Wednesday, August 9, 2017

First Reproduction

First Reproduction


There is not an hour that goes by that we do not witness some type of topic such as this and it does not matter which side of the aisle one stands either.  Humanity has grouped this part of our lives into the world and has redirected its meaning and origins according to sinful standards.  It is used in almost every aspect of our existence except for the truth that it is supposed to be hallowed ground and not some flimsy hit and miss concept.  God deals directly with this subject and how important it is, He also addresses what occurs when this sacred act is violated.  Purity represents God and it is this standard that God expects us to revere when it comes to sexual contact.  As with many other issues in our lives, we have downplayed this intimate act and equalized it as if we are chewing bubble gum.  It is time that we stand up and take back God’s purpose of reproduction on His level for when we do I guarantee that our lives shall be so much stronger.

We have learned ever since Sunday School that Satan is after our lives and that he will stop at nothing to obtain this eternal feat.  This teaching continued in youth services and then in the sanctuaries of the desired church that we attended.  Or, at least we should have been taught these truths about our enemy.  What started out as a small and simplistic warning when we were young should have grown with intensity as we ourselves grew, not only in the physical but in the spiritual as well.  But when one sits in a pew attending most services, it would seem that the truth concerning our enemy has blended in with the congregational walls and is painted as a friend and not as our eternal enemy.  In addition, it is also blatantly obvious that many people in today’s world want nothing to do with God at all and thus do not care to attend church for any reason.  With all of the important issues being discussed today why isn’t the Church standing up for God and His purity, or have we already redefined His purity to satisfy our personal gains?

It is this process of a lackadaisical attitude towards God and the authority He has against our enemy and the fact that we have lightened the mood so-to-speak concerning our enemy that we are now able to see exactly what the consequences are of those false beliefs.  One of the most difficult and violent subjects today has to deal with sex and who/what/where/when/ why it is so important to each life.  No one can deny that this intimate setting has major implications in our lives and that it is one of the more important details that humans partake and one that crushes many when issues become overwhelming and the union divides.  There can be no mistake that this subject is important to us and that means that it is important to God as well, and when God is involved it cannot be ignored that our enemy is also present and has an influential say in this topic also a nervous truth that if understood would ease so many tensions on all levels of our lives.  I know that there are many aspects of this topic that need to be discussed but the specific manner to which we shall be referring to is the origins of reproduction and the basic foundations of what God accepts and what He does not.  Up front, once again, we must remember that once God starts a process He cannot reverse it, Satan can distort it and it is a guarantee that he will and we can choose to deny or accept the truth concerning this matter.

The article “The Definition of We” makes statements about the truth concerning how the relationship between God and mankind was and how important it was that we keep this relationship in tact.  However, as we all know that relationship was severed by our own choices and we must deal with those consequences until we draw our last breath.  But there was a time that we need to remember and that time frame was before sin entered into our lives.  I know it is difficult for us to ponder about not having sin in our life or the process of making mistakes but we need to set the pre-sin era of our existence into focus and to place this state as the standard that we need to aim for again for it is the state of purity that God operates in.  To be more like Christ should be the goal of our heart and in order to do this we must be a true representative of God’s Word for that is the definition of Christ.  The environment that we lived in before sin was present was completely different and since God cannot change His standards we must come to the realization that we need Him again in order for us to live in that previous condition.  God created us in a perfect manner, in perfect conditions, and in a perfect way and it is this pattern that God must follow in all things hence the reason why we have to recognize our sin and change according to His ways, not by any other way.

How is it that we have forgotten the importance of reproduction not only for our survival but also when it comes to the reproduction of other entities that directly affect our lives?  We have overbearingly told people what to plant, where to plant it, and when to plant the necessary items that we need in order to survive.  Then when it becomes harvest time we throw away so much of what can be used for those in need that it places us in a category of gluttony and waste that is appalling to think about.  I understand that measures need to be taken in order for assurances of good production but what a waste of reproductive methods if quality food is destroyed before it has time to provide its nourishment; does this sound like another wicked practice that humans allow?  A comparison that while not close in documentary standards is absolutely identical when reality comes home.

