Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The World Takes Over

The World Takes Over


Many of us do not understand just how much the world has infiltrated our existence for it has gained its territory through voluntary ideas and references.  This infiltration process has an origin and through this origin, the progression of its statutes and the lack recognizing its presence all together has created the atmosphere that we are experiencing today.  The “brilliance” of this placement of the world is that seems so innocent in its combination with our lives but when it is sought after by God or those who recognize its true roots anger and strife only pursue.  God wants this worldly part of our lives to be free from such impending darkness and impoverished lifestyle which separate us from our hearts, but we must first understand that it is a fight and that is this fight can only be won if God leads the charge.  There was a time where God did lead this charge and it was the introduction of the world that darkened that charge.

When we talk about living we cannot help but define the fact that our physical presence operates on the earth.  Another name for the earth would naturally be the world and it seems like the Word of God contradicts itself in this area when it refers to being in the world but not loving the world.  One can try and see that this un-symbiotic relationship cannot exist in a true definition, for it would continually defeat itself.  But when one recognizes that there is a difference between the physical presence of our lives and the spiritual presence of our lives when referring to this topic it becomes a tad clearer of what the Bible is meaning.  While we may have to walk on this earth’s surface we do not have to be a part of the world’s kingdom and yes, it serves as a kingdom.  It is this kingdom status and the principle behind it that the Bible speaks about when it refers for us not to be of the world, a truth that Adam and Eve ignored and a truth that many Christians ignore today as well.  It is the kingdom aspect of the world that concerns God and how it has invaded our existence and it is through the voluntary door opening that this kingdom of death has its hold upon our lives.

With the inception of the worldly kingdom into our lives, we must contend that the ruler of this kingdom has direct control of something opposite of another kingdom.  God’s Kingdom is what was represented in Genesis 1:1 – 3:5 and it was at this point that God’s Kingdom was not chosen to be followed by Adam and Eve.  When you study the passages up to and including Genesis 3:6, it is easy to recognize that there is nothing evil existing in that setting and while the truth about evil was discussed between God and Adam it is evident that it was not present at that moment.  With the characteristics of God already laid out, we have the assurance that if anything would be changed from this condition that it would not come from Him for He cannot change things on any level for any reason, for if He did then He could not be fully trusted ever.  Through this testament, the world must have been accepted into our lives by another means, and that means came in the door that we chose to open.

In Genesis 3:6-7 the Word of God states: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto to her husband with her; and he did eat.  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”  We have studied this passage a few times during the course of the messages God wants us to hear and to understand and while there is far vast more content to be shared, these two verses alone God focus our attention on the entrance of the world, its kingdom, and its ruler into our presence. 

The world that Adam and Eve knew up until Genesis 3:7 was not the same as the world that their eyes were opened to after Genesis 3:6 had elapsed.  Up until Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil their world was filled with purity and freedom but as soon as they decided to choose the lie over what God had deemed as truth for their existence, the entrance of a new society ventured and thus began to fester inside their lives.  Immediately confusion reigned in their minds and what their bodies’ eyes saw was in a completely different context and when the thought of covering entered they must have known that their lives were no longer perfect and in original condition.  There is no confusion in the state of affairs of God, His agenda and Truth is quite clear and easily interpreted.  Adam and Eve were free from this confusion state and had the perfect opportunity to ensure that God’s Kingdom would advance flawlessly and without interruption.  However, the introduction of the world and its divisive powers ceased this perfection and thus gained a place that all of us have to contend with today.

Why this “world” view is considered a kingdom?  Because it has the duty of advancing and also because it has a ruler over its status as such which means it is fluid and alive when it comes to gaining ground.  Most of us have studied enough history to know that countries, nations, and kingdoms have been a part of our existence as far back as history has been recorded, it is these institutions that govern certain amounts of land and people usually with one or two leaders often referred to and looked upon as those who have supreme power over the said subjects.  These kings and queens believed they were invincible and some considered themselves to be deities on earth which could never be questioned.  But upon their deaths or overthrows by other rulers, it became clear that this was not the case but for some odd reason the fight over the people allowed such activities to be portrayed and after the dust had settled another regent was put in place and the same strongholds and similar agreements were demanded once again.

