Sunday, July 2, 2017

Importance of Healthcare

Importance of Healthcare


Well, this should be an interesting topic to tackle with all of the current events surrounding healthcare in full swing.  There can be no question that this subject sparks many debates, agreements, disagreements, and anger but in the end proves to be one of the most carefully guarded alliances known to mankind.  But in our quest for dominance over this topic, do we really understand its origin and why it is important that we fully cover our healthcare needs.  Some of you may already understand the origin of human healthcare and how this topic directly relates to our relationship with God?  Maybe if we understand the events which led to the need for healthcare a bit better then we might just change our tactics a bit and really being to heal people from the inside out.

As with most topics of discussion today, it is a competition to have everyone’s point of view inputted into the wide array of healthcare and how their idea of fixing the problems would be the best for everyone.  Our notions are noble and just and while this issue is a perfect example of an enormous industry gone wild, not one single argument for its success has thoroughly addressed the origins and roots of this faulty practice.  We have been so far off that the issues we address and “fix” actually become worse than before and seem impossible to rid of their endless needs.  Why do we humans believe that mankind has all of the answers to such problems and then make sure that our political ties are embedded in such solutions so that our credit can be rightfully recognized?  Can we not see that it is not our personal and physical realizations and solutions that matter, but that only the spiritual content of such actions can warrant such definitive truths that will direct us on the correct path of healing?  It is foolish to think that somehow through our own selfish vanity we can provide truthful answers about permanent healing.  The answers to our healthy lives do not lie within a Democratic or Republican solution, but it lies within our hearts and who we place first in our lives for it was this placement that brought into our lives the issues of healthcare we have today.

If we read history, each society had has their issues concerning healthcare.  While there is no evidence that would support that a previous society had a better quality of healthcare for their patrons and citizens, one thing that does stand out is the fact that people became sick and sometimes the physicians and trained medical personnel did not know how to handle the issues at hand.  As far back as man has recorded their lives mankind has been sick and others have tried their best to find remedies for these ailments. But as we trace our medical history as far back to the Egyptians, their people still suffered and died due to medical illnesses and if one includes the Bible then these issues can be traced back even further in our history.  It is the Bible which records the first medical healthcare crisis and one that up until a few days ago had not even thought about; it is so amazing of how much God will reveal about Himself and our lives if we only study His Word.

For those that have read these messages for some time, know that I have been in the medical field for over thirty years now. While I have not traveled around too much in those 30 years I have been in a variety of hospital settings, from military hospitals to small regional hospitals to large medical centers and for the most part, have enjoyed each one of these opportunities.  I wish I could say that all of my experiences in these organizations have been pleasant but as anyone who has worked in a hospital setting knows that the thought of a utopia condition is quickly erased usually after the first day at that organization.  Over these past few decades of my life, I can recount many events that stand out in my mind including those types of events where new instrumentation, computers, higher quality of readings, etc have made the medical field a bit better for both sides of the setting. Through these advancements, of course, has come some disappointments but for the most part, I would choose the medical profession again if I had to do things all over again.

I have often thought about how it would be wonderful to make a cell smart and for a very long time that thought was my driving force behind my love for the medical field.  But a short time ago God grabbed my by the heart strings and gave a gentle tug when He approached me and gave me His vision for that phrase and while it had to do with the medical profession it had more reasons for the eternal medical field and one that would date back to the Garden of Eden and thus the origins of our current health care problem today.  It became clear the other day when God added this bit of new information to my heart and when we apply this truth to our lives it will direct us in a more thorough path of living and further understanding of the magnitude of God’s covering over us and how important it is to obey His Word.  I do not know how much longer I will be in the medical field and while I love every moment of my time here I must confess that things are about to change for this nation and the world and if I am allowed to stay in this profession I will serve gratefully but at the same time I know my calling is to serve God and to be a cry in the wilderness for His Kingdom.

With all of the technological advancements in place it would seem that healthcare would not be too much of an issue but even as hospitals and clinics put into place further sanitary requirements it seems like the more issues we have to tackle each year rises. Common thought would agree that these types of preventative measures would make environments safer to enter but as we look back and see our patterns we can see nothing but more and more sickness occurring.  Yes, our physical numbers in societies are growing but we have so much more opportunities to combat illnesses that arise and are basically prescribing countless numbers of antibiotics, drugs, and other medications and diagnostic tools it would seem that we would have these problems licked.  But when approximately 1/3rd of this nation’s GDP revolves around the supplying of the medical field, one must consider what would occur if say if some individual or agency found the cure for the common cold.  A complete meltdown of this industry would occur and while it was collapsing countless other diseases and conditions would remain and be left untreated because of the success of one piece of the puzzle.  Does this sound like a cure for healthcare and a reason to protest a certain plan that does not support one piece of the entire program?

If we turn to the Bible we will see that medical problems and issues were present during those people’s lives as well.  At one point God used medical issues to try and grab the attention of the Egyptian Pharaoh to let the children of Israel leave his captive hold over them but as most humans do he failed to listen and which led to an act that cost him his own life.  We know that battles were fought and many other health related issues occurred to both wicked prophets and unruly citizens in the Bible, but in order to understand where all of our medical issues originated we must go back even further than Noah and return to the Garden of Eden to find the answer to this important problem.  Yes, we have the origin of the healthcare plan of this nation found in the book of Genesis and if we understand this truth we can solve our national problem along with the world’s health issues at the same time, for once we know the source of an issue we can deal with its roots and annihilate it forever.

