Monday, May 7, 2018

Earth Destroying Itself

Earth Destroying Itself


A short break from Jonah to deliver a message to those who are concerned about what humanity is currently going through and the tensions that are ever present each day that we rise.  God knows what is transpiring across our lands along with is in our hearts, and He wants us to understand that we can change the course that we have set into motion if we just stop and allow Him to take control of our lives again.  It begins in the individual heart and if allowed this godly change shall eventually infiltrate the heart of this nation once again.  We have a small amount of time left before we see the destruction of this nation and the world’s status as we have known it, but we cannot wait too much longer for things shall change dramatically if we are not up to the eternal challenge set before us.

It is a common thread to say that God works in mysterious ways and it is also a common passing statement that we tend to say but not take to heart.  If we say this statement then we must have some reckoning about how God works and why He does the things He does, and while we may not immediately understand the entire picture that has been painted, God has given us the ability to put things together as time goes along thus allowing Him to explain His Ways at the right moment.  The example that God will show us here some may scoff at while others may understand and come to realize that this is a serious and pivotal point in our personal and national lives, either way, I am obeying what God has told me to do and shall deliver the message as given.  But the example that God has shown me comes straight from His Word and it makes total sense of what we are currently leveled up to each day that we encounter others.  God does not wish to send His hand over this nation in a manner in which defies His heart, but if we do not wake up and change the ways that we have set into motion God shall no other choice but to preserve His Kingdom’s holiness through His definition of life.

Currently, we are able to watch a fascinating phenomenon occur in Hawaii, where a volcano has been giving us warnings for the past few months and now has decided to deliver on those heeded requests.  This natural event may not affect many of us on the mainland but we need to take into consideration that this part of our nation has numerous volcanoes that can once again become active at any time.  Yellowstone super caldera and Mt St. Helens quickly come to mind for they too have been in the news recently and many of us “older” folks remember when Mt St Helens erupted back in the early 1980s.  All of these natural events many will brush off as just the planet exercising its natural potential at a specific stress level internally while others may not be concerned with this type of activity at all, and of course you have the majority of people who fit in the middle of these extremities with their ideas and theories.  In any case, it is quite extraordinary to watch unfold and to see the power of nature at work while humans stand by and do nothing while this event unfolds.  What is so amazing at this event is that the lava actually consumes its own energy as it flows which paints a more deepening factor in its devastation.

The scientific portion of this example is that there is a vast amount of pressure that builds up and as the pressure builds it begins to make noticeable changes to the earth.  When the pressure reaches a certain point the underground holding center no longer can keep the pressure contained and thus breaks the surface of the earth and releases its content into the atmosphere.  In the case of the Kilauea volcano, the lava and molten rock that is being released is on a slow yet dedicated route and it is possible to get some incredible footage of such natural devastation.  The lava is extremely hot and when it comes into contact with the surface of the earth it burns everything in its path, without exception.  That is why it is important that while the scenes being created may be pretty and out of the ordinary or even once in a lifetime opportunity to see, it is not recommended that anyone be around when this molten rock approaches.

The volcano is currently has been releasing its contents for a few days now and from what experts say this flow and eruption will last for a few weeks or maybe even months.  As this destructive path grows the ground that it consumes is rendered useless for the entire upper layers of ground surface are completely wiped out due to the extreme heat of the molten rock.  Plus, when the flow subsides and slows to a halt the air temperatures begin to cool the heated rock and thus creating a new set of ground surface which will take many years to produce life again, if at all.  The part that is most concerning is that many people do not understand that the molten rock is not just ground surface particles that the lava has picked up along its path, but it is actually part of the earth that constitutes the earth itself.  When a volcano erupts, the eruption comes from the earth below and it brings with it the interior of the earth thus establishing a new ground surface that can be foreign to the current habitat of the surface.

