Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Not a Vigilante

Not A Vigilante But Being Vigilant


To watch one’s surroundings is one of the most important detailed activities humans can perform, for it allows one to know what the general intent of others is.  While we are performing this task we do not have to make it obvious of our actions but we do need to be able enough to do this job properly.  If we do not keep ourselves in a guarded state at all times we will not be able to adequately protect those around us when danger walks towards us.  If we do not have the capability to watch for our enemy and then recognize him how can we defend ourselves before an attack occurs?  God has given us the ability to complete such tasks but we are so wrapped up in our personal distractions that we make it impossible for any defense to be provided.  When we set our hearts back on God He gives us this sense of knowledge about us to simplify our lives enough so that we can have the time to watch and see before the enemy strikes and does damage.

When I was a kid, I lived in a time where the majority of the time my parents did not have to worry too much about where I was at when I was out of their sight.  I always told them where I was going to be and they really did not have to worry about things for they knew the neighborhood and understood that when I got hungry I would be home.  Times were a bit different back then but the dangers towards children and towards adults were still present and occasionally read about in the evening papers.  No matter what time period one wishes to study, they can find actions against humans that can give a person nightmares and while we would like to become trustworthy of everyone around us each of these reminders proves that the human mind can provide some of the most gruesome thoughts ever recorded.  It is always a good idea to know your surroundings and to do our best to be vigilant in such duties.

When I was in the military early and in my basic training days, one of the first things that my instructors taught me was to always understand exactly who was around you and to make sure you understood their body movements.  Being a military person was basically putting yourself out there as a target and when a target presents itself as an opportunity enemies like to take their shot when appropriate.  It is impossible to locate and then react accordingly to every detailed enemy walking about for as we all know there are countless numbers of them but it is important that we listen to our inner heart at all times for there are many times when a certain place or setting just does not feel right for some reason.  It is time that we need to heed to our insides and leave the area with those who are with us.  If nothing happens then fine, but for whatever the reason or cause you or someone in your party may have been set up as a target for some type of wrongdoing. 

With all of the physical distractions that present themselves on a daily basis, it has been recognized that many of the spiritual dangers are thus ignored or forgotten.  We have no problem with placing all our attention onto the physical issues because they are tangible and make the headlines with no delays, but the spiritual dangers are the most important ones that we should be concerned with for when these are ignored the physical dangers only increase.  Yes, the physical dangers need to be addressed but if we place our attention on the spiritual issues first and deal with them according to the Bible the physical dangers will subside at the same time.  I am not saying that if we turn our hearts back to God that our lives will become a walk in the park or a bed of roses, but we will be able to fend off such physical attacks better if our hearts are set right with God first.

We will continue with 1 Peter 5:8 for this article and this verse goes like this: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”  Previously, God has shown us how important it is for us to be sober in spirit and why it is important that we live in this manner at all times.  Now, He is instructing us to be vigilant as well but one cannot help but notice the order in which God instructs Peter to write for it would not make sense to be vigilant first if one cannot be sober.  If we are not sober there is no way possible for us to be vigilant for our minds and eyes cannot be focused on the potential dangers around us.  This is not a play on words by any means but a solid foundational truth that we need to keep in place at all times.  For if our spiritual order is not in the correct positions we will not be able to recognize any attack from our enemy.

The definition of the word “vigilant” that is used here comes from the Greek word gregoresate which literally means watch.  In order for us to watch something or to watch things around us, we must be in a clear state of mind without any hindrances to provide opposition.  I have always maintained that one can write several books from the ideas that person can receive while simply sitting on a bench inside a mall.  The actions of other people are fascinating and tell so much about their state of mind at that moment.  The person watching these people does not really have to look at them very long either, for unknowingly they are giving off hundreds of bodily motions that proclaim so much information.  But if we are distracted with some type of object within our possession, say a phone, our capability to watch if something is about to go wrong extremely diminishes our potential to get out of harm’s way.

As the title of this message states, we are not talking about becoming a vigilante but to be vigilant.  There is a huge difference between these similarly spelled words and just as great misinterpretation by many as well.  A vigilante is a person who takes the law into their own hands to seek justice that they believe has eluded them or for society and being vigilant means to keep an eye out for such vigilante organizations.  I wish I could say that the Church understood the difference between these words but we do not and we miss the mission of Jesus because of our lack of wisdom and understanding of the two, it probably would have saved millions of lives in the process as well.  It is very important that we know that we are not to be vigilantes when it comes to our job as Christians for when we become such a character then the true mission of Jesus is thwarted and defeated before it can even be placed into motion.

It is vital that we understand what lies within our hearts and how those beliefs carry out the physical aspects of our human side at the same time.  There is no way we can figure this out unless we understand that there is a reason why we must be sober so that we can be vigilant.  Being vigilant goes hand-in-hand with being sober for a part of being vigilant is to understand completely what is going on around you.  When we understand the entire picture of the atmosphere around us it is easier to recognize the unusual behavior of others.  We do not have to actually hear their voices to sense a wrong or spiteful spirit; it will be portrayed in their movements without their direct knowledge.  Remember, the roar of the enemy is a warning of an impending encroachment and while hearing is an essential part of this state our eyes should act as an enhancing factor in this process.