In the beginning two chapters of Genesis we find that God makes the world in a specific manner and through this detailed manner nothing is array or has any blemish to its name.  It is this picture that we read that presents a perfect and surreal setting where everything that roams the earth living in peace and tranquility with no worries or cares to mention.  All of creation is made in perfect condition and to top things off God creates the ultimate work and mankind is situated in such a manner that would portray His unique status on all levels of existence.  No worries or reasons that would cause harm to one’s life exist during these first two chapters of the book of Genesis, but God does insert one single command in order to keep the known predators at bay and away from Adam and Eve’s presence which means while everything was in perfect covering there still lurked a prior evil around that should be watched carefully, an adversary that had no good intentions what-so-ever.  Simple beliefs would grant the human mind to wonder why this law would be enacted but also would understand that one day the reason behind this law would appear, yet mankind ignored this issue and thus established a severe problem that still haunts us today.

In Genesis Chapter 3, we find Eve in conversation with a serpent and both of them playing religious doctrine games with both doing their best to present to the other their knowledge of what God had previously stated about His one law.  All is well until verse 6 proclaims that Eve gave into the serpent’s lie and ate of the fruit of the tree and then gave it to Adam and he followed suit.  While we have focused on the disobedience of this law and how it immediately affected both Adam and Eve we need to stop and consider another issue to this setting and it is the topic of this message from God in that while they not only knew they were naked and had to cover up their bodies their physical lives had been altered as well from the inside that they know knew what it was like not to be in complete holiness and purity before God.  Yes, it was this act in Genesis 3:6 that began our healthcare crises that most of us continue to perform the political arguments of who is right and who is wrong.

Do we realize that as we argue who is politically correct about the nation’s healthcare plan that we are re-enacting the scene of Adam, Eve, and the serpent in the Garden of Eden?  Genesis 3:6 gives us a clear picture of how two sides of an issue are arguing about who is right and when this scene played out it was the first debate on a political level about who was right and who had the correct answer for the way people lived, thus proving that not much has changed in our arguments towards God and His Ways between mankind and the powers to be.  One simple and clear law was in place and we had to argue a snake over who was right and what exactly the law said.  Really?  Our eternal placement and health took a nosedive because we could not just say “no” to eating of the tree and allowed life to continue.  It was this setting that humanity went from a place of healthy living that knew no pain or suffering to a lower standard of existence that has to return to its original composition.  THAT, my friends, is the origin and the definition of the first healthcare crisis our lives experienced and we are continuing to face this horrific event each day.

Is it that simple of an issue that the answer to all of our health issues stems all the way back to the Garden of Eden?  Yes, it is because it provides us with two settings that our bodies encountered that day and when the choice was made to believe in the lie that was presented and then to disobey God’s only law the consequences were grave.  It is also through this example in Genesis that provides us with how important it is to obey God and the ways that He has established for if Adam and Eve had obeyed God their lives would not have changed that day and set into motion an enormous change that we still find hindering us today, both on the governmental plane and the personal plane. 

The important detail here is that when Adam and Eve were living in obedience under God their lives were so much simpler and easier.  It was when they decided that their opinions and thoughts were better than what God offered that caused them problems. Obedience is the key that is used all throughout God’s Word and if we live under His obedient covering every aspect of our lives would be so much simpler as well.  Can one come to the conclusion that this example in the Bible and the conditions of our lives today fall into the category of coincidence?  No way can this be deemed as a coincidence for the evidence shown in verse alone gives proof of the advantages of God and His Ways being demonstrated in our lives versus doing things on our own terms.

This healthcare crisis in Genesis also provides us with an additional detail that is included in our healthcare issues of today as well and that deals with the spiritual aspect of our lives.  Up until the moment that Adam and Eve sinned their spiritual lives knew no separation from God.  They had direct contact, their physical eyes could see God and hear His voice each day and had no interruptions with Him at any moment.  Their spiritual conditions were continually filled with purity and holiness and had no concerns for ailments at any time.  It is this loss of spiritual connection after sin was allowed into our human existence that we learned about in the message of “Prayer” where this direct communication with God being severed founded the truth about prayer.  It was this severing of purity that also established our human need for physical healthcare which automatically stemmed from the need to have direct communication with God (prayer) and believe me – and the Word of God – that prayer is the direct link to God on the spiritual side of our lives and it serves as THE direct brokerage to our physical health as well.

