Saturday, March 4, 2017

Giving Life

Giving Life


God is the only being that can begin life as we know it and also the only one who allows death to occur through personal choices.  God never intended for any created being to lose their existence in any capacity because all God has ever stood for is eternal life itself.  The creation of mankind was produced s a final testimony to any challenger that only God can eternally create and through choice can live in this eternal peace and holiness, and if any questions ever arise of such a state just study the method of our creation and one shall see just how perfectly and wonderfully made our lives are.  However, this society and others in our human historical pasts have perverted this truth and have caused such vile renditions of our lives that we as humans no longer have value.  Until we further study God’s Word without hesitation or biased our descent into eternal poverty shall continue and the fruits thereof only produce a rotten death far subject from our original creative status.

We often wonder how come God allows such troubles, sicknesses, and even death to hover over our lives and it is through this same line of questioning that we are quick to forget that it was our choice way back when that these infirmaries inhabit our vocabularies and lives today.  God is a perfect, holy and righteous being on every level which means that He can only create what is in His like manner.  This truth is summed up in Genesis Chapters 1-3 accumulating with the creation of mankind according to God’s perfect pattern and order.  These three chapters are full of examples of how God creates and the extent of His creations after their presence is recorded.  These three chapters also give rise to what occurs when we choose to disobey God and how even the animals now suffer because of the loss of direction concerning our dominion.

Genesis 1:3-5 gives us an account of the creative abilities of God and with the creation of light which completed the first day of creation.  Genesis 1:6-1:31 gives us a detailed picture of every creative item that God made and through each act of creation God approved of His work by seeing that His work was good.  The word used in these passages is from the Hebrew “towb” which means beautiful.  It is this word that defines our creation and how God creates and since God is perfect this word can be used as being perfect as well.  Don’t you think that is exactly what God is meaning when He actually utters this word as a description of His work?  Anything less would be a lie.

We must also consider that God had a specific agenda in His creative process and since God has a specific order in all things we can see this pattern occur here as well.  First and foremost as we learned a few weeks ago, the first thing God did was to create light to prove an eternal point to His arch enemy and ours that God has no rivals and that only He can authorize and give life from nothing.  With each creation day that passes, we see another brick in the creative mind and order of God being fulfilled and it is through this order that God waits until all other acts of creation are completed before He creates mankind. 

For if God would have created mankind first then His eternal and holy order would be out of place and subject to ridicule by Satan, for it is the first command that God gives that tells us of our dominion, and if we would have been created first God could not have said those words to Adam and thus invalidate the one rule that God gave concerning the tree of good and evil.  When this bit of information clicks into our hearts, it brings into light the beauty of God’s creative wisdom and just how orderly He is in all details of our lives.  It also demands that we understand and follow the fact that God’s Word is the absolute truth and that He cannot violate this truth (His Word) in any way possible.

So why is the order of our creation so specific?  It is because God followed a certain pattern and thus created our lives and our future in accordance with a specific pattern as well.  All of us know that God created Adam first and then created Eve from a rib of Adam.  Once again, we see a pattern that God established and one that even today cannot be denied.  There is no way possible that a woman can bear a child without the presence of a male.  While there are several techniques that can artificially fertilize a female the male genome must be present in order for an offspring to be conceived.  Modern medicine has developed many different ways for couples to have children now and I believe these methods are a fantastic means of following the desires of covenant relationship between a man and a woman.  It is also directed through this pattern of reproduction that any other type of belief of order, other than what God has ordained, is a gross lie and product of our enemy; plain and simple with no exceptions.  If God cannot waiver on any level, He must keep this aspect of His Order intact as well, no matter what the world might project.

There is no way possible that mankind can honestly say that we have no connection with God, for it was God who created us and through His breath alone gave us His Spirit inside us.  This means that we have a direct communication line with God already built in the moment we are conceived in our mother.  This also means, and this is a very important detail, that since God breathed His Spirit into Adam, then God made Eve from Adam that means that every life that we create automatically has the lifeline with God inside as soon as we are conceived.  God established this pattern when He created man and woman and it is still intact today when man and woman are joined together as one.  When the man and woman become one it is only then that a baby can be formed.  The same pattern occurs when the male’s sperm leaves his body and enters into the female.  It is then that the sperm and egg join and conception occurs completing the law of reproduction that God gave to us in the Garden of Eden.  It is this joining together that produces life and until we understand that our spirits must be centered on God first our eternal life will be in jeopardy and searched out for abortion.

If life is the representative of God’s Kingdom then we must contend that if things are not given properly that perversions can arise from such a perfect setting and deemed as “normal” by someone who does not wish for us to be truly living.  It is evident that God is the author of everything which means at one point in time everything that our eyes can see, ears can hear and spirits communicate with was indeed perfect, a total painted picture of God’s Kingdom being advanced on a continual palate.  If you want to understand the true meaning of what Jesus meant when He was telling the people how to pray, this is the example He was referring to when He said, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  In other words, God equals life and life equals the Kingdom of God and this principle also demonstrates why adoption is a perfect celebration of life.

