Monday, May 16, 2016




This word is one that graces our presence almost every day in some form or shape, and when it does it is not in a good manner either.  Did you know that this word was not always used in such a negative connotation and that it was originally meant as a true and complete blessing?  This should not come as a surprise to anyone since when something good is created the enemy has the job to distort that creation enough to render its usage null and void.  We are witnessing this word being flung around with recklessness and in some cases utilized as a threat.  This word along with all other words and living statuses shall continue their violent rounds until our societies put God back in their hearts and place His ways first once again.

A long time ago my father gave me some advice that I try and instill in my girls as well and it goes something like this.  When you have a job no matter what type of job it is you must always do your best at all times.  Be respectful to your boss and contribute completely in the product that you are working with.  Always remember that no matter how high up you get in your position that there will always be someone above you making sure that things are done correctly and honestly.  Be truthful, honest and hard-working at all times and God shall see to it that your family is provided for continually.  What my father said to me is that I must work hard for everything that I have and not to expect a free handout for a job less done.

The word entitlement comes from the root word entitle which is a transitive verb and has the following meaning: to furnish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something; to give a title to or to give a right to.  It is through this specific definition that the popular word of entitlement is used today and is now being demanded in the manner in which the definition comes.  Entitlement is supposed to mean that once people leave that the possessions of the forepersons are freely and lovingly handed down to those who have honored the lives of those before them.  However, this definition has taken a gross turn and is now being demanded without merit and concern.

Does any of you know where this word and manner actually originated?  Of course, it is easy to say that once mankind began to adjust to conditions after the fall that it was at this point in time.  If one is looking for a biblical point of reference then it would be easy to say that it was first demonstrated with Cain and Able or Jacob and Esau.  But in truth, this word and all of its meaning began further back, long before mankind roamed the earth and even before we were created from the ground itself.  Entitlement began in heaven with the fall of Lucifer and the presentation of his selfishness against God.  And it was from this defining point that this word began its hideous course of destruction on each person on this earth.

There is no doubt that Lucifer played around with God’s laws enough to warrant this type of action against God.  It is difficult to keep in mind exactly what transpired when Lucifer decided to demand that God share His status with him, but it must have occurred because God would not cast Lucifer out from heaven on a whimsical charge.  Lucifer wanted to be like God, to share in the glory that defines God and to have an all-powerful status that would further separate him from the other angels and principalities in heaven.  It was through this proclamation of Lucifer that he demonstrated greed and envy towards God and forced God to eternally change Lucifer’s status, strictly because of the choices that Lucifer made and NOT by God’s own accord.  Lucifer knew his place in heaven and he understood what was expected from him in the duties that God had given him. It was through this status that Lucifer’s desire for more began for even the eternal beings that God created had a choice and it was through this gift that Lucifer demanded more from God on the basis that he believed he could do things better with more.

So, after a certain amount of time God allowed Lucifer to make his choice and therefore face the consequences of his choice. Since God is a complete and holy God, God had no choice but to render Lucifer a liar and had to cast him from His presence because God could not and still to this day be around anything that is not pure and holy.  It was through the choice of Lucifer that this process was initiated and then executed by the only One who had the complete authority to do such an act.  With such action taken, Satan continued his pursuit of God’s creations by installing this entitlement process as a means to incorporate his rebellion against his Creator and it is a process that we are witnessing today as it unfolds in the lives of those who want the best of everything but do not wish to earn it as everyone before them did.  If anyone ever has questions as to the seriousness and the infiltrating conditions this entitlement process has, remember that Lucifer convinced 1/3 of all the angels in heaven that he was right and took them with him when he fell; it was their choice too.

When I read history there is a certain pattern that is easily noticed when it comes to the standards of living.  A certain time back there was a TV program on that people were picked to live in an old house that resembled a period time back when the modernity’s of this day and age were not around.  These people had to give up every modern technological advance to live in this state, it was so detailed that even the clothes that could be worn were ones from that 1800s time period.  While many of the parties that participated enjoyed their time there it was a common theme that the people who lived back then definitely had a harder time of living.  I cannot help but wonder how people would react if those types of conditions were to resurface themselves once again; have you ever thought about why this setting could return?

