Friday, May 20, 2016

God Cannot Serve Two Masters

God Cannot Serve Two Masters


This phrase may not be a common one that we think about but one that we should keep in my hearts at all times for it defines a side of God that is a must for Him to proclaim His eternal status.  We must remember that God is a complete God in all areas and this includes both sides of His Word.  God cannot serve two kingdoms He must be steady enough to ensure that only one Kingdom is adjourned each day with the results of that Kingdom present at every turn.  It is His Kingdom that we must seek, for that is the Kingdom that He wishes for us to live under and within.

The hot topics that grace our newscasts, web casts, articles, texts and conversations mainly deal with societal issues that really should not have anything to do with the status of our lives.  But, in most cases we tend to place the absurd and obsolete in front of the required and drudge forward like these issues were the relevance of our lives.  Why do we place value in bathrooms and fake idioms that should not even be considered yet they end up proving themselves to be total distractions from what is really going on around us?  There only is a single reason and a specific answer to this question and it stems from a problem that began ages ago and through the result of those choices our lives are subject to an enemy whose only wish is to see us be diverse enough from God that we falter in the one mission that God gave us right after we were created.

Most of us have a tendency to think about Matthew 6:24 as a verse that is only one sided, ours.  But in order for us to understand exactly what Jesus was saying here and what God wants us to remember we must take into account the other side of these words.  The verse reads as follows:  “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”  This is a wonderful verse to remind us that we must choose between two kingdoms and that no one can serve both sides of the fence but what does it say about the other side where God originates?  The entire chapter of Matthew 6 is one that sheds light on a sticky subject that many people often quote, yet at the same time they do not fully understand these words of wisdom and then ironically prove the words of Jesus quite true.

It is easy to place these words into our own lives and when Jesus spoke these words this was one side of the issue.  While His words here were direct and to the point, Jesus also makes a huge statement about Himself and His Father and where they stand according to Kingdom and our enemy.  Verses 22 and 23 of Matthew 6 give us an outline of exactly what is going on in our lives when darkness rules our eyes.  But what is God doing here and what are His desires for our lives? 

The statement that Jesus makes is a great command and thinking point for the human mind and heart and one that should be active at all times.  What authority does Jesus have to speak these words about God if He is not God Himself and one that would know exactly what God desires?  With God being a complete God that means that what He says to His children for them to obey and to follow He must first be willing to do the same.  If God varied on any point or on any level this would prove both God and Jesus as liars and therefore one could argue that they really do not exist.

As one studies the Bible and begins to comprehend everything that they can about God they will find that God is consistent in all His ways and this means that once God places something into motion or speaks something into existence He cannot retract it and completely start over again.  God cannot advance the kingdom of our enemy for any reason which is the exact reason Lucifer was cast from heaven when he decided to choose selfish ways instead of God’s.  In Matthew 6:24 Jesus states that mankind cannot serve two masters even though billions of people try to do such and fulfill miserable lives in the process.  So, one can count on the fact that when Jesus stated this truth in Matthew 6 He was also referring to His Father as well.  Can you imagine what toil, turmoil, and devastation we would face if God provided such a dividing foundation?

If God were able to serve both sides of the fence then all blessings on our lives would be based upon a selfish conclusion and deeds to God would be the flooring of our acceptance or rejection in His sight.  Evil would be allowed to coincide with good and sin would be irrelevant because the basis of such a destructive institution would be absorption instead of the principle of covering.  This would place God in a continual and fluent judgmental position, able to be swayed by those who flood Him with good deeds and then back off when they tire.  Stop and think a bit, does this process sound familiar to you?  It should because I have just described to you the deep condition and status of our western societal activities and beliefs.

Jesus knew exactly what He was referring to when He issued these words in Matthew Chapter 6 for not only was He telling us what was at stake in our lives but He was reminding us that God can only serve one Kingdom as well and that He set the standard and raised the bar a long time before humans were ever present.  Jesus also made it clear that our enemy serves only one master as well, himself.  And it is his only job to ensure that we fall and come short of God’s Kingdom every day.  Jesus understood the importance of Kingdom warfare and what is occurring in our lives, He was drawing the battle lines here and making it clear as to what is at stake.  This verse is a complete verse and it defines God, Satan, and our lives.

