Saturday, July 1, 2017

Transgender Crossing Folly

Transgender Crossing Folly


How may someone truly understand what goes on inside their physical bodies?  We hear this question almost every day as the world turns its intestinal policies concerning these issues.  When we listen to the world we will be as a player being cheered on by the crowd as we wave to the stands, but when we understand that the way we are created is for a direct purpose from our Creator himself, the views will be much different.  It is important that we know that God has to follow a certain path and that He cannot deviate from established path; therefore, He is not of the world and cannot accept such sinful practice.  We need to turn our lives around and get our hearts back into the Word of God before something dire occurs in our lives that will have an everlasting change.  God loves us but in order to live under His Covenant, we must obey His Word in its entirety, not just in parts.

This topic will not be discussing cosmetic type changes per say, for there are many reasons why people have reconstructive surgeries.  However, it will deal with the spirit of change that has been warranted to many people that believe they are not who they were or are when they entered into this life.  Where in the Bible does it give the foundation for the gross physical changes the world offers?  There is no direct or indirect reference to this practice except it is implied during the days of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the nature of those cities and the spirit that reigned over them.  If we decide to change our physical appearance in such a manner that we try to redefine our lives then we have voluntarily reached the pinnacle of giving up our dominion that actually defines our existence.  It is this form of slavery that Satan and his world will say is ok and will promote such activity through the legal means of said kingdom.  The actual meaning of “trans” is to move back and forth to cross at any given time and to live without any foundation or boundaries.  How stable of a life can one expect when believing in this type of existence?

This will not be a largely accepted or popular topic by some but that is ok.  However, it is a topic that we need to make sure we understand and how it shall affect not only you as an individual but us as a nation and society as well.  Let me start by giving the definition of the word trans means across or beyond with a new version of the word that stretches across or beyond gender when it refers to the human being.  It is this word that has sparked so many debates between people concerning who is what, who can go where, and who can do what, all of which is supposed to have a fluidity of acceptances according to this new definition.  Do we really believe that our lives represent such a vast network of unnatural changes that we must accept this human modification process as natural and comforting?  And can we demand not only the blessings of everyone around us but from God as well?  I ask you to read the entire message that God had for us in this article and then really do some serious prayer concerning this topic that God holds dear to His heart, not that He wants us to change appearances but His concerns for your eternal placement when the time comes for you to answer your life according to His standards, and not your slave master.

There is no question that parts of the Bible present people with changes on many levels and although these changes sometimes God alters intimate details about their lives while accomplishing these feats.  A continuing message and truth that we must always remember and keep close to our hearts are that God alone has the authority to change these details about His children and His Creations, not anyone else.  Another important detail about the changes God makes in our lives that need to be addressed is of a personal nature versus a physical one, one that is playing out with rapidity and disgust with the direct approval of the world yet placed in the name and approval of God category.  The detail that we must remember is that Satan shall always mimic God’s actions and place them into a worldly category, one that we will see has devastating effects on humanity and the individuals that follow such leads.

We have many examples in the Bible where God changes some details about people and it is this action by God that initiates the mimicking that Satan does in order to portray his lies to humans.  Remember a while back when we discussed light and how it was the first thing that God created, and that He did so in such a manner that it infuriated Lucifer for his name actually means light, which even he could not create.  Given that setting, Satan will try anything to portray a selfish ideology to humans just ask Adam and Eve and when he is successful at fooling us with these tricks he does not stop there for he uses our complacency to his advantage in order to secure our hearts in believing that his ways are true and not God’s Way.  An important content issue to remember here is that when Lucifer fell from heaven and the graces of God it was his name that changed and not his appearance.  Satan is still as beautiful as he was on the first day that God created him and if God did not approve of Lucifer’s physical change how can we acclaim to say that God approves of this type of lifestyle and lie?  Remember God does not lie nor can He ever lie and if He ever would allow this type of physical change to occur that would mean that He got it wrong when He created you and I, for it is part of the consistency aspect of God and a detail He cannot alter either.

If ANY change comes into our lives that takes us away from the way God created us one can be certain it cannot be from God at all.  We must remember that God cannot change in any direction other than the path in which He has already established, we may veer off the path that He has put us on, but that act comes from our own choices to follow the world and cannot be given credit to God on any level.  Satan does not care if you proclaim that this change comes from God, for he does not care that you proclaim a lie since he is the father of lies it means that you believe in such a lie and cannot be living as a part of God’s Kingdom.  It is this detail that Satan laughs at us because he understands that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book and he now can subject you to his law of slavery which controls the world.

