Sunday, July 30, 2017




Not many people would argue that home should be the focal point of everyone’s life, but sometimes life complicates this beautiful picture.  There is no safer place than inside our own house and this is the position that all of us should understand and recognize at all times.  However, if we do not protect our home or leave it will our own selfish intentions we can find this setting in a deteriorated condition and therefore not the desired anchor of reliance that we once knew.  We need to look at our lives and see what we consider home and see what kind of shape our home is in for if our anchor is not sturdy enough to provide such stability there is no way that we can be secure in the paths that we endure.  God is calling us to restore our homes and base our lives on His Foundation all the while turning away from this world.

My parents have been on numerous ministerial trips throughout this nation and around the world.  Some of these places have been exotic in nature but many of them have been in rough and dire conditions that many would not endure.  But each trip that they have taken has been with one goal in mind and that is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world that needs Him and to teach those who follow Christ in these lands enable their capability to do what Christ has commanded us after they (mom and dad) have returned home.  Some of these mission trips have varied from a few days to over a month long and while some of the physical conditions have been interesting, to say the least, their overall love for the ministry of God overwhelms these minor circumstances without measure.

As I have sat at their dinner table, their living room, or in the sanctuary of the church I have heard great things that occurred to the people of the lands that mom and dad have visited but at the end of every adventure they have taken together or individually, both of them have stated that it was good to be home back in the United States.  When you are protested, shot at, and a direct witness to a revolutionary takeover of the government try, it does seem quite real when your feet are planted squarely on home soil again.  It was not until I traveled with my father that I finally understood this phrase and how it is important to keep this phrase close in your heart and the meaning of it when it comes to your mind.  The one incident that sticks out in my mind is when I was in Africa and was the last one in our group to pass through their security station.  Right after the officer’s desk is a sharp turn to the left and once you have checked out with the officer you cannot stay around, hence I was the only one left.  After a few garbled exchanges, they realized I had no bribe money and sent me on my way, unharmed but frazzled a bit.  It was then that this phrase ran through my mind and stuck in my mind until my feet hit the ground in the USA some hours later.

Mom and dad want to take one more trip to Ghana before they believe they are too old to endure the circumstances of travel.  I have never discouraged them to abandoned their plans for if God tells a person to do something then we must do it or the conditions that might be allowed in our lives for disobedience may be far greater than the issues of the job He said to do.  Anyway, both want to dedicate a church that God’s nonprofit organization that He gave to dad sponsored and to see the people of that great land once again.  The people and their love for Jesus and their desire to spread the Word of God to those who do not know Him are incredible and it revives your spirit when witnessed, a state which all of us should understand before we leave this earth.  But knowing that this futuristic trip may be their last it would seem a bit difficult to carry out, but when it occurs I know that while their hearts will be happy and content with God’s presence in Africa it will once again provide an opportunity for that phrase about being home to echo in their minds, but the question will be, will it be great to return to a place where God is not welcome any longer and to a land where selfish gains and lusts rule the day instead of the God of Creation which established this great nation in the beginning?  This is a question that many cannot see for we have engrossed our lives into this muck and now see it as a place of residence instead of fulfillment of an eternal light to the world.

Through the eyes of many, there is nothing wrong with the example that this nation is setting and thus sending to other nations around the world.  However, we cannot ignore the fact that what we are portraying goes against the very foundations of why this nation was established and the eternal examples that were meant to be followed.  It is impossible for us to have and to provide anyone with stability if we do not adhere to the standards that we were created, established, and groomed for and to protract any other example can only result in utter failure and sure judgment from our Creator.  Sadly, many of the people who call themselves Christians fall into the category that has contributed to the mess that this nation now resides and along with everyone else who clings to the worldly institutions as truth has sunk into our own muck.  It is this picture that we are presenting that stinks and should awaken our hearts to offer a true change so that we can once again state that it is good to be home, but before any of this is possible, we must first recognize that our home shall never be the same as it was unless we return to God and His Ways.

Yes, the Bible does talk about home and how it should be kept and groomed.  God never wanted our lives to be brought up within broken homes and homes that are not filled with continual and eternal love.  But our concept of home was skewed when Adam and Eve decided (chose) to go about things their own way and change the course of natural living for a selfish immediate gain which turned out to be an eternal circus of inequality and servitude of one who is not our Creator.  Humanity’s original home was perfect and established in such a manner that as long as we obeyed the single order God He wanted to be completed, all would be fine.  God never intended for anyone to leave their homes in a harmful manner or as a punishment for one’s wrong doings.  Yes, man is to leave his home with his wife for an eternal marriage of unity that was all and still live within the confines of God's protection.  All of this changed when humans chose to overrule or believe we could overrule God’s Ways and be forced to move from our eternal and original settings.  Adam and Eve had become lax in their beliefs about their home and instead of placing God continually first allowed other detail to rule their choices and therefore, their dominion was breached and thus destroyed.

Adam and Eve eternally found out that it is not easy to put off issues that would have consequences surrounding their dominion.  Genesis Chapters 1-3 detail this truth about our origins and the home that God gave Adam and Eve to keep to His standards.  If we take a close look at the concentrations of our homes today it is clear that we do not have any control over them and that our enemy has totally infiltrated them and has stolen the very essence of our lives from us.  Yet, we revel in our ability to hurt others by finding new partners and living arrangements without understanding exactly what is going on through these acts.  These do not heal our wounds but inflicts further divisions and separations from others due to the ties that we have forged before our “new” life has begun.  This is not a fixed institution but a continued divided and broken dominion, a lie that so many people around the world live.  If our home is not in perfect standing with God we can no longer hope for peace or restoration of ANY kind on ANY level.  When God commanded humans to keep up their dominion He was talking as a single unit, a unit that functions as one and works together on all things through the inhabitance of God’s Ways.

There can be no question that the events that took place that day in the Garden of Eden must have seemed overwhelming to Adam and Eve.  But as Genesis 3:21 explains, God provided a way for them to have restoration in His eyes and showed them exactly what needed to be done to have this restoration.  One cannot look at the condition of our nations today and not see how the irresponsible governments and people have become.  We are more concerned with our petty differences and pork belly legislative sessions than providing for the needs of the citizens we represent.  YES, this pertains to the Church as well for we have fallen for the same lie that we should have recognized a long time ago as such.  It is more popular to argue our point instead of agreeing on the truth that confronts us and it is having a direct effect on every single heart that walks this earth.  It is that important because God established this nation to be a leader and a beacon to the world and not to just our front yard.  If anyone accepts divorce and dissolution as a norm and way of life you can do nothing but provide a death sentence for your family all the way up to your nation.  So, when God says “enough” do not jump around and cry out in disbelief at what your eyes shall see, for it was the only choice that an eternal Covenant God could respond.

Our hearts are so blackened with sin that we could not even differentiate the difference between a natural act of the world versus a direct sovereign realignment from God.  This explains why Satan wanted to split the unity of Adam and Eve while they were in the Garden of Eden and since Adam and Eve were humans, created in the same way as you and I, it means that it is STILL his #1 goal is to divide humanity on all levels of deception no matter how much it takes to complete this goal.  By eternal definition of God and how He Created us, God is our home and we cannot and shall not ever have a firm foundational home again unless we return to God.  God is our home both in the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives and until we allow God to realign our lives and place Him first in our lives we shall never live in harmony and peace again.  A political party and its ideologies shall not provide the peace and the answers that we need, only through God shall we see a return of the quality of life that we once knew.

We have turned away enough on our personal lives that we no longer recognize our home as being the foundation of our lives.  As long as we fail to understand this defining core about our lives there will be no way that we can ever sustain the daily functions that we have been tasked.  We will sit, cry, and scream out for peace and happiness but find nothing of the sort because we refuse to climb up into the arms of the One being that can restore our physical and spiritual homes.  It is built in our nature to work for what we wish to defend and we were created in such a manner that we shall not be happy until we work on our homes but if we ignore the foundation and allow the storms and conditions around us control our work we shall never understand what it means to live in harmony and eternity.  Church, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world or we all shall be held accountable when our homes and land are destroyed due to the lack of obedience that we know is true.  Being a slave in your own home is your own fault and the definition of how one is not designed to live.  God never intended for us to live in such muck and bondage, allow Him to free us and return us to our home.


Sunday, July 23, 2017




I wish everyone would take seriously the words that we use and understand why they were developed for many times it could make our lives so much easier.  The word subtle is one of those words which fall into a category that should serve as a warning and one that when referred to should not be taken lightly.  We are not built to live in such a manner so why would we as humans accept such vile discrepancies and why is it so easy to be misled by those who display such sneakiness.  Nothing about our creation suggests that we should operate in such manner, and according to our Creator we should be very wary and constantly on the lookout for such entities.  It seems like each day the fool’s gold issues are brought to our attention yet we continue to seek refuge in the fool and not the true Creator.  God is calling His children to turn their lives around and to once again call on His name as their leader before a more drastic setting comes over us.

We must begin by handing out the true definition of the word subtle and it goes as follows:  “(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe, delicately complex and understood, making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.”  How much more warning would anyone need if some being was described in such a manner?  Yet, we still like to believe that our finite minds and ambitions can outwit the slyest fox, a mistake that many are currently undertaking with our eternal enemy.  All of us have fallen for Satan’s lies and when the truth is known to our hearts, we best take notice and heed the warnings of the direct and foremost information we have been given to combat this tactic of his.  The word subtle comes from the Latin word “subtilis” which means fine or delicate and with this meaning should be taken seriously and adhered to its composition at all times.  This means that whoever is trying to get someone else to follow them, to agree with them, or buy what they are selling is using special methods of trickery in order to complete their pitch.  When we encounter such terrorists we need to understand the truth well enough to know how to combat them and turn them back.

