Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beginning A Relationship Without Peace

Beginning a Relationship Without Peace


How does one go about establishing a relationship with another person, group, or nation when all parties involved are not on amicable terms?  This question is easily answered but also quite misunderstood because at one time those parties might have been close friends.  How does one keep the initiatives stable when dealing with hostile congregations; I guess they should be ignored.  We see this with every turn today and it is easy to become engulfed with these false relationships in order to establish a protocol of peace.  But in truth where is the original protocol and where does it now fit into our lives?  According to the world we do not need the original protocol for peaceful creation and establishment and as long as this type of belief proceeds, our enemy will eventually hand us our head on a platter.  There is a wonderful example of a relationship with a total peace that we can follow, but it would mean a complete 180-degree turn from our current trek.

We all have been involved in some type of relationship that has not gone well.  The methods and manners in which we handled those relationships most likely varied as the stars, but for everyone who endured a bad relationship the suffering was continually felt.  In addition, most of us had those advising us to stay clear from the situation and some of these advisors may have opposed adamantly through specific sightings in which they had witnessed or similar predicaments beforehand.  Yet, most of us chose to continue with the projections of these bad relationships and then came out of them at a later time wishing things could have been different.  In most of the cases, the beginnings of the bad relationship were detected but ignored, hoping for a reprieve from the bad signs that were being presented.  These indicators can come from any level of past relationships and should signal a retreat until all is made new, yet being human, we continue to advance our lives without true healing first.

Most of us probably became perturbed with those who tried to warn us of the oncoming dangers that would be guaranteed if we followed through with the present course that we were taking.  And for some of us when we were confronted with this information walked arrogantly away holding hands with the relationship partner while the advisor stood watching our backs grow smaller as they faded into the horizon.  This is a familiar setting that probably hits home for a number of us and then there are those that fall into the same type of relationship down the road and become strangled with another enemy in disguise posing as an intriguing serpent that has enticed our hearts.

The question of relationship has always been directed towards God and His position concerning this setting.  But is that the real question that needs to be addressed or is the question of our enemy the more important of this equation?  Both positions need to be understood and both positions need to be claimed in order for peace to be really comprehended enough to achieve.  It is difficult for me to fathom as to why Bible schools do not teach both sides of the block so that those who have been called into full-time ministry have the capability to explain what actually occurs in human situations where eternity is concerned.  To be honest, I really do not agree with the previous sentence because Jesus said for all of His disciples to go into all the world and to preach the gospel, not just a chosen few.

The Bible clearly states that God established a perfect relationship with Adam and Eve.  There cannot be any question that His creation of mankind was in a perfect state and that all human activity was of its purest form.  The Bible states over and over that God is a consistent God and a holy and pure God which means that if these examples of God are true, and they are, then everything that God creates has to be in a certain state or condition.  Therefore, if God is a perfect and holy being then He can only create and establish something that is exactly the same as He is.  This concept goes along with the truth about God and is one of the defining words that the Jewish language has for God.  In fact, Hebrew cannot even accurately define God because of His holiness state of existence and when translating His name the Hebrews actually cannot adequately spell God, for they write His name as G-d.

So, if God created us in a perfect state then that means something had to have happened in order for us to now live in a death state and one that does evil at every opportunity.  This has already been shared with us and the concepts of this truth can be found all throughout God’s Word.  Just as God’s Word states about our creation it also states about our fall from His holy created state, which places all blame upon our existence through the choices that we made long ago.  This means that it was our decisions that allowed this perfect relationship to be divided and to be separated from God, not His.  It also proves that God does not wish to have robots or to be in total control over our lives in the sense that we cannot make our own choices, for if God operated in this capacity then we would be slaves and in no way be considered His children.

In order to have a full understanding of what is at play in our lives, we must also include our enemy into this equation for it is vital that we understand his methods and the reasoning behind his hatred for our lives.  The Bible states that Satan fell from his position in heaven, which means that at one time Satan had a perfect relationship with God.  The Bible states that Lucifer was a bright star and was very beautiful in his appearance.  If – and that is a HUGE if – God would have ever died or left His thrown for good, it would have been in order for Lucifer to take over.  THIS SHALL NEVER OCCUR! But if it did this shows you just how high up Lucifer was in the hierarchy in heaven.  The relationship between God and Lucifer was a perfect one at a time and because he decided to be like God he fell hard for eternity from his position in heaven.  The relationship was from then on not perfect but a permanent separation including an eternal hell for his existence.

God created Lucifer and all of the angels as spiritual beings which means once their choice had been made their eternal status could not be changed.  This status is why God cannot reverse a setting concerning His creations for it would mean that His ways were wrong and incomplete thus Satan could have legal rights back to his throne and position in heaven; a do-over or mulligan if you wish to place it in those terms.  Stop for a moment and think as to why Satan does his best to steal, kill and destroy from our lives.  If there was a chance that God’s laws could be changed then Satan would have no reason to influence our choices enough to separate us from God because God would be considered invalid in all areas of creation.  Since God’s laws cannot be changed after they are set into motion is the exact reason why Satan hates us so much and it is through the way God created us that infuriates our enemy as it does.

