Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Law of Man

Law of Man


We recognize this phrase as a part of our daily lives but do we really place the content of this phrase in our lives and do we even understand what this phrase actually means?  While this may seem like a clear-cut phrase it does have its origins in a unique manner that needs to be clarified before we can accurately use it.  This phrase and its origin are demonstrated in the Bible and it may come as a surprise when we learn of where it is displayed first.  It also gives us a deeper understanding of how separate the law of man is from what God deems as His Laws, and it proves that mankind’s laws have nothing over God’s laws.

Do you know that in Alabama that it is illegal for a person to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle?  Do you know that in Alaska it is illegal to tie your pet dog to the roof of your car?  Did you know that if a person gets married on a dare in the city of Lewes, Delaware it is grounds for an annulment?  Did you know that in Louisiana that a person can be sentenced to a 10-year prison term for stealing an alligator? Did you know that in Nebraska it is illegal to go whale fishing?  In New Mexico, it is forbidden that females go unshaven in public.  And, in Pennsylvania, it is illegal to sleep on top of refrigerators outdoors.  Where do people come up with such ideas and positions, one must ask themselves?

Some of these laws are quite hilarious but at some point in time, they had legitimate reasoning for their implementation.  One cannot think about why these laws were written and to whom they were intended or directed towards.  But what is so quirky about these laws is that the majority of them is still on the books and is legal representations of the states in which they were adopted.  While these laws represent some pretty petty (and funny) limitations they do not represent man’s laws but only represent Caesar’s laws.

The first incident of man’s laws that we see in the Bible occurs in the Garden of Eden and it comes from the actions of Adam and Eve and if one wishes to further define this setting it also separates man’s laws and Caesar’s into their respective categories.  When man was created he was placed into the Garden of Eden by God and at that moment God began His process of explaining to Adam the job that he needed to do through the dominion that had been given to him.  This was from God which means that it was established from a holy and divine state, not one that was flawed or damaged in any manner.  When Adam and Eve began their quest to tend to the Garden and to maintain it they had the responsibility to ensure that all that God said to do was completed.  At some point in time, they began to waiver from this truth for if they had not, then they would have put up a larger scaled defense when it came time to make the choice to eat the fruit.  So, what was this idea that they had that usurped God’s only law?

God had made His one law very clear to Adam and Eve, it was simple in stature and clean cut in explanation.  Yet over a period of time, they ate from that tree the fruit of which God said not to eat.  Adam and Eve were persuaded and beguiled by the serpent that was allowed to challenge God’s law.  No law had been broken as of this moment and all was intact even though the thoughts of Adam and Eve had to be racing with contemplative ideas.  And it is through this process that Adam and Eve devised their own law of man and thus the birth of sin was activated in our lives.  See, up until they actually ate from the tree no law had been broken but the idea and persuasion from the serpent and the activity of their hearts provided the necessary means for a law of man to be established.  And when that law of man was placed into motion, God’s Law was broken and Caesar’s law became settled.  The question of “why?” has to be running through our minds when we really stop and think about what exactly occurred within the Garden of Eden at that time.

Adam and Eve were not created as robots, they had the same identifying markers as you and I do today.  They had to have been tickled pink when they realized their magnitude over the Garden of Eden but as time went along, given the fantastic gift of the mind that had been given to them, must have thought about ways to circumvent their responsibilities instead of thoroughly completing them each day.  It can be said accurately of this for the results of their actions in the Garden are still evident in our lives today.  It was a progressive motion that led to their ideas and thus the establishment of our current situation today.  It was their law of man that took over their lives and thus drove a wedge of doubt which led to their eventual downfall.  This truth may seem a bit far-fetched to some but if you really think about this occurrence, is it any different than what humanity does today?  Also, it follows the example of the patterns in which humans follow when an idea becomes more and then others begin thinking the same way and it eventually becomes a law.