One of the great episodes in human history occurred back on 1 September 1939 when Germany invaded the country of Poland which became the final spark that began World War 2.  It was not all cut and dry as the Germans portrayed this act of theirs for they had produced a rouse and tried to fool the world with a sly trick saying that Poland actually started the war by taking over a radio station located on the border of the two countries.  Before the actual shooting began, Germany had taken many steps to ensure their borders would withstand any adverse attacks coming from surrounding nations if they provoked war, using this tactic as a means of hiding their true intentions.  This process took some time to complete, with false accusations, false commitments with surrounding lands, and other downright out lies about the true intentions of Germany’s leaders Adolf Hitler.  The way in which this man slithered into the world’s leadership was magnificent and brilliantly designed, disguised, and executed and what is so amazing is that people back in the Bible days, during the WWII era, and today still have not figured out the exact reasons why this Bavarian Corporal, or any other being to operate in such subtlety, was allowed to rise high enough to control a global incident that cost millions of lives.  It is the same subtle setting and guise that controls us today and without understanding this origin, nature, and reasoning we shall once again witness an enormous disaster that humanity will be at a loss for words about when it strikes.  This is how an enemy works and if allowed to run unabated will accomplish their goals without supplication.

How is it possible for us to be warned about such a subtle being and yet ignore the implications of the acceptance of this being’s likenesses?  How mighty have we become within our own parameters that we deem his presence warranted and to some sacred?  These are questions that we really do not care to answer for it would mean diving into the Word of God and find out for ourselves that our beliefs through selfish and finite ways really do present hindrances that reach far beyond our physical scope of life.  It would also mean that we would have to admit on all levels that God was right all along and that our methods of living were totally irresponsible according to the eternal truth and not our relative and interpretive truth.  God placed the description of Satan in His Word for a reason and that reason was for our protection against the enemy (Satan, NOT God) when he decides to attack.

When you study the Bible we find that the ways that Satan operates are of a consistent nature, one that brings into light a principle of God’s Word but with a twist that perverts the Word instead of fulfilling the Word.  When we look around at all of the terms, phrases, settings, etc of today we can find that all of them have something to do with God and the Laws that He has set into motion for our protection.  Yet, the world shall rule its authority over us and slice the Word of God to shreds (our lives) if we do not understand what is going on around us.  God has one directive for our lives and that is eternal life and the job of our enemy is to make sure that we do not spend eternity with God but to spiritually and physically align ourselves with the world.  This battle for our eternity is immense and so fierce that there are spiritual battles being fought for our existence constantly, many to which we have no clue about.  Satan shall never scream out or cry into your life loudly in order to grab your attention, he is sly, quiet and most of all subtle in his ways a luring being that loves to entice his prey into seceding from the eternal truth.  We must never forget that being subtle is a choice and it is the choice of our enemy, not our friend that is luring us into his eternal damnation with this tactic.  A ½ friend or a ½ truth is a lie no matter how you look or reason it out.

It is not surprising that the people in the world today do not want a true leader but one that will conform to the ways of other nations.  This type of government reviles truth and leadership on a standalone basis and would rather bring to the table a conglomeration and mixture of ideas instead of having a clear directive at hand.  There is nothing wrong with having options to choose from or to grab ideas with but when those ideas restrict true leadership and its defining role in our lives nothing but trouble can result if taken.  The people of the world do not fear a strong leader they despise one, for that leader would bring about a method contrary to the free lifestyle with no boundaries or borders and one that demands acceptance without questioning.  While this may seem like a life worth living, the answer it provocatively produces the sinister subtleness of the one that is followed and believed.  God knew this pattern from our enemy and that is why He gave us a significant amount of detail for our hearts to desire to understand.

Over the decades that I have been granted to walk this earth I have come to the realization that the Church has become oblivious to the fact of this truth about what God says about Satan and how he operates.  Regretfully I must admit that some of these years I either participated in this type of approval of Satan’s subtleness or flat out did not care about my relationship with God at all.  Do you even understand that God directly refers to this characteristic of Satan in His Word?  It is this subtlety that Satan uses in order for us to not study the Bible but for us to skim over it, or to redefine its content according to our personal feelings in order for us to separate ourselves from God and the eternal truth that He has put forth in His Word.  Study the content of the Bible and do not use any type of biased approaches while performing such study.  This process takes time for the amount of information that is contained in just one simple verse is overwhelming and cannot be completely understood in one study session.  This example of God’s Word does not represent any subtlety in any shape or form but requires in depth knowledge in order to understand what His Word represents and why it was written for our lives.  God has never been shy or One to avoid a fight but while He stands up for His Creation He does not warrant vileness or hatred in any manner but calms the setting and then reaches the hearts of His children through His eternal truth a process that all of us need to practice in a continual manner. 

From the ages of Creation and even before human existence God has always been forthcoming with His Word and His Ways.  God has made Himself very clear, very simple, and very true with every aspect and truth He has tried to convey to humanity.  The world now contends that equality is the best way to handle issues that affect and infect our lives both individual and national.  How can we operate in this seriousness if we cannot even accept how much the price of gas should be or why we even have to use gasoline in the first place?  We cannot figure out that our confusion and division comes from Satan and that until we understand that God’s Word and all of the intricate details of His Guidelines within His Word are for our defense of Satan, we shall be like targets in a shooting gallery for we will feel the ping of the BB, turn and then feel it again and will have no choice but to continue this pattern until something changes.  This change only comes with the knowledge of the Bible and it means on all levels, not just selfish planes.

Having an enemy that is subtle is very dangerous, and while we continually produce documentary after documentary about how past national dictators have come into power, ruthlessly ruled, and have their destructive mannerisms identified and fulfilled and not fix these patterns we shall fall for such conditions in our future.  Many leaders of the world warned France, Britain, and Russia of the impending doom they would see if they continued to allow Hitler to run wild across Europe.  God warned Adam and Eve while they were still in the Garden AND in a perfect state of Creation about the enemy that wanted to harm them.  In both cases, the people that were told did not listen and chose to do things on their own and in both cases tragedy and eternal settings proved to be disastrous.  In both cases, the powers to be did not see what was really going on around them and ignored the truth.  Also, in both cases, it was not until the enemy had already taken control of the people stalked that ideologies had to be changed in order to survive.  Once a subtle being is recognized it can automatically be taken as a fact that something is not right just by the way they are approaching.  Call them out when recognized and then leave them alone.

Tragedy struck when Hitler began his conquest of the world along with his allies.  A greater tragedy occurred when Satan got a hold of our physical lives and through the gift of choice subdued God’s perfect Creations into a lonely and death marked place of living.  After these acts of control had been established there have been countless numbers of people die in their sins and go to an eternal separation from their Creator.  Hitler’s actions of murder were bad enough and claimed tens of millions of individuals overall why do we have to exacerbate the subtleness on an eternal level as well?  Here is something to consider and when thinking about this let it sink in really hard for it is a devastating truth and one that provides a clue of just what Satan thinks about you.  When your life and every other life dies and does not know Jesus as their Savior, as soon as you take your last breath he will begin to have a deep belly laugh at your existence because he knows that you shall never have another opportunity to repent and to live for God.

Having a subtle enemy is the prime reason why we cannot treat him with any other method than with the facts of God and His Word, and is why it is vital that we know the Word of God like the back of our hand and then even deeper than that.  It is true that God’s Word is not subtle and yet it contains so much information that it can become overwhelming at times.  It is for this reason – of knowledge – that we need to study God’s Word every day with a pure and clean heart and not one who is trying to find reasons to abandon God and the ways that He has set forth.  The people who believed Hitler would not invade their lands did not realize exactly what was about to occur to their lives and Adam and Eve did not understand what would transpire to them either when they chose not to listen to God.  In both instances, no second chances were allowed and the consequences of both settings were permanent.  God has contended all through His Word that His Ways are in place for an eternal purpose and for our eternal protection.  It is our responsibility to understand that His Laws are there for this protection and not as a limitation.

So, why is the Church effectively following along with the world and its leader?  Why are portions of Christ’s body taking the road to shouting the truth in a hateful manner as a reactionary force?  Why is the Church not concerned with the eternal salvation of others yet make concessions for those who sin and condemn those who teach the truth?  All of these questions can be answered with one answer and that answer is because we have allowed our fundamental lines of existence be skewed and blurred long enough that first of all cannot see the subtleness of our enemy and secondly have accepted these subtle lies as truth because of the first portion of the answer.  Jesus never once shouted at a person who did not know God, the only ones He shouted at were the ones that supposedly knew God and represented His Ways on earth.  We cannot afford to be subtle about ANY portion of the Word of God because if we do we are saying that we accept our enemy as lord and not God the Father and His Son as Lord of our lives.  Believe me, folks, we really do not want God to shout anything.