There are a few examples that we will be using here that will bring our attention to the true changes of God and how they change us from within towards God’s Kingdom and not away from it.  See, God cannot change an individual that breaks away from His Will, for if He could that would mean that He changed Lucifer’s heart and forced him to lose his position in heaven and that is a dangerous threat that cannot have occurred but one that people believe when they follow Satan and his legions against God.  The first example we will be using is that of Abram and how God changed his entire life from the inside but did not change one physical feature on his body, a pattern which God has to follow at all times.  When you are reading these examples study each with your heart and allow God to show you which ones change in the likeness of God versus any which change to the likeness of the world.

When Abram comes onto the scene in Genesis Chapter 12, God asks him to leave his family and go to a place where He will show him at a future time and date.  Now, all of us understand that when we truly hear the voice of God and He tells us to do something many times these changes will sting a bit and really place our faith on the line and we also know that sometimes these changes in our lives cost us a lot and takes things out of our lives that we really do not need.  But in every case, we must remember that when God places us into a changing situation He will always do it in a manner that shall advance His Kingdom only and while this change may be difficult to see at the moment, the necessary identification will soon arrive in our hearts.

Abram obeyed God’s request and packed up his immediate family and left his father’s house completely.  As time went along, Abram witnessed the separation status that God wanted him to see and this change was so evident that God gave him the concept of what Covenant means and why it was important that he shared this eternal covering with as many people that would accept it. This separation from established worldly policies was difficult to adhere to for Abram for he came from a polytheistic background and was asked to follow only one God instead of what his heritage had taught him.  The importance of understanding Covenant was given to Abram when God showed him exactly how important it was if Covenant was violated by humanity when He completely consumed the sacrificed animals by holy fire and left nothing to chance.  This dream and witnessing act of God must have had a profound effect on Abram’s heart, I know it does on my heart when God shows me additional details about His Word and what it means to the dying world.  It is through this example that God changed Abram’s heart to further His Kingdom and did nothing with the physical characteristic of Abram’s body.

As Abram continued his journey with God, many other events defined God and His Kingdom and through the establishment of Covenant God began to create a nation that would be defined through this separation from the world and one that Abram would directly be responsible for its establishment.  An interesting contact plays out where God states to Abram and his Sarai that they will initiate this nation through their children, a promising gift that should have made any couple happy since they had no children of their own as of that time.  One small detail remained however, both Abram and Sarai were old and beyond child bearing years and this declaration from God made no sense when it came to what God had said a while back. 

So, what did these two people do?  Yep, took matters into their own hands and established a lineage that was not consummated by God and began a nation and war that continues to this day.  Isaac did arrive some years later and the nation that God had originally foretold was born.  The life changing event here is that the nation of Israel which literally represents people separated from the world and the eventual line of Jesus our Savior was given to mankind and while this nation was born God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah both of which reflect on how God changes individual details about His children but cannot change the physical nature of how they exist.  God did not alter Abraham and Sarah’s lives in any fashion to promote or to advance His Ways, but through their current existence proved to the world that each life is separate and individual and has a direct purpose if one allows Him to be first in their hearts.

The second example that God wants us to understand how He changes lives is a part of King David’s life and one that we do not hear much about but one that is relevant to what occurs today.  Most of us know who David was and the many stories that followed his rise to the kingship of Israel and we know of many feats that pursued David while he was the leader of Israel, both good and bad.  One instance that is given to us occurs in 2 Samuel 14 where we find David desperately praying for God to intervene for his infant son who is about to physically leave this world.  David prays continually for God to heal him and to restore his life so that he may find rest in the past deeds that he committed.  No matter what the cause of the iniquity here, any life is precious both to humanity and especially to God but in this case, God chose not to heal the child and He took him from David’s presence.  Anytime a parent loses a child it presents them with an indescribable emptiness that hangs onto their lives for the remainder of their lives, it is not a natural process and one that can change a heart from the innermost portions of existence.

This portion of David’s life presents as an ultimate disaster and one that could easily have turned David from the heart of God and lived the rest of his days on his own terms.  It does not matter what the circumstances may be our lives may be presented with conditions and circumstances that are not favorable but that does not mean that we should give up and change our lives according to a worldly standard, for if there was any doubt about how David could have felt or walked this setting would have been the masterstroke that Satan could have used against God and David’s life.  Solomon was probably the most famous son of David and if David had turned his heart against God it is logical to ask the question about how Solomon might have ruled Israel. 

Enough unfavorable circumstances already riled around Solomon when David died but if David would have placed the world first in his heart the path of Israel would not have been one of prosperity and could be said the same during Solomon’s reign as well. It is also important to remember that the paths we choose to take will always have some sort of presence on those around us and we should be wary about what might transpire because of our deeds because we never know what the future holds.  Through this ordeal, David only drew closer to God and clung to His words of encouragement a process that many people would not do or care to do after such agony.  Another example of where David could have had a change of heart towards God but still no need for a physical alteration due to a hardship and trial of life.