The law of man is a fascinating gesture at unity and constitution, but when it is applied to everyday life it results in nothing but the opposite.  It is through this reality that one should recognize that our capability as a law writing and abiding entity cannot be adequately sustained for if a flawed creator establishes a law that is to be followed, and then the only result that one can proclaim accurately is when the law is broken.  When reading these laws sometimes they make no sense at all and many of them can be construed as absurd.  Yet we try to create more laws to make the people seem safer and thus enable more to break the laws instead; an endless cycle that continues to burn away our eternal knowledge of true life and freedom in God.  However, if a law of man is not corrected through God, it at some time shall be made into a law of Caesar and will grow into a catastrophe once reached.

A good example of this occurred during Nazi Germany and one can include Pol Pot’s Indonesian regime as well.  In fact, countless numbers of leadership states can be included into this category because each one of the leaders that demonstrate this type of action has previously thought about those laws and had implemented them into their own personal lives first.  This is what defines a law of man and it is through this action that completely separates us from God and His Laws.

Right at the moment there are many human acknowledgments surrounding this concept that float within our own society and unless we tame, curb and turn our thoughts back to God, these unwritten laws of man shall one day consume our legal system and make it impossible to interact with any person that differs from you.  The rule of love and hate is the example that I wish to use here and it serves this action appropriately for what God is showing us.  It has become status quo that if someone does not agree with you or your idea that they automatically fall into the category of “hating” you and your idea.  This is a prime example of a law of man.  The objective that everyone wishes to live in is one of pure utopia where everyone agrees with every idea and that those who do not render themselves insignificant to the established society.  Can you imagine this thought running through Adam and Eve’s mind while they were contemplating their duties and lives in the Garden of Eden?

I was scrolling through one of the social media web pages the other day when I came across a Christian site that had made a comment about “the gay agenda” and how if people do not agree with its rise and status that they should be cast from societal links.  At the time I did not think too much of this statement for God had not shared with me the details of this article yet, but it came to light when He did because He explained to me that this thought process of society is a law of man and that through the recently made laws of the land has been incorporated into a law of Caesar.  

This process serves as a launching pad for countless laws of man to incorporate the books of governmental laws that could mean the destruction of millions or billions of people; ask the Jews that are still alive that lived in Europe during the years of 1933- 1945 and they will tell you just what it means to live through the progression of a law of man that turned into a governmental law.  The law of man can be clearly visible according to what mankind deems important enough to regulate or to set free, and it is at this point where good and evil can be adjusted for selfish means through utter blindness.

Laws of man serve for only one purpose and that is mankind itself.  A personal or group idea that eventually becomes a governmental status serves no one else but mankind and of those people who created it.  As we know, God cannot work through human selfish means He can only work through those who are willing to give up self in order to spread His message to others. Therefore, anything that comes from a worldly agenda cannot serve God or His ways which means any law of man – while deemed legal in the world’s eyes – cannot be representative of God; it is impossible since God cannot be associated with sin in any manner, which brings up the question concerning the caregiving of your dominion, and how one is ensuring that it stays complete and intact instead of being divided up by our enemy.

I challenge you to study the Word of God through in this light and take specific notes of the stories where the law of man is displayed in front of the laws of God.  Look at the ideologies of the people in question and then take more notes concerning the results of their reasoning.  It will become evident quickly that the law of man has no great eternal reward in our lives and it only brings division and separation not only between our fellow societies but also between God and us.  While being linked completely with God shall separate one from the world our eternal status and connection shall be intact and it is the eternal status that matters most to our lives.  If one doubts this eternal connection and its importance, study Genesis chapters 1-3 and the answer will be shown.

It is God’s desire that all should follow His ways and forsake the laws of man.  Jesus addressed this issue when He was on earth when He stated that we should give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.  It is clear that Adam and Eve had other ideas concerning God’s Law and the importance of it in their lives.  This evidence is still presented as a baseline defense in billions of lives today.  God never intended for us to be robots or controlled beings.  He gave us the capacity to choose our lives accordingly and that our choices place Him central to our existence.  Even in a perfectly created state, Adam and Eve chose the ways of their thinking instead of God’s but God still provided them a route of covering as they walked out of Eden for the last time.

