “accomplished” this choice and it was through this action that we also chose to live in hypocrisy according to our eternal and physical origins.

I find it repulsive that we use this status, one that we can never overcome until we see God and all of His glory, for our own personal advantage and gain over another person, group, or nation.  It completely breaks God’ heart when we unknowingly use our own hypocritical existence as an example of down beating one another.  Christians no matter who you are and what place you hold, you should know that we as people have held this hypocritical status ever since our fall and we have no reason to deem ourselves any better than those who do not believe in God as their only Savior.  Our only problem is that we have either fallen into the category of forgetfulness concerning this issue or we have not understood God’s Word in its completeness.  In either way, we are doing wrong when we use this categorical statement towards others for we ourselves exist in a hypocritical state from what God created us.  Thus, the obvious concerns are not going to be dealt with here for in truth they are trivial and are a product of our choices and not our origin, which is the point that God wants us to understand here. 

I am finding out that when questions arise concerning our lives and our origins that we should turn back to the book of Genesis for there are so many answers there that will shed light upon what God intended for us to be, and this example of our lives takes place in the first chapters of Genesis as well.  All throughout the Bible we are referred to as God’s children, all created by God, His people, and the list continues as such, these descriptions of us are accurate and true and therefore, represent a direct lineage to God for it is easy for us to claim that He is our heavenly Father, so why is it difficult to recognize and understand why we are now living in hypocrisy to our origins?

Genesis Chapter 1 gives an accurate picture of how God created the earth and all that inhabits its surface, sea, and air.  When one studies this passage they will find that everything that God created was in perfect condition and in perfect order.  No blemish is mentioned and only a total growth pattern, a representation of life, is mentioned.  A perfect setting that we can only imagine about today but also hope for a return to some day.  Chapter 1 of Genesis is beautifully written and provides us an excellent picture of how God creates things and on the same hand, it loudly proclaims that no blemish can be incorporated into His creations by Him.  This is the important key here and it is the reason as to why all of us live in a hypocritical existence.  There is a reason that God placed the book of Genesis and named it as such, at the beginning of His Word for it serves as the origins of our lives and we stem from this setting, no matter which position we take in our lives.

Chapter 2 of Genesis begins the explanation of the creation of mankind or humanity as we know it today, with a huge voluntary change in our existence.  God is an eternal being and since He represents eternity then that means that everything He does is centered around this lifespan if we can call it that since eternal (spirit) knows no time.  Therefore, when God created us it means that we were no supposed to die or to have any major changes in our lives as long as we lived under His protection.  This seems like an easy thing to do but when you place the humanness into play the choices that we accept into our lives if we do not follow God’s laws to our utmost can become deadly.

In Genesis Chapter 3 we see these choices come to pass and bring into our lives another portion that God never intended for us to experience.  It was not God who commanded us to sin or to go on our wayward direction it was strictly our choice to do so. So, what does this mean?  Most recognizably it means that disobedience entered into our thought patterns, invaded our hearts and then we took action upon these internal concepts and sin became a part of our lives forever; once again, a process that God did not even create in our enemy’s life so why would God automatically install it into ours?  He did not.  It was through the same idea of choice and recognition that caused Lucifer to fall and it was through this same principle that we fell as well which leads us to the hypocrisy that we all live I today.

Christians, we should be ashamed of ourselves for falling into this category of not understanding what it means to be alive.  We are the ones that should spread the message of God’s salvation to the dying world, not thrusting our own hypocritical lives down upon them.  I cannot help but weep for those who use this type of activity and words to harm those who are desperately looking for truth, but I also must contend that when I study history the majority of the stances that churches and denominations took fulfilled this same hypocritical life without understanding of our true creation.  Christians, in order for you to understand your life in its entirety including your origins then it must be acknowledged, accepted and understood that God Himself is a complete God and cannot deviate from this status.  

Children of God – that means ALL of us – we live in a constant hypocritical state which automatically provides our enemy with an advantage over us, for you see it was he who provided this status in our lives and through the voluntary initiation of this status by our actions he has gained a world of access into our lives through our lack of understanding about our own creation; does this statement bring back any memories of Adam and Eve?  This is an important reason as to why God says that He wishes for us to separate ourselves from the world for if we continue to accept the world’s standards within our lives we are effectively enhancing our own hypocritical existence.  Which brings us back to the reason why God had His protection over us in the Garden of Eden and proven through the Old Testament covenant and ultimately through the shedding of His only Son’s blood.  Christ’s blood does not change our status but it brings us back down on a level playing field in God’s eyes because Jesus’ blood hides us from the hypocritical existence we chose so long ago.