In Genesis 2:16-17 we have God giving Adam the command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which sets the stage for the responsibility of obedience to God by Adam.  The rules of engagement were set in place if you wish to place it on that level.  The seriousness that God meant by this command could not have been confused by Adam for it was a clear and precise statement, thus defining the single obedience setting for mankind.  Genesis 2:18 changes things up a bit and God talks about how man should not be alone and that he should have a helpmate in order to fulfill the happiness of Adam.  The Bible does not say how much time had passed between verses 17 & 18 but one can imagine that some time did pass because God switches gears here and makes a huge statement about Adam and how his life has grown.  This is an observation by God and one that would not develop instantaneously, which warrants time passing.

Genesis 2:18 states the following: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him.”  A very challenging statement from God but one that He had witnessed for some period of time and knew the best for Adam.  Genesis 2:21 picks up this portion of Adam’s life again with the description of God putting Adam into a deep sleep and then taking a rib from his side and forming the woman, another perfect creation from a perfect setting, and in a perfect manner.  The beauty of this procedure has many characteristics which we will get to in the future but as stated above we are focusing on the setting of this Divine creation procedure which defines the process and sacredness of reproduction. 

I must admit that I have never thought about God forming the woman from Adam as a reproductive procedure, but when you think about it, one cannot deny its process as such.  Adam was a man a single individual with no other offspring or companionship present so if a single person (1) is alone and then another (1) is created from this single person you have to add things together and come up with two people now.  I am not a math whiz at all but I do know that 1 + 1 = 2 and if one has produced another then a reproductive process has occurred.  The process of which God formed the woman is remarkable to the human mind for it includes the life giving processes that our body gives to us every day yet when God made the man and the woman their bodies were in a perfect state foreign to sin and any other dangers that might infect them.  Eve did not just show up from the ground for if she did that would have been the identity and the reproductive status that many people in the world today wish to have, a completely separate woman who has control over her own body and reproductive “rights” as she sees fit, in other words, she does not need a man per say in her life to “fulfill” the reproductive status of her ability.  This is an entirely different topic that we will address shortly.

With the timeframe unknown between verses 17-18, it can safely be said that Adam had no other companions around him when God created woman from his side.  This means that there had not been any type of sexual content experienced between Adam and any other being.  This represents a pure state not only in Adam’s creation but in sexual nature when God created Eve and a status that served purely and holy when that union occurred.  The Bible does not give us many clues as to how the sex practices of pure and holy human beings were but one is addressed when God was handing out the consequences of the sinful acts of Adam and Eve.  But the purity of the union between Adam and Eve is what we are focusing on here because it sets into motion an understanding of how God wishes to see intimate relationships begin, grow and flourish.

It is known that God created Adam and then He created the woman from Adam both creations came from a pure and holy existence with no improprieties present.  Also, God did not allow any other males or females into the scene until later which means that it is this type of personal relationship – one on one and male to female – that God designed as the perfect union.  There were no other males or females present to compete or vie for any of the other parties attention and affection.  This means that God intended for us to have one wife if we are a male and one husband if we are a female, this was the case in the Garden of Eden and since God is a consistent God and cannot change His Ways for any reason this pattern of intimate relationship has not changed.  Because we know that God is a pure and righteous Being and cannot change His Ways we can honestly say that if ANY alteration of this male to female status occurs that the change comes from another source and not from God.  Therefore, if mankind changes the ideologies concerning sexual and intimate content between each other there can be no way that God authorized this choice of humans.

God gave Adam and Eve the command to be fruitful and multiply which means that He initiated and established the process of human reproduction through Adam and Eve with no other options involved.  This means that God intends for us to choose our husband and wife for life and to not deviate from that intimate bond for any reason.  Therefore, it is our responsibility to dress and to keep this relationship intact and flourishing at all times without any interference from other parties no matter who is attracted to whom.  There are numerous verses in God’s Word that gives us a good picture of how to love when to love, and for how long to love our spouses and it is through those verses that acquire their foundation from this verse.  When God made Adam and Eve and then gave them that command to multiply, their bodies were still in a perfect and eternal state which means that they did not know death on any level.  It is this same eternal life existence now that God respects when we take a spouse.