From the moment that Adam and Eve sinned our lives and the world around us changed and through this choice of ours our lives we introduced to an environment that demands physical healthcare and until we understand that this point of fact is not going to change and that until we return to God and live under His Ways again our lives and settings of health care shall not be reconciled on any level.  An old saying that brings our relationship with God into clarity goes like this: if our vertical relationship is not in good standing then our horizontal relationships cannot be in good standing either.  There cannot be any more vivid truth than this when it comes to our health and our care both spiritually and physically because if we do not line up our lives under God we have no way of healing our physical lives either.  We all know if sickness and diseases are left untreated even the simplest illness can kill the human being, just ask the middle ages if this statement is true or not for if they had one simple drug available to them back then the plague would have not been so terrible.  The same applies to our spiritual lives today that if we do not know about the one drug that will cure us (God’s Word) we too shall spiritually die as well.  Both sides of the aisle are intertwined in this setting and should be dually noted as such.

Today, we continually see fights over our healthcare cross our screens and through our ears, each day and the ensuing arguments of who is right and who has the answers fly by just as fast.  God wants us to remember Genesis 3:6 and what occurred on that fateful day in our history.  He does not want us to continue to forget what exactly happened that day when we chose to do things on our own instead of following Him and His Ways.  Our physical health directly reflects our spiritual health and while we can never go back to the perfect bodily status while we draw physical breath we can make our days longer and more enjoyable when we place God first in our lives and live life under His perfect and eternal covering.  We can shout, hold our signs, call differing people names, curse, hit and kill all in the name of declaring your opinion to be true, but until we see that this selfish behavior shall not produce any longer or happier lives but find ourselves wallowing deeper and deeper in the muck of sin.  As these demonstrations and protests are completed my heart sinks lower with the fact that everyone leaves such events unsatisfied and worse off than before because we kick out the one that will cure our ailments through His Ways and stave off uglier medical settings that may arise in our future.  None of these types of conditions will ever change unless we place God first in our lives again.

Humanity can create the perfect living environment with all of the “necessary” items needed in order to live a healthy life but when a certain time arrives that “perfect” setting shall fail and if we are living the ways of the world those medical issues shall only increase and provide further agony of a divided spiritual land.  Even when our technology finds names for new diseases and conditions, the treatments and provisions for such stages shall only delay the inevitable and further confound our beliefs.  Our spiritual lifestyles have declined reciprocally as our physical ailments have increased because there is a direct relationship that binds both entities of our lives.  To the human logical mind it would seem that our physical good health practices would be encouragement enough to change our spiritual, but in truth, it does not work in that direction, spirit comes first then the physical shall follow, in whichever direction.  In order for us to come to terms with our problems concerning healthcare, we must first accept the truth that our healthcare is directly related to our relationship with God.  It is clear that God wants us to be 100% committed to His Ways and to shun all parts of the world from our lives.  For all of you who wish to be in the limelight and to say “look what I did for healthcare” through your own selfish and humanistic ways, just remember that you shall be quickly reminded of the phrase “look what I did for healthcare” back in the Garden of Eden. 

One final fact and truth that God wants us to see before this topic ends and that concerns His Son, Jesus Christ.  Anyone who has attended church has heard Isaiah 53:3 where it foretells of Christ’s torture and death for all of mankind.  Isaiah told us that one day the Messiah would come and would provide this eternal covering again and that sacrificial services would no longer be required to complete because of the purity of God’s Son and the sacrifice He would make.  God saw the state of humanity as perfect when it was created by Him, and when sin entered into our lives God understood that there needed to be a covering that would serve as an eternal protection for those who chose to live in His Ways.  Jesus provided this eternal coverage and through this truth, Isaiah 53:3 tells about the perfect living status of humans in the beginning and the restoration of our lives through the act of Jesus’ sacrifice.  Through this verse alone our health care needs are defined and can be looked upon as the necessary remedy for all our health issues. 

We know that we cannot return to the perfect life that only Adam and Eve knew but when we choose to live under God’s Ways His protection covers us so that we can avoid so many stresses and conditions that would otherwise hound us indefinitely and eternally.  When we understand that humanity’s first healthcare crisis originated from the disobedience of humans against God it is then that we can begin to truly fix the issues of healthcare.  When the Church wakes up and gets off her pews and goes back into the streets with the Gospel of Christ without ANY personal agendas present, then our health care will be fixed for when we turn our hearts back to God our spiritual life will come alive again and God’s healing powers shall overflow into the physical. God says it in His Word and when He says something He must follow through with it.  It is evident today that we would rather live under the false pretenses of a lie than live under the truth.  That is our choice and as of this moment, we are “proudly” making that statement to everyone including God.  So, what I recommend is that you read Genesis Chapters 1-3 really well for at some point in time we shall all realize that God is correct and the lies that we live through shall cost us our lives.

The answers to our healthcare issues will not come in any form of government bailouts or plans but will only appear in the form of spiritual renewal to God first.  Governmental answers to health issues shall only provide further taxing causes and finger pointing when the issue fails, God is the only answer to our healthcare needs and if we turn back to Him all of our healthcare worries shall end for our spiritual connections will provide us with the ways to correct our lives starting with the spiritual and then filtering into the physical.  Church, you are the key to this truth and the fulfillment of being healthy.  It is a huge responsibility but one that Jesus gave us to do in order for Him to be the true and eternal sacrificial lamb that would restore our health to its original state in the eyes of God.  So, when you ask God about the importance of healthcare He will tell each one of us to look at His Son and allow His blood to share with you the true meaning of health.


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