Friday, November 17, 2017

Being Divided

Being Divided


It would be safe to say that no one would like to go around in a state of complete division and that being divided is not a goal anyone would wish for, but one cannot help but see such a divisive state in our lives.  With the exception of a short period of time, humans have lived in such a disarrayed lifestyle that many do not even recognize or consider division to be a dysfunctional way of life.  When the basic unit of togetherness breaks down and through this breakdown is considered normal what else can we expect to adhere to?  We were never created to live in such brokenness and division and when we do adhere to this divisive lifestyle we shorten our lives considerably.  Returning our hearts and our ways back towards God is the only way possible to reverse such a deadly course and I have happy to announce that His arms are wide open for restoration and a way back to functioning together as one again.

Each human being has gone through some type of inner pain when a relationship falls apart.  It does not matter who is on the receiving end of such a tragedy or on the giving end of the same tragedy, but when the tragedy strikes everyone involved is hurt on some level and it takes a toll on our lives whether we recognize it or not.  As our lives grow and become older we generally become a tad more defensive when it comes to relationships and guard our hearts quite a bit more as well but it is the settings from our younger and wilder days that seem to have such an impact on our decisions.  Being guarded and defensive is a good thing when it comes to our hearts but if we do not allow for proper healing from the previous times of hurt it will not matter how much we guard ourselves for our giving 100% to another will be a failed attempt at finding togetherness.

What exactly occurs when division is present in a relationship?  It does not matter what type of relationship that you wish to discuss, but what really happens when this togetherness is broken?  Is there any way that a working relationship can survive if the unity that was present in the beginning no longer there?  In order for us to understand exactly how the enemy works in divisional tactics, we have to go back and take another look at what occurred in the Garden of Eden for it was at this point in our history that the first division occurred.  We know that when God created the Garden of Eden and placed mankind into that area that everything and everyone was of a pure status.  There were no divisions between any of the participants during this time and it cannot be said that any distrust was present either.  What is important to remember here is that there was no blame game being played between the parties involved and everyone lived with a mutual togetherness that flowed completely in and around the Garden of Eden.

Genesis Chapter 1 we find God creating the earth and everything that He did on those six days He finished with the word “good”.  Every item He made game Him pleasure as He saw its formation which means that there could not be any divisions between God and what He created during those days.  Genesis Chapter 2 brings us the story about man and the command that God gave the man concerning the Garden of Eden, another sign that the relationship between God and His prized creation was pure and represented togetherness.  Genesis Chapter 2 also finds God giving man a helpmate by creating the woman from the side of the man which once again gives us a picture of equality and togetherness.  So, now we have God and the created humanity walking together on a daily basis and forming a relationship on equal terms.  The terms had been met for some time and the Bible does not mention any form of disunity until Genesis Chapter 3 which was down the road at some point.

I cannot imagine God leaving out any part about how there is an enemy that wants to destroy what God has created because it is that exact tactic that Lucifer used as his foundational tool to be like God.  He was not happy with how God made things around him, nor was he happy about how God made him either, so logically why would God leave out such a detail from Adam and Eve?  This would not make sense at all, for when God speaks about a certain item He expects us to contemplate its entire meaning through what He has shown us by our ways of thinking.  To keep a true and holy relationship between God and mankind we must make sure that what we believe in agrees with the Bible for if it does not then it cannot be from God, period.  And if we continue to agree with an untruth that means an avenue of division has been paved and further doubts will be able to spring up along the way.  This division occurs on more than just one level as well for it changes the togetherness with God and the togetherness with other humans.

First we will look at the eternal side of things by referring to the article “Definition of We” that God shared with us a few months ago then after reading that message turn to Genesis 2:21 where it God describes how He creates the woman from the side of the man, an equal setting, and origin that could not be more brilliant.  It is this point where all humanity is at an equal status and then in verse 22 it says the following: “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”  What God is saying here is that He made the woman away from the man for His Word says He brought her unto the man.  So, if this is the case she had to be led by God to leave her area and go to the man, wherever that area may have been.  At some point it was just the woman by herself without the man being present, so God must have revealed Himself to the woman before He brought them together.  It fits when you stop and think about how Adam was created for he was alone and it was not good for him to be in such a state, nor for the woman either.