Satan accomplished one of his goals for humanity in the Garden of Eden.  He made his presence known long enough to influence Adam and Eve’s decision to eat from the tree and thus set into motion the lives that we know today.  What a disastrous result that must have been for Adam and Eve when they learned of their fate.  Yet, even though their lives were changing right before their eyes God still provided them a covering and a symbol of protection that included restoration, a gift that God shows us in the remaining portions of His Word.  Our perfect relationship with God was ripped apart and even though the entire world changed God’s message of restoration continued to play an important part in our lives.  And as we study His Word we can view the evidence that countless nations, rulers, and individuals still chose to accept these truths or not.

There is no way possible to start a relationship with anyone if there is no peace present from the beginning.  If one opens a newspaper or book it does not take them long for their eyes to scan over some kind of violence or division between the characters or subjects of those informational materials.  Even when “happy endings” occur in those materials some sort of indifference occurred before the peace was established.  Even in personal relationships, some of the choices made and many of the beliefs shared within the individuals are not conclusive with each other, differences apply in all situations.  If allowed to accrue or fester long enough any relationship on any level shall explode and further divide the participants accordingly.  What the majority of the people involved do not comprehend is that this mechanism of human existence actually is consistently exploited by our enemy; our eternal enemy.

Look at what Satan wanted to accomplish in the Garden of Eden.  There was not one honest notion that he portrayed towards Adam and Eve.  It was evident that he had his sights set out to destroy their eternal existence and to separate them from God on all levels.  Satan understood their creation status and what was at stake in the Garden, he also understood that their dominion, while holy and pure, was subject to their law of man through the willingness of choice that God had given him at one point in time in creation history.  It was through this process that Satan gained the necessary access to Adam and Eve so that he could weasel his way into their hearts.  It is evident that Adam and Eve knew about the presence of Satan and it was also their cognition to warrant his plan into our lives.  This relationship that the serpent built with Adam and Eve was not based upon peace but of destruction and death.  It is evident that Satan had deceptive methods in his establishment process of his relationship with Adam and Eve.  He has used this tactic from this time period onward and he continues to use it today, which is why it is important that we understand God’s Word and what it means through the laws and commands that God has provided.

In one of my younger days’ relationships, I was asked the question: what do you want out of this relationship?  It was then that I understood that the particular relationship that I was in was about to end for this question woke me up to the true environment that was surrounding me.  The goals were not the same on both sides of this relationship and it became evident to me that it had been doomed from the beginning and that it would be useless to try and continue its pursuance.  It is this type of wake-up call that still burns within my life, one that I try to teach my girls to follow.  Not to be mean or ugly when questions arise, but to make sure all sides are playing in the same field and committed to the same goal and when the truth becomes known; walk away or continue accordingly.  If only I had learned this advice earlier in my life and only if I would have turned to the only One who has provided the perfect foundation for a relationship.

Human actions have proven time and time again that we would rather be sucked into a dangerous situation and continue to suffer as martyrs instead of making the decision to avoid the overall pain and agony with a bypassing maneuver given to us by an advisor.  Clearly Adam and Eve had the option to stand fast and hold on to their divinely given dominion but instead chose to go the way of excitement, the exotic and intrigue.  It should come as no surprise of how many hands would be raised if I asked if anyone out there had been taken in by the same types of situations.  Our enemy presents a pleasant picture before our eyes and this method is very effective, just look at the numbers.  One would also think that by hearing such tragedies from others that we would be on guard more, but we still fall into similar traps.  When a relationship is begun in such a manner in which it is based upon lies and deceit your dominion has been seized and is then ripe for being stolen, and nothing good can come from such a beginning.  It is through these types of relationship standards that present themselves down the road as generational disasters that many have no idea are in the cards.

As from the beginning of our human creation, our Creator has provided us with the perfect example of how to live within a stain free relationship.  God’s example is given to us through the first couple of chapters of the book of Genesis and it describes the perfect setting for which a relationship is begun.  It is through this setting that our dominion was set into motion and as we were placed into that setting our mission was made clear to us by the one who gave us the breath of life.  It is through His ways that He taught us to be knowledgeable of our surroundings and to pick up signs and signals in the area that warn us of approaching danger.  It is through this relationship with our Creator that gives us eternal hope and security for He leaves nothing out of context, all is included.  This is the example of a perfect origin for a relationship, not the one that the world has to offer.

God loves us so much that even when He was placing the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin He foretold of a savior that would be able to rescue us from our stolen, killed and destroyed dominion.  If we turn our hearts back to God He will restore our lives into the divine relationship that mankind once enjoyed in the Garden of Eden.  In this restoration process, we will be able to understand what it was like when Adam and Eve walked with God on a daily basis.  God never intended for any of us to have a bad relationship or one that is based upon sinful and worldly motives, we were not created to endure such a lie. 

Every time we choose to accept a relationship status with the world we place ourselves into the same destructive setting as Adam and Eve found themselves in such a long time ago.  God wants us to be in perfect relationship with Him so that we may travel through this life with a solid foundation for our daily relationships that we encounter.  God wishes for His children to think upon these things before making choices that would open our lives to further heartache and pain.  God has provided the perfect solution to our problems, just open your hearts and receive His truth and He promises a restored relationship with Him.  Starting out a relationship without peace is disastrous on all levels, but a relationship with God, a true relationship with Him, can prove nothing but bountiful joy and eternal happiness.


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