This statement also poses some questions that each of us should ask: Which Kingdom do we serve?  Do we understand what Kingdom really is and what is actually going on in this realm?  It is well known that Jesus spoke to the people in parables and it is through these parables that He taught us how to live with this mode of thinking.  For the most part, the Church has taught a partial parable but has left out the remaining portions due to the fact that they either did not understand the spiritual meaning of them or that they wished not to stir up controversy.  In either way, only half of the gospel is being taught through this manner and thus we have a world spirit that is overcrowding God’s Spirit from our lives.  God’s Kingdom represents life in its fullest capacity but when God’s Word is taught with half truths then it becomes a stalemate and only can produce death which is NOT God’s Word at all.

We should have recognized this fact about God and that He only follows one side by the last few words of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:24 when He says “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”  For it is through these words that Jesus says God only serves one master (Kingdom) and not two.  This can only mean that God is holy in every bit of His existence and will only create eternal life in all cases for He cannot serve two masters by establishing something that is stalemated or dead.  This also means that God created complete beings as well and we can see this through the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden for it was the dominion that God gave them that was complete and it was their choice to rip it apart, just as it is our choice to rip that same dominion of ours apart or to keep it intact.

Church it has become obvious that we have sat back in our pews and waited for God to return.  What a grievous sin we have committed by this action of ours.  While we have completed this horrendous act we have actually served the master of the world and have allowed him to overtake ground that God cries out for.  How many lives have we destroyed due to our selfish ways and manners?  God says to the non-committal church to wake up and to once again become the Church that He established for the world.  Turn the lie around and allow the Church to say “let the Church be separated from the world and state” instead of the world dictating this horrific phrase.  The ONLY way that this shall be possible is if the Church understands Kingdom principles and know exactly what we are fighting for.

We must continually remember that if we are seeking first the Kingdom of God, which is the advancement of His Kingdom that we are serving two masters and in truth if this is the case then we are actually serving the kingdom of Satan.  The reason Jesus said this statement is just that, it is a statement and truth with no room for argument.  And as He stated these words He was also affirming that God cannot serve two masters which too is a statement that has no room for argument.  The Church should realize this fact and commit herself in defending the Kingdom of God and the principles which define it with their lives for it is everyone’s spiritual lives that we are fighting for.  Jesus’ words in this verse are no manse pansy conglomeration of junk that is just random, they have a meaning and the meaning that Jesus is making here is the truth about Kingdom and the war that is all around us.  This statement by Jesus is not a social butterfly representation of His surroundings or one that many churches like to portray.  It is a statement of war and definitions of boundary lines that all should understand.

Jesus presents this boundary line in a dramatic fashion which demands our inner and outer order to match up in order to understand which line to recognize and then to fight.  God cannot continue to bless those who continue to flail against His people and His truths for when you do, even though you believe it is all conducted “in love” it fights for the kingdom of the world and not the Kingdom of God.  This nation cannot say that she does not understand God and His principles nor can the Church conceive the same lie because it is through this foundation that our nation is being destroyed while we are swinging our swords at one another instead of the defined enemy.  God cannot serve two masters for it is impossible to do so.  We cannot serve two masters for it too is impossible.  This means God cannot originate a double standard or a double minded person either – which is an entirely different topic.

God is calling for His Church to repent of their double standards and to completely choose His Kingdom as her foundation.  All other issues and foundations shall fall and fail and proven so over time, plus it is a biblical truth that is explained throughout God’s Word.  The Church has allowed herself to live in a stay of an array that can no longer function as she was designed and this is evident with complete division over worldly items that have infiltrated her walls.  This previous sentence is a testimony of which kingdom she serves and should not be any doubt where she stands.  Want a good picture of our national status, then take a good look at the Church and one shall be painted with an accurate picture.

Yes, we are supposed to bring in sinners but instead of teaching them the Word of God we are allowing them to sit in our pews – along with us – and not be repentant and to change their lives back to God.  Again, a significant example of which master and kingdom the Church serves.  Bring in the lost and cast off their worldly sins, that is the mission of the Church and a mission of this caliber cannot be compromised in any way.  God cannot serve two masters and this should be the standard that we must remember for it is not a position of argument, but one of exact truth.


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