Saturday, November 11, 2017

Death Preventing

Death Preventing


We all would like to consider our existence as being a healthy one and one that can serve as an example to others about how to live.  But as we all know this type of standard is not always followed or even tried to be kept sometimes which poses so many issues in our lives after a certain amount of time.  It is this burden of self-destruction that is preventable yet inevitable at the same time so why is it so easily accepted to rush this truth?  We live this type of lifestyle spiritually as well and have come to the conclusion that it is ok to live in such manner as well not knowing that we are also rushing to our eternal demise.  We need to return to the seriousness of our physical presence on this earth but more importantly, return to God for it is His Ways that keep us from existing eternally without His presence in our lives.

Some of you may know that I have made my living in the medical field now for over thirty years.  While most of the time it has provided me with good memories there have been some instances where I walk away from such setting shaking my head and wondering why humans have to be so difficult in learning about our existence.  It is a wonderful feeling when we can perform tests on patients and find out exactly what is going on inside their bodies; next, prescribe a treatment so that they have the proper tools to begin restoring their lives back to being healthy.  It is this scenario that drives many people in the medical field and the sole reason we stay in such a profession for decades.  There is nothing wrong with seeing a patient walk out of our clinics and not come back for months or even years for that setting is exactly what we as healthcare providers should hope for when it comes to treatment for our patients.

But, as we know humans and the activities that we choose to allow in our lives we will not always adhere to such regimens for health and walk around believing that the insults that we voluntarily give our bodies will just pass away without any harm done.  I have shared many times over the years stories with other patients about situations of healing that include both the positives and the negatives when it comes to following treatment plans and how important it is to follow such paths in order to give their bodies a fighting chance of returning to health.  Yet, we tend to ignore such advice and information and hurriedly get out of the confines of the clinics in order to return to our normal wicked ways of insulting our bodies and fulfill our daily habitual courses.  We walk away from the clinics and offices with the notion that we have fooled the doctors into believing that we are strictly adhering to their instructions, but the truth be known is that these trained professionals know exactly what is going on in our bodies as we sit and lie to their faces.

We have become so rash in our lifestyles that we even seek treatment from clinics and Emergency Departments when we are having current and immediate issues and acute ailments, this is a normal thing to do and what the ED settings were designed to do.  However, while we are waiting in the ED waiting room because we cannot breathe well we step outside to have a cigarette while the nurse repeatedly calls our names to be seen.  Or we have been treated by the physician and told to follow certain guidelines for a while and as soon as we sign the discharge papers from the facility light up the cigarette or take another pill to satisfy our cravings after being “interrogated”.  Oh, and as we light up that cigarette or pop that pill we loudly profess our displeasure about how long it took for our visit to be completed not knowing that it was your non-emergent issue that inflated the time of action just as much as it did with the majority of the other people who sat in the same area as you.

I understand that all of these examples that I have just reminded us about occur every day around the world and not just in my little ED setting and that there are countless numbers of legitimate problems that present themselves in the ED and clinics, myself being one of those when I had my heart attack.  But even with my own experiences in hospital settings I had to understand that while my issues were of a genetic condition it was my personal habits that greatly contributed to my destructive physical mechanism, one that I should have known to reduce especially after I had been told what could cause so many of my issues to be expounded.  But this is where I fell into the category of others when I thought I was bigger than the truth and would with a prideful attitude refuse to stop my ugly habits to actually change my life before devastation occurred.  I had to have a heart attack for my eyes to be opened and my pride to be shattered, a condition that very easily could have cost me my life but only by the grace of God I am still here to testify of this great sin in my life, of the Church, or our nation and of the societies around the world.

For as long as I can remember the fight over cigarettes and smoking has been a hot item.  I have watched commercial after commercial concerning the matter and have even watched hours of congressional debates over the issue if smoking is bad or not for our lives.  Really?  Have we been so dumb downed that we cannot see exactly what we are doing to our lives?  It seems like we have reached this level and I can say this with truth because as I watch these ongoing arguments whether or not smoking is bad for you or not, I daily open and hold the doors of many people coming into my hospital or ED that cannot breathe and that is on constant oxygen yet smell like cigarette smoke.  I am not just picking on cigarettes or the people that smoke for I have smelled alcohol, noticed the effects of drugs in peoples’ systems and many more signs of physical abuse on a systemic level.  It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that if you place a substance or chemical into your body that your body does not already contain it will have some type of effect on your body.  AND, if you incorporate this chemical or substance into your body long enough your body shall demand this substance or chemical and through your new addiction become dependent.  This process is not life promoting and to be honest it cannot be described as death preventing either, only destructive.

We have been told over the past few decades or so that we have a healthcare problem in the societies of today and that we need to continue to fund all of the current programs that are in place without question.  While this statement is an adequate one it does not give all of the accurate information needed in order to be fair for it leaves out the fact that it is the human who causes much of the issues that we face today simply by not caring enough for themselves to live healthy lives.  There is a vast cry for help from people who are stuck in devastating conditions who do not or did not have any control over what their bodies have done to them, yet there are not enough funds to go around to help because so much has already been spent on treating the voluntarily condemned.  This type of lifestyle is a sham at best and to be honest a living lie to the institutions that cover such activities, to the healthcare professionals and settings, to the individuals themselves and most importantly to God.  But this type of activity does not surprise me because we have come to rely on humans for all our answers and have left out and pushed out the only source that can restore our lives completely.

I was lying in bed the other night and before my wife and I went to sleep I asked her a few questions.  I had to do this quickly because both of us have a good habit of falling asleep pretty quickly so I knew my time was short.  Now, remember that my wife is not in the medical profession but her answer to the first question was accurate and hit the bulls-eye for I asked her this: would you consider the healthcare system to be death preventing or life promoting?  She thought for a moment and then said that she really could not honestly say whether or not she knew the answer but said that she really did not know.  Her answer is absolutely correct for the healthcare system does not know how to categorize itself due to the provisions that we make and allow for human behavior.  This is a sad admission but one that needs to be told for until we reign in our stupid habits and desire to live healthy our drain of money into this project will continue and only grow.