The word “brought” here is the Hebrew word “waybieha” and it is only used a total of four times and all of the meanings is referring to a being (individual) bringing another (person) into the presence of a third party at a specific place.  God goes on to state that He brought the woman “unto” the man which comes from the Hebrew word “el” which means literally “unto”.  This is the definition of a holy unity that originated from God and then was extended to man and woman through God’s Ways.  This was the perfect setting for God to once again demonstrate the perfect relationship status to the one who chose to ignore His Ways and go about on his own.  It also set up a pattern of seduction that Lucifer would use to do his best to lure the human couple from their perfect unity.

Verse 24 gives us an unusual setting but now that we understand what God did with the woman and how He brought her to the man to be one flesh it is easy to know why this verse is placed in such a manner.  It is part of the equality and togetherness that God ordained and designed for intimate relationships between a man and a woman.  This verse clearly defines the intimate relationship that God recognizes as legitimate and is present between a man and a woman, it also clarifies that through this relationship that they will become one flesh.  Yes, this brings a man and a woman together in every sense of the word and includes sex.  This entire passage of Genesis is about relationship and intimacy, not fulfillment of fantasies (lies), and it sets into motion a pattern in which our lives can truly be worthy of godly, holy and pure happiness.  There is no higher emotional expression than the unity of a man and woman but in order for it not to be defiled it must be recognizable by only the two made into one with no other combination present at any time.

This verse reiterates that God has a specific pattern about His Ways and that when He sets a pattern into motion He cannot change His views on such pattern for any reason.  This verse sets into motion the origins of such a relationship between a man and a woman and just how important it is that each has equality in such a relationship.  This verse also commits God to a single way of accepting and identifying relationships and that ANY deviation from this method is considered to be an abomination to His heart and Ways.  The world can and shall teach other paths to sexual or relational happiness, and understandably so some may fit into the “happy” category and seem truly compatible but in God’s eyes that union shall never be blessed according to His Scriptures because it directly goes against this passage concerning our creation and origins. 

There is something we need to think about here and it is an important detail about the completeness of God.  We know that God is a graceful, holy, perfect, loving and kind eternal being and that there is no one else like Him.  However, we also know from studying His Word that if we do not allow Him to be present in our lives at all times and at the same time allow the world to infiltrate our hearts and darken them to blackness, we are lost and are subject to His holy consequences.  Now, with that in mind, place an entire nation into this category, or a group of nations into this category, or place the Church into this category and look at the potential of devastation that could be doled out upon such places.  God’s Word is not a bunch of rules but a book that gives us examples of what not to do because when we collectively do things against God it puts our eternal existence in jeopardy.  And as the bible tells us, it is not God’s desire that anyone should perish but have only eternal life.

The only thing that the world understands is lies and that is why it is so very important that we know God’s Word well enough to expose these lies when they are drawn to our attention.  God wants to be clear about this subject and He wants no mistake to be present, God shall never approve of ANY relationship that involves anyone else than between a man and a woman.  Notice that He is specific about these words here – man and a woman, they are singular in form NOT plural.  God also wants us to understand that He shall never accept ANY type of homosexual or lesbian relationship as a legitimate form of covenant relationship between humans.  Yes, the world shall approve of these types of pluralistic, “trans” anything, and homosexual relationships without any problem but God cannot and shall not simply because of this passage of Genesis 2:21-24.  it will not surprise me that some of you will not like this paragraph and it is a normal reaction to be angry at this statement if you believe what the world has taught you.

