Saturday, December 2, 2017

Challenging The Etablishment

Challenging the Establishment


What exactly is the establishment and how does it dictate our every move during our day-to-day activities?  Is it much of a threat to our lives or is it a presence that we need?  Most of us do not even understand that an establishment is even in place unless you are keenly aware of what is going on around us.  This establishment has not always been in place it was chosen a long time ago and has been in place ever since.  Today, it is being poked once again and it is not responding too well in return, a clear sign that it is not what we have believed was present.  God has an establishment that He wishes to put back into place in our lives again but it is strictly our choice to do such an act or not.  When we place Him back in control He will bless His people beyond measure but if we do not then we shall fall open like a book for everyone to read and then suffer quite the regret until repentance is chosen.

I have asked a couple of my friends a question concerning the establishment and who is considered to be the first to challenge the establishment.  I have had varied answers to the question and while all of the answers are correct it is difficult for our finite minds to pinpoint exactly who the first was to do this feat.  But we do have an answer to such a question and the answer places a bit more knowledge about God and exactly what we are up against when it comes to our enemy.  We know through human history that one cannot win a fight, battle, or war if one does not understand both sides of the issue and through what God is about to show us will give us a bit more intelligence on how to win and advance God’s Kingdom.

To understand exactly what an establishment is we must know that there are two kingdoms that are at war for your eternal presence.  The establishment that we allow into our lives serves its purpose according to the ruler of the said kingdom.  Psalms 139:23 states: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:” This short verse provides us with another defining moment in our lives where if meant God will show us exactly which kingdom we harbor inside our hearts.  It also represents one of the most submissive verses that give God complete control over our hearts and explains the desires of the heart to know Him spiritually.  It is this establishment that we harbor that overtakes us on a personal level and when another grows accustomed to the same kingdom the kingdom has advanced.  Which kingdom that is alive inside of us will soon present itself in public and when this occurs it feels comfortable enough to proclaim its victory.

Many of us have been fooled long enough to not recognize which establishment lives and thrives inside of us and to be honest we do not even give it a second glance either, all we know is that we have our opinions about certain issues and we leave it there not gathering the truth according to our eternal Father.  Why should we?  I mean, we are living the high life, operating in the best country known to mankind so why should we fear that we are heading in the wrong direction?  Have we taken a good look around and noticed what is actually falling apart?  Not only is the physical presence of western societies crumbling before our eyes each day our spiritual decay has already reached the root of our eternal presence and is threatening to eat it with a tenacity never witnessed.  So, when we leave all prejudices aside and look at the picture that is front of us how can we not see that we are in deep trouble and need a real solution to these issues?  No wonder we refuse to allow God to operate in us according to Psalms 139:23.  The establishment that is on earth was placed here by our own doing and it is still in place today and it is the definition of the war that we fight each day, yet try and ignore its presence at the same time.

We will not be going into detail in this message about people who have poked the current establishment during their time but this topic will come shortly but we need to understand how and what we are dealing with first.  God is going to teach us a bit more about His Word and what it means for our lives so that we have more information on how to advance His Kingdom and push back the kingdom of darkness.  Knowing how to fight the enemy is one of the key details that we need to be effective against an advancing enemy for if that enemy is not known about he will walk all over us and destroy us before one battle is waged.  Church, pray that God opens your heart to what He has to say today for it is a great bit of knowledge that will help today and in the future.

Long before the Garden of Eden was created as a perfect living area for the first humans, there was an establishment that was in place that origin for everything the Garden of Eden was and exhibited.  It is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend what exactly this establishment is like and as we imagine what the entire complex might look like and feel, we still do not provide justice to its beauty and majesty.  Nothing ever goes wrong there for evil does not and cannot survive in such an atmosphere.  Each inhabitant of this magnificent place has been created for a specific purpose and provides us with the perfect example of what occurs when God’s created beings choose Him over the wickedness that lives on the earth.  It is this place where God dwells that was and is the first establishment that is alive and even though we cannot fully comprehend its magnitude and glory it is there and it is waiting for those who choose God and wish to separate themselves from this world.  It is this establishment that was first and it is this establishment that was challenged before mankind was created, the sight of a spiritual and eternal war that provided an eternal fall and eternal loss of life and the results of this fight are still active today.