Church, it is time we dive back into the Word of God and live through its words instead of skimming over them and then using them as a crutch when things go wrong.  If we do not study the Bible and all of its content we will fall for the same lies that Adam and Eve did so long ago, but this time when our physical life is over and we do not know God it really will be eternally over.  I do not care what you believe or think about me for it is not me who you will have to stand before one day.  I am simply, boldly, and directly telling you what God has told me to say to you and to your heart.  YOU ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD AND HE WANTS YOU TO REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.  He wants to clean your heart and make it perfect and blameless once again in His eyes.  He wants you under His Son’s blood.  It grieves God’s heart that not everyone understands or has heard this truth and it is our responsibility to tell the dying world about God and His plan of salvation.  Let’s throw off the mask of lies and put on the full armor of God so that we may go into the world and boldly proclaim the eternal Truth.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Fulfilling the Law

Fulfilling the Law


This topic of Theology is one that has been debated, talked about, and argued over for as long as I can remember and to this day there are still separating issues that divide God’s children.  This divisionary tactic by Satan has been effective in hurting many people and keeping even further amounts of people away from God and the truth about their lives.  What is so amazing is that while we have stared at the Bible for centuries we have yet been able to admonish the truth about this specific issue.  Why?  The answers to this question are contained in the Bible, in Genesis to be more exact.  It is time for us to place petty divisions behind us, accept God’s Word as the eternal Word of God and the source of which we have our origin, life, and eternal destination for when we accept this truth we can share the Gospel according to how Jesus commanded us to do, without compromise or selfish cravings for seniority.

I have mentioned in the past that I usually shy away from discussions concerning Theology on social networks for they usually turn out to be disasters and division baiting sessions that only prove denominational or secular beliefs that no party is willing to separate from.  As I scroll through some of these discussions I cannot help but wonder why the Church has lasted this long for the doctrinal settings of many people is just plain false and lies from the pit of hell.  It pains my spirit to read such atrocities that Christians do to others in order to prove their point as being correct, yet while doing so totally step foot into worldly values and ignore Biblical timelines as their backing and foundation for such acknowledgments.  It frightens me to come to the conclusions that Jesus’ Church and future bride does not have a clue about the simple message of salvation or why Jesus even came to the earth much less if we can fulfill God’s Laws or not.

While trying to figure out if a human can truly fulfill God’s Laws should be a “no brainer” but because the Church has skewed God’s Word for her selfish ways, this truth has fallen in the section of heresy that is now rampant inside church walls or it is not even considered to be a truth at all.  Why is this so difficult a position to face and to accept, it is because our societies today – and in the past – have always done their best to prove that God is not who He says He is and have done an excellent job at promoting such lies.  When people do not truly believe God is all everything they cannot understand what is actually occurring around and through our existence.  I must admit that there have been times in everyone’s life and in mine that I struggle to comprehend who God is and just how big He is.  When I do try and contemplate His existence for any length of time, my mind aches for I reach a certain point and I cannot go any further for my mind cannot comprehend such vastness and purity at the same time.  When it is all said and done, I cry out for forgiveness because even though my mind tried to understand God’s presence I have subjected Him to a life of limitations and since God has no limitations my thoughts of Him do not and cannot fulfill His Laws.

In the book of Genesis, we have the first chapter that gives us a glimpse of the creation of the world and how God designed it.  Through this glimpse, we have an opportunity to imagine just how God operates in His eternal and pure light, one that provides light and knowledge to the entire world on a continual basis.  At the same time, we have a picture of how God rubs His eternal life giving process into the face of Satan by ordaining the first creative motion and from that moment forward everything that God sets into motion cannot go unrecognized.  By the end of Genesis Chapter 1, we have the entire world set into motion and God’s prized creations (us) are placed according to how God wants things to be evident.  It is at this point where many people will fall away for they struggle with the truth that God alone created all things and that only He has the capability to ensure this process for eternity, it also serves as the setting for the stumbling block for the topic at hand for if one cannot get passed this truth about God there is no way that they can believe His Laws either.

In Genesis Chapter 2 we begin to see the details about how God designed mankind and what God expected from them while they lived in the Garden of Eden.  We find that there are no iniquities in their lives, nor is there any type of animosity or pain that dwells within their dominion.  At this point, sin has not found a place of residence and it seems like Adam and Eve’s job that God commanded them to do, along with the single rule about a single tree was intact and had not been violated.  All types of communication with God were on a daily and direct level and the auricles of God were freely given to them as their walks and talks continued.  Perfect conditions both in the Garden of Eden and in the lives of Adam and Eve were set in place and up until this point, the Laws of God were intact, both on God’s side and on mankind’s side as well.

In this portion of humanity and our creation, we can honestly say that we fulfilled the complete Law of God for the Bible states this truth through Genesis chapters 1 & 2.  As long as Adam and Eve obeyed the single rule that God had issued and lived through and by this single rule all would be okay.  But at some point, Adam and Eve began to slack off in their upkeep duties of the Garden of Eden and as this dereliction of duty continued and increased an enemy who had been present all the time began to make his move on the couple.  As long as the couple did not eat of the tree and dress the Garden of Eden as they should, all would be okay but when one side of the rule was broken it automatically opened the door for the entire law to be disobeyed, thus establishing the reason as to why we cannot fulfill the Law of God.  Sin represents disobedience, and if our lives are born into sin then that means some huge drastic change occurred in order for this reality to now besiege our lives.  It is at this point also that many people have issues with because they cannot comprehend just how one couple’s disobedience caused all of the havoc that we face today, a procedural status that cannot be understood if you do not believe that God is everything on all sides either.  God is the beginning of everything; the definition of God is defined as the beginning and therefore represents faith and trust as the guiding force in this truth for our finite minds.

Genesis Chapter 3 contains a wealth of information that God has already shared with us and will probably continue to share with us because He continues to reveal such fruitful information about this chapter that further expands the concept of His Love for His children and the necessity of His Laws in our lives, and most importantly the reasons why we need to follow His Laws in order to survive.  As Genesis 3 opens we find a quick description of the serpent and how he is considered to be the most subtle of all the created animals and yet we find Eve having a direct conversation with him and from all appearances seems to not be afraid of his presence, which means she is comfortable about having a talking snake in front of her; a relationship if you will.  Even at this moment in our history, humans still have the ability to uphold and to fulfill the Laws of God for the sinful act and the specific action of the law given had not been broken, but the breach had occurred and our existence was now about to take a horrible turn.

As we see in Genesis 3:6 the conversation between Eve and the serpent is now on a “Theological” level and the serpent is now able to dictate the conversation through one simple question, a question that Eve fumbles with and tries to correct her words but in doing so kicks the ball forward with her words making the door of opportunity for Satan to snatch the covering of the Law of God from humanity.  Here we find Adam and Eve still in a purified, holy, and perfect creative state until this verse arrives and gives us details about what occurs when Eve then Adam agrees to eat from the tree.  It is here that the subtlety of the serpent is fulfilled in the lives of Adam and Eve and thus the fulfillment of God’s Law has been abolished.  It is also at this point that clearly defines the battle of eternal kingdoms that is ongoing in our lives as well and furthermore, it provides and proves the necessary information to stand upon that God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom cannot be shared or mixed in any shape or manner.  For if these two eternal entities could exist together the Bible would end here and no further words written but since Genesis 3:7 is present, the proof is undeniable.

Genesis 3:7 is a single verse but one that proclaims so many aspects of our lives before sin entered into our lives and after this apocalyptic event occurred.  While the Bible does not give account to exactly what occurred in / on / over their bodies something drastically occurred for the Word of God to state what happened to them in verse 7.  The change is quickly evident to Adam and Eve for this verse states that they immediately recognize they are naked and then take steps to “correct” the matter according to what they believe is adequate.  It is this action taken by Adam and Eve that tell the story that humanity is no longer in complete accordance with God and His Laws because up until that moment where they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they had no concerns about what their appearance before God looked like or stood for either.  The point here is that if a human being is created in a perfect state with no ailments or adversities lying in wait inside their bodies and has direct access to their Creator and they decide to ignore the Law of God and do things on their own, then it is this redefining moment that takes us from the ability to obey and fulfill God’s Law automatically and completely and place us into a position of noncompliance and un-fulfillment on the same level as our creation.  But as this verse shows us, when mankind tries to complete the job of eternal covering themselves they (we) cannot do it at all and end up making throw away articles.

Here is a consistency of God moment that is important to remember.  We must never forget that eternity is not negotiable on any level and once we make up our minds to accept either way and our life ends, our eternal motion is then set into an irreversible pattern.  When Lucifer fell he sealed his fate for eternity and he can never return to his prior position in heaven. When we eternally set into motion our final destination we can never reverse that direction either, it too is sealed.  If God who had created Lucifer as the beautiful and powerful angel that he is and when he sinned against God was thrown out forever, what makes us believe that when we do not follow those same Laws of God that God will just up and change His status for us?  It is this verse 7 that also signifies that God is a consistent God and cannot change His ways for anyone or anything.

As Genesis Chapter 3 progresses we come to the realization that many things in the lives of Adam and Eve have changed and once they understand the consequences of their actions it would not be difficult to believe that their day was an overwhelming one.  But even after God had told them of the consequences of their actions He was not going to just end the conversation without some type of resolution, for as the paragraph above states God is a complete God and one who loves His creations with all of His heart so a plan was made in order with His Order in order for us to once again obtain this perfect status in His eyes and not the world’s.

