Saturday, August 5, 2017

Original Dirt

Original Dirt


I have always known that our bodies are composed of elements from the ground and through this composition we are physically defined.  It was not until I entered the upper years of my high school days that I began to be taught about the specifics of this composition and it was not until my adult life that God began to further my knowledge about just what my composition meant.  Many of us have left this detailed information limited to the physical and therefore rely on its components alone but God wants us to not only understand our physical origins He wants us to understand our spiritual one as well.  The Church has dropped the ball on many occasions in this area but God has not given up yet and through this topic, He wishes for us to dig a bit deeper into our lives before it is time for someone else to dig a deep hole for our resting place.

I love it when God brings into light certain details about His Word and how it pertains to our lives and the beautiful part about this knowledge is how God reveals Himself to us at the same time.  It is through these details which bring the Bible to life and provides me, and you, with a sense of importance because I know that what those letters, words, phrases, verses, chapters, and books say were written for my specific understanding about God, who He is, and what He represents to me and if He provides this information to me He definitely has provided the same for you.  Every aspect of my life can be unfolded and read like an open book if I choose to study His Word and apply its messages to my life.  Being a scientist I like to have information and facts all wrapped up together in such a way that supports each bit of information to explain a bigger picture.  The Bible does such a feat and if we apply its content to our lives we will have all the necessary information to survive this crazy world and to thwart any attack from the one enemy that seeks to kill us.

Many people have tried to dispute the Bible based on “dirtly” evidence and have tended to question God’s authority and presence when things go wrong but we should understand that it is not the dirt that God is concerned with but the spirit that He placed within our lives because it is this entity that defines us eternally.  As we study the Bible we shall come across scenes where battles took place, where fires were burned, where life was birthed and then taken and while some of these cities, communities, bones, and other places may hide themselves from us today that does not mean that they did not exist in human history; however, if God intended for our physical dirt to be the most important issue in proving our existence for those in the future don’t you think our physical nature and composition would have been formed a tad different to ensure this notion?  It is this truth of our eternality and our eternal presence that I have contended as and as God does throughout His Word that is of great importance and the one detail that all Christians should be focused on and not just the physical.  Sadly, many Christians portray their beliefs through physical mannerisms and define their salvation on such “dirtly” foundations a grave error that we need to understand will not bring us into relationship with God under His blood Covenant.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to write a little bit about my grandfather on my mother’s side of the family concerning how he understood the fields that he had planted, his recognition of such a time, when to plant, etc.  It is always an honor for me to talk about my family and when God gives me topics to write about and I can include these wonderful people in the messages I count it a greater example of God’s love for my life and to those who have the time to read these words from God.  Granddad was an excellent farmer and spent the majority of his life perfecting the art of farming and as stated before I had the privilege of spending some time with him on the tractor watching him complete the daily activities of harvest time.  The land that he farmed was his and he knew the landscape quite well and even though some of the terrains would change a bit as the years passed, the knowledge of such land increased proportionately in his mind as well.  When something is yours, it is easy to recognize its composition and outline which brings us to the origins of our lives and why God knows us better than anyone else could ever imagine.

It is easy to remember that God created us from the dirt or the earth but our origins go back a tad further and deepen the original status of our lives.  Genesis 1:1 the Bible tells us that “In the beginning God” which means that when our beginnings were ever thought about and then created, God was already present in His place and therefore the only possible source that had complete authority to create anything that would have any valuable meaning.  If a creator of something comes from a flawed stock then that standard can only be produced, God had created the angels way before He created mankind and they were of perfect descent until selfish choices became more important to some of them and obedience to God.  We move down Scripture verses to Genesis 1:10-13 and we see that God has made the earth and dry land which will produce grass, herbs, and trees to bring nourishment for animals and shortly humans.  It is this point where we actually begin our existence for if God had not completed this step before mankind was created, our composition could not have been how it was back then and how it continues to be today.  I also find it fascinating that this portion of creation was completed on the third day, just a thought to consider especially since God is represented in three persons acting as One.

In Genesis 1:24-26, we see the beginning of the creation of the living animals and the humans that God loves so much and it says that each species was made after its own kind which means that each species was similar yet different in composition right down to their DNA makeup.  This pattern continues as God one by one creates the different animals and when He is finished with the groups He sees that everything is good in His eyes; an underlying pattern emerges here that I find quite interesting in that for each day that God creates live animals that the corresponding DNA makeup for each species of that day is similar to each other.  This includes the humans with the land animals because the land animals were created on the same day as humans, which further proves that all of creation could not have just formed from goop or some puddle of happenstance which automatically produced the human as we know them today.  An important detail in verse 26 that we miss many times is that God gives man dominion over everything that God has created.  God did not display a controlling or subjective status over the previous things He allowed mankind to be in control of such precious creations, a mark that many abuse today.

