Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Man-Made Religions

Man-made Religions


The goal for everyone is to have a good life and then after death arrives live in peace and harmony in heaven.  While some people refuse to acknowledge this eternal goal many chose to opt for an alternative idea and plan that focuses either on their works or some other human’s ideas to obtain such heavenly status.  On the other hand, while trying their best to find the road to heaven many shall reject the only way that one can achieve this eternal status and that is by following God’s Ways as He has recorded them in His Word.  The testimony of eternal life is laid out right from the beginning of the Bible yet we tend to overlook this truth and focus on the setting instead and mimic it instead of learning from it.  God is calling for us to take a closer look at His Word so that we may know how to have abundant life for eternity.

I am still amazed that after 480 articles that God has given me to write I still cannot get out of Genesis Chapters 1-3.  What is, even more, mind blowing is that with all of the information that God has given us through these three chapters, we have barely scratched the surface of exactly what these three chapters mean to our lives.  I look forward in learning more as the days and weeks pass and I am even more excited to learn more about God and how He wants us to understand Him and His Word.  The words cannot say enough about what God has to say to us today, but it is a topic that is on many hearts and one that will help us focus on the truth and how to defend the truth when it becomes questioned.  It is also hard for me to believe that the answer to so many questions about different religions is answered in one single verse in the book of Genesis.  Many times I feel so ashamed for not having my spiritual ears cleaned out enough in order for me to understand what God has written for our lives sooner.  May God forgive me for I am a wretched worm that does not deserve to even gaze on His Word from a distance much less allow it to live within my heart.

Over and over God has shown us that He is a consistent God and that He alone can provide the necessary covering for His people.  The entire Bible is filled with verses and passages that demonstrate this truth but for some reason, we tend to ignore this Written Word and go about doing things our own way.  I could give several examples of what God wants us to understand in this article but as my mind was thinking about the words to this message God stopped me with a single verse in Genesis Chapter 3 and through the remainder of His consistency He showed me that once a process is written and set into motion it cannot change especially when the origins of the covering began from a holy and pure state.  While the single verse will be the focal point we have to use a few “refresher” verses in case we have fallen into the amnesia category about God and His characteristics.  And through this simple verse, we shall find that all man-made religions are lies from Satan and that we should stay clear of such beliefs or we could fall into a divided state from God that would last for eternity.

One of the most dangerous and more frightening issues that the democratic world is facing today is Islam and the influence it has on many cultures around the world.  Islam has taken hold of billions of people who believe that this religion provides the true answer to the world and the issues that we face yet are sucked into a slave-like life far greater than what humanity has ever witnessed before.  Buddhism promises peace, tranquility, and harmony through the physical and mystical realm of our existence.  I could name hundreds of more religions that mankind has made up in order to seek inner peace and servitude beyond the physical realm but even if these ideas prove to be superficially sound they cannot withstand the truth of the spirit that wishes for its Creator.  It is also hard to believe that a single verse in the beginning of the Bible addresses such fallacies but at the same time it is a verse that has been preached and taught countless times before.

God is including all of mankind in this article as the subject of why man-made things fall short of serving as eternal and may provide the belief that physical and sinful grounded works can serve as foundational entering pieces.  One of the terms that man-made religions are labeled as are cults and those who follow such cults are grouped within the walls of such beliefs.  God also includes both male and female in this man-made category and does not throw partiality onto just one gender for God created both male and female and through this creation, all humanity rages with sinful artifacts.  In layman's terms, we are all in this together and we have no escape but by the Grace of God and His Covenant that we need to live under at all times.

In Genesis Chapter 1 & 2 we find that God has made a beautiful planet in which all of creation existed in a form of purity and holiness that each created being had its place within its own environment.  Humanity was brilliantly created from nothing and formed into a magnificent house that God entrusted to him His eternal spirit.  To further God’s eternal slap in the face of His enemy, God set into motion this human with one command to keep to show Satan that he and she would choose God and obey His Ways.  Furthermore, God purposefully made the human race with a built in salvation mechanism in the way that He created them, physical first and then spiritual thus providing another chance of salvation if they chose to disobey.  It is at this point in our history that we come to as the focal point of this message.

When Genesis Chapter 3 comes into view, one cannot pass over these verses and wonder exactly what had changed for it seems that the tranquility of Chapter 2 was gone and that some amount of time had passed because the words that open this portion of Genesis present a different picture.  A relationship other than the one that Adam and Eve had with God is present and it does not involve God in any way.  In fact, the third party is questioning God’s Ways and influencing Adam and Eve in a manner that seems seductive.  The setting comes to a head in verse 6 of chapter 3 when the serpent convinces Eve then Adam to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the one tree that God told them not to eat from.  It was a collective agreement between all of the parties for as we see towards the end of this chapter all parties involved were summoned and then judgment came to each according to their participation.

Genesis 3:7 is the focal verse of this message and it defines why anything man made cannot be used as an eternal protective covering or the way back to God.  Genesis 3:7 states as follows: “And the eyes of them were both opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.”  Up until this verse, Adam and Eve had everything provided for their survival by and from God.  They did not need anything from their own hands to live for they had been provided all necessities by and from God.  While these necessities needed to be dressed and kept in order they still did not have to even water the Garden for God had provided His own sprinkler system for their entire dominion.  There is not a shred of evidence that Adam or Eve had to provide anything for their existence BEFORE this verse of Genesis 3:7 and it is through this verse alone that sets into motion a human (sinful) law that changes the entire scope of humanity.  It is through the events of this single verse that provides us with a view of how the difference is when God is protecting us and when humans go it on their own.  It is also this single verse where God puts His plan of restoration into motion.

