Saturday, March 25, 2017

Kingdoms Defined

Kingdoms Defined


Many people who have attended church know that there are two eternal entities that are vying for our lives.  There are just as many people who have attended church who do not believe this truth and still fight what God’s Word says concerning this immortal and eternal existence.  We must consider that God gave us talents that we are to use in order to understand many things about this life, and this usage includes knowing what His Word is for our lives.  In this understanding, we cannot allow the enemy to selfishly place ideas in our hearts concerning the Bible, but we must continually place God’s Word into our hearts according to His divine presence of truth.  There are two kingdoms that want possession of your eternity but while the paths differ greatly the choice to follow a certain path is still ours to make; however, we need to remember that there are only two paths to take.

How can anyone follow a parental guideline if they do not first understand what is expected from them?  Parents often find themselves directing children after something has gone wrong or the child has placed themselves in a situation in which they did not understand was an issue.  When this state occurs, we parents find ourselves feeling horrible and thankful at the same time for while we “beat” ourselves up for not explaining details to our children we are glad that nothing ugly came about when the specifics arose.  I have to place myself into this category because while I tried my best to teach my girls as much as I could about the world, there are still aspects that they have to deal with that I missed or did not even recognize myself.  It is our responsibility to teach our children the ways of God for it is His path that will provide true peace and happiness, but I know that I still have my days of doubt concerning this subject when I see all of the areas that I did not cover.

The majority of the population of the world knows that there is a good side of things and a bad side of things, and we as humanity have the ability to decide to obey these settings or to redefine them according to our own selfish lusts.  It is not too difficult that we are in the redefining mode and that if those who do not agree with our motives are placed in a category of undesirables and labeled as such in the public eye.  We have obscured the truth and made it conditional according to our beliefs yet have forgotten that once a pattern is set it will only become expanded when the next generation arrives, a dangerous setting if allowed to run its unabated course.  This type of living conditions is easily noticed for some and then rejected by others, but on either side, when challenged it is the integrity of those on each side that is weighted not only by the public but by our Creator as well.

The line drawn begins in our hearts and then becomes subject and formed as our life grows.  What if this line is only taught in one direction, or is offered as the only one choice in the matter, while the other side is automatically left out of the choices?  What occurs when this one-sidedness is presented?  Do we understand that this one and the only option is based upon lies and is subject to death as the only result?  Why do we bother even contending that life is extraordinary and should be lived as such if this death pattern is the only one being taught?  And why is it that we toss out the most significant truth concerning our lives and label those who accept the truth as outsiders and troublemakers?  All of these questions and hundreds more like them can be answered if we only would take the Bible seriously and understand that there really is two kingdoms that are vying for your eternal position.

This two kingdom truth is actually mentioned in the Bible and it is mentioned while God is speaking concerning the decisions of Satan, Adam and Eve after all had participated in the induction of sin into our lives, otherwise known as choosing sin over obedience.  This example of boundaries is mentioned in Genesis 3:15 when the verse states the following: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  It is also through this verse that defines who is in control over all activity as well, in either kingdom, a process which sometimes is difficult for our human minds to grasp as to why things occur.

First and foremost God establishes domination right from the beginning of this verse when He speaks that “I” will put enmity. The word “I” is very singular and personal and there can be no mistake who orchestrated this command and boundary, for it is God speaking in this verse.  With God being a complete God and showing that He is in control over this situation we must also understand that since He made the rules of the Garden He will continue this course afterward as well.  The next logical question becomes is this: what is He putting or setting into motion?  We know that the word enmity means division or separation and in this case, it is a boundary to which one has against another entity.  Through this statement by God, we can see that there will be a division between mankind and Satan and that these two sides will be in conflict with each other which is spoken into existence when God states “and between thy seed and her seed;”.

Who is considered to be Satan’s seed?  When Lucifer fell he took 1/3rd of the angels with him.  This means that 1/3rd of the angels created by God left heaven and followed Lucifer when he was cast from his place.  God is all inclusive here which means that if the leader falls and has consequences so does the ones who follow, on the other hand, the ones who follow God and choose to serve Him also follow suit of their Leader as well.  We cannot ignore that at some point in Lucifer’s timeline he was one with God and then at a specific point broke away from that unity, hence his seed.  It is here in this verse that God defines Satan’s goal and kingdom for God lets it be known for all future generations that the one being who tricked humanity into sin has a goal that goes against humanity on all levels.  It is also through this verse that if the woman’s seed is alive then that means Satan’s seed is also alive, a truthful concept that we love to ignore; remember, God, shall never compare apples to oranges.