It is important that we allow God to drive home this truth into our lives for we allow our enemy enough access in our lives as it is, why do we wish to further our sinful demise.  God is calling on His Church to change course and while accepting the people that are hurting and wish to seek God we are to teach them enough about God that they allow Him to radically change their lives just as He did for every other person who has accepted Him.  We as the Church have lost this truth and sadly, many have never had it to begin with but as of this second and moment, we have the opportunity to change that status and to once again push forward the Kingdom of God.  We were created for a purpose and one of those purposes is to understand why we were created on all levels of our existence.  Choose God and go back under His Covenant and proclaim the gospel to the dying world.  When we do this, we will overthrow our hypocritical lives and becomes a living example of life abundantly as it is divinely directed in our creation.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

First in Line

First in Line


It is not difficult to witness this type of attitude flourishing within the confines of our nation and modern societies today.  It is also not difficult to look at where this attitude began and to watch it progress to the next step in its progressive mannerisms. Yet, we really do not care to stop challenging this issue and instead just allowing it to advance unabated, all the while crying out for help in resolving the matter.  This matter of having to be noticed and now being right will not stop or even subside until we truly and completely allow God back into our lives and begin to live according to His principles again.  Church, this means you as well since you are some of the most hypocritical beings that walk this planet.  It is time that we open our eyes to the truth and start again to walk and talk the gospel that we supposedly want others to hear.

Is it bad of me to read some of the Christian posts on social media and literally laugh at some of the responses that are posted from those who call themselves Christians?  I sit in amazement and wonder why they even want to address some of the issues that are concerning to the Church today for if one just opens the content and immediately looks at the conversations that are ongoing, most of the time one cannot figure out who is on which side of the topic being discussed.  Talk about hypocritical and annoying, no wonder people dislike Christians and are totally rejecting God for their own behalves.  The behavior of those ones who call themselves Christians in these social sites and web pages speak in terms that would have gotten me grounded to my room for a month and thus have fallen into the trap of our enemy.

When this current administration came into office it stated that one of the goals would be to equal this nation onto the other nations statuses, in other words, lower our standing within the world’ communities to the plane of other nations making us no better or having greater standards than other countries around the world.  This view shocked many people when the plan was implemented but for the most part, is now being readily accepted by the masses.  The ones who object to this lowering of our national standards are being thrown under the proverbial bus and condemned as outsiders and radicals that must be silenced at all costs.  But what I find so sad and frightening is that the ones who are crying the loudest about this state of opposition pursue the exact same luxurious status that this nation has done its best to create and establish.

Prime example, the Super Bowl occurred this last weekend and of course, the halftime show cannot be completed these days without some type of controversy.  One of the performers that participated performed her new song that had been written a short time ago.  The lyrics contained words that defaced the meaning of the police and cried out for justice concerning a teenager who had been killed by the police some point in the near past.  It was a clear slap to the police and the way the justice system operates.  Now, I understand that justice slips through the cracks sometimes and things seem like they are dealt with correctly, but the process is completed and decisions are made that some or many may not agree with; this occurs and it shall continue to occur as long as this system is in place.

What bugs me about this performer is that when she gets up in front of maybe a billion people around the world and makes her political statement in her music, all we ask is that she be consistent with her words and life.  If she is so upset with the police and the system in which they have to operate, then she should not ask for police escorts and protection coming and going from the stadium in which she was performing.  Be consistent.  It is through this type of behavior that the world sees and then mocks us because of the hypocrisy that we demonstrate each and every second of the day.  What is dangerous about this type of behavior is that it portrays a higher status of life to others but in truth lives a life-long lie of existence.  It is this type of “high class” attitude that we need to rid ourselves of, not the state of dominion that has been divinely given to us.  Does this type of activity represent the correct version of being first in line?

How does this translate into the Church setting?  Very simple, it is the same type of attitudes that are being portrayed from our lives (Christians) as they are being portrayed by those who do not have any association with God.  It does not matter what type of hypocrisy is being portrayed from our lives, the truth is that it is there, period.  One thing we must remember about the law of man is that any law that is proclaimed by the world’s order does not reflect badly upon those who support such order, it is only when those who balk at the order, or represent any establishment or belief that goes against such worldly order, that matters and is thrown out of contention as a radical or an out of touch responder.  This should elevate our concerns over the true separation of Church and State instead of the inclusion of the Church within the State, and where it stands in our beliefs.