Which brings us to Genesis 2:7 and it is this point where we can definitively state that our physical origin was from dirt and not just some ordinary dirt that was just randomly picked as our living source.  The dirt that God used came from His hand, His mind and from His heart which means that the time that we were formed from this dirt it was still unblemished and while not part of the Garden of Eden was still considered to be in perfect condition.  We must remember something about God and that is He can have nothing to do with sin or disobedience on EITHER side of the issue.  This means He cannot be disobedient to what He has already established even before the world was created this statement has to be upheld at all times for if it is not then God cannot be God.  Therefore, God could have only created our existence and the other creatures of the earth from what He created for if He did not then Satan could have legal rights and claims to stolen property or faulty living status that did not originate from God.

The Bible goes on to say that before humanity and the animals were created, God created water for a mist was present in the Garden of Eden as the provider of water necessary for the creations to exist.  We all know that our bodies and the bodies of the animals and plants all need water and are made up of water at the same time.  This cannot and is not a coincidence for if God used one part of His perfect establishment for our Creation then when He completed this existence of ours all of the ingredients had to be present in order for our lives to line up according to what was present, in other words, God had to have made things before He made us in order for us to have that component within our bodies.  It is this part of our bodily history and composition that overwhelms my mind for it is hard for me to imagine a created being such as I being formed from unique and special molecules that form a solid configuration on a repetitive scale.

It is this point which further defines our existence as God’s children and our eternal Father because not only did God create us from the dirt which itself just lays there and does nothing until disturbed but also He formed us from a specific creation as well.  If God had not established the ground first there could not have been any proof whatsoever that we came from the ground, thus proving that the Bible is a lie.  But not only did God create the dirt and dry land before humans He was the source of “life” to the ground and the Creator of our lives as well, in the specific order that is necessary to complete such a feat.  God is a complete God and One who must follow a specific pattern on a continual and holy order.  It is this truth that God is the only Being that could provide an escape to the choice of sin that humans took back in the Garden of Eden.  If God was not the perfect Creator then He would not have any authority to offer a way for us to choose to turn back to His Ways and to be redeemed into His identity of eternity.  I ask you to refresh your memory concerning this topic from a message that God gave to us a few weeks back entitled “Definition of We” for it serves as the foundation for this article’s content and further expands the truth about our Creation and how we really were one with God at one time in our existence.

As we have been taught in this message, we see that our lives are created from a perfect setting that was already created before we came into being.  All of the ingredients for our composition were in place before God formed us even the spirit which He breathed into our lives was present before we were another example of how God is the ultimate Creator and thinker and an eternal Father who has provided everything that we need to survive.  In the manner that God created us He put in an escape plan if we had the notion to choose to disobey His Word and through the Bible, we see that humanity did just that.  When Adam and Eve allowed sin into their lives their eyes were opened and they knew that their physical bodies were naked, they took it upon themselves to make garments to clothe their bodies.  This process alone provides the perfect example that two humans that have sin in their bodies cannot provide the necessary coverage to form anything eternal enough to warrant not having God as the overall judge of the situation.

From the moment that Genesis 3:6 occurred and was completed our dirt changed and we were automatically charged back to the original condition that we were created.  What a disgrace from how we were Created but because we chose the ways of sin and disobedience.  Through this choice of ours, we must remember that we all are born into sin which means that the law of sin is just as consistent as God’s consistency is and can never change.  Only God’s eternal Covenant and covering can allow us to pass by God’s eyes in true holiness again.

We see at the end of Genesis Chapter 3, that God shows Adam and Eve the proper way for an eternal covering to occur and WHO is authorized to serve as the judge of such actions.  Once again God leaves no stone, or in this case spec of dirt, unturned for His Way was shown to Adam and Eve as the only way and since God cannot change in any way, gives us the perfect example that God’s Way is still the only way to eternal life.  How can we as the Church or any other representative of God claim any other truth than the first three chapters of Genesis?  We were created in such a manner to be the absolute example of God’s creative thinking and construction of life, to be the one being that represented the complete advancement of His Kingdom.  We have simply blown it and have fallen off to the side of the road because our eyes have strayed from our true Leader. 

God is calling His children back to Him for He understands that time is running short as we take more and more steps away from Him.  Church, we need to be the Light that God created in Genesis 1:3 and to be the reason of representation of what that Light does to the darkness around us.  Through our created dirt may our eternal Light shine to those that need to see where they are going.  For if we become the true Light that God wants us to be then we will allow others to be able to grow in God’s Creation just as the Garden of Eden did before things run amuck.  When we do what Jesus commanded us to do we are being that Light and using the eternal source of salvation to brighten the way for so many who need it.


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