This is Satan’s seed and definition of his purpose for our lives – kingdom.  In order for his kingdom to advance, he must reap his goals, which is the death and separation from God, just as he performed in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.  This means that everything that Satan stands for must go against God and what He stands for, which means that there can not be any question of mixing of the two kingdoms on any level.  God does not say that some of the things of Satan would be compatible with mankind and does not mention any cooperation with us either, just that his seed would be against us.  If something is defined as such of a possession, property, or goal then it is can be assumed that the person or being that holds of such stated items could say that it would be theirs.  What is the old saying and gag, possession is 9/10ths of the law?  Apply this idea to what God is saying here in this verse and it will become clear exactly what Satan believes he can accomplish with the leash that God has put him on.

With this truth about Satan and his realm defined it is easy for us to recognize who his targets will be and are currently.  Anyone or any deed that is deemed to be an accolade of God is a prime target for Satan and his followers.  In eternal terms, Satan has nothing to lose since his eternity is already set due to his choices against God but he also understands that he has time to “win” over as many people as possible through his lies to keep them from living in purity for eternity.  An interesting truth occurs here as well, when Satan’s wishes for God’s prized creations has not changed from the time he entered into the Garden of Eden until the very day that you read this article, his goal has not changed and he has not provided any other proof that he wishes for you to be together with God.  Every plan that he and the world have to offer you differs completely – not some or partial – from God. 

So the other side of the aisle must belong to God and His Kingdom for even though mankind had allowed sin to enter into their lives God was not about to just give up and end all things due to this event.  On the contrary, for we learned a while back that God created us in a very unique way with our status being physical first and then His Spirit immediately after and it is through this specific creation order that allows for us to live and to choose God therefore not become a slave to a defeated enemy.

So, what makes up the Kingdom of God and how is it advanced?  The angels that did not rebel with Lucifer and chose to stay with God saw exactly what occurred when he and his followers fell, what a sight that must have been.  God’s perfect creations, humans, and most importantly God Himself make up the seed of woman which would include God’s own Son at a later period of time.  Adam had it right when he named Eve the mother of all living for that name itself defines the essence of God, life.  Any form of life-giving practice is an advancement of God’s Kingdom and this simple detail is what our enemy battles so drastically against on all levels.  Satan understands, unlike many of us, that when a living and breathing human is created each one has a potential of figuring out that God is all supreme and that with their presence on earth can be a living testimony to that truth.

The word seed used in this verse, on both issues means the exact same, descendants.  God has told us that in order for there to be descendants they must be alive and active; therefore, both kingdoms are alive and active and are in constant battle for supremacy, once again God cannot compare apples against oranges.  We know that as long as there are people walking on the earth God has the opportunity to work with people who wish to live out His Word and proclaim the Gospel to a dying world.  In this command from Jesus, I find it intriguing that He uses the word the “world” which means that He is referring to everyone and not just a select few.  This is the definition of what Kingdom means and while it is our responsibility to advance the Kingdom of God our enemy has the same “responsibility” to keep people from seeing the truth.  The question now remains is this: which kingdom is winning the battle for their “lands” and dominion?

By the looks of things that answer is pretty self-illuminating and I use the word “self” as a source of definition of who is winning and gaining most ground.  The Church has shut her doors to God and the Holy Spirit by welcoming the world into her walls and then not teaching them about sin.  The Church has lost her authority over death and the world almost right from the beginning of her establishment, do not believe me?  Then read and study the New Testament epistles and one will understand why they were written.  The concept of Kingdom has been in play ever since the Garden of Eden and the seeds of both sides of the battle are still very much active.  One of the most sickening things to God is that we have allowed Satan’s counterintelligence agents to infiltrate our lives so much that their information of lies cannot even be detected as falsities.  Kind of reminds you of how in depth Satan had already penetrated Adam and Eve’s lives in order for them to disobey God’s one and only command.

The concept of Kingdom and which one is being advanced is no laughing matter and it cannot be denied, for if any one of those beliefs is allowed to fester in our hearts we have already taken a step backward and place the battle at a stalemate.  The only way that we will know how to combat our enemy effectively is to understand exactly what is going on around us and WHO the enemy actually is.  God’s Word says we cannot be on both sides and that one side must be chosen, it is this verse in Genesis that defines and explains the reason why we cannot serve two masters.  God cannot accept double agents, no matter how much Satan and the world say differently. 