As we watch time progress it is not difficult to figure out that as technology advances the lives of humans becomes easier. Today, we have made traveling a snap with several methods of arriving at our destinations around the world.  Back in the 1800s and early 1900s, it was almost impossible to cross the ocean to go visit family in another part of the world.  But today if we wish to watch a Premier Football match in London, it is not difficult to book the arrangements and head over for a short stay and return home in less than three days.  One can plug in any other setting and have almost the same result, our lives have become so complex with this lifestyle yet we crave more and more as our eyes and ears witness.

We all know that it is God’s intentions that His children have all the blessings possible and that all blessings come from Him. But as with the times of Lucifer in heaven, it is his job to distort this process and to render God’s origin of blessings into a lie that we believe and live through instead.  It is a process that one must recognize before they can acknowledge its presence and as long as we continually receive gifts and presents it is hard to write a true thank you note.  It is also through this process that the word entitlement is brought into the picture and strategically and subtly placed in our hearts by Satan.  Over a period of time, if that belief is not detected it will grow enough in our hearts that its presence will function as a normal portion of our lives and then grow to become a determining factor in the decisions that we make.

If I spoke to my parents in a similar manner as the kids do to their today I probably would still be lying in a bed some place recovering from the punishment that I deserved.  I love my parents and even though I did not like some of the things that occurred in my life, the consequences of my actions strictly determined the results.  My parents never beat me in any such manner and the spankings and groundings that I did receive I totally deserved.  Yes, I pitched some fits in stores when I asked for something and did not receive it, but in no such terms did I deserve to demand that item from my parent, not then and surely not now.  Can you imagine the words that must have flown out of Lucifer's mouth when he demanded the equality status that God demonstrated?

When a person believes that they deserve something it is their responsibility to earn it.  It is no one else’s place to give it to them when they ask for it.  Now, there are those who will do such an act and it is their choice to do so but at the same time those people need to understand that when this occurs – on a continual basis – it is only enabling entitlement to become a foundation of the receiver’s life.  This process only begins a pattern of separation between giver and receiver that if not stopped will grow into a violent misconduct at some point in the future.  It is a process that becomes so intertwined in our lives that we do not even recognize its presence but at the same time is manifested through the words that we speak to others.

Society today promotes everything imaginable and as they promote these items the companies insinuate that there will be no problem in a person obtaining these items.  The belief that we need every comfort item available is a huge lie that serves nothing but the greed of humanity.  The kids are not taught anything about loyalty, work, or responsibility anymore only what they deserve and how bad they are if they do not have everything possible.  Teachers are the evil beings and the students are the victims and should demand good grades even when the pupils refuse to complete the work.  All areas of human existence are now subject to entitlement and as our societies continue to deteriorate and fall, we fail to recognize the spirit of entitlement and how it is one of the major catastrophes that our enemy is using to divide us from our Creator.

When people “protest” in the streets over police department actions by destroying public buildings, burning businesses, pillaging neighborhoods and harming other human lives this is a result of entitlement in action.  If people do not get their way in outcomes and then take revenge on those involved or even to those not involved, this is a result of entitlement.  Stop and think about this process for a moment.  We have endured some horrific scenes in this country over the past few years through innuendos and accusations from people who do not wish to hear the truth but only seek revenge for something that they believed occurred.  They level threats against communities, organizations and groups of people before anything is even legally done concerning the matter.  The origins of this movement have been perfectly laid and we have no choice but to reap the benefits of this rage.

