Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blood Cannot Lie

Blood Cannot Lie


Humans like to try and manipulate as many things as possible in order to satisfy their own situations.  It is this philosophy that drives out reasoning and infuses corruption that only grows and becomes a confused and destructive state.  There are not many things that humans cannot change for their benefit and while these few unchangeable items may be conclusive hidden agendas can still be presented as a risk.  We see this type of manipulation concerning the Bible and what it stands for, who it was written by and for what reasons it was written.  But just as blood it is a solid component that runs through our veins and defines us as a creation and cannot be truly altered.  The Word of God is our fingerprint, our DNA that we cannot deny.  It is this truth which should cause us to embrace this truth about our existence and God asks us to stop fighting this truth and live under its eternal guidance.

Many of you know that I have dedicated most of my adult life to the medical field and more specifically in the clinical laboratory side of the profession.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the lab and I look forward to many more opportunity years to come.  My learning has been a constant and one that I have promoted and will continue to promote to those who wish to enter into this field for it has provided me with a great deal of knowledge about my life and what mechanisms drive each breath I take. For the most part, the laboratory deals in blood and to obtain this precious commodity a needle is used to obtain such a sample. Over the years the amount of knowledge about the blood has increased dramatically and it is through this continued learning that we have many answers about how our bodies function and what ails them as well.

Our blood contains various amounts of ingredients that supply our lives with the needed nutrients our bodies require to survive, and it is through these transport mechanisms, called cells, that are responsible for such delivery.  At certain times it is required that we go see a physician and he/she may order a blood draw in order to check on some of these cell levels.  The instruments that measure such “creatures” are sophisticated and cost a fair amount of change but the results that they give provide the physicians with the best kind of educated population of cells that is possible.  While the amount of blood that is used for each specimen is minute, a great deal of information can be calculated and presented to whoever ordered the test.  After the results are completed, it is up to the physician and the patient to coordinate efforts together in order to help and maintain the health of said patient.

While the instrument responsible cannot identify all cells accurately it does provide a great quality of account through its precision techniques of identification.  It is not considered a mistake or deliberate tactic to misinform humans that are running the sample but a state of affairs in which not all cells fall into a single category that can 100% of the time easily identified, a part of our makeup that cannot be avoided.  The issue of malcontent or manipulation comes from the human operating the instrument through the thought process of the mind in order to control the situation.  I am not saying that anyone would deliberately change results in order to obtain favorable reporting conditions, but if I am being honest, it has been done many times in the past and is still in practice today.  It is this type of manipulation that God wants to deal with us today, the truth in the blood cannot be changed, but it can be personally manipulated for individual and beneficial self-status.

Without blood, our bodies would not be able to complete its overall function.  Blood components are uniquely registered to accept and to deliver certain nutrients when needed.  This function does not change and can be continued until the cell or group of cells die in which new cells are “born” and proceed to complete the process without a hindrance of flow.  It is no secret that humans love to be in control or believe that they are in control of their destiny.  It is through this belief that we will try and manipulate our circumstances in order to obtain this perfect state that we desire, I know because when I was younger I did my best to do things better, longer, stronger, and faster because being a short, white boy on a Texas high school football team was not a good advantage.  It is this type of manipulation that we also try to accomplish when we study the Word of God and then present it in a manner of self-indulgence instead of the real message that it really brings.

Many in the medical profession understand that blood is formed while the baby is inside the womb and connected to its mother.  It is this process of blood development that is so vital for our inner marrow to be able to complete its job of growth and reactivity with the mother, the mother’s internal environment, and a normocytic status after the baby is born.  This process of cell growth continues all throughout our lives and unless a major insult occurs within the DNA replication cycles.  Is it not enough that we are subject to this abnormal cell production than having to worry about humans manipulating results in order to obtain a favorable result instead of what the cells really proclaim?  This gross protest of the truth is not limited just to the identification of cells but can be used in the blood bank as well, an even greater scare that can actually kill the patient.  I have learned over the years that the human mind can be a great asset to any work environment but it also can play havoc into a life when certain settings are defined.

I understand that this suggestion is very disturbing and one that is hardly imaginable, but we must contend that it had been committed in the past, it is being performed by someone today and as long as humans are operating such instruments these false results will continue into the future.  So, if this human practice is so vile against people who are sick and when noticed produces basically an end of career choice why isn’t those who are perverting the blood of Christ and its eternal meaning being placed on a greater hot seat?  There are many churches and denominations that are doing this exact practice and I hear nothing about these incidents until it is an enormous issue.  The cells of the blood cannot lie but humans can manipulate the results for their own good.  The same is true about the blood of Jesus, for it too cannot lie but we do the same to it as we do the physical blood cells.  Both settings are true, however, for even the ones deceiving from the truth need blood in order to survive and life.

When people shape false results concerning cells it totally throws the people who need to know what is going on inside the patient off and leads them down a path that could do harm to that patient if not discovered.  It is this result that the person altering the results does not think about or does not care about.  The human body has mechanisms that show themselves when things are not right.  Fever, chills, pain, etc. are all examples of this type of bodily response that is an indicator that things are not right and should be examined again.  It is this challenge to secure as soon as possible for if ignored again, could prove to be too late for the patient.  Again, this process can be applied to the blood of Christ and when not addressed correctly, can lead a person to their eternal death.