How does making themselves aprons to cover their loins be tied with religions you ask?  I am glad you did because it all plays into the design of God’s Laws and how they operate.  As the previous paragraph explained Adam and Eve had no reason to create anything for themselves, the only law or command that they had to do was to keep and dress the Garden of Eden and do not eat of the one tree in the center of the Garden.  That was it!  This means that everything that was provided for them came from God which means that it was in a holy, pure, and eternal state which did not need to be added.  Now you know why God says not to add to His Word and why the severity of disobedience is compared to witchcraft; yes, rebellion is the ultimate form of disobedience.  What did Adam and Eve do next after their covering had been finished?  They hid from God, why?  The realization of what had transpired totally blew their minds and they had no idea how to make things right again, plus they knew the authority of God and how “Omni” He is and they could not get around the fact that He already knew what had transpired.  So, instinctively they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves.  Fig leaves…..ever wonder about the connection of this story in Genesis to that of where Jesus curses the fig tree?

The command that God gave Adam and Eve concerning the eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had a consequence and that consequence was death.  Again, up until this moment, death was not recognized by Adam and Eve and while they had been told about it by God they had no personal experience with it.  This verse states that both of them made aprons to fit over their loins, not just Eve and not just Adam but both accomplished this task.  Their perfect state of living had instantly come to a screeching halt and their lives were changed just as fast and they went from an eternal law of protection into a law of death and it was this change that now defined humanity as its own sinful life.  No longer were their bodies perfect and hidden from the iniquities that were already around them for they had chosen those iniquities instead and now inhabited them.  Every act that they did from that eye opening moment forward was down in a completely different setting and under an eternally wide different kingdom and protection.  It is this verse that separated God and mankind and places mankind into a separate category when it comes to deeds.  No longer were Adam and Eve subject to a holy, pure and eternal protection but one that consisted of their own making.  This is the key to why no human can ever establish or create a religion that would be suitable as an eternal way to God. 

I have studied some of the Gnostic groups that were present in the early days of Christianity and while some of their arguments are sensible none of them line up with this truth about humanity that we read about in Genesis 3:7.  This single verse destroys any foundational lies about Christ and those who believe He is not the son of God and that He was born into human form with Joseph serving as a step father and NOT His eternal Father.  The manner in which Jesus was Created by God serves as the ONLY way that our eternal covering could once again be placed over our heads when we present ourselves to God.  I am not going to be dealing with this specific topic as of yet but I cannot stress the importance of this single verse in Genesis and the direct connection it has to Jesus and how He was Created.  Ever since we chose the law of humanity and disobedience, our lives changed and changed enough where we can never return to the perfect state that Adam and Eve once lived.  No matter what subject mankind can talk about they (we) cannot establish a perfect bond between holy molecules which means that no female or male can create a religion that brings us in true relationship with God.  Through Genesis 3:7 the only way that we can have such an eternal covering again is if holy blood is sacrificed and since the children of Israel failed to fully understand this truth by their sacrificial routines Jesus was and is the only way that this truth can be administered and ministered to God’s children.

Therefore, when the news casters, professors, book writers, theologians, and pastors tell you that God and Allah are the same and that we speak to them as one entity you can honestly proclaim IT IS A LIE FROM HELL AND YOU RUN FROM IT RUBUKING IT AS YOU GO.  You do not turn your back on it as you walk away, but you look it square in the eye for if that spirit comes after your movement you stop and take authority over it immediately.  Islam was created by a man named Ab al-Qsim Muhammad ibn Abd ibn Abd al-Mualib ibn Hshim, who in turn was created by two other human beings which means that if he proclaims ANYTHING contrary to the Word of God he is a liar and he has fallen for the lie that Satan has fed him.  Through the identical tactics that Satan used with Eve and Adam he is using to influence these people in believing that the falsities and lies of a human/human creation who claims that his words are from God cannot be anything but from our enemy.

I do not apologize for this next statement either but we must understand that ANY religion that bases itself on another “word of God” is a lie and this includes all religions whether they are civil in status or not.  Any religious statement that is displayed from a mouth of a human which does not line up with the ONLY Word of God is a lie and a measure of deceit that needs to be taken from our memory banks and burned by God’s eternal flame.  This is not a time to entertain the enemy and his lies nor is it a time to wane ourselves from the Bible but one of continuous study so that we can combat the enemy’s tricks against everyone who is seeking God.  I chose to call out Islam in this article but there are many other religious beliefs out there that are filling the minds and hearts of good people with lies that will send them to hell for eternity.  These lies need to be called out and identified publicly so that whoever wants to know the truth will have the opportunity to understand what is occurring around them.  Yes, we can include denominations in this category for if they proclaim something different than the Word of God the gospel they are protruding is NOT the Word of God.

We cannot afford to forget that God is a consistent God and a God who is perfect and eternal in all of His Ways.  It is by His Word alone that we live and it is by His Word that we are to be guided and if we place His Word in our hearts and live His Word at all times we shall have the wisdom to overcome all tragedies in life and to help those who are in need and provide them with the truth that will change their lives forever.  God loves us so much that He provided a unique way of restoration that only He could do.  Church it is our job to make sure that we understand that there is a bunch of work remaining and that we have no time to sit in our pews and wait for the end to come.  God needs us to promote this truth and His Word to the dying world for if we do not then we are sitting around and hurriedly stitching our fig leaf aprons before God calls for our accountability.  The first recorded death in the Bible is not from a man or woman but from n animal that God provided as a covering for Adam and Eve as they were escorted out of the Garden of Eden.  That should say a lot about just how serious God is about eternity and how important it is that we get it together now and think again about our eternal Covenant status with God.


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