This truth is displayed in verse 21 of chapter 3 when God’s Word states: “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”  It is this act by God that seals the deal when it comes to whether or not we are able to fulfill His Law after sin entered into our lives.  In verse 7 it states that when Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened they made coverings for themselves to hide their nakedness a process that they initiated and did, a way that two humans produced which were now subject to sin and death a total opposite of the condition that they had been created.  In verse 21 of the same chapter, we see that God has made coverings for them and gave the coverings to them to wear.  Now, this may look like the same type of setting for clothing, with a little bit of difference in material but we must understand that from the moment sin entered into their lives their dominion was stolen and they were no longer in complete and holy control of said dominion.  This means that they could no longer have authority to use such dominion as their haven, they had to work the land from now on.  God performs this act of covering for them which says, that He alone still can complete holy and pure tasks for He has not violated His promise of covering or protection for Adam and Eve.

It is through the actions of Adam and Eve in verses 3:6 – 3:7 that gives rise to the difference between holiness and sinfulness, thus forever changing the way we operate under God’s Laws.  Before Genesis 3:6 took place we were equal in holiness through our creation and thus composed the definition of we up until that moment but when Genesis 3:7 arrives a huge change has occurred and we are no longer in said holy ordinances with God or His Laws, thus providing the answer to if we can fulfill God’s Laws or not which is given in Genesis 3:21.  What God did in verse 21 is to give an example of His Covenant and what His protection means and how it operates, and just how important it is to live under those coverings.  See the coverings that God gave to Adam and Eve covered their bodies, which means they were on them and hid their skin from visual methods.  It also states that there is no way that mankind in our new state of life can or would ever be able to fulfill God’s Laws ever again and would always have the choice to once again live under God’s Laws with a protection over us or to simply ignore God and take our chances with the world just as Adam and Eve did.

God cannot live with, stand for, or even look upon sin and this truth is why God could not accept the homemade skins of covering that Adam and Eve made.  And if God could not accept this offering of covering by two humans, it really sheds some light about just why Adam and Eve’s son could not find favor in God’s eyes when he tried to sacrifice to God in his own manner as well.  God had no choice but to fulfill His own Law of sacrifice and covering inside the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve left because if He did not then Satan could have ruled God’s actions as incomplete and not thorough enough to be deemed pure, holy and complete as God claims to be.  This act by God in verse 21 confirms that there is only one way to receive this eternal protection from Him, not 2 or 10 various ways but only One true way.

One may argue the fact that in the New Testament there is a passage in Luke 1:5-6 where it talks about a priest named Zacharias who was found to have kept all of the commandments and laws of God.  In verse 6 it gives specific details of his ways when it states: “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.”  But we must keep in mind one detail about our lives that while we shall never be able to overcome during our physical lifetime and that is the sin that our bodies harbor.  There can be no question that Zacharias and Elizabeth kept all of God’s Ways in their daily lives but the sin that lied within their physical bodies they could not overcome which automatically made them sinners in the almighty eyes and heart of God.  It is this detail that we must keep in mind that separates us from the life that Adam and Eve once knew from the one we live today.

When we are conceived in the body of our mother, it is a miracle that we survive this process alone for there are so many delicate reactions that have to take place in order for cells to form and then grow.  All is well when our egg and sperm join to make a single cell, then two cells and then four cells.  But a grave error occurs at this point in our growth process, a fifth cell appears and when it does the first cell created dies and then the multiplication table returns to its pattern.  It is at this point where sin rears its ugliness in our lives and binds us to the revelation and consequences of Adam and Eve in our lives, death.  This process of reproduction further issues our warrant of slavery to the world through our inheritance of death which has nothing to do with God but of our arch enemy Satan.  But even before Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden God had shown them a way to redeem themselves in His eyes and while they could no longer live in equality with God the way that He provided them would allow God to see them as pure and holy before His eyes.

This is one of the reasons why Jesus said give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and what is God’s to God.  It is why God wanted sacrifices to come from a pure yet sinful heart, and why blood was used in order to fulfill this covering.  Blood is the essential component of our bodies that we cannot live without for if we do not have blood our life is over.  The importance of life depends on Covenant and Covenant is representative of blood.  Jesus understood the exact purpose of what God did in the Garden of Eden when He made the skins for Adam and Eve.  And like clockwork, we have humiliated this eternal and life giving covering the heave ho because we have marginalized its origins and meaning just as every historical society in our history did.

I read a story the other day about an employee of a certain well-known store chain that was fired after he had confronted people trying to shoplift from the establishment.  While this type of activity from the establishment may seem a bit overboard it serves its purposes for future adverse settings yet the entire systematic control seems a bit ludicrous especially for the person who was the recipient of the disciplinary action.  However, it is this type of ridiculous behavior that many who wish to keep God’s Laws operate and thus shows a lack of knowledge when it comes to the truth about how one should see God’s Laws.  God knows that there is no way possible that we can live within the guidelines of His Laws because sin is the root that drives our inner nature now and that is why He provided such a magnificent way of restoration in the Garden of Eden.

God has never once left us in any type of state that would not give us any direction other than what points to Him.  Yes, God’s Laws are important to follow and yes, God’s Laws should be administered to each individual’s life but they should not become a witness for subjection but of freedom.  Remember God is a consistent God and when He placed that single Law into motion in the Garden of Eden He did it so that mankind could continue to live in freedom and not be subjected to the sickness and disease of the world.  If we could not follow one simple Law back then what makes us believe that we can follow thousands now?  The only way to restore us into God’s eyes is for us to accept the truth that while God’s Laws are still in existence, there is no way possible that we can methodically obey every single one of them alone and enter into God’s presence with such ambitions.  Yes, it is VERY important and even vital to our eternal existence to follow these Ways as much as possible and to hide them inside our heart but they cannot become the driving force of our relationship with God because when they do then God becomes a religious figure and not the Figure of a Father that He desperately so wants from us.

The sacrificial procedure that God showed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is the final answer to any question this life brings, and it serves as the foundation of how to live for God in a relationship status.  We need to offer our lives up to God in a sacrificial manner every day that we draw breath and not just on occasion.  God meant for our relationship to be a daily meeting where we can converse with the Creator of everything without shame or blemish.  Humanity had this at one time but now it is hidden from us if we do not accept the Only Way back to God.  Church, where is your sacrifice and where does it come from?  Is your sacrifice a religious setting that finds no favor in the nostrils of God or is it representative of a daily recognition that we need God in our lives so much that we are willing to give up our own life to obtain such restoration?  It is time we forget that we can do this restoration process trying to obey God’s Laws alone for it shall not work.  It is the continual and meaningful relationship with God, from our hearts, that will suffice as the initiative for our restoration process.

There is no way that we can rid our lives of sin while we walk this earth no matter how good we may look to the human eye.  God loves us very much and has supplied us with the perfect opportunity to understand His desires for our lives.  Eternal placement is of the utmost concern to God and He does not wish for anyone to die and be separated from Him for eternity.  God’s Laws are tough and should be adhered to as much as possible without them becoming a religious symbol of idolatry in our hearts, but we must realize that even if we are able to follow every law that God has given there is no way possible that we can bypass our sin to reach this perfect state ever again.  The blood of Christ and its protection as the eternal sacrifice is the ONLY way that we can be seen by God as being holy and blameless again.  It is through living under the blood of Christ, through the obedience of God’s Laws with the heart of Christ that we will be seen as blameless and holy in God’s eyes.


Monday, July 17, 2017

While The World Slept

While the World Slept


Many of us understand that many things occur during the nighttime and that most of the crimes that are committed occur during the dark times as well.  But as most of us have the luxury of feeling secure at night there are still occurrences that happen that we may never know about, including spiritual things.  A perfect example occurred to me on Saturday night when I was trying to go to sleep.  God decided to show up and show me a very important and daily event that takes place in our world, an event that many of us either do not hear or flat ignore but one that needs to be recognized; for life itself depends upon it, for if we do not recognize that our given dominion is being voluntarily ripped apart by our enemy, how then can we begin to understand what God is trying to say when His bells are ringing from His presence. 

The majority of the world understands that there is one week set aside that represents Holy Week and that it is one of the high points in the world of Christianity.  It does not matter which group of people that I am referring to either for even the enemies of God know about this time frame especially with the accumulation of Easter during that weekend.  During this week and all other weeks, we commonly hear of car bombs, hostage taking, group assassinations, and even an occasional natural disaster that occur during this time, and with so much commonality of these events have made them almost un-reportable anymore.  To see such a season of joy and hope being ravaged by death and destruction is the perfect eye opening experience that should call of God’s people to spiritual arms, yet we quietly sleep in our houses and miss what occurs in the darkness.  However, on the spiritual side of things it would seem natural for tension to be witnessed during this season; yet, I wonder why it seems like we only see the enemy’s kingdom being advanced during this time.  There is a simple explanation for these tragedies that occur and there is a simple way to correct them as well.

I was lying in bed one late Saturday evening and doing my best to fall asleep.  I knew that I had to work the next morning and even though I did not have to go in early I still wanted a full night’s sleep in order to be fresh for the workday.  As I was lying in bed my mind I could not figure out why my mind was not “turning off” which would allow me to get the rest that I needed, the coffee and the excitement of the movie that we had watched earlier that evening crossed my mind but whatever the cause it did not take me long to figure out that I was not going to fall asleep anytime soon.  If one has lived in Colorado for very long they will know that springtime is a very unpredictable weather time of the year so some nights can be cold and others warm.  It was one of those warmer April nights so I had the window open in the bedroom so that the cool air would be able to penetrate and provide a good sleeping atmosphere, and while the weather outside might have been good to sleep by that does not mean that my mind cooperated with the sleeping pattern, or was the coffee that I drank later in the evening finally changing my nighttime metabolism enough to keep me awake, a question that I would soon understand the answer.

