Friday, February 19, 2016

Being Hypocritical

Being Hypocritical


How many times a day do we hear this word being proclaimed towards someone, something or group?  It is an effective tactic used by many people in order to shun another person’s beliefs or feelings and for the most part, its usage produces results.  It is through these results that further divisions and anger are protracted thus injuring our nation and more importantly, our individual hearts more.  What we need to understand that each one of us that take a breath are hypocritical from our beginnings onward and when we use this term towards others, it actually makes us look like ignoramuses in the sight of the one who created us in the first place.

A few decades ago I had the honor to work with a gentleman by the name of Cyprian Baruffi.  I worked the evening shift and Cyprian was the phlebotomist that was along my side for countless hours during the evening.  As most of you know, I grew up as a minister’s son and I am still proud to say that I continue to live as one today.  I spent many hours in my youth asking my father about the different denominations that were around and he always took the time to inform me as much as he could and that I would understand.  As I learned that the majority of people would not believe as I did I knew that we shared a common bond with each other and that we also did not, and many would not, understand this common bond either.  It was through the common bond of our creation that we must look at in order to understand how horrific our hypocrisy stems and it is through this origin of ours that we can only obtain our true eternal life eternal.

I have no doubt that Cyprian is a man of God and that he has a heart after God and since we no longer have any contact with him I miss our conversations that we had concerning God and humanity.  One of the areas that he and I talked about concerned our status as humans in the sight of God and how because we chose to embrace sin through our selfishness, our lives while still being precious in God’s eyes, rendered us all guilty before Him.  We became the prize of God’s Kingdom and fell to the status of nothing because of our choice of selfishness in the Garden of Eden.  While Cyprian and I were discussing this matter I did not understand that his points were not directed at the status of our national ethnicity, or denominational terminology but through the level of creation.  And it took me almost two decades for God to shine His light on this subject and He has now beautifully shared details so that others may understand as well.

The idea of hypocrisy is all around us and with all of the different attitudes, beliefs and situations that humans live in it is not hard to fall into this category without even knowing what has occurred.  The definition of hypocrisy is best stated as the following: “The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own does not conform”.  There are many other definitions that render the same concept here but this definition goes straight to the point and serves the meaning of the word with direct truth and it serves as the basis for the topic of this message that God wants us to understand.

The best example that I can give concerning this hypocrisy state of ours today just occurred a few days ago.  As everyone in the world knows we as a nation are embattled in a huge political venture called the presidential race.  Many tensions are visible and emotions are running high with new accusations and commitments being announced and shared with each passing hour.  The latest example made immediate coverage and in turn, flamed the emotional statuses of all parties directly involved and indirectly involved.  The example comes from the pope and one of our presidential candidates and how the press and general consensus opinions have deemed the term hypocrisy on all sides concerned.

The call of hypocrisy from the pope I really find laughable and genially sad because if someone who claims to be the representative of God here on earth should know the origins of our existence and creation and therefore, not even consider the statements that he made concerning the situation.  Yes, I am standing up against the pope and calling him out for his words because he should know better; this means that I am also calling out all of the other Christians who fall into line with this damning status because we have been ignorant of our origins and knowledge thereof.  It is through his position of words that brings into light of the magnitude of destruction that we are encouraging and incorporating into the world, once again from the egotistical society we know as religion.

Humans may be different in appearance, culture, height, etc and that is a beauty of such a creative status but our origins were from one line only and it was through this part of our creation that we must understand and hold true.  It was our choice to do things on our own, not God’s.  This means that we chose to live a hypocritical life, one away from how we were created, supposed to live and continually exist.  Since our selfish choices overrode God’s ways this means that God had the authority to change our status through His holy order and He did so as described in Genesis Chapter 3.  Our lives turned and changed status when we “accomplished” this choice and it was through this action that we also chose to live in hypocrisy according to our eternal and physical origins.

I find it repulsive that we use this status, one that we can never overcome until we see God and all of His glory, for our own personal advantage and gain over another person, group, or nation.  It completely breaks God’ heart when we unknowingly use our own hypocritical existence as an example of down beating one another.  Christians no matter who you are and what place you hold, you should know that we as people have held this hypocritical status ever since our fall and we have no reason to deem ourselves any better than those who do not believe in God as their only Savior.  Our only problem is that we have either fallen into the category of forgetfulness concerning this issue or we have not understood God’s Word in its completeness.  In either way, we are doing wrong when we use this categorical statement towards others for we ourselves exist in a hypocritical state from what God created us.  Thus, the obvious concerns are not going to be dealt with here for in truth they are trivial and are a product of our choices and not our origin, which is the point that God wants us to understand here. 