Another example that comes to us from God’s Word is Saul of Tarsus who was the poster child of Jewish law and religious studies and who had the job of seeking out Christians so that he could turn them over to the Jewish leaders for punishment.  Most of the people that he turned in were put to death because they refused to refute their testimony and commitment to Jesus Christ and it was this bold stance that cost them their lives and at the same time stood fast the Jewish laws that ruled the hearts of Jewish leaders.  Saul was directly responsible for taking innocent lives all in the name of a law that commanded ethnic people to live a certain way, a form of slavery that should never be instituted on any human life but a way that was readily acceptable and rewarded adequately upon completion.  It is evident that the human belief of my way or the highway type of reasoning did not work too well during this time period either.

It was not until a road trip to find more Christians to turn into the Jewish leadership that God showed up and transformed Saul.  With a bought of blindness and direct conversation with God not only changed Saul’s heart but also God wanted his name changed as well for the purpose that God had for Paul was a magnificent Kingdom changer and one that the New Testament Church continues to live by today.  In no way did God change Paul’s body so that his appearance was different, nor did David’s body change when David was at a weak point in his life, even though the world probably told them otherwise on some level.  Saul could not physically see after the encounter with God but when God changed his heart He did so in such a manner that God would advance and the world would change in the opposite manner through the writings and words of Paul to the churches of that time.  How many times have our physical appearances been altered by life?  And how many times have we purposefully changed or altered our lives due to such physical extremities?  Many times adversities will arrive but if our heart is pure and true then God will allow His Kingdom to advance and Satan’s kingdom pushed back.

It this truth that should compel our schools in teaching history as it occurred instead of trying to interpret history in accordance to how one wishes to see it, for when we skew the truth about our past we automatically can only live a lie for our present and our future.  If our history is altered enough to justify our present choices of worldly practices, we have proven once again that we have based our foundations of existence on failed attempts instead of a rock solid and impenetrable source.  It is this place of lost and flawed foundations that we are currently witnessing unfold before our eyes and the sad part of these follies is that we are embracing them with open arms and hearts, a deadly combination that seems to be ignored as we parade ourselves down the streets of humanity.

There is no question that God wants to change our lives to be more like Him but in this eternal motion, He cannot authorize any physical changes that would require us to lose our physical identities.  When mankind begins to play around with sexual reorientation processes it means that we have totally been consumed with lust for the human race and therefore have no desire to be true to how we were created.  I hear a good portion of Christians and a few psychologists claim that this wanting to change sexes is considered a mental disorder and one that should be treated as such.  While the mentality of the people who wish to make this change may seem odd and their actions weird to many it is their spiritual bonds to Satan – known or unknown – that place their captivity as the ruling party in their hearts.  In no way can a physical change in such a way can be good for one’s body for when the human changes this aspect of their lives they cannot do so without changing the interior portions of their lives as well. Hormones that have been with their sex since creation have to be changed and physical features of their bodies have to be altered in such a manner that major operations have to occur in order for this to work.  In every case, psychologists have to study the patient well enough and for a certain period of time before any irreversible process can be taken. Why?  Why does any psychological help be needed if there is nothing wrong with this procedure, is the logical question here.

When God changes your life He does so in a manner that brings you closer to Him and your life falls away from confusion, turmoil, and heartache.  Life is not fair at times we all know this but when the times get tough we need to know that there is a backup that we can rely on instead of being shoved into the street to be run over by the stampeding crowd.  Any process which tells you that you are accepted by the world and not of God, do not accept, run from it as fast as you can for it shall only damage you physically and spiritually and will place you into a world of slavery that will control you until you take your last breath.  God shall not accept you into His Kingdom while one lives in this fantasy lie and if you accept this lie and take it to the grave then your eternal existence shall not be very bright.  At this point, let the reader understand that this is not a judgment from me but a truth from God, one that He does not relish to complete but must stay pure and holy to Himself and His Ways.

As stated from the beginning of this message, I do not care what you think about me or what I am saying for these are not my words but the words that God wishes for every child of God to hear, it is your eternal state and positioning that matters and God wants you to know that He cannot change His Ways nor will He ever change you physically, specifically in a sexual manner, from one order to another for His Ways and your creation are pure, holy and intact.  The only time God can be considered “trans” is when He hears His child calling out His name for help and He crosses the boundaries of sin and grabs them and brings them back to safety on His side of the aisle.  He does not and cannot stay “trans” for God continually advances in one direction.