The biggest worldly advice column proclaims that love is all we need and that love shall endure all situations and love this and love that.  They have been portraying that God is love and have ran with this concept over and over till these promoters are blue in the face.  They scream hatred to those who do not agree with this setting and are relentless in their discrimination towards them as well.  They recognize that the opposite of love is hate and readily throw out this term as much as possible, but fail to admit or to recognize that if someone disagrees with a position that does not automatically mean that they hate the issue at hand.  But if confronted with shouting matches, name calling, and labels we cannot help but to divide ourselves even further over these issues.  And from the looks of the bating and biting conversations on these web pages and social sites, this division is growing by the second.

If the Church does not wake up and understand that her actions are sending out mixed signals to those who actually want to know God and to learn His ways, they too will depart from their hopes of a peaceful existence and a true found life in Christ.  God has shared this point with us many times over the past few years but He is not done trying to get it through our hearts that as the Church and His beloved we need to separate ourselves from the world and stop incorporating worldly ideas and concepts into our hearts.  There will always be people who wish to violently challenge our beliefs but their hearts are only there to argue and to stir up the emotions of others.  These people are hard to reach but still need the true love of God in their lives.  If they are truly seeking the divine love that they say they need, then they must understand that obedience to God’s ways is the only way that they will ever find true and divine love from God.

Last weekend my parents and I had a wonderful conversation concerning the Church and the positions that she has taken over the past few decades.  Many of these positions totally frustrate me and scare me beyond words, but at the same time these settings are proving the Word of God to be true, and most of these groups, people, churches, and denominations do not even have a clue that they are part of this fulfilling of Scriptures, just as the High Priests and their cronies did during Jesus’ time here on earth.  When the Church becomes focused on their own ways they lose the true focus on the true mission of Christ which is the eternal salvation of people.

God demonstrated this covering of eternity first in the Garden of Eden when mankind was pure and spotless.  He then extended this covering and the importance of us being under the covering through the establishment of Covenant.  He then sent His son to reaffirm and to eternally include all people in this Covenant.  All the bases were covered to ensure that we had every opportunity to choose Him over the law of man.  Jesus provided this prime example of how to overcome the ways and choices of the worldly man and to provide eternal existence at the same time.  THIS is the command that He gave to the Church when He said to go into the entire world and to preach the gospel.  Jesus did divide and as God has shared with us His word shall cut, but the sword is the Word of God, the ENTIRE Word of God and it is our responsibility to know God’s Word as much as possible, through His understanding and not ours, this is the true example of being first in line.

It tears God apart to know that His Church and His people do not understand His Word well enough to cut through the argumentative garbage that our enemy throws out in order to effectively teach those who are lost the truth.  The reason for this lack of understanding is the elitism status that humans believe they have when they are granted a good status within the world. All of the civilizations creations reek of this concept and has cost countless empires, nations and dominions to fall, all because the laws of man supersede and overrule God’s eternal laws.  The Church has the perfect opportunity to provide the necessary ingredients to heal the sick, feed the poor, cast out demons and wash the feet of servants all while sharing the gospel of Christ at the same time.  Yet, we leave out the salvation part and the need to rid ourselves of worldly pleasures and the sin it brings with them and proclaim love, love, love, love and more love.

As the Bible proclaims without faith it is impossible to understand God so it is to proclaim God’s love without obeying His commands.  This nation is systematically destroying every continuity of God within its borders and it has the Church as its major backer while doing it.  As Isaiah spoke to Hezekiah on his death bed, the message from God is that we need to make our house right with Him once again because we are about to die.  The participants within the above Bible story are just as the ones today, human, and we need to understand that if we do not turn our hearts back to God today life as we know it is just about over.  God wishes for His Church to study His Word thoroughly and without human provocations.  It is through knowledge and wisdom that God works through His people and it is the combination of those two ingredients, along with a humble and pure heart before God that will turn our nation and societies around.