When the book of Genesis opens it gives us a detailed pattern of creation that God states every day that things that He created were good.  Something that is good in the sight of God cannot represent any impurity in any form, for God is everlasting and perfect in every way and thus cannot create such impurities.  As Genesis continues we find that this perfect creation of God is now subject to sin because of the choices that mankind made, a sad and frightening state that resided in that place, a place not meant for such death and disease.  The perfect setting for our existence forever changed by one decision of selfishness, an act that looks so simple yet has an eternal grip on every move we make up to today.  Yet we have a glimpse of hope given to us before Adam and Eve are finally shunned from the Garden of Eden and it is the hope of restoration, but it comes with a heavy price and a price that requires the complete opposite of life itself. 

But while all of these issues are taking place, God acts according to His Holy precedent and begins to tell of the consequences of such sin that has now been allowed to infiltrate this holy site and we find this taking place in Genesis 3:15 when God states to the serpent: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel..”  I must admit that this verse has perplexed me for many years now and some parts of it still do, but God has given us an opportunity to understand exactly how His Kingdom works and how He is the ruler of everything just simply through this single verse.  I know it seems a bit odd that this verse which tells us of the punishment to a created being can be such a wonderful cause of celebration, but it is because it gives us of a great example of how God is all knowing and all powerful and we are not.

It is well known that humans were created just a smidge below angels yet possess a unique method of creation that has allowed us to stay alive and choose our paths even though at first that path might be an incorrect one.  We have read about this creative process of ours a while back and when we look on this creation of ours we cannot help but be thankful for such a pattern for if we were created as an angel our eternal existence would already have been spoken for by our fall in the Garden of Eden.  See, when Lucifer decided to poke the eternal establishment that God had created such a long time ago he sealed his fate and can never return to how things used to be.  Lucifer challenged the holy, pure, and complete authority of God by using an entitlement initiative to obtain the status of God.  This plan failed miserably and had no chance of succeeding because God is perfect in all of His Ways including His place of residence.

When Lucifer decided to challenge this perfect and eternal establishment he ended his life and was cast from his eternal position and placement into a place of chaos and unruliness that we cannot fully understand either.  But it is a place of torment and anger which dominates his every thought and movement for he is now a created being who had a divine purpose but is now reduced to a defeated presence that shall never know or feel eternal peace again.  This is his establishment and the only thing he can relate with now that he has no placement in heaven.  So, a being who has created this ugliness by his own accord and has no chance of redemption and has only one option to do, can you guess what his next step would be?  Yep, you guessed it, make as many other created beings just as miserable as him and send them to his eternal separation from his Creator as well.

When Lucifer challenged God’s establishment he literally lost his life in doing so.  That is the standard that is in place when a challenger comes to make a threat against such an establishment.  Do not believe me?  What did Adam and Eve lose when they bought into the deceptive lies that the serpent spoke?  Yep, you got it their life, both physical and eternal.  They had no idea of what death was or what it meant to them, yes, they had been told about what the results would be if they disobeyed God but over an unspecified amount of time and encounters with the serpent they gave up the truth for a lie.  This is the eternal door that had been opened and a law that still abides today; one that needs to be recognized and understood by everyone.  It is Lucifer’s doomed establishment of death and separation from God that is now in control of our world and since we chose to allow its presence here Lucifer and the establishment he holds has no plans of letting go anytime soon.  This is when the home field advantage switched and we now have to choose to separate ourselves from this establishment and expose it for what it is and what it does.

Let us have a quick review before proceeding.  God is eternal and has no beginning which means that His Kingdom is pure and holy in every way imaginable.  One of His angles, the #2 being if you wish, decides to try and outwit God and challenge Him for His position and loses his position and life while trying.  At this point, the pure and holy establishment for all creation is still intact but now an enemy is present, but God continues His creative spree as a testament to His Kingdom.  The new creation is of perfect status as only God can offer, yet the enemy is allowed to roam according to the policies of choice.  The new creations chose to allow sin into their existence and thus allow the establishment of a liar begins his reign over the world and continues as the ruling establishment today.

An important detail here to know about and that is what changed when sin entered the world.  Up until Genesis chapter 3 the only thing that mankind had to do was to keep up the Garden chores and other than that had no viable threat against their living conditions.  Mankind had no reason to challenge or attack the establishment for it was perfect in its creation.  This changed when sin entered into our lives and we had to begin a fight for our survival a punishment that follows the original pattern when it was created long ago.  Yet it also gives us a truth about the brilliance of God that we are about to understand a bit more.  This action of Lucifer is the foundation of why Genesis 3:15 is important to our good news and is a cause for celebration, and another reason why his actions made and continue to make him look very foolish.  This action of his, with him being “the #2 being” so to speak, tells us that there is no way that we can outthink God or manipulate Him in any way either for if the second highest ranking angel loses, there is NO way we can either.