God did not create this kingdom as to be one that plays second fiddle to a defeated ruler and lousy land owner.  God created this kingdom in order to provide the eternal proof that God loves what He created no matter what we have done.  Life is the answer to defeat and death so it is natural for us to be the key instrument in the advancement of God’s Kingdom.  it is of God’s ultimate desire for us to know and to live in absolute freedom and He has provided us the perfect guideline in order for us to advance this perfect setting so that others may know the truth as well.  God has not left out the details of our enemy either, for if He would have He could not have been the everlasting truth that gives eternal life.  On the other side of the issue God shall never force our choice in choosing Him, it is strictly up to us and if we do not exercise this option the enemy automatically advances, simple as that.  It boils down to the fact that we are either a seed of death or a seed of life and there can be no in-between status.

In this truth, it is clear that we have a job to do with our existence on this earth.  We do not really have a choice in the matter for if we choose one kingdom we advance its purpose no matter if we declare our participation or not.  Both leaders of the kingdoms want your participation for their cause, one Kingdom is steady on all levels and has been proved holy and just throughout the ages.  The other kingdom is wishy-washy at best and while it offers an earthly “fun” time it can represent nothing but destruction through the lies of a fallen loser.  God has given us a definition of dominion and now Kingdom and it is our responsibility to understand the pertinent implications of such habitation.  God offers only a restored dominion that He gave us long ago, the very place that we identify as our own.  Satan only wishes to take your dominion away and use it against you for his kingdom and from the looks of things he has pretty much had an easy ride in completing such legal paperwork.

God’s Word is all about God’s plan of restoration for your life.  No one has ever argued the fact that when someone fights for a cause it does not come easy.  Satan has the home field advantage over the earth but God has the eternal advantage on His side.  It is still our choice to choose Him or not, all of us are looking for restoration of something why don’t we include our spiritual portions of our lives in this searching.  The playing field has been laid before our eyes the question now is which side of eternity shall you play for?  It is all about Kingdom and whose we shall advance.  God cannot change the rules in order to make a better play, but the end rewards are simply unimaginable.  See, there can be no mistake that each of the two kingdoms represents a seed, and Genesis 3:15 defines whose seed is going to be advanced.  One huge hint is also given in this single verse and it is given when God speaks and says that the woman’s seed shall bruise your head which means that God’s Kingdom shall not be defeated when the time comes for you to answer for your own dominion.

This message from God is not intended to divide by any means but to allow us the knowledge of what is actually at stake and what our enemy is doing for our lives.  One of the greatest desires of mankind is to have a reason for living and when we find this reason it brings such joy and happiness to our lives.  It is this kingdom principle that provides us with this process of self-value and direction and until we understand that this principle directs our lives in every way possible, we will continue to stumble around like we are walking in a pitch black enclosed room.  So, since this verse is true, we have the choice to continue to walk around bumping into each other in the darkness or we can choose to turn on the eternal light and push back the source of all our troubles.

It also would be easy to label people who do not live in or understand Kingdom principles as being “evil” and the cause for such devastation in our history and in present day but as we all know that not all people who know God and wish to live under His Covenant fit into this evil category just as there are people who consider themselves to be “Christians” and do not live “good” and upstanding lives either.  It is this truth that amplifies the reason why we must understand what is exactly going on around us and who is one what side of the aisle.  The two kingdoms that are vying for your eternity shall NEVER mix in any capacity, and according to this single verse shall NEVER have the ability to do so either.  It is this truth that we must take a hold of and not further separate ourselves from each other but to inform those who do not understand this Kingdom principle of what God is crying out for us to grasp concerning His Word.  This knowledge is the only thing that shall bring everyone unity and togetherness that we all deep down desire to share.

It is through this Kingdom principle that Jesus lived by when He walked the earth and which He still functions through today.  It is Jesus’ existence that is fulfilled in Genesis 3:15 and is the SOLE reason He gave us the authority and the command to go into the world and preach and teach the gospel to the dying world.  In addition, Jesus’ commands and life that are recorded in the New Testament, in our hearts, and through our lives as God’s children further prove that these two kingdoms are alive and well in our world today.  Church, once again God is calling you to drop your selfish resonations and earthly habits and return to His ways on ALL levels and accords.  It is not our place to align ourselves with the world but to shed light onto the world so that it may see and understand their dark living conditions.


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