It is not our job to swing Jesus’ sword and do the cutting, it is our job to spread the gospel of Christ to the dying world by showing the world that we are not hypocrites and that God is real and that He loves us and that the only way possible for us to know His true love is to keep and to obey willingly His laws.  Throughout Church history and human history for that matter, mankind has proven that as long as we continue to live by the law of man we deserve nothing but death.  I despise to say this but the Church is the greatest offender of this statement and God says enough is enough and to start doing what He intended for us to do in the first place.  Church, stop arguing with those who do not care to listen, respect them and keep the doors open at all times.  Share the gospel to those who wish to have it in their lives.  Pray! Pray for the people in the world that they may truly know God.  Pray for the Church that she may return to God and be restored into His holy and pure Covenant again, and pray that when we study God’s Word that He shows us the truth in every letter mentioned in the Bible so that we may adequately teach those who need Christ.

Church, do not be caught using hypocritical standards by picking and choosing Scripture verses for your own good.  Know the entire passage and book that you are referring to when giving examples to those around you, this is the correct position of being first in line.  Use those examples in your everyday life so that when looked upon by the world they understand that you are different than others.  Will this truth cost you?  You bet! For we must remember that if you stand against the world it shall come after you which means you are doing something right through the light you are shining.  This truthful lifestyle will automatically disqualify your status as being correct on a worldly accord.

Time is growing shorter by the minute and things are about to change if we do not exhibit a change of heart within this country and in the Church.  The 14 million dollar question is why do we have to wait to do this until something catastrophic occurs? Well, in our passion to be an example to the world and through our attitudes according to this self-standard we have designated as our own, God will set an example where we are concerned and bring us to our knees at the same time.  However, one thing needs to be remembered, as Adam and Eve lost their dominion that God gave them so too will we lose our dominion as well, and the world shall follow us just as the world has followed Adam and Eve that fateful day.  I guess the question now lies with us in that: is it really that important to be humanly correct and all of the dominion benefits that we refuse to understand?


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Law of Man

Law of Man


We recognize this phrase as a part of our daily lives but do we really place the content of this phrase in our lives and do we even understand what this phrase actually means?  While this may seem like a clear-cut phrase it does have its origins in a unique manner that needs to be clarified before we can accurately use it.  This phrase and its origin are demonstrated in the Bible and it may come as a surprise when we learn of where it is displayed first.  It also gives us a deeper understanding of how separate the law of man is from what God deems as His Laws, and it proves that mankind’s laws have nothing over God’s laws.

Do you know that in Alabama that it is illegal for a person to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle?  Do you know that in Alaska it is illegal to tie your pet dog to the roof of your car?  Did you know that if a person gets married on a dare in the city of Lewes, Delaware it is grounds for an annulment?  Did you know that in Louisiana that a person can be sentenced to a 10-year prison term for stealing an alligator? Did you know that in Nebraska it is illegal to go whale fishing?  In New Mexico, it is forbidden that females go unshaven in public.  And, in Pennsylvania, it is illegal to sleep on top of refrigerators outdoors.  Where do people come up with such ideas and positions, one must ask themselves?

Some of these laws are quite hilarious but at some point in time, they had legitimate reasoning for their implementation.  One cannot think about why these laws were written and to whom they were intended or directed towards.  But what is so quirky about these laws is that the majority of them is still on the books and is legal representations of the states in which they were adopted.  While these laws represent some pretty petty (and funny) limitations they do not represent man’s laws but only represent Caesar’s laws.

The first incident of man’s laws that we see in the Bible occurs in the Garden of Eden and it comes from the actions of Adam and Eve and if one wishes to further define this setting it also separates man’s laws and Caesar’s into their respective categories.  When man was created he was placed into the Garden of Eden by God and at that moment God began His process of explaining to Adam the job that he needed to do through the dominion that had been given to him.  This was from God which means that it was established from a holy and divine state, not one that was flawed or damaged in any manner.  When Adam and Eve began their quest to tend to the Garden and to maintain it they had the responsibility to ensure that all that God said to do was completed.  At some point in time, they began to waiver from this truth for if they had not, then they would have put up a larger scaled defense when it came time to make the choice to eat the fruit.  So, what was this idea that they had that usurped God’s only law?

God had made His one law very clear to Adam and Eve, it was simple in stature and clean cut in explanation.  Yet over a period of time, they ate from that tree the fruit of which God said not to eat.  Adam and Eve were persuaded and beguiled by the serpent that was allowed to challenge God’s law.  No law had been broken as of this moment and all was intact even though the thoughts of Adam and Eve had to be racing with contemplative ideas.  And it is through this process that Adam and Eve devised their own law of man and thus the birth of sin was activated in our lives.  See, up until they actually ate from the tree no law had been broken but the idea and persuasion from the serpent and the activity of their hearts provided the necessary means for a law of man to be established.  And when that law of man was placed into motion, God’s Law was broken and Caesar’s law became settled.  The question of “why?” has to be running through our minds when we really stop and think about what exactly occurred within the Garden of Eden at that time.