It is this truth that the world will disagree with me and violently oppose when I stand up to speak what is true.  The world values choice over truth which is clearly visible in Genesis Chapter 3 and the world shall never deviate from this truth (lie).  Satan’s goal is to destroy your life as quickly and as thoroughly as possible and in order to do this, he will entice you on every level so that he can break you down enough where your hope for life is gone.  The physical and spiritual functioning and the existence of your heart is the prime target for this bombardment for if your heart is turned in anger over life and experiences there will be no way possible that you will be able to focus on God and what He has for your life through His Truth.  There can be no closer intimacy between humans than sex and if this type of relationship is begun on uneven terms then the status of the relationship will be unbalanced and unstable on ALL issues and conditions.

How often do you see some type of sexual innuendo or add come across your eyes during a day?  How many times have your ears heard nasty or deviant words, phrases, or paragraphs heard from the radio, television, or from friends’ mouths?  What about your eyes, have they come into contact with some type of lustful setting today?  I can safely say that those questions can be easily answered because no matter what frame we place our lives into we will be subject to such activity on a second by second basis.  The popular term for such sexual authority is “sex sells” and according to the world that saying cannot be any more accurate.  When a portion of God’s Word is used by the world to satisfy itself you can be assured that Satan is at it again in trying to separate us from God.  Sometimes it is hilarious to hear people talk about certain issues that anyone who has studied the Bible knows that what they are saying is in complete contrast to Holy Scriptures.  Yet, we ignore such sayings and eventually those words from the world dominate the airwaves and our eyes enough that it is the common thread and defended like it was the first amendment to our Constitution.  As the song from the Newsboys states “this is where sin becomes cliché.”

A while back God shared with us that the dirt that we were made from would become our returning point after death reached our lives.  Then, God shared with us that when sin entered into our lives we no longer had the eternal health care plan and it was required that our physical bodies needed others to depend upon for this type of coverage.  Thirdly, God shared with us that through the acts of Genesis 3:6 humans began to believe that they could provide for themselves without the necessities of God covering them.  Now, we have our sexual intimacy in question proving that our enemy is out to control us on every level of our existence and to completely separate our hearts and spirits away from God our Eternal Father.  How can we sit back and allow the lies to freely infiltrate our lives without even stopping for one second to notice what those lies’ contents are?  I understand that there are many decisions that we have to make every day but those decisions will come back to haunt us if we do not place God first in our lives so we can see exactly what is transpiring around us while we are making such decisions.

There is no higher pain than what is caused when an intimate partner is taken from our lives.  We can act tough and hold our pride up high as we speak to others that everything is ok and that we are not hurting about what has just occurred.  When our spouses are taken from us by death it represents the end of a quality of eternity that humanity once understood but when our spouses are taken away by our personal choices that pain will linger onwards because our heart continues to recognize the presence of the other.  It is this type of ripping out of the heart that we did to God when Adam and Eve (humanity) chose to do in the Garden of Eden and while we chose to live a lie God still holds out for a pure and holy bride and that includes for His Son and for you and me.

God wants to provide us with this pure and holy love for our lives for He still wishes for mankind not to be alone.  But as long as we place our focus on self-gratification through lustful intentions our scope of purity, honesty, and pure love shall be skewed.  The world shall tell you that it is okay to live with as many people as one wants before you marry for it will give you an idea if you want to marry that person or not beforehand.  The world shall also tell you that it is ok and shall widely accept and promote your behavior if you embrace homosexuality and lesbianism as a norm and hopeful opportunity.  Hey! The world will even tell you that you were born that way and that it is a genetic pattern of humanity.  A direct lie from the pit of hell!  What the world shall not tell you is that its ruler understands what it means to be pure and that he understands what it means to eternally fall from that purity and the consequences of what that fall entails.  The loss of purity in sexual intimacy and reproduction only leads to complications both spiritually and physically and it is these consequences that produce animosity and vile situations between humans.