God also challenges us to lose the laws of man and to fervently and wholly seek His laws.  His laws are perfect and will provide the covenant covering that we need in order to present ourselves blameless in His eyes.  As God has showed us recently, He does not like our hide and seek games with His covering for it only damages our lives and exposes us to our enemy’s lair.  God seeks for our protection through His eternal goodness but as long as we continue to abide by our laws first His hands are tied and not allowed to be stretched across the cross.

It is clear that when mankind enters their opinions into an equation that it only can serve themselves and that is exactly what our enemy wishes for our lives.  To question God and His laws does not mean that we circumvent their meaning and demand God change His ways to suit our ambitions about life.  To question God with a pure heart to understand what He is saying to His people is how we should be asking these questions.  If we have any pretenses about what or how God will answer these questions, then we have already enforced our law of man upon His words and, therefore, make His words irrelevant to our interpretive truth.  Read the detailed story about Adam and Eve in Genesis concerning this setting and what occurred to their lives when they fell into this category.

Sadly, we must contend that the Church has fallen into the law of man category as well.  One must ask this question when dealing with the ways of the Church.  If God did not allow the results of Adam and Eve’s law of man status results to stand holy why would Jesus give the command of His Church based solely on a flawed personality?  I do not mean to step on any toes here, but God intends to stomp on them until we realize that we are the Church and not some governmental mouthpiece that cries with sin at every turn.  It is our responsibility to show God’s love and His laws to the dying, we must do this because of our past contemplations of human laws, both personal and governmental.

The Church and the message of Christianity have gone down throughout history as a controlling and demented organization. Never did Jesus use violence against the people of the land in order to force His agenda of God’s Kingdom.  Never did He use His love to entice sexual behaviors upon the ones who came to Him for help and guidance.  Never, did He waiver or falter from His choice to come to this earth and advance the Kingdom of God by incorporating it with the kingdom of the world.  Jesus stood clear from the world and if one wishes to say that He attacked the Church, they are correct; for He attacked the constructed establishment for allowing the world to be shared within the temple which proves that the priests of that day had already established their own law of man inside the Temple, both their own personal temple and the Holy Temple.

As each day passes I read story after story of how the Church is falling into line with the world.  We have lost our fervor to understand God and His ways.  We have begun to interpret His Word according to our feelings and to jab at others through the messages that we preach from our own pulpits.  Look at where it has gotten us!  God is sick and tired of our petty differences, for these differences have created a massive rift within the body of Christ and it is through this rift that our enemy is thoroughly destroying what Jesus established while He was on earth.  It utterly frightens me that the Church fails to see this deception and furthermore, it becomes clearer with each passing day that she does not care to see this shortcoming either.  The Church has fallen into the identical setting in which Adam and Eve fell into, they lost focus on their dominion and the importance that God placed on their dominion.  Church, open your spiritual eyes and see what is occurring here.

God still cries out to His Church and calls her to repentance.  This call shall continue until He says, enough.  I dread that day, for when it comes the earth shall be changed forever and mankind shall witness destruction like never witnessed before.  We are gentiles, people who have been grafted into God’s family tree.  God completely destroyed the Kingdom of Israel for the atrocities that they claimed through their law of man, so what do you think God shall do to us who voluntarily reject the grafting in process?  Satan is having a field day with this obstructive behavior of ours, and when God allows, our devastation shall be utterly indescribable.  AS of this moment, God’s call to repentance is clear and loud, but the question remains is this: is your law of man louder and in tune enough with the world that God’s call is drowned out?  Repentance and restoration go hand in hand and I pray that your life and this nation refocus our hearts on our dominion and begin to allow God to restore what has been lost.


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