After a while of tossing and turning and quickly becoming frustrated at the situation, I had conceded that I should get up and pray a while but before I could get out of the bed my ears believed it heard a distant sound.  A few seconds later I heard it again and by then I had confirmed that it was a bell gently and methodically ringing.  Many of you know that we live in a small town and if there is any type of loud activity that occurs, many people have the opportunity to hear it as it is happening.  This town has the perfect settings for those of us who like to find out where the action is when the sirens and lights are alerting everyone.  A few blocks down from our house is an Orthodox Catholic church.  It is not a very large building but it is well attended even during holidays and other feasts and festivals.  I pass this building every day that I go to work and many times I focus my eyes upon the church until I completely pass bye.  It is a simple building yet it represents so much to the people that attend its services and to those of us who thank God every day that we still have the opportunity to worship God freely.  But I could not imagine why the bells would be ringing now for “Easter” was the previous weekend (5 April 2015) and when I took a look at my watch it was midnight.

I got out of bed and stood at the bedroom window and listened to the beautiful and gentle sounds of a church bell breaking the silence of a small town night as it proclaimed a call to attention for what was occurring according to the Orthodox Catholic faith.   I will be the first to admit that I am not Catholic by any means and that I do not know very many details about the Orthodox Catholic mass or any of the ceremonial conduct that occurs within the services.  I do know some small details about the saints, feasts and the observations that go along with those dates, but for the most part, the remaining procedural steps remain hidden to me.  And I do know that on certain occasions the Orthodox Church will ring its bell at certain times during their meetings and services and while I do not hear it ringing every time it is a blessing to my ears when I do.  After I had realized what was transpiring I remained at the window and was serenaded for approximately 5 minutes worth of bell tones which soothed my heart and spirit and for some reason calmed my entire body into a relaxed state.

After the allotted time for the bells to ring, they stopped and silence once again filled the air.  I was still standing by the window wondering if there would be another round of music but none graced my ears, the serenade was over.  At that moment I still did not understand why the bells had chimed but I did know that my spirit was at ease.  Before I stepped away from the window and go downstairs to pray I took a quick look at my immediate neighborhood and street.  My eyes did not see much for every light in every house that I could see was out and each house was pitch dark.  While this gave me a sense of security God decided to show me what He wanted us to understand about what had just occurred but not all of the message would be delivered to me that night the remaining portion would come in the morning, quite fitting as we shall see.  My eyes took another sweep along the street just to verify that all was well and God dropped into my heart that everyone one this street was asleep and missed those bells.  I knew that the bell came from the Orthodox Church and that when bells rang from a church it always had a significant meaning, yet the people in this neighborhood totally missed the sound of what the church bell was conveying.  It was here that my heart went from peace and tranquility to sorrow and mourning.

Not all adjoining neighborhoods enjoyed the peace and quiet of the night for in another direction I could hear engines revving and tires squealing on the pavement as signs of young life made their mark on the town.  However, the common issue that both sides of the town shared was that all had missed what the bells were sounding and that their immediate lives were more important than what God was proclaiming to everyone that wished to hear.  I cannot exclude myself in this event because up until that next morning I was not aware of a small detail about the celebration of Easter, a detail that when I was told about my heart sank and the truth of the night before became ever more real to my spirit.  This detail actually was demonstrated in a message God gave us a few years ago concerning Christmas and the meaning of this special holiday for it is not about the specific date but the representation of the event that should be the defining moment in our lives.

The detail that the young lady that was staying with us at the time provided made everything line up accordingly to why God had spoken to me the previous evening while I was standing at the window.  Up until that moment, I had not counted on the fact that the Orthodox Church does not always celebrate Easter on the same day as Protestants do which means that in 2015 the celebration of Easter began at midnight on Saturday / Sunday 12 April 2015.  What my ears hear that night was the sound of a bell ringing to the neighborhoods that Jesus was alive and that He had risen from the grave as He said He would do.  I do not know how many people heard that bell ringing out the truth and I do not know how many people wanted to hear the bell ring or to understand what its meaning meant, but I do know that the bell rang and at least this set of ears heard it and understood why the bell completed its job.  Another tidbit about bells, they do not ring themselves for they have to have people contribute to their output.  Modern bell setups can be initiated with a push of a button but even then the human must authorize the ringing.  It is this initiative that Jesus gave us to do when He said that we should go out into all the world and preach the Gospel, for the Gospel is the bell that we need to be ringing and not allow to sit silently.  Pascha was celebrated that evening and now I purposely look on the calendar for that evening and listen for those bells of life.

Once I had heard and understood the meaning of why the bell was ringing at midnight, my entire thought process of what I heard the previous night had an entirely new meaning.  I could not believe that I had stood in my window and heard the bell that proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection and did not know what I had the privilege of listening to.  Understanding the meaning of why the bell rang placed an entirely new meaning in my spirit about the bell and how its chimes penetrated the darkness, exactly what God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit’s Kingdom are supposed to do.  I had the opportunity to listen to a sound that my ears can now recognize that Jesus has risen just as the people’s voices proclaimed that glorious day two thousand years ago.  One cannot help but think that there were countless numbers of people who slept on that bright morning too, and while it was a spectacular truth that unfolded Jesus knew that the work that must be done needs to be completed from people who are not in the dark but serve the Light.  How many more divine questions that lay uncovered because the Church is in the dark snoozing away, the answer to that single question is countless numbers.

This is where we place denominations aside and behind us and seek out the truth about God’s Word so that we can effectively fight the ruler of this world.  Denominations have served its purposes of division for long enough and it is high time that with all of the signs and wonders unfolding in front of our eyes we need to make sure that these signals from God are not being missed by anyone.  However, the sleeping Church is not doing what she was instructed to complete which is allowing Satan and his kingdom walk over those who do not understand that Jesus is alive and has the eternal answers for their lives.  The Church is committing the highest crime by living in such manner to miss the signals that God is producing for His children and since we refuse to wake up and hear then understand these signals (bells) our physical loss will not be the only thing we shall lose and be held accountable at some point in time.  It is also through these lies of denominational impurity that we need to start from the basics in many cases when it comes to the salvation message; YES, THAT INCLUDES CHURCH MEMBERS TOO!!!!  To be honest, many of the people that attend church have no clue about what salvation is or what it means or what it stands for in their lives, a sad state but one that should at least wake us up enough to stop our snoring in the pews.

Bells grab the attention of a still night or day and were designed to draw attention to those around that some event or news was important enough to share with everyone in the area.  Do we not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that through His pure and holy sacrifice provides us with the ultimate covering for our eternal salvation?  Have we lost touch with just how important it is and why it is so important that we understand and live under this covering?  Why have we tossed this eternal setting aside and while we know it is there treat it as a side dish in our lives?  We have cheerfully adopted the philosophy of Lot’s wife while trying to fend off the world, we just cannot seem to grasp the real truth and importance of this protection, even though she and her family were previously saved from captivity. 

A Church that is asleep shall fall victim to the world’s sufferings because they will not know how to defend herself when the enemy arrives.  She will also not understand the workings of God nor figure out why things, events, and issues arise either.  But we can change this with one simple movement of the heart.  Church you cannot afford to be asleep when the bells of salvation need to be rung to the dying world and there is absolutely no excuse as to why we do not even hear these bells ringing signaling that Jesus is alive.  Repent Church and throw away your selfish and punitive denominational scarves for there is the world out there that needs to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Easter can be celebrated on different days of the year and still be effective against the wiles and darkness of Satan.  This message has one purpose only and that is for us to understand that every day of our lives should be a continual testimony of Jesus Christ and the changes He has made in our lives to those who do not understand what is at stake.  Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving and every other holiday that God is represented should NOT be displayed just on one day or celebrated with a week or remembrance but should be exemplified every day of our lives no matter what we do, where we go, and most devoutly what we say each second of our lives.  God is not dead and Jesus is not a figment of our imagination, but these eternal Beings represent our creation our present and our future and we need to be out there telling the world this truth.  THIS is what Jesus wants His Church to be doing and not being labeled by the world as an organization to be run over, to annihilate at a whims notice and most importantly the reason while the world slept.


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Leaving Home

Leaving Home


Every parent at some time will face the fact that their child will leave the confines of their house and venture out on their own. While we may put on a happy dance face and proclaim our freedom we all sit back and worry about the safety of our children knowing what is out in the world and all that could affect their lives when they encounter such experiences.  It is easy for us to think about God and how He was pained when His Son was crucified and then sent into hell to capture the keys of death and what separation it had on God, but do we routinely keep in mind what occurred to Adam and Eve when their separation occurred and how it must have hurt God as well?  This is a parental concern that not only we have but one that God continues to have today as He watches His beloved Creations walk aimlessly without knowing who He is and what His desires are for our lives.