Adam and Eve were not created as robots, they had the same identifying markers as you and I do today.  They had to have been tickled pink when they realized their magnitude over the Garden of Eden but as time went along, given the fantastic gift of the mind that had been given to them, must have thought about ways to circumvent their responsibilities instead of thoroughly completing them each day.  It can be said accurately of this for the results of their actions in the Garden are still evident in our lives today.  It was a progressive motion that led to their ideas and thus the establishment of our current situation today.  It was their law of man that took over their lives and thus drove a wedge of doubt which led to their eventual downfall.  This truth may seem a bit far-fetched to some but if you really think about this occurrence, is it any different than what humanity does today?  Also, it follows the example of the patterns in which humans follow when an idea becomes more and then others begin thinking the same way and it eventually becomes a law.

The law of man is a fascinating gesture at unity and constitution, but when it is applied to everyday life it results in nothing but the opposite.  It is through this reality that one should recognize that our capability as a law writing and abiding entity cannot be adequately sustained for if a flawed creator establishes a law that is to be followed, and then the only result that one can proclaim accurately is when the law is broken.  When reading these laws sometimes they make no sense at all and many of them can be construed as absurd.  Yet we try to create more laws to make the people seem safer and thus enable more to break the laws instead; an endless cycle that continues to burn away our eternal knowledge of true life and freedom in God.  However, if a law of man is not corrected through God, it at some time shall be made into a law of Caesar and will grow into a catastrophe once reached.

A good example of this occurred during Nazi Germany and one can include Pol Pot’s Indonesian regime as well.  In fact, countless numbers of leadership states can be included into this category because each one of the leaders that demonstrate this type of action has previously thought about those laws and had implemented them into their own personal lives first.  This is what defines a law of man and it is through this action that completely separates us from God and His Laws.

Right at the moment there are many human acknowledgments surrounding this concept that float within our own society and unless we tame, curb and turn our thoughts back to God, these unwritten laws of man shall one day consume our legal system and make it impossible to interact with any person that differs from you.  The rule of love and hate is the example that I wish to use here and it serves this action appropriately for what God is showing us.  It has become status quo that if someone does not agree with you or your idea that they automatically fall into the category of “hating” you and your idea.  This is a prime example of a law of man.  The objective that everyone wishes to live in is one of pure utopia where everyone agrees with every idea and that those who do not render themselves insignificant to the established society.  Can you imagine this thought running through Adam and Eve’s mind while they were contemplating their duties and lives in the Garden of Eden?

I was scrolling through one of the social media web pages the other day when I came across a Christian site that had made a comment about “the gay agenda” and how if people do not agree with its rise and status that they should be cast from societal links.  At the time I did not think too much of this statement for God had not shared with me the details of this article yet, but it came to light when He did because He explained to me that this thought process of society is a law of man and that through the recently made laws of the land has been incorporated into a law of Caesar.  

This process serves as a launching pad for countless laws of man to incorporate the books of governmental laws that could mean the destruction of millions or billions of people; ask the Jews that are still alive that lived in Europe during the years of 1933- 1945 and they will tell you just what it means to live through the progression of a law of man that turned into a governmental law.  The law of man can be clearly visible according to what mankind deems important enough to regulate or to set free, and it is at this point where good and evil can be adjusted for selfish means through utter blindness.

Laws of man serve for only one purpose and that is mankind itself.  A personal or group idea that eventually becomes a governmental status serves no one else but mankind and of those people who created it.  As we know, God cannot work through human selfish means He can only work through those who are willing to give up self in order to spread His message to others. Therefore, anything that comes from a worldly agenda cannot serve God or His ways which means any law of man – while deemed legal in the world’s eyes – cannot be representative of God; it is impossible since God cannot be associated with sin in any manner, which brings up the question concerning the caregiving of your dominion, and how one is ensuring that it stays complete and intact instead of being divided up by our enemy.

I challenge you to study the Word of God through in this light and take specific notes of the stories where the law of man is displayed in front of the laws of God.  Look at the ideologies of the people in question and then take more notes concerning the results of their reasoning.  It will become evident quickly that the law of man has no great eternal reward in our lives and it only brings division and separation not only between our fellow societies but also between God and us.  While being linked completely with God shall separate one from the world our eternal status and connection shall be intact and it is the eternal status that matters most to our lives.  If one doubts this eternal connection and its importance, study Genesis chapters 1-3 and the answer will be shown.

