Sunday, July 23, 2017




I wish everyone would take seriously the words that we use and understand why they were developed for many times it could make our lives so much easier.  The word subtle is one of those words which fall into a category that should serve as a warning and one that when referred to should not be taken lightly.  We are not built to live in such a manner so why would we as humans accept such vile discrepancies and why is it so easy to be misled by those who display such sneakiness.  Nothing about our creation suggests that we should operate in such manner, and according to our Creator we should be very wary and constantly on the lookout for such entities.  It seems like each day the fool’s gold issues are brought to our attention yet we continue to seek refuge in the fool and not the true Creator.  God is calling His children to turn their lives around and to once again call on His name as their leader before a more drastic setting comes over us.

We must begin by handing out the true definition of the word subtle and it goes as follows:  “(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe, delicately complex and understood, making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.”  How much more warning would anyone need if some being was described in such a manner?  Yet, we still like to believe that our finite minds and ambitions can outwit the slyest fox, a mistake that many are currently undertaking with our eternal enemy.  All of us have fallen for Satan’s lies and when the truth is known to our hearts, we best take notice and heed the warnings of the direct and foremost information we have been given to combat this tactic of his.  The word subtle comes from the Latin word “subtilis” which means fine or delicate and with this meaning should be taken seriously and adhered to its composition at all times.  This means that whoever is trying to get someone else to follow them, to agree with them, or buy what they are selling is using special methods of trickery in order to complete their pitch.  When we encounter such terrorists we need to understand the truth well enough to know how to combat them and turn them back.

One of the great episodes in human history occurred back on 1 September 1939 when Germany invaded the country of Poland which became the final spark that began World War 2.  It was not all cut and dry as the Germans portrayed this act of theirs for they had produced a rouse and tried to fool the world with a sly trick saying that Poland actually started the war by taking over a radio station located on the border of the two countries.  Before the actual shooting began, Germany had taken many steps to ensure their borders would withstand any adverse attacks coming from surrounding nations if they provoked war, using this tactic as a means of hiding their true intentions.  This process took some time to complete, with false accusations, false commitments with surrounding lands, and other downright out lies about the true intentions of Germany’s leaders Adolf Hitler.  The way in which this man slithered into the world’s leadership was magnificent and brilliantly designed, disguised, and executed and what is so amazing is that people back in the Bible days, during the WWII era, and today still have not figured out the exact reasons why this Bavarian Corporal, or any other being to operate in such subtlety, was allowed to rise high enough to control a global incident that cost millions of lives.  It is the same subtle setting and guise that controls us today and without understanding this origin, nature, and reasoning we shall once again witness an enormous disaster that humanity will be at a loss for words about when it strikes.  This is how an enemy works and if allowed to run unabated will accomplish their goals without supplication.

How is it possible for us to be warned about such a subtle being and yet ignore the implications of the acceptance of this being’s likenesses?  How mighty have we become within our own parameters that we deem his presence warranted and to some sacred?  These are questions that we really do not care to answer for it would mean diving into the Word of God and find out for ourselves that our beliefs through selfish and finite ways really do present hindrances that reach far beyond our physical scope of life.  It would also mean that we would have to admit on all levels that God was right all along and that our methods of living were totally irresponsible according to the eternal truth and not our relative and interpretive truth.  God placed the description of Satan in His Word for a reason and that reason was for our protection against the enemy (Satan, NOT God) when he decides to attack.

When you study the Bible we find that the ways that Satan operates are of a consistent nature, one that brings into light a principle of God’s Word but with a twist that perverts the Word instead of fulfilling the Word.  When we look around at all of the terms, phrases, settings, etc of today we can find that all of them have something to do with God and the Laws that He has set into motion for our protection.  Yet, the world shall rule its authority over us and slice the Word of God to shreds (our lives) if we do not understand what is going on around us.  God has one directive for our lives and that is eternal life and the job of our enemy is to make sure that we do not spend eternity with God but to spiritually and physically align ourselves with the world.  This battle for our eternity is immense and so fierce that there are spiritual battles being fought for our existence constantly, many to which we have no clue about.  Satan shall never scream out or cry into your life loudly in order to grab your attention, he is sly, quiet and most of all subtle in his ways a luring being that loves to entice his prey into seceding from the eternal truth.  We must never forget that being subtle is a choice and it is the choice of our enemy, not our friend that is luring us into his eternal damnation with this tactic.  A ½ friend or a ½ truth is a lie no matter how you look or reason it out.

It is not surprising that the people in the world today do not want a true leader but one that will conform to the ways of other nations.  This type of government reviles truth and leadership on a standalone basis and would rather bring to the table a conglomeration and mixture of ideas instead of having a clear directive at hand.  There is nothing wrong with having options to choose from or to grab ideas with but when those ideas restrict true leadership and its defining role in our lives nothing but trouble can result if taken.  The people of the world do not fear a strong leader they despise one, for that leader would bring about a method contrary to the free lifestyle with no boundaries or borders and one that demands acceptance without questioning.  While this may seem like a life worth living, the answer it provocatively produces the sinister subtleness of the one that is followed and believed.  God knew this pattern from our enemy and that is why He gave us a significant amount of detail for our hearts to desire to understand.