I am finding out that when questions arise concerning our lives and our origins that we should turn back to the book of Genesis for there are so many answers there that will shed light upon what God intended for us to be, and this example of our lives takes place in the first chapters of Genesis as well.  All throughout the Bible we are referred to as God’s children, all created by God, His people, and the list continues as such, these descriptions of us are accurate and true and therefore, represent a direct lineage to God for it is easy for us to claim that He is our heavenly Father, so why is it difficult to recognize and understand why we are now living in hypocrisy to our origins?

Genesis Chapter 1 gives an accurate picture of how God created the earth and all that inhabits its surface, sea, and air.  When one studies this passage they will find that everything that God created was in perfect condition and in perfect order.  No blemish is mentioned and only a total growth pattern, a representation of life, is mentioned.  A perfect setting that we can only imagine about today but also hope for a return to some day.  Chapter 1 of Genesis is beautifully written and provides us an excellent picture of how God creates things and on the same hand, it loudly proclaims that no blemish can be incorporated into His creations by Him.  This is the important key here and it is the reason as to why all of us live in a hypocritical existence.  There is a reason that God placed the book of Genesis and named it as such, at the beginning of His Word for it serves as the origins of our lives and we stem from this setting, no matter which position we take in our lives.

Chapter 2 of Genesis begins the explanation of the creation of mankind or humanity as we know it today, with a huge voluntary change in our existence.  God is an eternal being and since He represents eternity then that means that everything He does is centered around this lifespan if we can call it that since eternal (spirit) knows no time.  Therefore, when God created us it means that we were no supposed to die or to have any major changes in our lives as long as we lived under His protection.  This seems like an easy thing to do but when you place the humanness into play the choices that we accept into our lives if we do not follow God’s laws to our utmost can become deadly.

In Genesis Chapter 3 we see these choices come to pass and bring into our lives another portion that God never intended for us to experience.  It was not God who commanded us to sin or to go on our wayward direction it was strictly our choice to do so. So, what does this mean?  Most recognizably it means that disobedience entered into our thought patterns, invaded our hearts and then we took action upon these internal concepts and sin became a part of our lives forever; once again, a process that God did not even create in our enemy’s life so why would God automatically install it into ours?  He did not.  It was through the same idea of choice and recognition that caused Lucifer to fall and it was through this same principle that we fell as well which leads us to the hypocrisy that we all live I today.

Christians, we should be ashamed of ourselves for falling into this category of not understanding what it means to be alive.  We are the ones that should spread the message of God’s salvation to the dying world, not thrusting our own hypocritical lives down upon them.  I cannot help but weep for those who use this type of activity and words to harm those who are desperately looking for truth, but I also must contend that when I study history the majority of the stances that churches and denominations took fulfilled this same hypocritical life without understanding of our true creation.  Christians, in order for you to understand your life in its entirety including your origins then it must be acknowledged, accepted and understood that God Himself is a complete God and cannot deviate from this status.  

Children of God – that means ALL of us – we live in a constant hypocritical state which automatically provides our enemy with an advantage over us, for you see it was he who provided this status in our lives and through the voluntary initiation of this status by our actions he has gained a world of access into our lives through our lack of understanding about our own creation; does this statement bring back any memories of Adam and Eve?  This is an important reason as to why God says that He wishes for us to separate ourselves from the world for if we continue to accept the world’s standards within our lives we are effectively enhancing our own hypocritical existence.  Which brings us back to the reason why God had His protection over us in the Garden of Eden and proven through the Old Testament covenant and ultimately through the shedding of His only Son’s blood.  Christ’s blood does not change our status but it brings us back down on a level playing field in God’s eyes because Jesus’ blood hides us from the hypocritical existence we chose so long ago.

It is important that we allow God to drive home this truth into our lives for we allow our enemy enough access in our lives as it is, why do we wish to further our sinful demise.  God is calling on His Church to change course and while accepting the people that are hurting and wish to seek God we are to teach them enough about God that they allow Him to radically change their lives just as He did for every other person who has accepted Him.  We as the Church have lost this truth and sadly, many have never had it to begin with but as of this second and moment, we have the opportunity to change that status and to once again push forward the Kingdom of God.  We were created for a purpose and one of those purposes is to understand why we were created on all levels of our existence.  Choose God and go back under His Covenant and proclaim the gospel to the dying world.  When we do this, we will overthrow our hypocritical lives and becomes a living example of life abundantly as it is divinely directed in our creation.


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