Many other examples could be made concerning this issue and how the path of life can affect our decisions to either move away from God or embrace Him.  Jonah, the woman at the well, Hosea, Jeremiah, and Samson all could be added to this list of people who were thrown curves in life yet believed in God and returned to Him when times became tough or what seemed too hard to handle.  It is this part of our lives that God wishes for us to understand that He cannot take away or cause us to just experience a bed of roses, life will occur and times will become rough, but that is no reason for us to become discouraged and turn to the world for answers.  The job of our enemy is to make our lives so miserable that we feel like God has abandoned us or that He no longer cares about what is going on in our lives, a certain trap that many of us feel at one time in our lives.

Over the four decades of my life, I have encountered many of these examples of people that God has provided in this article.  I wish I could say that all of them drew closer to God when these life events or choices presented themselves but I cannot.  I can state that the ones who drew closer to God are functioning quite well and are happy about life and continue to be a witness for God and His Kingdom.  On the other hand, those that have chosen to walk away from God struggle tremendously and through the notes of their lives have not found peace or hope in the directions that they turn towards, but they still refuse to return to God and allow Him to restore them to the place that He wants them to be and it breaks my heart to see such wonderful people lose their lives through a lie that the world portrays as safe and equal.  Sadness and the lack of acceptance is portrayed and written all over their faces and hearts and as these beautiful people are being consoled by a ruler that is the father of lies and cares nothing about them they follow this death march into an eternal pit of agony and death that one cannot mentally imagine on the spirit level.

Each one of our bodies is a masterpiece and a magnificent work of art and it was created to be such an example to every one of our lives.  Our creation was intended to advance the truth about God and His definition of life and we display this creative genius of God through the command of replenishing the earth that He gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  That process of reproduction is in place from the moment of conception until the second we draw our last breath and the product of such reproductive process is in place as well and God cannot change any part of the beginning of this process, the middle portion of this process, or the end portion of this process.  It is safe to say that if changes do not come from God which mean that the changes follow God’s Word that they are not changes ordained by God and therefore cannot be considered from God.  This means that based on the definition of God that any change that does not come from God is from another source that is not God.

Another sign that the “transgender” choice of living does not come from God is one of an element that this group uses in their defense.  We have witnessed protest signs from parades and demonstrations that say God loves gays or God is love or something along these lines.  But this line of change does not follow what God Laws are concerning the physical existence of our bodies.  It is also a point of contention where the Church has got things wrong on certain levels as well and when these two spiritual kingdoms meet head to head clashes are going to occur no matter which side one represents.  When these parades and other types of displays occur many include an anti-opposition, opposition and the reasoning that comes across is that if you do not agree with how they believe your beliefs do not belong and are not welcome.  Now, I can understand some of the reasoning behind this logic because I will freely admit that many of church people do not know how to address those who do not believe as they do; however, if one wishes to learn from the opposite side both sides must be willing to understand both sides as much as possible and converse in a social manner without hesitation or untidy demeanor.

In no manner are we to condemn these people in any form or shape, nor are we to resort to the use of ugliness in any form either but to show love and concern for them as Jesus would have done and commands us to do.  WE must first display the truth about love and that is through the obedience of Jesus’ commands because love without obedience is a direct lie and will only produce such a result.  Christians, you cannot be leery on any level with people who have chosen to live in this lifestyle and once again you cannot condemn them either.  It is our responsibility to understand what controls these wonderful children of God and to find ways to express this knowledge to them so that their eyes and hearts can be opened to the truth.  Satan never once yelled or screamed at these people to win their choices of behavior, so what good will you yelling at them produce?  Has it become clear of how important these wonderful people are to God and how important it is that we share the Gospel with them?  It should because if we do not it will not be pretty when we are asked how we dealt with this eternal lie that destroyed so many people.

When we are witnessing to people we must have enough wisdom and knowledge about both sides of the Kingdom issue to be effective when questioned.  Satan’s kingdom is NOT smarter than God’s Kingdom yet if we portray absurdities towards them when trying to communicate with them, we defeat our purpose from the start.  Transgender people are just that, people.  They are not sub-human by any means for they function in all ways just as everyone else does.  This means that they can be deceived just as much as you can and are in need of a true Savior for their eternal placement.  It is our job to present Jesus to them in such a manner that is effective to their hearts and not for a glory show.  Jesus and God love these people as they love us and it is our job to tell them about these issues and not force them away as so often has been the case.  This issue is a very delicate one but if we are grounded in the Word of God and understand both sides of the issue we shall have the correct words and actions to give when God gives us the opportunity to witness to them.  Eternity is no folly to address, for once an eternal direction is settled there cannot be any turning around and changing of heart and it is this detail that we need to understand ourselves first and then transmit to those who have been fooled.


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