Another portion of verse 24 is now defined and clarified and that is when it refers to a man leaving his father and mother to accept the new life with his woman.  Since God brought the woman to the man it should be in like manner that the man leaves his origins and cling to the wife.  This is another area that we are witnessing in our current societies, or I should say the reversal of this verse being witnessed in our societies.  When a devastation in a child’s life occurs there is nothing wrong with them returning to the family house to re-cooperate and regenerate until their settings change and they can manage to be on their own again.  I fall into this category because back in early 1991 my life fell apart and when the end of 1992 rolled around I found myself back in my parent’s house.  However, I had no intentions of staying there and mooching off of their lives while I moped around, picked my nose and defied returning to the workplace environment.  This is not what we are seeing today in many areas around the world and it is a direct tactic of division for humanity and a lie to God and the way that He meant for us to live.

Verse 24 also gives us a glimpse of God’s restoration process as well for when a child does have to return to his origins he/she has the perfect opportunity to restart and to renew their relationship with God.  I know I did when I returned to my parent’s house.  God is in the restoration business and even though He understands that we will make destructive choices along our way, He is right there waiting for us to turn back to Him for help.  But when we plop our butts down back at the starting point of our lives and just stay there and not truly contribute to society, then a massive problem occurs in our lives and Lucifer’s entitlement plan starts to take hold.  This passage is meant to teach us about unity, not only with each other but more importantly with our Creator.  Any deviation from this holy Order from God and true happiness cannot be achieved; therefore, we have no excuses when it comes to the gross consequences that shall occur when we follow such deviation (sin).

The inclusion of a man and a woman being one flesh is the ultimate example of unity and making their lives one together without any outside influence is the best place to be when comparing our lives in relationship with God.  When this type of togetherness is unabated and functioning on a true foundation nothing can stop such a relationship.  So it would be a natural place for an enemy to attack, and ours does so by watching and waiting until we give an opening which he then does not hesitate to divide.  It is easy to thwart such an attack if we understand where our positions are with our spouse and know how to see how to defend such unity.  But we have disrupted such setting within western societies that we now would rather allow such separation from unity in order to pursue selfish ambitions.  We have become numb to the truth about unity and through this drunkenness of self-indulgence, we have allowed our lives to become so inundated with division that we now promote it as the norm.

Can a single word from God’s Life be the key to happiness beyond recognition?  The answer is YES and we have it here in this short passage in Genesis.  Not only does this passage define true and intimate happiness between a man and a woman, it gives us the origins of how we came to together as humans, and it also defines what occurs if we allow our enemy to break apart this unity.  God has a specific and perfect plan for each one of our lives and through this verse alone we should know that He has chosen the perfect person for our lives to be shared.  We do not need to rush His hand nor should we shun His heart when these plans come to fruition.  God’s timing is impeccable and it boggles the mind but when it comes to our sight it is at the perfect stage in our lives.  Our enemy shall make a lot of noise as we progress in God’s plan, but we have the tools necessary to quiet his roar and continue our path unabated.  God has a simple way of explaining the answer to what may seem like a complicated problem and He has proven this again in this message from Him.  Seek Him in all areas of your heart, allow Him to invade, clean your heart and then restore it to its original and meaningful condition.  We do not have to live being divided with ourselves and with God, we can have the perfect unity with all if we just keep His Ways and put Him first.

We can only achieve this perfection in intimacy and unity if we put God first in our lives.  God was there before mankind was around and since He had position first we should understand that He is in control and not us.  Rest assured that God knows your heart and He knows what you need in your life in order to make you complete, the enemy knows this as well and will do his best to distract you at all costs or to weaken your stamina when God’s perfection comes along.  Church, it is our responsibility to teach and to promote purity in all relationships and holiness on all levels of human communication.  For a while now, we have not been doing a good job at this mission of ours.  But as of this moment, we have the opportunity to change that untruth into the Truth.  God wants all to live in harmony and perfection according to His Ways we just have to choose Him and not the world in order for this to appear.  How can a simple little passage within a huge testimony strike an eternal unity into our hearts, such wonders the Bible holds.  How can we keep this great Word away from others?


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