Over the decades that I have been granted to walk this earth I have come to the realization that the Church has become oblivious to the fact of this truth about what God says about Satan and how he operates.  Regretfully I must admit that some of these years I either participated in this type of approval of Satan’s subtleness or flat out did not care about my relationship with God at all.  Do you even understand that God directly refers to this characteristic of Satan in His Word?  It is this subtlety that Satan uses in order for us to not study the Bible but for us to skim over it, or to redefine its content according to our personal feelings in order for us to separate ourselves from God and the eternal truth that He has put forth in His Word.  Study the content of the Bible and do not use any type of biased approaches while performing such study.  This process takes time for the amount of information that is contained in just one simple verse is overwhelming and cannot be completely understood in one study session.  This example of God’s Word does not represent any subtlety in any shape or form but requires in depth knowledge in order to understand what His Word represents and why it was written for our lives.  God has never been shy or One to avoid a fight but while He stands up for His Creation He does not warrant vileness or hatred in any manner but calms the setting and then reaches the hearts of His children through His eternal truth a process that all of us need to practice in a continual manner. 

From the ages of Creation and even before human existence God has always been forthcoming with His Word and His Ways.  God has made Himself very clear, very simple, and very true with every aspect and truth He has tried to convey to humanity.  The world now contends that equality is the best way to handle issues that affect and infect our lives both individual and national.  How can we operate in this seriousness if we cannot even accept how much the price of gas should be or why we even have to use gasoline in the first place?  We cannot figure out that our confusion and division comes from Satan and that until we understand that God’s Word and all of the intricate details of His Guidelines within His Word are for our defense of Satan, we shall be like targets in a shooting gallery for we will feel the ping of the BB, turn and then feel it again and will have no choice but to continue this pattern until something changes.  This change only comes with the knowledge of the Bible and it means on all levels, not just selfish planes.

Having an enemy that is subtle is very dangerous, and while we continually produce documentary after documentary about how past national dictators have come into power, ruthlessly ruled, and have their destructive mannerisms identified and fulfilled and not fix these patterns we shall fall for such conditions in our future.  Many leaders of the world warned France, Britain, and Russia of the impending doom they would see if they continued to allow Hitler to run wild across Europe.  God warned Adam and Eve while they were still in the Garden AND in a perfect state of Creation about the enemy that wanted to harm them.  In both cases, the people that were told did not listen and chose to do things on their own and in both cases tragedy and eternal settings proved to be disastrous.  In both cases, the powers to be did not see what was really going on around them and ignored the truth.  Also, in both cases, it was not until the enemy had already taken control of the people stalked that ideologies had to be changed in order to survive.  Once a subtle being is recognized it can automatically be taken as a fact that something is not right just by the way they are approaching.  Call them out when recognized and then leave them alone.

Tragedy struck when Hitler began his conquest of the world along with his allies.  A greater tragedy occurred when Satan got a hold of our physical lives and through the gift of choice subdued God’s perfect Creations into a lonely and death marked place of living.  After these acts of control had been established there have been countless numbers of people die in their sins and go to an eternal separation from their Creator.  Hitler’s actions of murder were bad enough and claimed tens of millions of individuals overall why do we have to exacerbate the subtleness on an eternal level as well?  Here is something to consider and when thinking about this let it sink in really hard for it is a devastating truth and one that provides a clue of just what Satan thinks about you.  When your life and every other life dies and does not know Jesus as their Savior, as soon as you take your last breath he will begin to have a deep belly laugh at your existence because he knows that you shall never have another opportunity to repent and to live for God.

Having a subtle enemy is the prime reason why we cannot treat him with any other method than with the facts of God and His Word, and is why it is vital that we know the Word of God like the back of our hand and then even deeper than that.  It is true that God’s Word is not subtle and yet it contains so much information that it can become overwhelming at times.  It is for this reason – of knowledge – that we need to study God’s Word every day with a pure and clean heart and not one who is trying to find reasons to abandon God and the ways that He has set forth.  The people who believed Hitler would not invade their lands did not realize exactly what was about to occur to their lives and Adam and Eve did not understand what would transpire to them either when they chose not to listen to God.  In both instances, no second chances were allowed and the consequences of both settings were permanent.  God has contended all through His Word that His Ways are in place for an eternal purpose and for our eternal protection.  It is our responsibility to understand that His Laws are there for this protection and not as a limitation.

So, why is the Church effectively following along with the world and its leader?  Why are portions of Christ’s body taking the road to shouting the truth in a hateful manner as a reactionary force?  Why is the Church not concerned with the eternal salvation of others yet make concessions for those who sin and condemn those who teach the truth?  All of these questions can be answered with one answer and that answer is because we have allowed our fundamental lines of existence be skewed and blurred long enough that first of all cannot see the subtleness of our enemy and secondly have accepted these subtle lies as truth because of the first portion of the answer.  Jesus never once shouted at a person who did not know God, the only ones He shouted at were the ones that supposedly knew God and represented His Ways on earth.  We cannot afford to be subtle about ANY portion of the Word of God because if we do we are saying that we accept our enemy as lord and not God the Father and His Son as Lord of our lives.  Believe me, folks, we really do not want God to shout anything.

Church, it is time we dive back into the Word of God and live through its words instead of skimming over them and then using them as a crutch when things go wrong.  If we do not study the Bible and all of its content we will fall for the same lies that Adam and Eve did so long ago, but this time when our physical life is over and we do not know God it really will be eternally over.  I do not care what you believe or think about me for it is not me who you will have to stand before one day.  I am simply, boldly, and directly telling you what God has told me to say to you and to your heart.  YOU ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD AND HE WANTS YOU TO REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.  He wants to clean your heart and make it perfect and blameless once again in His eyes.  He wants you under His Son’s blood.  It grieves God’s heart that not everyone understands or has heard this truth and it is our responsibility to tell the dying world about God and His plan of salvation.  Let’s throw off the mask of lies and put on the full armor of God so that we may go into the world and boldly proclaim the eternal Truth.


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