I understand the concept of scholarships and gifts that allow people to receive items and things that the recipients normally would not get to do or have.  I have received such scholarships in my life and have been much appreciative of these opportunities.  But at no time did I ever demand someone give me these gifts and use the concept that it was my right to receive such items because of who I was or where I lived.  It is not right for me that I demand from a person I do not know, from a friend or a family member a gift that allows me to go to Europe for a month-long trip.  Nor do I have the authority to demand that I go back to school and demand that a person off the street or any person for that matter pay for my tuition.  On what authority do I have to demand a person to vote in a certain manner and then protest their actions if they do not agree with my position?  These are only a few of the examples that are noticeable in our societies today, and they serve as a launching pad for further and more insidious proceedings in the near future.

The dangerous portion of this entitlement process is that it will eventually spill over its physical boundaries and become more on a personable level.  Higher degrees of inception will be required as time passes, and with the stakes becoming higher the demands for productivity will increase as well.  Sound like a sales pitch?  Actually, it is the truth for as we all know that when humans demand something they usually find the means to obtain that item desired and if resources are scarce the only thing left to do is to resort to personal property to furnish such wants.  People, this is not a far-fetched idea or looney concept that I am dreaming up to scare you, but it is a truth that God is sharing to His people in order that they understand exactly what the world and its leader are doing.

It is a dangerous scenario also because the Church has not recognized this process as a hindrance in / to its congregations.  In fact, the Church has accepted this process as its friend and is now incorporating the entitlement message into its weekly sermons.  The one living entity that should immediately recognize that this entitlement process is a spirit and should be fought off, in reality, invites its seductiveness into her existence.  Since this word originated in Lucifer it cannot be anything but a spirit, for Lucifer is created as such and spirit must act on spirit to influence the flesh; think about that phrase for a moment. 

The simple prayer of salvation has been watered down to a few words that have no meaning or foundation according to what Jesus taught as repentance.  And it is through this visible abomination that demonstrates the Church’s acceptance of entitlement.  See, Jesus taught that the world needs to be saved but that the world could only be saved if repentance was truly present when people came to Him and to His Father.  Repentance takes a commitment and a turning from the direction that one was in before the change.  If Jesus represented God and all of His covering that means He came to the world to change the people and to deliver them out of the world, not to have them continually incorporating their lives in the world.  But today, the Church fails to recognize this truth and falls directly in line with the teachings of the world, not of God.

The world plays around with God’s laws so that they eventually mean nothing to the person and their lives.  It is easy to comprehend that the world does not care to see that their entitlement visions is a dooming spirit that has eternal damnation as its reward.  What frightens me the most is that the Church that Christ commissioned to preach the gospel to the dying world does not even fathom that a problem of entitlement exists, much less that it is a moving and growing spirit.

So what can humanity expect from this growing spirit of entitlement?  That is a good question and one that I challenge you to study quite extensively.  First, look at the meaning of the word entitlement and place its contents in your fore-thinking.  Every detail of that word should be readily accessible to your spirit eyes.  When one understands that this process is alive and growing they can see it move and then will not be surprised when it takes its next step  Entitlement is a step process that needs to move in order to fulfill its mission.  Refer to Lucifer’s fall if one wants to know the end result of entitlement, for he demanded to be like God and to have what God possessed.  God cannot stress enough what this spirit shall bring if we do not recognize its presence in our lives.  We have been given the perfect example to understand yet we reject its truth for our own self-pleasure - which is a direct result when entitlement is being displayed.  Entitlement has a natural course, just look at our enemy’s life for that proof.

Church it is time we wake up and recognize what we have allowed to take from our lives.  We are supposed to be the light that shines in the darkness and to uncover all of the evil that our enemy is spreading.  We have become self-centered in all of our ways, serving those who agree with us instead of what God agrees with.  We fail to see the steps that our enemy is taking without opposition and as each step is taken millions of people go to their eternal destinies not being told about the true salvation of Jesus.  Our dominion has been compromised to the point that we no longer have the Divine protection over our land and unless we turn from our wicked ways we shall soon not have a land that we can recognize and call our own.  The entitlement spirit is growing exponentially by the second and the spirit of the Church is being pushed back just as fast.  This is not what Jesus established and we must regain what we have allowed the enemy to destroy.  Repent! And then allow God to restore in us His mission for a dying world.


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