Monday, May 9, 2016




There are a number of eyebrow-raising conditions that our world is facing these days.  A good portion of these conditions are occurring right under our noses and what is worrisome is that it seems like no one has any real answers for these issues.  To elevate this situation is the fact that many of these issues have to deal with spiritual matters and when the world needs the Church to take a stand against these measures she has no clue about what to do.  This is ironic yet true at the same time for it defines where the Church’s heart is at instead of where it should be.  Definitions are becoming clouded every day and this is the time when the Church needs to have the sure foundation of her Savior, not the undertow of the sinking sand.

For the last few months, God has been dealing with us concerning our relationship with Him and how His Church is responding to the “new” statuses that the world is backing.  I find it heartbreaking of the majority of the responses that we have been giving to those people that desperately need God, for our responses have been horrendous at best.  I wish that I could say that only a few of the opinions that Christians have been giving fall into this category but as I have recently found out my small and conservative community even falls into this category.  I know God must hang His heart in shame for it is evident that His Church and His people have totally forgotten to understand what His message is all about and have forged a false gospel according to the world’s standards.

Do not get me wrong, I am not going to preach the “love” message to everyone, instead, God is going to share with us about how important it is that we know His Word and understand what is in it so that when these issues arise we can adequately defend God, the advancement of His Kingdom, and the wickedness that our enemy is advancing in this world.  First and foremost we must grasp the truth that God is a complete God in ALL areas of His existence.  This means that if He speaks something into existence, that pattern cannot change for any reason which means that if any changes occur, it has to originate from our enemy. So, when something occurs in the Old Testament, it is a sacrament for today as well, for it was humans who were present in the Old Testament and there are humans today; complete.

Secondly, we must understand that there are only two kingdoms in the eternal realm and that the actions of both kingdoms affect our lives on a second by second basis.  These two kingdoms can NEVER mix in any shape or form for they are arch enemy kingdoms vying for the one valued eternal prize; you and your eternal position.  When one kingdom is advanced the other kingdom is automatically pushed backward and vice versa.  There is a chain of events or reaction as each kingdom advances or retreats, it does not matter which kingdom is advanced either and events in our lives will reflect this advancement, guaranteed.

A third point is that the children who serve God understand that there is an eternal war ongoing for a person’s life and that there is NO room for any inclusion of the enemy in our lives for if there is it is an automatic advancement of our enemy’s kingdom; when this occurs we must then evaluate who actually who we consider the enemy to be, there is no fence sitting here.  This point is one that we have lost over time and through this lack of wisdom on our part has allowed our enemy to boldly go where he should not even be recognized.  What makes matters worse is that he has not even had to disguise himself on this matter for we have allowed him access through our own ignorance of God’s Word.  We must never forget that the Word of God was not written for just the present tense but it was written for the present tense to learn from their history and to remind us that our lives have an eternal destination through the obedience of God’s laws.

There are many more points that God could refer to on this issue but one more item that God truly grieves over is how we are responding to the people that so desperately need Him.  When God refers to the world as dying, He means it.  Not just the physical death but our eternal death as well.  It is the eternal death that God seeks so rapidly to avoid and He cannot force His prized creations to accept Him, for that choice alone is ours.  But it is through our actions and our influence that grabs the attention of people and gives them a real chance of accepting God’s truth and eternal life.  But over time, the Church has faltered in this mission and now is drawing up goose eggs in this one command to the Church.

Two examples I am going to share with you concerning this matter and both of them originate from God’s people.  The first example that God is going to share comes from a question that was posed to some people in a forum, and on the surface would seem not to pose much debate but in the end, some of the answers fascinated me.  The question was simply this; “Why did God create man?”  Superficially this might seem to be a quick and easy topic but one must consider the human mind and heart and how both of those entities vary, and it was through this area that some of the answers I laughed at but most of them my heart broke.

One in particular stated as such: “God does not need man.”  This answer was a short yet to the point and it was one that struck me the most and the one that God wants us to understand in its complete form.  The idea that God does not need mankind is a 100%, exact, dead-on, on target lie from the pit of hell!!!  If God does not need mankind then why did He create us?  He created us for a specific purpose and we are commissioned to fulfill that purpose for as long as we draw breath.  It is the job of our enemy to put ideas in our hearts that God does not need us, that He is all powerful and all knowing so why would He need someone who cannot even talk and walk straight.  We need to understand that we are His hands and feet, we are His masterpieces of creation that should be shouting His glory to the world.  If we do not set an example of God to the world then we are defeating God’s original purpose in our creation, the advancement of His eternal Kingdom.

God cannot force anyone of us to choose Him, we must to that through our own free will which means that while God may live in our hearts, His Word cannot be demonstrated unless our lips revere it towards others.  It is through our words and actions that define our relationship with God and thus will be directly annotated to anyone who comes in contact with our lives.  This includes ANY type of communication and appearance.  This brings us up to the point where the second example in this article will be presented.  While it deals with basically the same issue as the example above it brings it home to me since it occurred within my small community, but it provides direct evidence that the Church has lost her way when it comes to God and the mission that He gave to us.