When God created man and woman He provided such a pure and holy relationship.  Mankind decided to fall from that mountain top and to seek out the “excitement” from that surrounds us.  It is still God’s intention that our sexual reproduction is pure and holy but as we scan the plains of the world we see that most have succumbed to the tricks of the sexual world.  The importance of restoration comes from God and the pure intentions of our creation that He provided a long time ago and His restoration just does not come on one level or only applies to one or two portions of our lives but God wants every cell in our bodies to be restored to its origins and the only way that shall occur is to return to His Ways and to accept everything about God’s Word as the 100% truth.  Sex and reproduction are wonderful gifts from God but if we do not live under the Covenant of God’s Word even these great gifts shall become curses that will infect our lives and be used against our lives as a means of separation.  Just as God has a plan for restoration of your heart He has established a plan of restoration for your sex life and your reproductive life for we must remember that God established this plan of reproduction while we were perfect in spirit which means that spiritual reproduction should remain just as pure as the physical kind.

First, we need to once again recognize God as being God and the ONLY one Being that has the authority to rule over our lives.  Then we need to give up all control of our lives to Him and His Word for the Bible is His definition and until we realize this truth we will have no hope for restoration.  After this confession, we need to study the Bible and accept its words into our lives, to live them each day and to gain wisdom from its content and then apply it to our lives.  We must recognize our enemy and learn about his ways so that through the daily living of the Bible we can successfully defend our hearts against these attacks.  What God wants us to know is that He sees so much sexual sin present in our societies today and how this type of sin has infiltrated and now flourishes in our lives without any abating concerns present, that if we do not return to Him and allow this complete restoration process occur, we will be sunk and left to wallow in our own muck and mire.  Why do we have to follow in the footsteps of the Prodigal Son?  It is vital that we understand that when God created woman from the rib of Adam it was a sign of Covenant between God and mankind and how protected this union should be considered, with absolutely no perversions added to this original process.  God is NOT talking about the adoption process here at all, but even the world shall pervert this act of God which will be dealt with as well in another article.

The world shall tell you to explore your sexuality and to be with as many partners as one wishes for the statutes of the world deem this type of activity as a quality of equality but in reality, it only can diminish your ability to give yourself completely to another.  God tells us to keep the sexual union holy and pure, accept the truth about what this union of being one with your spouse means then He will bless the union according to His eternal laws.  It is important that we understand that sexual reproduction is a matter and detail that God wants us to keep within His guidelines.  We cannot assume that God will continue to allow one aspect of this holy order to run free and another aspect from the same origin subject to His authority, God is a complete God on all levels of existence even if we have not known or understood them yet.  This is why it is so dangerous when individuals and societies play with the ideas of sexuality outside of the defined confines of the Bible which allows such a prowess of future pain legally enter into our lives and most of the time have no idea why our future relationships are doomed from the beginning.

It is possible for us to restore this equality and perfect union with our spouse but it takes a total commitment and truth about our past to ensure that we can enter into another relationship on level ground.  The first step that we need to take is to proclaim with our heart that God is the only one that can be in control of our lives and that we will turn EVERY aspect of our lives over to Him.  It is through His Covenant (Covering) that seals this restoration process and one that will allow our freedom from the laws of the world to be broken.  Church it is our responsibility to speak out against the sexual lies that the world is preaching to us and to our children.  Just take a look around and see what is ongoing in the lives of our future, it is devastating to watch yet the modern world has made it almost impossible to talk about any truth about the only answer for this problem. 

Turn around Church and allow God to show us again how to witness to these people for they need Jesus in their lives before it is too late.  Here is the final question that we need to ask ourselves about this process and it goes like this.  God created man from a holy and pure state and likewise did the same with Eve, how is it that we try and continue to “reproduce” Christians through selfish and unholy methods?  Because we know that God is a consistent and complete God and if we do not learn how to complete the mission that Jesus told us to complete CORRECTLY, then the eternal reproductive process is all wrong and thus dooming others to the same separation from God that we shall have.  If our relationship vertically is not in the correct order then there is no way our horizontal relationship can be either for it is a complete system with no deviations withstanding.


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