A few weeks ago, my wife and I sat on the football field of the town’s local high school and proudly watched as our last daughter walked up to the stage and received her diploma.  It was a moment of mixed emotions for while it was a sense of accomplishment for the both of us we also could not ignore the fact that within a few more weeks she would be leaving our house to go to college.  This past weekend, our youngest daughter began her moving out process and even though she is only moving twenty miles down the road it was still very hard for her mother and me to watch unfold.  We participated in her move as much as possible while keeping our eyes dry not letting on that it was killing us inside to watch her grow up and continue her life.  Yes, it was painful but it is time that we have to let her fly and to become the godly woman she has been taught to be.

As we were coming back into town, we stopped off and bought some local produce for us to have for dinner that evening and then went up towards where the old high school football stadium once stood.  As we approached the hill to go up the small hill, I told my wife that it seemed just like yesterday that our oldest daughter walked along that grass to receive her diploma, the last graduating class to walk in that stadium.  Now, our youngest was graduated and it was now time to allow her to leave the protection of our house and for her to step foot into the world, basically on her own.  We have always told all of our girls that God is in control of their lives and that as long as they place Him first in their lives He will be faithful and just to guide them as long as they and their families draw breath.  However, with this promise in their heart and in ours, it is still frightening to think about what she will face without being in the security area of her original home.

It is very disappointing to hear that not every child grows up in a secure and loving home and that they are exposed to grossly devalued lives and standards at a very young age.  I wish that every child could experience a godly home that provides values good enough to prepare them to combat the world instead of joining the combat with the world.  Over the years, my girls have had many friends that have come from broken homes with some being violent and completely disgraceful on all levels, a sign that even this country has fallen away enough to destabilize the basic form of living, the common household.  It scares me to watch as today’s societies promote such breakups and sub standard living yet scream and cry that their problems exist because of others and not what they have developed. 

We fail to recognize and then understand exactly what the root of our problems are and when we try and fix these problems on our own they explode exponentially and many cannot be contained in any manner.  The wildfires of rebellion are popping up almost daily with a new logo of fight that has only followed a previously established pattern, one that we also refuse to control and eternally fix but allow for fueling themselves with non-action.  Many would say that that this type of activity only occurs in the big cities and has not infiltrated into the small communities of our nation but that statement and belief is inaccurate.  Many of the statistics that define the “issues” of our nation are strictly confined to the cities but are ignored in the smaller communities which skew the truth on all levels.  It is these missed statistics that worry small town parents when they send their children off into the unknown and terrifies the parents of the children of the “city” communities for they readily see and hear of what goes on around them.  How have we as the nations’ nation fallen so far down that we cannot provide a safe haven of study for the children of our families?

A parent never stops worrying about their children even when they are still living at home and while the living conditions may not always be the best being at home provides a little more security than being out on your own.  I knew this when I went to college and the university that I went to was also approximately twenty miles up the road, the settings, freedoms, and further opportunities immediately present themselves as distractions to what the overall goals should be.  It is these pitfalls and uglier ones that may come their way that brings the greatest concerns for our watchful eyes cannot always be over them to protect them when such enemies arrive.  But as many of us know that even though our children are at home the dangers of the world still have a tendency to creep into our homes through the doors that we voluntarily open for ourselves and the cycled loop grows and spins faster.  What is most troubling is that when we look back at all of the previous societies in human history we cannot find one that exemplifies any other type of presentation which means that every program, thought, or process humanity has tried to correct such inadequacies has failed.

What is more disheartening is that we do have one society that gives us a picture of how perfection works and how it is to live within this type of purity, but this society was disabled due to the concepts of a selfish gratitude that was directly mounted against the perfect setting.  When the book of Genesis opens we have the beautiful painting of a world being written day by day and as each evening and morning passed we have a new creative setting that was completed with eternal perfection.  We also see that the Creator Himself personally oversaw each detail and through His words of perfection proclaimed each day complete.  As with any parent God understood that He could not forcibly keep Adam and Eve under His thumb and demand that they follow his Word, but that they had to make that choice for themselves.  Oh, how God must have wished for Adam and Eve to stay within His confines and Ways for as long as they did He knew that there could not be anything or anyone touch them and send them on their way from His presence.

In Genesis Chapter 3, we see Adam and Eve walking down the graduation stage and choose to make their own way in the world instead of heeding to the ways and laws of God.  A moment in God’s heart that must have been eternally shaken for He knew even before their creation that if they ever chose to leave His Ways that they would be forced from the perfect and protected state that only He could have provided.  As the moment drew to the time when their talks would continue, God knew what had occurred and He had no choice but to proceed with the consequences of their actions.  In no way, did God want to push them from the perfect state that He had made for them but through their own choices He had no choice in the manner.

I know that when my youngest finally leaves the house there might be days that my eyes will not be able to see my creation and that thought pains me deeply.  In many ways, I have been selfishly ignoring my parents and their sights as well, for they live just a few minutes away and sometimes it too is days before they lay eyes on me.  When a child leaves the confines their home, parents’ hearts begin to race and go into a continual worrying mode, it is hard for me not to worry about my girls, for they are my life but I know I must watch them grow and mature into their own adulthoods just as God has to watch us grow with or without Him and having His Ways alive in our hearts.  It is hard for our hearts to fathom the possible eternal separation from God completely but if it is anything like how parents feel when their children leave the house to be on their own it is an unimaginable pain to endure.

God has provided us the perfect gift and tool to teach our children to be prepared for their encounters with the world.  However, we have found numerous ways for them to discourage this perfect tool and to seek out flawed and varied methods of teaching instead.  No parent wants to see their child suffer in any ill manner due to adverse choices that are presented to them.  It does not matter if these ill settings occur in the form of no heat in the winter to being sentenced to life in prison for a capital crime, a parent wants the best for their child and as parents we need to be popular and friendly with our children but to lead them in such a way that they can see their enemy and fend him off before he has a chance to grab hold of their lives.  This is exactly what God provided for Adam and Eve yet they chose to defy His Ways and choose their own standards.  The influence they followed ended their household protection and sent them on their way to live out their choices.  God did everything He could to keep His Ways simple and pure but in the end, it was our choice to complicate the issue and succumb to the slavery that the world holds.

Every line of communication needs to be continued with our children when they walk out the door, for if we do not keep such communication it is assured that they will stray from the truth and accept their own experiences as gold.  The world shall NEVER provide our children with anything good for the world is defined by a defeated kingdom ruler who has the job of stealing your possessions from you and destroying them right before your eyes.  The most important type of communication that one can have with your children who have left your fold is to pray for them.  Prayer is the necessity that allows God to keep in touch with His children and if you teach your children to pray and to honestly and with a sincere heart speak to our Creator, He will be able to steer them from dangers that will occur.

While it was difficult to watch my older daughters walk out of the house and to embark on their lives and now throwing in my youngest into the same category, my wife and I do have the confidence that all of our girls know how to pray, they all have been taught the Word of God and who God is, and they know how to keep away from trouble and not to accept the world as their friend.  There will still be days and nights that we want to hear their voices and to see their bodies with our own eyes, there is nothing wrong with this for it is comforting to any parent who gets to see or hear their child on a routine basis.  More importantly, it is important that we ourselves visit our Heavenly Father as well for He does not want just a couple of days a week communication service He wants you to speak to Him every day and every night.  When we keep in constant contact with our earthly parents and accept their hounding over us as their way of adhering to God’s Ways, it makes things so much easier to understand when trials come our way.  The same occurs when we have this constant contact with God as well, for the spiritual and eternal battles we continually face will have a far greater effect on our lives if we do not understand what is going on and how to combat them.

In no way did God ever desire for His children to live away from under His protection, yet I thank Him every day that He provided us a way to be able to restore our lives in such a manner that we can experience God’s true gift of eternal life if we choose.  God has a specific and holy order that He follows and it is through this order of His that defines restoration and how we can accept such a miraculous process.  If God was haphazard or lazy in His Ways, this assurance of eternal salvation would not be worthy enough to talk about much less believe in.  Many times we doubt this truth about God and how much He cares for us with many of us leaving this earth’s walk without even knowing what lies beyond our last breath.  Church we cannot afford to sit back and watch the world advance and God be limited to just a few hours a week.  Look at what our world has become and look how our children are accepting this lousy way of life that is being offered to them like candy.  How can we say we are a live and functioning body when our numbers are declining and our spirituality is being sold to the lowest worldly bidder?  Daniel never once compromised his godly beliefs even when he was in captivity for 70 years.  Why do we have to accept the world and then pay for our choices down the road like the reason that Daniel was in captivity for such a long time?

The question remains of how we are living our lives at home and how we are protecting the dominion that God has given us to dress and keep.  We must understand that at some time in our lives our children will choose to leave our protection and enter into the world, but all the difference in the world it makes when they have been taught about the Word of God and the protective covering that it brings to their lives.  We are guilty of gross negligence when we send our kids into the world without the direct knowledge of how they need to protect themselves and Church you are just as much at fault as well you’re your sermons and teachings are world-centered and not Bible and God centered.  What we are providing our children is providing them with the example of how Adam and Eve lost their dominion instead of how God tried to teach them how to keep their dominion.  This pattern has to change immediately or it may be soon that we realize it is too late to turn back and save our nation from devastation.  What kind of procedure for leaving home do you want your child to take?  The Bible states and lays law that a man should leave his home and cleave to his wife so in this instance it is natural for humans to leave and forge out on their own, but never should we believe that God wants us to fade from His sight.