This pattern of rulers and subjectivity continued for centuries and it was not until just recently that the population of the world became large enough to squelch this type of governing styles in favor of a more “democratic” style of governing.  However, many of the same principles that were despised and hated by the people in our history have still found reliable allies around it today and are alive, growing and thriving in many nations today.  The establishment has been set and while many pretend to think they will combat its presence most cower to its strength and wane away quietly into its ranks.  As each person who has vowed to fight this establishment, the ruler of this empire can see their pasts, present, and can take a pretty good guess at their actions for the future all at one time and it is through this knowledge of the ruler that deems who has the true upper hand in this so-called fight for change.

When certain people decide to challenge this establishment we often see them fade into the woodshed after their election and soon afterward join into the celebratory settings of the benefits of the “challenged” establishment.  It is this establishment that the ruler of the world operates within for he understands that people were not made to be a part of any world establishment or setting yet when offered the fruit of such establishment and when we eat of the fruit of such an establishment our actions shall soon follow in like manner.  At some point in time, take a look at the fruits of the spirit versus the fruits of the world and see how they compare.  Then ask yourself how much of the fruit of the world are you partaking, and more importantly do you care about the difference between the two fruit in gestations?  Yes, I used this word correctly, because once inside a body that fruited establishment will do its job as nourishment.

When one places this truth into a spiritual plane it becomes clear that no two kingdoms can operate together especially when one kingdom offers separation, confusion, agony, and death as its reward for following while the other Kingdom has never been defeated and can offer nothing but peace, happiness, and eternal life.  When Adam and Eve allowed their lives to be infested with the world it set into motion a process that we must either fight or accept because we can no longer continue to dress the dominion as God directed us before the settings changed.  See, the establishment that God had provided was altered by our choice and not His; therefore, we acted alone for the world to take over.  So, in this truth, it is now our responsibility to listen to God once again in order for us to control and defeat this worldly setting.  God has only us to complete this mission and He has provided us with every tool necessary in order for us to complete this mission and to take back the establishment that has been allowed to operate.

This establishment will lie to you and me on a continual basis and without hesitation.  This establishment has been allowed to take hold and to grow its roots ever since the Garden of Eden fiasco and basically ever since that time frame we have haphazardly tried to keep it under control.  This statement is evident by the course that the Church has taken ever since she was initiated by Christ Himself.  The Church has taken the word Himself and split it into two halves with the first portion Him” and the other “self” and have used them separately in order to promote their own establishment.  Over time we have reduced the word “Him” to “him” and thus discarded its truth in meaning to a human level, then at the same time place the word “self” into a “Self” status, thus creating our own “himself” setting to serve as the ruling body of Christ.  Stop and think for a moment about when Adam and Eve decided to eat from that tree, does this sound like a similar or identical pattern?

The establishment of the world had already been laid in the hearts of Adam and Eve through the relationship that had developed between them and the serpent.  While direct access to the world and humanity was not present yet the concept of deception was and the plan of Lucifer had been unleashed and it was only a matter of time until the legal door of acceptability was in place.  Once present, the world could infiltrate every aspect of their lives and even though Lucifer received further punishment from the scene, his eternal place had already been accounted for so he really did not care so much but to have further anger through his success towards God.  Look at the worldly establishment and when you find people that are living in such an environment you notice that they are not happy people.  They may outwardly seem happy but when you get to know them or just spend a few moments with them it will become very clear that they are not satisfied even when things are going their way.  It is this characteristic of the worldly take over that even Lucifer could not be happy with when it occurred a long time ago, so why would we think his followers would display ant other feature?