There are numerous people in the world that claim to be “Christians” then proclaim a magnificent gospel according to what they believe personally.  These people promote the identical characteristics as the deceivers that proclaim medical reports as the truth when they know that they are not.  They have the truth right in front of them yet contradict the truth and interpret according to what they deem easy and quick.  Every word in the Bible contains the truth about the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and the shedding of His blood on the cross for our salvation and covering.  If any other definition of sacrifice and covering is presented it is a lie and does not represent the truth about the blood that was shed by Jesus for us.  God’s provision for our covering was demonstrated in the Garden of Eden right before Adam and Eve were commanded to leave.  God did not quit at that moment because things did not look good, nor did He paint a rosy picture for His creations either, God did not waiver from His Word then and He shall never waiver from His Word today either.

Deceiving another person on any level is self-glorification at its best and can create devastating consequences for everyone involved.  The blood that is presented on a microscope to look at or in a test tube to be incubated, along with the added components or reagents to it for reactive purposes gives off a binding answer that can be read and studied in order to give out a helpful result.  When Jesus died on the cross and all of the preliminary settings played out, it was for a reason and that reason was so that when He accepted our sins that we did not have to bear the weight of our condition before God.  Jesus’ blood was created for this purpose and He gave His blood up for us and shed it willingly so that we can be pure and clean in the sight of our Holy Father.

When a cell is not familiar to me on a slide, it is my responsibility to find someone else to identify it or to refer to textbooks in order for an accurate count to be obtained.  I cannot just make up a cell or place the unknown cell into a known category, for that is deception and a false hope presented to the physician.  The blood may have given up the truth but through my manipulation results were skewed and a lie, it is not the blood’s fault but mine alone.  When preachers, teachers, scholars, or everyday “Joes and Janes” present a different version of the true meaning of Christ’s blood they are providing the same lie to those seeking truthful answers about their eternal position.  It is through this action that becomes a tainted gospel and one that portrays Jesus’ blood as a watered down truth according to the world and not God the Father.  Blood is blood and it cannot lie, but when the human does not understand this truth and then manipulates the truth by telling a lie, Satan’s Kingdom is advanced which prohibits a person from understanding the real truth in a time of need.

Blood cannot lie no matter what the person performing the test wishes the results to be.  We are so blessed to have such specific instruments and medical facilities to provide great and accurate results for those needing treatment.  While the number of conditions and diseases seem endless, it is the levels of disease and the results of those diseases that blood helps identify and then monitor the progress of treatment.  It is essential that all medical care providers provide such an accurate count at all times and I am so glad that I can state that through my instrumentation my hospital and laboratory provides such a quality of work.  However, there is one distinct difference between the blood of Christ and its job and the job that our blood holds.  No question that without our red cells, white cells, and all of the other components that make up the blood that flows through our veins and arteries we could not survive but even in times of healthy states blood functions and fluctuations vary and can fail.  In NO WAY POSSIBLE, can the blood of Christ fail His children for His blood is eternal and ever flowing and if we miss His blood it is by our choice and not Jesus.

Over the years that I have been in the laboratory, I wish I could say that my knowledge of blood and all of its components have been accurately reported to physicians, not that I have deliberately reported false results but there is no exact way to report every cell adequately, and proves that I am a human and have limited knowledge about blood; however, I continue my quest to seek the answers and will do so until God changes my course.  But the blood of Jesus is not as such for each cell of His blood is created by His Father who is perfect and holy in every way and it is through this perfection I lay my claim for I know that if it was not for Jesus’ blood I would not have any reason to even ask for forgiveness.  If humans can alter results in the name of comfortability then they can do the same when it comes to the eternal blood.  Be not deceived or confused and the only way not to be fallen into this trap is to know the Word of God like the back of your hand.  Blood is the perfect truth for salvation and living and represents the only source of life, both physically and spiritually.

Jesus and His Father shall never deceive us in any way or manner because they cannot do such an act.  God has been consistent for as long as He has been in existence, which is an amount of time that our minds and hearts cannot comprehend, in all directions of distance.  Jesus’ blood represents the exact same amount of distance when it comes to its consistency and effectiveness.  If we are manipulated by the wiles of our enemy, it is the truth and presence of Jesus’ blood that will show us the way when we repent of our sins and turn to Him again.  The world’s job is to deceive or to cheapen the blood of Christ and to mock its eternal powers.  It is the job of Satan and his seed to lie to us about options and what the Word of God said according to other sources.  The ONLY source of information concerning our eternal blood covering comes from God’s Word and every letter that it contains.  God has shared with us many times before that His Word is our life and our source of life and we all know that if we do not have blood, the real blood we cannot function in even one capacity.

Church, you are anemic for you have allowed the world and its ruler to bleed you dry and to refill you with fake results.  Your anemia is growing each day and your vitality is continually slipping simply because you have been allowed to be provided with manipulated results from people and being that cares nothing for you.  You act like a weak bystander on a street corner which has no direction, hope, or life remaining.  It is time you stop choosing the world and recognize that the only way that your vitality will return is to get back under the blood of Christ and to know what each “cell” of His blood means for your life.  Study God’s Word concerning this matter and it will become clear to you that something is wrong, and one shall find out the exact reason why things are wrong.  God loves you and has provided a secure way through His Word so that we may understand exactly what Jesus’ blood means to our existence.  God provided this way, mankind did NOT!  Return to God and allow Him to transform our lives through the true results of the blood of Christ.  It was shed for a very special reason, you!


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