It does not matter if you have any children or not you are a child of God and He wants to have daily and direct contact with you. I know that with the schedules of lives it is difficult to see our family every day, but the anticipation that one shall hear the other’s voice at least carries us to the next day.  I know that this setting plays out every day in our world and that sometimes years pass before we lay eyes on our family or hear their voices but it is the belief that maybe tomorrow things will be different.  God waits for our lives to call out His name and there is no greater desire of His than the anticipation of hearing a child of His call out to Him.  Have we left home long enough to forget this truth about the one who created us?  God shall never ask you to leave His confines of His House or His holy protection, only our enemy tricks us into accepting this leaving home lie.  God cannot ever go against His Word but if we do not know His Word and what His Word means to our lives we will always be turning our heads and guessing with our confused hearts.

In physical terms this direct communication comes in many forms and can occur at any point in time during the day or night, so does the direct and personal communication with God.  All of us have been woken up at night for some reason and while we ponder why our physical bodies are awake how many of us pray?  When we are at work, or in the grocery store do we have a silent communication service with God, are we listening for His voice, would we even recognize it?  If our children can call us at any time with a need or concern why shouldn’t we feel the exact same way about God?  Why do we insist on going about things on our own, falling on our faces, and instead of trying God we lie on the ground and pitch a fit because we are hurt by something that caused us to stumble?  It is obvious we are calling out to the ground instead of the Creator.  We are from the ground which means we are flawed and this status shall not produce any result worthy of salvation, only the Creator of the ground can offer this truth, but we must be willing to listen to His voice for our instructions.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Seeking Equality As A Failure

Seeking Equality As A Failure


Not many people would apply equality and failure in the same category but in many cases, failure is the only outcome.  It is hard to explain this phenomenon but it reveals the truth about how mankind act to achieve such equality, fails, then at some point tries again.  We must give ourselves credit for trying to reach this goal but while we praise ourselves we must also bow our heads in shame because the portion of this unity that we miss is the focal point of our lives that we continually cast to the curb.  No contention of equality or unity shall occur when it is done in the name of mankind for God cannot allow sinful unity to adhere as a true kingdom.  Until we recognize that God is the only being that can create, establish, and grow a Kingdom, our efforts of unity shall fall short of this goal and our results will not succeed on any level.

Many of us have heard over our years the argument that the Bible does not give us specific clues about the actions of God and what He wants from our lives.  We have been shown that the unity that God, Adam, and Eve shared was lost when we allowed sin to enter into our lives and ever since that moment in human history we have been trying our best to achieve this unity again but doing it on our terms with glory projected upon ourselves and not through God alone.  For as our societies grow and blossom, we have a tendency to glorify those who are responsible for such successes, but as soon as the hoopla settles and the cameras are off the true nature of human success comes into light.  How often do we read that some environmental junkie or popular figure involves themselves in controversy after the fact?  It is unfailing that some sort of corruptive feat is published at some point in time that brings the spotlight of folly back on those who are considered to be superstars of society.

Church, do not become haughty with this human truth for you to have fallen into the mire and clutches of such selfish sins and are now being subjected to the same folly as the worldly figures and there is a huge and common reason why this occurs, pride and sin.  It is these two common elements that bring societies down without them even understanding what went wrong and the ultimate reason why they do not know what occurred is directly related to their downfall as well because they have not placed God first in their development and prepared their equality and unity in His standards.  How many times have we witnessed the Church go through tremendous growth periods yet fail to come together on a long term basis to press forward God’s Kingdom?  Our self-centered attitudes of success and unity have created an ultimate devastation that God brings on these societies because their leaders purposefully ignore the truth about God and the condition that our existence presents, and it is through this example in Genesis Chapter 11 that proves this statement and the point of this message that God wants us to understand.

God has given us a great example of this truth about how our human egos, pride, and sin take over projects and then through the brilliance of our thoughts become rubble because the foundation of such activities is based on feeble sand.  God wants to use Genesis 11:1-9 as the example of what transpires when humanity tries to achieve this goal without God being first and placing His Ways over the project.  I have never put this passage in context with today’s thought patterns and activities but when God showed me this passage He also opened up my heart to see the striking similarities.  God also showed me a detail about Him and what occurs when all of these tries of unity occur with humans in charge of such projects, a detail that has been forecasted for this nation.

The passage begins with a wonderful image of unity when Genesis 11:1 opens with: “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.”  What a perfect picture we have here because it paints that all of mankind can speak with each other with continual knowledge and has no problem with communication.  It is difficult for us to even understand some of the people from different regions of this country much less from another nation that speaks English.  What an accomplishment that these people have in verse 1 for everyone around speaks one language and can function in such great fashion.  I remember a story that my father tells about when he and a team were in El Salvador because of the language barrier.  It is very difficult to communicate with others if they do not speak the same language and when Spanish and English collide many times it is not a pretty sight.  But when people share the same goals it is amazing how even though different languages rule yet the human will gets the communicative job done as my father and his team quickly realized.

There can be no question that within each societal hierarchy that some form of unity will exist and is required to be present in order to form stability in that setting.  But when societal dominions become centered on self and personal idolatry the conditions of such a configuration cannot withstand its own infrastructure.  For when humans try and come together and build a society based on flawed details there is no way possible that such an existence can operate for a great period of time and withstand all of the interior and exterior pressures that it shall face.  Yes, many societies can handle this type of insults but just as the body will break down when continually attacked such a selfish society will eventually attack itself from within and then be vulnerable to its destruction, even when the destructive detail concerns the smallest of events of language.

Every society wants to have its own union and mechanisms of structure that symbolize such unity and in verse 3 we find that the attitudes of the people are of one accord and with the pride in their accomplishments of finding a new place to exist decide to transform this plain into their image and not from the God who through their ancestors gave them life.  The people begin to gather the necessary instruments to make the foundation of their newest idea and symbol of unity, a complete city and a tower that would reach heaven.  This process of how to build the tower was thought out quite neatly and it seems from verse 3 that everyone was onboard with the idea of building this tower.  We see that they talked together and worked out all of the details and then began the process of making the bricks and mortar for the project.  What is so wrong with this process is a logical question to ask.  Is it not the goal of every society to work in harmony and unity with each other so that projects such as this get completed and prove that people can get things done when they are in agreement?

When verse 4 opens it gives us a great deal of information about how far the ideas of the people had advanced and it also gives us a picture of how they viewed their experiences a while back through the words of Genesis 10:32 when it says that the sons of Noah were divided in the earth after the flood and when one places their contempt for moving in the likeness of Cain’s ways of conformity with God you get a recipe for disaster.  Remember a few weeks ago when God showed us about moving and how He provides us opportunities to fulfill this type of adventure in our lives?  God is not a docile or stagnate Being and therefore He created His children with the same type of longing and when God needs us to move He does so in such a manner that our hearts and minds understand His reasoning for such a change.  Yet, many of us get stuck in our habits and in our ways and when the opportunity arises to stay put or to move, we do everything we can to stay put instead, this provides us with an excellent example of “bucking” God’s Will and gives us the prime motive to live according to self-preservation instead of faith in God.

I find it amazing that these people did not place one thought of the true relationship status that they had with God when it came time to create the city and the tower.  No mention of God on a relationship basis is mentioned in this passage, and it seems like they had no intentions of trying to establish a relationship with God either.  This type of setting gives us another example of how religion and religious practices overtake our lives and destroy the true relationship that God wants between Him and us.  This also gives us a clear picture that the people living on this plain were going to use the incorrect bricks and mortar for their city and tower, a process doomed from the start.  As stated above, it had not been too long before that the flood had occurred and that event was still “fresh” in the minds and hearts of these people.  When God stated to replenish the earth He did mean those words, but He also meant that we should continue to seek and to have a relationship with him so that nothing similar as the total devastation of the earth would come into play again.  Everything that humans do should revolve around God and the relationship that He desires for us to have, and when we accomplish this truth our lives shall be filled with complete joy just as Adam and Eve had before their lives were changed.

An interesting scenario occurs between verses 4 and 5 and it refers to a certain amount of time that passes during these verses. As we all know a tower or for that much, a city cannot be built overnight and that even with modern equipment and an unlimited workforce available such a feat would take time to complete.  Now, this setting occurs in biblical times and way before modernity has been in control of building which means that God allows this civilization to build their wishes.  This says a lot about God for it gives us a truth that He does not automatically delay, confuse, or destroy things that humans decide they want to be done.  This is a sign that God is patient and kind and gives mankind every opportunity to look at what they have done and see if it places God first or themselves in that position.  Then, God takes a stand at some point and intervenes when necessary, a position taken as any good father would do.  Now, this does not mean that God remains silent throughout the process, I guarantee that some or many of those people involved in building these monuments had their heart strings tugged many times while completing their tasks.

Verse 4 also gives us a clue about the simplicity of mankind and how our physical thought processes are limited.  This does not mean we are dumb or stupid in any manner but the verse does provide us with a description of our thought patterns and how we try to connect both the spiritual realm and the physical realm together, a lie that can only come from Satan and one that we believe in so strongly.  There is absolutely no way that mankind can ever build anything physically to reach “heaven”.  This would mean that through our physical works we could reach God and His Glory without following the spiritual channels of His Covenant.  I also find it interesting that the Bible mentions very few amounts of information concerning heaven unlike other religions that are present on this earth, there is a reason for this and we shall deal with this truth in short time. God may allow us to live in physical splendor and achieve great physical goals in our societies, but there is no way possible that through these physical achievements can we obtain access to God and His throne.  There is a division here that is in place due to our choice of sin and a division that can only be bridged by Jesus Christ and what He did when He was on earth. The sacrificial processes were already established when this city and the tower of Babel were constructed and like many of us today theses accomplishments were already being admired as religious symbols and tied together with the same ideologies of sacrifices.