This event occurred in our community, public message board a short time ago and it brings into light of how the Church is responding to the change of settings in the world, it also defines how the Church views herself and how she is able to spiritually combat the advancement of Satan’s kingdom.  There has been an ongoing discussion lately about a group of atheists that have protested a certain few items that our local school board has allowed and not allowed within the walls of the schools.  To the worldly eye, this situation is of great concern as it should be of great concern of the opposite side of the fence, the Church.  According to the worldly laws and the ones that the government support, this group should be allowed to distribute their information to schools if the district has allowed opposite or different views to be presented.  The uproar is just that, the school district has allowed both sides to be presented and while both sides have made their claim, the issue should be dropped; one would think.

The responses coming from the people who claim to be Christians have been appalling at best and I cannot help but think that God’s heart is breaking into pieces over these responses.  First, every single response to the people that are on the opposite side has been nothing but verbal attacks and thus demonstrates that we know nothing about Kingdom tactics when it comes to the warfare of our eternal placement.  Sadly, as time has progressed on this topic with a few more placed in the midst, the issue of Christian responses has increasingly become more vile and disrespectful than I would have imagined coming from a so-called Christian community.

The epitome of this type of response came in the form of this person through in her own words claims to be a Christian: I am sorry that you do not know my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but I am glad that you are not around my children.  These words may not be 100% accurate, but they are very close and the meaning of what this person stated and writing of the sentence has not been diminished or inflated either.  This statement is the perfect response of how NOT to reply to a person that does not know God.  First of all, we must realize that not every person that we come in contact with will want to believe in God or to have anything to do with Him, this is a fact and it must be known.  However, this does not mean that we should tell people that God loves them and then immediately stick out our tongue at them either.

In all honesty, this person did exactly what Eve did when she stated God command to the serpent, she was right that she should be proud that Jesus is her Lord and Savior, but the lie came into play when she stated that she is glad that the opposing person would never be around her children.  How could the person who definitely does not know God be willing to sit down with another Christian and truly listen to what they have to say about God?  It is through this type of action that the debate lines have been grossly thickened and most people who do not know God refuse to have any further participation with God or His witnesses. 

Turning to a national level, it is this portion of the second example that we are also witnessing unfolding as well.  While my second example is on a local level almost identical positioning is taking place all across this country and the world and it is screaming with the reality that we would rather live a Pharisees and Sadducees than true children of God.  The Church is drastically failing at her mission due to the fact that we have purposefully allowed our enemy into our hearts so much that we have handcuffed our spiritual words so that when we do speak it is out of utter confusion and nonsense.  And, to top it all off it is through this lack of knowledge concerning God’s Word that our enemy has played our hand for his own good and kingdom advancement.

There should be no reason why Christians should not have the opportunity to sit down with a person who is curious about God and how He operates, but according to our responses to being questioned, we have no true response to authenticate God’s existence.  We – the Church - have voluntarily cut our mission’s legs and feet from underneath us off, with the misuse of Jesus’ sword of truth.  This is true because we have refused to understand what Jesus’ life meant and what He commanded us to do through the spiritual realm (Kingdom). 

The most telling portion of these examples are this: how history is repeating itself and how through our own “Christian disguise” we are fulfilling stories that occurred in the Bible, almost to a “T” and provides the foundation as to just how fooled we have become when it comes to the knowledge of God and what His Word says.  If one studies Scriptures they will understand that the stories that are told within this holy text are 100% accurate and that all stories within the Bible directly pertain to humans.  Remember at the beginning of this article, God states that He is a complete God?  Then this means that if He was talking about humans in Scriptures then He is also referring to you!

Currently, our societies are rapidly doing away with God and everything that He represents in our lives.  The true Church is being isolated and surrounded more each day and what is terrifying is that we are actually rolling out the red carpet to those that are demanding our existence.  What is so appalling is that the Church either refuses to acknowledge or does not understand what is actually going on while these events are unfolding before our eyes.  I must admit that for many years of my life I could not understand how a power such as the USA would allow another power to invade Israel as the Bible states.  But knowing the truth about kingdom warfare I understand now that at some point in time this nation has to be out of the picture or so devastated that she is not part of the viable picture.  When God showed me the status of Israel in Scriptures, it all became clear.

There is no doubt what-so-ever that Israel is God’s chosen people.  This is a truth of Scriptures and this truth shall forever ring true.  There is also no question that this country was founded on a Kingdom principle known as restoration because it was through a small group of people that this nation was forged in the name of God.  As stated in previous articles, this commission from God started its downward turn shortly after these people landed on these shores, for the same reason as why we are in the mess today, we did not understand God’s Word and what our mission is through His Word.

A common question that is brought up concerning Israel is why would God allow Israel to be defeated and scattered as a nation if they were His chosen children?  This answer comes from the portion of God’s Word where God makes it clear that He is a God of choice and not force.  At one point in Israel’s historical lineage, they made it clear to the prophet Samuel that they wanted a human king which means that they were tired of God’s laws.  This also meant that they had no complete idea of what God’s laws were and how they were protecting them and their lives from the world.  Yet, they demanded a human king and God granted their wish, and it was from that time forward, that Israel faced trouble after trouble after trouble.