It is easy for us to determine that the world is easily distracted with all of the hustle and bustle that is supposedly required and it is through this distractive tactic that our enemy shades himself amongst us to achieve his plan of devastation.  Many of you remember the movie “Finding Nemo” where one of the main characters is a fish who is easily distracted and veers off course constantly because she finds other things to occupy her mind at that moment.  This delays her ultimate goal in finding the star of the movie which costs everyone involved in the search valuable opportunities and adds risks at the same time.  It is this pattern that our enemy loves to create for it makes his job a ton easier.  It is at this time where humans need to recognize the difference between calm and chaos and choose the appropriate avenue to take instead of giving into the rat-race that has become our definition.  We cannot afford to live in such a chaotic state for the issues that plague cannot be adequately fixed, only patched over and while this serves as a temporary fix the underlying problem still remains that our vigilance cannot foresee.

It is of dire importance that we recognize our situation and understand just how serious it is for if we do not then we are sunk, no matter how hard we try.  This is where the Church is supposed to come in and work together as one in order to ensure that all potential attacks are thwarted according to God’s plan.  But here lies our problem in that the Church has become so preoccupied with the world and has allowed the world into her courts that she has become complacent with the world and its standards.  This is not being sober and this is definitely not being vigilant, in fact, it is being drunk and sluggish for it represents two immortal and enemy kingdoms fighting over what cannot be mixed.  We have already learned from God about that position and this is a consequence of what happens when we practice such a lie.  The kingdom of the world does not wish to see you succeed eternally it wants to see you die in your sin and be forever separated from God in a torturous pit that was not made for us.  Do you realize that when you selfishly interpret God’s Word to justify your own behavior that you are creating your own chaotic and dysfunctional standards and do you also realize that when you do such activities that you are automatically placing yourself into the hustle and bustle category that our enemy wants us to live within?  If one believes in such activities then you are now considered a vigilante and not a person who is being vigilant.

When a sentry is put into their place to watch out for the enemy their commanders insist that they stay awake and be on guard at all times while their shift is going.  Anytime that they lose track of time, fall asleep, or become distracted for a long enough period of time could spell the end for their fellow soldiers behind them.  It is this importance of watching that Peter is referring to here in this verse for if we do not recognize what is going on around us at all times and act together there can be no true defense.  Sentries are placed on the perimeter of the compound and are watching in every direction, not just in one.  If only one direction is covered the enemy will know exactly which direction to attack, I have also heard of the enemy attacking in the direction of just one sentry position in order to fool the compound occupants so that the main attack can come from another direction.  It is for this reason that the entire perimeter needs to have the adequate personnel to ensure complete coverage of the approaching enemy.  This broken chain of watchers is not a good example of being vigilant but it is a great example of how the enemy penetrates the Church because of their denominational beliefs.

It is imperative that the Church act together as one single entity in order for us to provide the necessary defensive tactic against any attack.  We have not done this and it has cost us so many precious lives over the course of the history of the Church.  Some have done their best to be diligent and vigilant in this undertaking but many have not and it is through these gaps that our enemy has gained so much access.  A person cannot be steady at all times when they are not sober in the spirit.  One will be turning like a top and making themselves dizzy if the entire defensive unit is not pulling their weight.  It was this point that Peter was trying to explain to the early church because he saw what damage the roaring lion had already done to the fledgling body.  One cannot properly defend anything if they do not understand who the enemy is and they cannot afford to wait until a later time to start defending and being vigilant either, for when they wait it means they lost.  We cannot be swayed or become tired while on duty for the enemy is also watching us and knows by our actions the state of condition that we are in for only a completely awakened, sharpened, and alerted perimeter defense can provide the necessary defensive position.

As we have learned it is important that not only we be sober in the spirit but also this step allows us to be vigilant.  One cannot be present without the other and it is these two steps working together that provide the truth about who our enemy is and what he is up to at all times.  Peter was specific when he wrote these words voicing his concerns about the Church during his lifetime and this voice is still circulating today.  It is imperative that we understand that if we are to have these two measures in our walk that we cannot have any selfish matters that place our soul over the presence of the spirit that God has given us.  It is also essential that we know that if we act alone on our own accord without God being first we act as vigilantes and not our job as witnesses for the vigilance of the Gospel.

Church, we have fallen down on our sentry duty and have allowed so many enemy representatives of the world to enter into our lives, but we have time to eradicate them from our spiritual lives before God has to take matters into His hands.  It is time that we follow this verse as it was meant, 100% a follower of Christ and one who desires nothing more than to witness to the lost.  We have time to turn our sleepiness watch into an effective method of detecting enemy movement against God’s children.  It is time we take a stand for Jesus and to be the true vigilant warrior in the spirit and to detect the roaring of the lion and to understand the importance of what lies ahead.  Separate yourself from the world and embrace God once again for it is He that can train our ears and eyes to listen to the warning sounds that are approaching.  A wandering eye does the mission no good but a vigilant and steadfast heart makes the watch accurate.  When we are vigilant in the Word then we shall truly understand what Jesus meant when He stated the fields are ready for harvest and why the enemy wishes for us to become preoccupied instead.


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