Have you ever wondered why people who seem to have everything that one could ever want be so unhappy?  When it seems like people have everything to be happy about it is at that moment when their world comes crashing down around them and they have no reason as to why either.  They will have their excuses or superficial explanations but nothing that goes to the root of their issues, only emptiness and unanswered questions with nothing but ruined artifacts surrounding them.  When Adam and Eve sinned and allowed the world to establish itself, their world also came crashing down around them.  Not too much longer did their son kill his own brother, then go on to provide the lineage to build cities that grew in population and eventually became so corrupt that God could no longer look upon their hearts and see His Light shining in them.  How much can the world take over our existence?  Reread the previous sentence and ponder those words from God’s heart again, for our societies today are racing at break-neck speed to obtain this status one more time.  What makes things more frightening is that we are tripping other national societies who are in this death race so that we can reach this highest sinful place first, all the while not even caring that we are building the worldly establishment with each step we take.

Even though the world has the home field advantage it does not share the eternal placement with God, His Kingdom, or the ones who choose to adhere to the truth.  There is a lie that the world gives us on a minute by minute schedule and that is when things do not make you happy go for another step to make you happy.  To offer such an option is absurd but billions of people fall for this idiotic belief every day and end up losing their lives over it as well.  The world’s establishment can only offer what its ruler uses as his foundation and that foundation is the origin of lying.  Of course, the world says to progress in such a selfish manner, for it will make your immediate surroundings better….that is a lie!  Bringing people together according to the world is actually setting the participants up for a huge disappointment because the unity that is wanted cannot be obtained through the lie offering of the ruler of the establishment, no matter how “righteous and true” that promise may seem; it is a lie!

We have allowed the world to take over for so long that we no longer recognize its pathogenic progress that it brings and that it serves as the foundation of all our turmoil.  Of course, we see its causes and effects and in response, we lash out and unknowingly further constrain our freedom through the words of freely used for selfish control.  Also, we fail to hear the spiritual laughter that our enemy, the ruler of the world, provides as we charge forward proclaiming victory as we walk off the cliff into our eternal separation from our Creator.  This worldly allotment has been ingrained long enough that we do not see it as a threat and when it is attacked defend its presence for it represents the stability that we all have come to understand.  We walk by this establishment with high superficial praises and ward off those coming to challenge its existence.  Even with good intentions, we pamper this worldly manner in order to keep “order” in our lands all the while destroying our hearts and causing further division as each day passes.

From the outset of sin entering into our lives, we have played the footsy game with the world and have deliberately failed to curb its activities through the inherent knowledge God has given us.  What we have forgotten is that when we play this game with the world we are actually allowing the world to further gain a hold on our lives and thus further allowing its claim to our existence.  This is not what God wants for our lives and He did not create us to live in such slavery.  The beacon of Light, the Church, has fallen into this worldly trap as well and now is assisting our enemy to promote the slave-like conditions that we are in.  It eternally pains God to watch His children voluntarily give up on Him and choose the ways of the world as a false hope for peace and happiness.  The pattern of worldly control has no intentions of easing its grip on our lives even though it will tell you that your work will make you free; does this phrase remind you of another great and horrific lie from human history?  Without God and His Kingdom present in our lives and as the head of our life all our efforts to secure peace in the world will be in vain.  And while we are marching for equality we will be paving the land for the world’s grotesque plantation development.  An important item to consider here and it deals with every life that draws breath when the world is allowed to infiltrate our lives its fruit shall bear witness to others.

Church, it is time we stop working for the worldly government and start advancing the Kingdom of God as we were created to do.  Our hearts have been turned away from the Truth and we have allowed ourselves to take the bite from the forbidden fruit, and to our embarrassment, we have enjoyed its taste.  We cannot place the fruit back on the tree and we cannot turn back time but we can serve as the personage of truth that the people in the world need in order to combat what everyone is looking for and working towards.  God loves us, each and every one of us and it is our responsibility to tell everyone that does not know God this Truth.  Stop paving the way for death and destruction, turn back to God and allow His presence restore our lives through the advancement of His Kingdom.  Lucifer will not give up the territory he has gained very easily but God is so much greater than this loser and it is God whose fight for your eternity that matters.  God has given us the keys to fight this worldly establishment and to sweep back this death kingdom’s overtaking of new territory.  Church, do not allow one more person leave this world believing that God does not exist and that He sent His Son to die for our sins for a reason.


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