As most of you know by now that when I ask my wife questions at bedtime I have a motive and the majority of them will end up being about God or something that God has placed into my heart, and how we (the Church) should be living up to this truth I asked her my second question and it was this: would you consider that the Church to be death preventing or life promoting?  It was the exact same question but it incorporated the Church as the subject instead of the physical healthcare industry.  The answer she gave me was direct, true, and accurate just as her previous answer but this time her answer was clear.  She responded: “like fire insurance”.  I asked to be a bit more specific and then she said that the Church operated as a place to escape hell.  It broke my heart for a moment to hear such words but at no time did I doubt them at all for I know that the Church has been hypnotized into believing that they can sit in the pews and wait for God to return and still consider themselves to be saved.  It is this lie that we have believed for so long that we now are reaping what we have sowed and that sowing is a countless amount of people that have been eternally lost and are currently on their way to hell because they have no time for God.

A short while ago God shared with us an article entitled “The World Takes Over” and it was a topic that meant a lot to me forever since I stepped foot in Africa and became familiar with spiritual kingdom matters I have watched the Church fall from its holy state to its destructive rumblings of worldly acceptance as a part of our existence.  Some of us saw this truth come into play on 5 November 2017 when a man entered a church building and began shooting people as they worshiped.  Most people reacted angrily to this act and of course, the usual cry and responses began to flow out all over the world towards this violent act.  The issue and topic of this paragraph came to be a few days later when a governor of one of our states defined what really has a hold in this nation and how the current establishment believes. 

The governor was quoted roughly as saying that we have pastors, priests, and rabbis to do the praying and do not need to make prayer sessions and pleads necessary for the everyday people.  Then, he added that it was the responsibility of a political party to try and change this problem.  You are wrong on ALL levels governor!  The proclamation of this governor states exactly what this nation does not need, more human laws.  More importantly, his statement reinforces a pyramidal government position as the leader over our lives, with a certain few who are in charge of “changing” what is in place at the time.  This pyramidal sector is exactly what the Church has structured itself upon and just as the governmental society it has failed tremendously and has allowed Lucifer to continue his land grab of our physical land and our spiritual land. 

Sadly, the Church has fallen into the same trap and is now proclaiming that it is the responsibility of the human to find that way necessary to make things better for our lives.  While this statement is a correct one, the ways that we are trying to make things better come straight from the pit of Lucifer’s mouth and we have fallen for them completely.  The statement that my wife gave me the other night sums it all up quite compactly, our actions only wish to promote our own selfish guardianship of our ticket to heaven and nothing more.  We believe that we have marked our spot in Heaven through our conversion and placement in our eats every time the church building doors open.  Even more grotesquely, the pastors who stand behind the pulpits are encouraging this type of activity by allowing such complacency to take hold.  Jesus did not say believe in Me and then sit and wait for Him to return yet that is exactly what we are doing.  And while we are sitting o our pews, Lucifer is having a field day mowing people down left and right and sending them to an eternal separation from God.

This “fire insurance” that my wife described is a false insurance plan for it does not provide what God's Word says.  I wish I could be in every service where people are saved and listen to what the pastors have to say and what they offer to the people who actually wish to commit their hearts to Christ.  It is obvious we have no plans to disciple these people for we do not even understand what attacks they will be receiving as soon as the exciting time of their salvation wears off, who do you suppose wears that excitement off?  It is this time that many people are so vulnerable and a meaningless prayer for these people does nothing to protect them in the Spirit.  The same stance is taken and laid out for those involved in tragic accidents and murders all over the world, our mouths are moving but our hearts are far from crying out for true help from God.  It is this aspect and truth that defines whether or not we are in a death preventing or life promoting condition.  It is clear that we would rather provide death benefits in the name of God than take a stand and really promote life and everything that God means through His Life position.

Jesus told us to go and to preach the gospel to the entire world so that they may be saved and healed then be a testimony of life to others that are around them.  Jesus also said that He is the only way to the Father and that only His Father can save people from an eternity of hellish separation from Him.  It is under the covering of the blood of Christ that we really receive the “fire insurance” that my wife was referring to and it is the True Fire Proofing Insurance and not the imitation and lies that some are proclaiming to have.  Any eternal plan that promotes a self-indulgent and self-gratuitous insurance plan is a lie and will not stand up when you are called to be in front of the only perfect being.  Stop and think about this for a moment when we elevate our conditions and promote our selfish ways then what we are doing is actually walking away from God’s help and lighting up a cigarette or taking more pills instead of following His Ways of restoration; simple as that.

Church, we are the spiritual healthcare professionals that need to set and then be the example of a perfect healthcare representative by showing people to the eternal healer and then following up with these hurting people after they have received the gift of restoration.  We should not be promoting any type of death prevention plan but totally showing everyone the life-promoting plan that God desires for every child of His to know.  There is no mixing of plans for God does not entertain death and if He represents only life then death cannot be an option.  The eyes of God are continually on our hearts and weighing our influx of heart mixture that courses through our veins, it is this sinful mixture that needs to be covered and the only way to do such a process is we have Jesus in our hearts all the time and at 100%.  We have fallen and as long as we are content to stay sitting down our world is going to sink and take you with it.  We are not in this to prevent our death but to have life everlasting and when we live that means we are active and going out and not sitting around being idle.  You want fire insurance?  Then I suggest you allow the Holy Spirit light your heart on fire again for God and tell others about how God is the reason for your change.


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