In Genesis 3:15 we see God handing down the punishment of the people involved in what has turned out to be a very disappointing setting.  There is no joy in Mudville as the old saying would go but when we stop and take a look at what occurred before this event took place it will give us a clear picture of why this verse is one of celebration, for it brings into play the eternal avenue of salvation through God’s Son Jesus.  Ever since I have listened to God and heard His voice concerning His word, I have been amazed at how the human has come to the conclusion that they can outsmart God when it comes to who is right and who is wrong.  The second most powerful created being EVER could not stand up to the holiness and wisdom of God and fell in defeat to his eternal separation.  So, what makes us believe that we can thumb our noses at God on a continual basis and claim that we know how to live better than His Ways show us?

We all know that God is a just God and that He operates in strict holiness in every situation but He has provided a detail here in this verse that gives us another example of His love for us even though at that moment in Adam and Eve’s life things did not look too rosy.  Before Lucifer rebelled against God and began his quest for destruction on God’s prized creations, God’s Kingdom was intact and pure with nothing to hold it back.  Lucifer could not stand being second in line so he decided to take matters into his own angelic hands, providing God with a legal reason to defend His authority.  God did so, and through an unspecified amount of time allowed Lucifer to try and prove himself in the ways that he wanted, but to no avail.  Then God created mankind in the order in which He did further insulting Lucifer.  Now here is the brilliant part, God knew what was going to occur even before it did which means that God knew Lucifer could not control himself when it came to the newly created beings; therefore, since God knew that Lucifer would act in such a manner that it would be his own doing that would spiritually and legally allow God to provide the perfect sacrifice for our salvation.

Just like a kid that was told not to get into the cookie jar, Lucifer fell for the setting and took the bait.  Yes, it broke God’s heart to watch as Adam and Eve fell and entered into the world of sin and desperation, but God’s plan was still flowing and moving along according to the only direction and way God knew.  It is this truth about Lucifer’s actions that demonstrate the brilliance of God for He already knows what is going to occur so His plan cannot fail.  God cannot go against His purity or holy direction which means that He is always correct and Divine in statute.  God spoke in Genesis 3:15 and He did so with the authority to make such a statement because of the stupidity and predictability of a defeated angel, and thus give Him the authority to announce the future plans of an eternal salvation plan.  Lucifer knows the legal ramifications of God’s Kingdom yet he tried to outsmart God.  Now, I ask you this question again: if the second most powerful angel underestimated God and tried to overthrow Him and then failed, what makes you believe that your limited thoughts can project a different outcome?  That question is the most important one that we can ask ourselves for God has already been here and knows what is going on at all times and He knows all things as well, we do not.

Many people ask how come we are held accountable for all the sin and ugliness in the world today when a single event occurred an extremely long time ago.  We must keep in mind that God is a complete God for a reason and it does not always make sense right at first, but when we study God’s Word these types of questions will be answered and the details that He gives us add to His explanations.  This knowledge in this message gives us the exact reason why and it also gives us the answers we are searching for too.  God created a perfect establishment and we chose to ruin this perfect setting.  The choice to do such a thing was pounced upon by a fellow that had already tried to do such a thing and lost; why do we bet and gamble ourselves on known losers?? 

This act changed our settlements forever and we now have to follow this deathly guideline until God takes us away from it.  It was through God’s perfect Kingdom and it's continued perfect status that He is allowed to make the claims of perfection, restoration, salvation, and redemption.  It is because of the arrogant patterns of a rebellious angel that gives God the ability to operate through His perfect authority to provide perfection, restoration, salvation, and redemption.  It is through our act of allowing sin into our existence that provides the seal that confirms God’s ability to give us the choice to accept Him so that we may receive our rewards.  This will be a tough statement for some to accept but it is 100% true and it directly affects our lives: it is through our sinful actions that God is allowed to show us His glory, perfection, and redemption.