Israel had reached a point in their history that their eyes had been fixed on earthly measures instead of the provisions from God and the truth of this matter came out when they demanded their royal change.  Does this setting sound familiar?  It should because that is exactly what we are currently doing in this nation.  By no means am I comparing our status as being on the same level as Israel; however, there is no doubt that our land was established for a reason and through this blessing and status we are a bull’s-eye in the sights of our enemy just as Israel was so long ago.  It is safe to say that if we do not change our choices now, we shall fall into the same category as Israel did a short time later in their history.

This country and the modern societies that are following in our wake are taking steps that Israel took many centuries ago. Israel’s decision to thumb their noses at God cost them their entire dynasty including the temple that God commissioned, not once but twice and after the second temple was destroyed a third still has not been built.  The temple was their definition their entire existence as individuals and as a nation, very similar to that of our country when it was born.  The last time Israel was defeated their entire land and empire was completely destroyed and countless leaders and princes were killed and the masses led off into captivity never to be identified as a nation again until 1948.

Israel had the concept that they were invincible due to their status from God while this concept is accurate that does not mean that they were prone to falling and allowing sin to envelop their lives enough to warrant God taking a stand.  Israel forced God to take a stand and the existence and status that they so dearly loved was taken from them in a series of events.  For a nation or country to completely take out this nation is hard to imagine, but God allowing a supernatural event to occur on these shores is not.  I am not saying that a nation could not do great damage to this country for that is a huge mistake that many perceive to be the truth.  In any case, we shall see some major catastrophe occur in our land or God is going to have to apologize for many of His past activities.  Oh, by the way in all of my studies of the Bible I have never once found where God had to apologize for anything He had ever done, is doing or will do for He is a complete God the first time around.

I cannot help but believe that our societies are vastly approaching to that line that Israel approached so long ago.  It pains me to sit back and to watch the Church defend God from the bleachers and from the sidelines and in doing so inviting the leaders to be to organize a state religion that includes a state organized atheism program.  We are so far out of bounds that we cannot tell who the enemy actually is and what his game is; this is the reason why we praise Jesus and condemn others at the same time.  We are cutting through the things that Jesus does not want cut, simply because we do not fully understand what is going on and more importantly the seriousness of being separated from God for eternity.

In the first example that I shared with you in this article, from the person who said God does not need humans actually came from one of my Jewish friends.  While his comment broke my heart I could not help but to think that after all of the persecutions that the nation of Israel has endured over the millennia that we as a recognized country established by God dare to thumb our existence as Israel did.  And how does God continue to view Israel while they are continuing to make this choice?  These questions have answers and each answer is present in the Word of God.  I refuse to allow the children of God to believe that our lives are meaningless to our Creator, we are His prized creations and represent the foundation of Kingdom advancement against the darkness of the world. We have a specific order of creation for a reason and through this ordained and holy order, we have an individual and divine purpose for God existence.

The second example that was used in this article came from a local group that I am a member of and this comment too broke my heart but at the same time it upset me because it proves not only on a local level that the Church has no truth to back up its current stances but also this local reaction is almost identical to the national level response which means that this problem is spread out evenly.  This is exactly what our enemy wishes for as long as we fail to see what our true mission and command from Jesus is, the further Satan’s kingdom is advanced.  Satan could care less that you are Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Satanist, Agnostic, Atheist or whatever else as long as you do not understand that there is a war that is going on for your eternal position.  Eternity is a long time people, so long, in fact, our human minds cannot completely fathom it.

It is high time that the Church gets off of her pews – both in the church buildings and in her heart – and begin to seek the Word of God in order to reignite the spiritual flame that will provide the light of salvation and restoration to a dying world.  There is a reason the Bible describes the world as a place of destruction and death and we need to place this setting in our foreheads and in our hearts once again.  We do not need to condone sinners’ actions and we dare not condemn them either.  It is our mission to teach them that their lives are worth more than just a mere fleshy existence that wanders around aimlessly without just cause.  We need to assure them that there is a God and that He listens to each rhythmic heartbeat that your heart produces and that every breath you take is a prime example of God’s love for your life.  With love comes obedience, and it is God’s desire that you study His Word in depth enough to understand that His laws are for our protection instead of our limitation.  If ANYONE believes that including people into their congregations and then incorporating them into the Church herself based strictly on love WITHOUT salvation, then you are fooled and represent the definition of being spiritually fooled.

It is evident that the Church has not done her divine homework in this area and it is also evident that the consequences of our non-action have come to light.  We no longer have the authority that Jesus said we have and to be honest it seems like we do not want it; which is exactly the direction that this country has taken, coincidence?  I think not!   We must always, always remember that God is a complete and consistent God and that if He sets 1 item into motion He will continue to follow the same guidelines, for if He does not then He is a liar.  Church, allow God to open our spiritual eyes to His Word before God must wake us up with a devastating wake-up call.  Our nation, both physically and spiritually strictly depends upon this wake-up call and in all reality so does the world.  God loves His Church and so do I and God wishes to see His light flow through her doors once again.  A fooled Church is a dead Church and God cannot represent anything that does not have life abundantly.


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