It is God’s desire that all should follow His ways and forsake the laws of man.  Jesus addressed this issue when He was on earth when He stated that we should give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.  It is clear that Adam and Eve had other ideas concerning God’s Law and the importance of it in their lives.  This evidence is still presented as a baseline defense in billions of lives today.  God never intended for us to be robots or controlled beings.  He gave us the capacity to choose our lives accordingly and that our choices place Him central to our existence.  Even in a perfectly created state, Adam and Eve chose the ways of their thinking instead of God’s but God still provided them a route of covering as they walked out of Eden for the last time.

God also challenges us to lose the laws of man and to fervently and wholly seek His laws.  His laws are perfect and will provide the covenant covering that we need in order to present ourselves blameless in His eyes.  As God has showed us recently, He does not like our hide and seek games with His covering for it only damages our lives and exposes us to our enemy’s lair.  God seeks for our protection through His eternal goodness but as long as we continue to abide by our laws first His hands are tied and not allowed to be stretched across the cross.

It is clear that when mankind enters their opinions into an equation that it only can serve themselves and that is exactly what our enemy wishes for our lives.  To question God and His laws does not mean that we circumvent their meaning and demand God change His ways to suit our ambitions about life.  To question God with a pure heart to understand what He is saying to His people is how we should be asking these questions.  If we have any pretenses about what or how God will answer these questions, then we have already enforced our law of man upon His words and, therefore, make His words irrelevant to our interpretive truth.  Read the detailed story about Adam and Eve in Genesis concerning this setting and what occurred to their lives when they fell into this category.

Sadly, we must contend that the Church has fallen into the law of man category as well.  One must ask this question when dealing with the ways of the Church.  If God did not allow the results of Adam and Eve’s law of man status results to stand holy why would Jesus give the command of His Church based solely on a flawed personality?  I do not mean to step on any toes here, but God intends to stomp on them until we realize that we are the Church and not some governmental mouthpiece that cries with sin at every turn.  It is our responsibility to show God’s love and His laws to the dying, we must do this because of our past contemplations of human laws, both personal and governmental.

The Church and the message of Christianity have gone down throughout history as a controlling and demented organization. Never did Jesus use violence against the people of the land in order to force His agenda of God’s Kingdom.  Never did He use His love to entice sexual behaviors upon the ones who came to Him for help and guidance.  Never, did He waiver or falter from His choice to come to this earth and advance the Kingdom of God by incorporating it with the kingdom of the world.  Jesus stood clear from the world and if one wishes to say that He attacked the Church, they are correct; for He attacked the constructed establishment for allowing the world to be shared within the temple which proves that the priests of that day had already established their own law of man inside the Temple, both their own personal temple and the Holy Temple.

As each day passes I read story after story of how the Church is falling into line with the world.  We have lost our fervor to understand God and His ways.  We have begun to interpret His Word according to our feelings and to jab at others through the messages that we preach from our own pulpits.  Look at where it has gotten us!  God is sick and tired of our petty differences, for these differences have created a massive rift within the body of Christ and it is through this rift that our enemy is thoroughly destroying what Jesus established while He was on earth.  It utterly frightens me that the Church fails to see this deception and furthermore, it becomes clearer with each passing day that she does not care to see this shortcoming either.  The Church has fallen into the identical setting in which Adam and Eve fell into, they lost focus on their dominion and the importance that God placed on their dominion.  Church, open your spiritual eyes and see what is occurring here.

God still cries out to His Church and calls her to repentance.  This call shall continue until He says, enough.  I dread that day, for when it comes the earth shall be changed forever and mankind shall witness destruction like never witnessed before.  We are gentiles, people who have been grafted into God’s family tree.  God completely destroyed the Kingdom of Israel for the atrocities that they claimed through their law of man, so what do you think God shall do to us who voluntarily reject the grafting in process?  Satan is having a field day with this obstructive behavior of ours, and when God allows, our devastation shall be utterly indescribable.  AS of this moment, God’s call to repentance is clear and loud, but the question remains is this: is your law of man louder and in tune enough with the world that God’s call is drowned out?  Repentance and restoration go hand in hand and I pray that your life and this nation refocus our hearts on our dominion and begin to allow God to restore what has been lost.