Any process in which this perfect intimacy is not granted can only result in a perversion of the advancement of God’s Kingdom.  It is important that we know the truth concerning this gift that we have been given for it alone represents how we have only one way to restore our intimacy with God as well.  The world shall claim that it is ok to not live in commitment with each other and shall promote homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle as a sign of acceptance and normalcy.  What would one expect from a place which is ruled by a defeated liar who believed he could outweigh God in creativity and supremacy?  Intimacy and oneness is a Kingdom principle that God wants every person to understand and He wants us to know that if we choose to have an intimate relationship with Him or physical relationships will be holy and perfect as well.  A couple cannot be truly intimate with each other unless they approach the relationship on equal terms, on ALL levels.  These levels include both physical and spiritual for if one side or even both sides come to the relationship not being able to offer their complete lives, how can they begin as equals to start?

So why are we still in the condition that we are today?  It is because we as the Church have allowed our enemy to infiltrate our beliefs and rearrange this holy truth into a worldly degradation of lies that serve ourselves instead of God.  We have allowed this set of lies to go so far as to claim and for us to accept that it is ok to try to become equals with each other without understanding that this process cannot even come close to being completed without having God as the center of all the lives involved first.  The cry of equality that is ongoing today is a noble gesture but as we are witnessing is only producing further discourse and division.  There is a reason for this and until we recognize the true source of equality, which God created in the Garden of Eden and defined “we” then return to this state through His restoration process, only animosity and ugliness will strengthen.  Why do you think that all of the information concerning the end times take place?  It is because we as societies and the Church have got it all wrong!!  The answers lie within the heart of God and until we really and truly search His heart for those answers we are doomed.  In other words, we will be proving the Bible and God’s Word 100% correct.

The only way that we can have this equality once again is for us to empty ourselves before God and allow Him to fill our emptiness with His Kingdom.  We have become so obsessed with our selfish gains that we have ignorantly shoved God aside and replaced His presence with the world.  Our enemy has subtly obtained access to our lives and has effectively advanced his kingdom agenda through our ideas and wants.  If one allows our minds and hearts to study Adam and Eve and the actions that they took in the Garden of Eden we will understand that it is this same pattern of beliefs that initiated and then took place in their downfall.  Adam and Eve were humans created in the same manner that we are which means they had the same choices as we do each day.  This aspect of our lives has not changed and the one person who wants us destroyed and eternally separated from our Creator has not changed either.  He uses self-worth as a means to gain a foothold in our lives, this truth is evident in Adam and Eve for they had everything and lived in perfect conditions and they lost their way.  God is constant and never changes and He has provided us a way, only ONE way for our lives to be restored once again.

From the moment sin entered into our lives we see the world’s state oozing from our pores, both spiritual and physical.  Adam and Eve demonstrated this when they hid themselves from God right after they had sinned.  What a complete and total example of abruption of life we have here right at the beginning of God’s Word to His children.  Look at what occurred in Adam and Eve’s lives after they had made this grave choice of theirs and cannot we see and figure out that when he choose to not live under God’s protection from the world that our lives can have no other result than disaster?  True life contains no disasters for it was perfectly ordained and created by God.  Am I saying that if we live for God and in His Ways that all of our days will be filled with happiness and peace?  No, they will not but when we understand our surroundings and what is going on around us it is easy for us to recognize this attack and combat it with the wisdom of God through His Word.  When we know and understand our enemy life will be so much easier and much easier to explain to those who are still living in the dark.

Church, we have allowed Satan to enter into our doors both on the individual level and as the entire Church herself.  I am not talking denominations here, but if one wishes to place it into denominational terms God includes them as well, from each of their foundations until present day.  When Adam and Eve were walking around in the garden it became apparent that their acceptance to the dominion that God gave them grew to become more important than them keeping it up to God’s standards and that is exactly what the Church is doing today.  It is time for us to return to the altars and fall on our faces before God and to repent for all sins that we have allowed to protrude from our hearts.  Time is short and we must come to the understanding that a great debacle is headed our way on the magnitude of Adam and Eve being thrown out of the Garden of Eden due to their sins.  God’s order of life is designed for pure and total intimacy with Him first and when we allow this intimacy to exist our reality around us shall purge all evil from our lives for God is life and He represents pure life on all levels.  But we shall never be able to represent this life and live in this life until we first repent of our sins and return to God’s Ways and to submit our hearts to His Divine authority.

There is so much more about our lives and life than we know and God is waiting for us to choose Him so that He can show us this truth not only about our existence but more importantly about Him.  There is so much more about the process of our intimacy with God that we need to understand and when we allow this to occur our intimacy with each other as one will once again shine as the bright light to the dark world.  God never intended for us to be separate from Him and His Ways but He sure did provide a wonderful process for us to return to this perfect state through His restoration process.  God wants us to understand this truth about our lives and He makes every effort for us to realize this, either through the easy way or the hard way.  Why must we always choose the hard way?  Holy intimacy is the greatest example of restoration and if we restore ourselves with God on this level our intimacy with others has no other choice but to follow in the same manner.

One of the key elements about God’s Word is that every letter in this wonderful book relates to the truth about how much God loves us through the participation of restoration.  God’s word is about boundaries and restoration from the world that has only one job and that is to convince you that you do not need God in your life and then completely annihilate you from God’s presence for eternity.  But one detail we need to continually remember is this, God wins in the end for He has no rivals and cannot be defeated.  So the question is still the same as it was in the Garden of Eden, who will you choose to serve?  The world cannot offer you eternal life, only God can and in order for this eternal life to be obtained we must accept His Son as our Savior and to come under His blood Covenant at all times.  What a perfect place for giving life, don’t you think?


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