In verse 5 we have another detail about how the relationship between God and mankind was at that time, for this verse says that God came down and looked at the city and the tower that they had built.  “The Lord came down” is the key statement here in that God made an appearance in this civilization long enough to see what was going on and what the people had completed.  Now, this could have been a few moments or a few days, but that is not the issue here, the issue being that God came down to see what was going on and there was no mention that the people saw His presence or even acknowledged Him being there.  The status of self-reliance had infiltrated enough that the world’s view instead of God’s view had commanded their hearts which automatically made God’s presence unknown and the reason for what God decided to do in verse 6 of this chapter.  Once again, God’s response to mankind’s deeds is their own fault and not due to God’s “heavy handedness” as many would like to claim.  We must always remember that God does nothing on a whim, but His actions are directed solely on the choices that His prized creations make.

As we have discussed before, I find it amazing of how we are quick to condemn God for the actions He allows to occur, whether it be from His own hand or from our enemy.  We also find it a difficulty in understanding exactly why God allows any type of unfavorable conditions and settings to come our way, but this “hardship” and lack of understanding on our part can be totally avoided if we place God first in our lives and listen to His Ways then we shall know why things occur or do not occur.  When we do not listen and place God in a position other than first, verse 6 of this passage comes into place and humanity finds them in a predicament with a new setting to deal with.  What God allows to occur to these people in this verse is simply amazing and ingenious yet at the same time so profound on a personal level that nothing less than total shock can be imagined.  So, the question still remains of why we have to try and prove God wrong, I guess we are more like the children of Israel than we believe for they tried the exact same things back in the biblical days as we do today.

Verses 6-8 state that God comes back down and confuses the languages of the people for they spoke only one language, then scattered them across the areas of the earth in order to break up their selfish and collective groupings against God and His Ways. The Bible does not say how God scattered them across the face of the earth but we have many historical paths that humans took long ago when they went to different parts of the earth to resettle, a feat most extraordinaire. It is hard to imagine that living in this community with the recent past still fresh in their hearts that it would require such an act of God to remind them who they were, what forces they were following and why He had to do what He did.  But, later in the Word of God, we find that prophecies against Judah and Israel were fulfilled at different times and neither of those kingdoms listened to what God warned against either, a phenomenal pattern that one can only shake their head at when trying to understand.  As my mother has always said, “hindsight is always 20/20”.

For some time now, I have wanted to learn the German language, and my family speaks a little of this beautiful language and my grandkids call my wife and I Opa and Oma which mean grandpa and grandma respectively.  I find some of the common words used in the German language a tad difficult to pronounce due to the way that the letters and sounds come together and represent a word but how much more difficult is it for me to try and learn another language now that it was when I was trying to figure out my native language of English?  Learning one language is difficult enough and trying to figure out an unidentified amount of other languages at once is overwhelming, to say the least.  In any position we find ourselves that requires us to come out from our normal and confined patterns problems and squeamish processes abound.  So, when these people who were accustomed to communicating with each other without any uneasiness, begin to not understand each other one can imagine just how frustrating it would be.  And yes, the frustration level would rise high enough that one would rather leave the area with other like-spoken people than to stay around and figure other peoples out.

When I was a child and a young person, it was difficult for me to comprehend how these acts of God and the actions of mankind could contribute so much to how we think and believe today.  At that time, I did not know exactly how the human mind and heart acted and how many times we voluntarily make choices that fit within society’s confines rather than what we have been taught by the Word of God.  It goes back to the old thought processes that God’s commands are limitations and rules of pressure towards having the utmost of lives, but in truth, God does not operate in slavery or limiting ways it is Satan who can only offer such sufferings.  God’s Ways are designed to free us from this world and the bondage that it brings and until we place God’s commands back into our lives and live through their meanings our existence will only fall with the world and not be able to rise above it and represent what we were originally created to be.

Western societies have had their settings changed over time by men and women who believed that they had the right and correct answers for their nations, regions, and communities.  But every past setting that we read about in history that does not place God first at all times, has fallen and only offers a blemish on the historical record.  From the Garden of Eden until this very moment, many have used God as the decisive manner to become leaders of their respective territories but very few of them have stuck by their words of commitment with God and fulfilled God’s plan of life and not the world’s.  When our lives and desires are based on equality with the world we cannot expect anything different than animosity, distress, anger, division and sometimes disaster that we witness.  It is no secret what God will allow or do when His children disobey His Ways, so why is it such a calamity and shock when horrific details emerge in all societies when these types of occurrences present themselves?

It does not take too much of an imagination to figure out that we have the same problem today as what the people of Genesis chapter 11 had so long ago.  Their quest for unity was noble and probably started out with godly intentions but somewhere along the way, their humanistic methods overcame God’s perfect plan of unity.  Some may have understood this footstep like characteristic of Adam and Eve being set into motion but from what the Bible declares, their selfish intentions ruled the day.  It is evident that when humanity comes to the conclusion that their way is better than God, that it can only be a matter of time before ugly things will begin to occur.  God has always had a nation on this planet that has been His representative of Covenant and total separation, it began in the Garden of Eden and it continues to this day.  We do not want in any way jeopardize this pattern for when we do the world that we know of today shall never be again.  We must stop and really think carefully about the equality issue without God position, for once this worldly motion begins it can only produce vials, seals, and trumpets.

The tower of Babel must have been an extraordinary sight to behold, a magnificent work of art that stood proud and tall over all other previous man-made buildings.  But when humans place their efforts into projects that do not represent God or have His presence be the defining strength there cannot be any solid foundation that steadies the course of mankind.  Those towers represent you and me and that city they tried to build represents the light that they had in their hearts, both of which were darkened by selfish categorical means that had no place for God.  How can a righteous, complete, holy, and just God allow such activities to continue and still claim to be such of upstanding character?  The only way that humanity arrives at this juncture is to proclaim themselves that God is not who He says He is and that He does not control every issue that presents itself.  So, in other words, instead of raising our standards up to meet God through His Ways, we believe we can lower Him down to Satan’s level and place them as equals as well.  Now, that is a statement to think about.

In no way does God wish to divide His children from one another and it is not in His will that we should live in confusion or inequality.  From the very beginning of our creation, all God has asked us to do is to obey His Ways to our utmost.  God has never once given us an ultimatum of “do this or else” He has always given us the choice to live within His eternal Covenant or choose to go the opposite direction.  In either case, He has provided us with the perfect plan of restoration called the Bible and it is through His Word that we might know Him and just how much and how His love runs for us.  But in order for us to live under His protection, we must live by His Laws and obey them at all costs.  The only way that we can effectively complete this is to study His Word and spend as much time in His Word as possible.  There is no possible way that we can claim to know God, His Ways, or that we are obeying His Ways unless we know His Word inside and out – hide it in our hearts.

Church, this message is for you because we have fallen into the same trap of building platforms instead of going out and witnessing to the dying world.  Do you really expect a significant number of people that have had no contact with God in their lives and that have lived in the world all of their lives just to happen to walk in the church building and start to turn their life around?  If you believe this, then you are fooled just as much as they are because it shall never happen.  It is absolutely WRONG to believe that it is just the pastor’s job to bring in people for God.  Jesus never mentioned that it was the responsibility of the so called “church leaders” to go out into the world and teach the Gospel.  No!  It is our responsibility to do this and we have failed miserably and we are now reaping the rewards of our disobedience and are about to further reap our rewards of disobedience to what God has told us to do.  It is our responsibility to understand that we have elected Jezebel and that we need to get rid of her spirit that harbors our hearts and return this nation to God.

You want to know why Vacation Bible Schools are filled with kids and yet there is no retention of those kids into the Church body occurs? You want to know why many church youth groups are packed on Wednesday nights yet hardly any of these precious young people are not going into the ministry?  You want to know why our congregations are stagnant in numbers, with many losing numbers and stink of putridity on a wretched basis?  It is because we are building the tower of Babel and our personal denominational cities and not doing what Jesus commanded us to do.  When we fulfill the command of Jesus there cannot be any “I” or any other type of selfish cause because Jesus cared about you and not Himself and in order to complete that command we must do it in such a manner of the same.  We can produce nothing but babble when we are in control of any situation for God is not a dream to those who are awake in His Word but only to those who are asleep on holy ground.

We no longer pray for our children and our nation, HA! We no longer pray period!!  Israel and Judah gave us this example a long time ago and instead of learning from this historical truth, we follow it just like animals to the slaughter.  Stop and think about this for a moment, we have become so intertwined with unification that we have completely forgotten who the only One who can grant this so desperately sought after commodity, the perfect example of the tower of Babel and the aftermath of such debauchery.  It is strictly our fault that we are in the shape we are in and since we LOVE to follow in the footsteps of our biblical brethren let it be known that we shall reap the same “benefits” as they did.  You want equality, then place God first in our lives again, pray without ceasing for EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE for true and complete repentance is the only thing that will save this nation and the people that God loves so very much and does not wish to see them die and be eternally separated from Him.