Understanding what type of establishment is present today and that is in complete control of our ways and means is a vital step in knowing that it is our responsibility to challenge such an establishment.  But there is a component that we must not forget when doing such activities and that is this establishment needs to be addressed on both the physical aspect and the spiritual aspect, the spiritual aspect cannot be forgotten or left out of the equation.  It is also imperative that we recognize that when we challenge the establishment correctly that there will be some tense times ahead for we know who actually is in control.  We will forget this detail if we place our issues of challenging on just a physical content which is why we are not understanding what is truly going on in our land today.

There has been so much hoopla concerning the President of this nation and how he is poking each charter with each step he takes.  The bottom line here is that we had a setting in which we (humans) believed that we were in control of what was going to occur.  We made snide and arrogant comments about the election and even set up shop before the election was over.  I have news for you about this setting and this news from God needs to sink in real quick and deep for what is occurring is the tip of the iceberg and if we do not stop and repent of what He is exposing now, much deeper cuts shall occur real soon.  God is in control of this nation for it is He who established this nation for His purpose of rescuing, recovering, restoring, and saving anyone who wished to leave their lands to seek His Ways at all times.  I do not care what you believe about this nation and the direction you believe it was founded because unless you understand that this nation was founded for a Divine purpose your concept of why this nation is here is skewed and based upon a lie.  This is NOT a rebuke but a firm statement by God who wants nothing more than to allow His hand to sweep freely over this land with blessings, not condemnation.

God placed this president as our leader and he is doing exactly what God wants us to understand what is in power.  You may not like our president but the one being that placed him in that position does.  God understands that the person who is in office right at this moment has the ability to poke enough to wake us up and to take a solid and holy look at what has been poked.  God is allowing this for a reason and that reason is for us to see what we have allowed to take root in our lives and to rid ourselves of such evil roots and to allow God to restore them with His holy roots BEFORE He has to make sure we fully understand His meaning, if you know what is being said here.  The only way we shall understand what is going on and the patterns of what is yet to appear, study God’s Word and place its content within your heart and then you shall know.

When we study the Word of God and place our studies on those who challenged the establishment, we will find that many of them did not have an easy road.  Their lives were turned upside down with some of them eventually losing their lives in the process.  As read about in the paragraphs above the tables was set when Lucifer took on the holy establishment of God and then lost and ever since Adam and Eve took the initiative to allow his establishment in the world, we have had to challenge such establishment.  It is our duty to challenge the establishment that represents death and destruction and allow Go to restore life back into our existence.  Restoring life is what the Kingdom of God is supposed to do and to give life freely to those who seek such truth.  Church, we cannot accomplish this if we give into the establishment and side with its ruler, we must close those doors that tie us to this death trap and the only way that this can be done is to live and work through God’s Ways.

We have selfishly forgotten as to whom rules this establishment and this is evident because we are taking sides as to who is right and who is wrong during this trial period in our society.  If we shall stop long enough and place our selfish political bookshelf aside and look at who is being exposed we cannot recognize that we have an ACROSS THE BOARD problem here that is NOT just on one side of the political aisle.  This sighting alone proves that God does NOT CARE about selfish and self-serving political parties and that He is ONLY concerned for our hearts which is the foundation of how He looks at our lives and advances accordingly.  Our actions today and throughout human history have turned Genesis 3:15 into a verse of depletion and not one of eternal victory and until we understand who is in control of this establishment, who we are fighting for and who we REALLY need to be fighting with this establishment of Jezebel shall continue her quest of utter dominance and death in our lives.  It takes guts to challenge this establishment for it is a fierce one with a roar that would scare away any willing combatant.  But we serve a wonderful and holy Creator who has given us the tools necessary to fight this loser and cause him to turn and flee.

When one comes up to you and asks why God allows such things to occur in our lives we can now understand exactly what to say to them because we know what is going on and who is in control.  Lucifer through his selfish and lying ways actually created the way that God uses in order for us to be redeemed.  We do the exact same thing when we purposefully sin and allow Lucifer to rule our lives, we give God the ability through his spiritually, holy, and legally binding Ways to serve as a restoring and loving Father through His son’s blood to defeat what establishment rules this world.  God is a complete God and one that loves us so much but we shall never understand His true and eternal love unless we push back the darkness and advance His Kingdom for others to see.  So, yes, we need to challenge the establishment for it is one that shall only bring us disappointment and death.  Pray for our leaders and the other leaders around the world for so as this nation displays so shall the world follow.


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