This can mean that a variety of new factors could be presented after it is safe to return to the area and begin testing exactly what has come up from below if one wants to put it in those terms.  As this hot soup hits its new territory it destroys what it comes in contact with, and as stated above it is no respecter of persons, places, or things.  All of what has been said should not come as a surprise but there is a huge message here that God wants us to understand and it directly relates with this type of natural activity that we are witnessing from the earth today.  The earth is actually eating itself up and while it may look fascinating to some we must remember that a portion of the earth is literally being swallowed up by another portion of the same earth.  If you want to put it in a bit more personal terms it would be like your pancreas turning against your hand and somehow building up enough pressure to come from your insides to get its intended target.  While this seems far-fetched it shows the capability of the unusualness of the entire organism being subject to other parts of the body, yet functioning as one gigantic unit when stable.

God brought my attention to this today as I was watching a small video about the Kilauea volcano’s lava flow.  It was slowly creeping across a road to where an abandoned car was parked.  It eventually reached the car and totally engulfed the car never to be used or recognized again.  It was here that God asked me a question: “Do you know that is exactly what humans are doing to each other?”  Before I could think about an answer God referred me to Genesis 2:7 which states: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul.”  It was then I understood what God was showing me and what He wanted me to share with you.

While we sit back and watch the lava flow destroy anything that is in the path of this magnificent event, we cannot help but think about the personal loss of those people who are directly involved in this natural event.  Hawaii is a beautiful place and has countless attractions for almost every type of individual and personality, but it is gut-wrenching to watch this take place and no amount of human effort can stop its progress for all we can do is observe and see how much damage it will do over the unspecified amount of time.  It is this activity by Kilauea is a direct example of what we are doing to ourselves as humans.  Our selfish behavior has become so demoralizing to others that we cannot even proceed in an orderly direction as a family much less as a nation.  Polarization of our societies is now the norm and if one does not fit in within a certain community then they are isolated and ostracized on every level and deemed stupid or not in touch with reality.

It does not matter what level of human contact and activity one wishes to compare and discuss, the level of self-indulgence at the expense of others has reached out of control measuring and just as that slow lava flow in Hawaii continues to eerily creeping down its own path we are exacting identical measures upon our own brethren.  How do I know this to be a fact?  We sit for hours at a time hunting for a comment or event to disagree with and then we pounce on the one who initiated a comment that we do not like.  The blood is drawn and others swim to the fray and attack just as piranha devouring what portion can be served first.  Since we are all made up of dirt, the origins of this personal and cultural devastation that we inflict on our “physical enemies” can only mean that we are following in the “beautiful” devastation patterns of a molten rock festival with the accompanying heat that it brings.  Think about this folks, for God has a powerful message here that we need to grasp and take hold because if we do not change our tactics and return to God this molten lava flow will hit us at some point.

Now, let us think about all the times we have sat and watched the news about certain events around the world that involve humans projecting hatred – true hatred and not the made-up kind – against others.  How many shootings have occurred, how many stabbings have occurred, how many “gotcha sessions” have we endured, how many bombings have we reluctantly viewed, not to mention all of the real and natural events transpire, and how many loved ones have we lost just to normal conditions?  All of these calamities and hideous events humanity at some point glorifies for their own personal causes and then seeks out those who may be against such ideas that they have and bashes them while blaming them for said outcomes.  What more of a perfect example can God give us about how we are treating each other than this one here?  Earth destroying earth can be a horrible and grotesque sight to behold yet we unknowingly commit that episode every day of our lives and what is more sickening is that we thoroughly enjoy completing this process.  Our society is the perfect poster child for such wickedness that only our eternal enemy can deliver, in fact, it is he who gives us the match to start the fire against our brethren.

Many people want to blame a certain political party or ideology on what we are experiencing today, they could not be any further from the truth.  Look at what is transpiring here, as the verbal lava spews and flows, it means that someone else is being burned by such activity which in turn creates and then ignites its own lava flowing in the opposite direction.  Then you add another person or group into the verbal entourage and another fissure opens, then another, then another, then another and after a short period of time we have an identical catastrophe as what is unfolding in Hawaii.  Kilauea is not a new volcano it has been erupting for many years now and what is occurring in our nation today is growing just as fast.  I suggest you go onto some type of media outlet and watch some of the videos that are being circulated, study its content and then place what God has just shared with us into the framework and then maybe we can see what God is showing us and what we are doing to each other as well.

This graphic warning that we are watching unfold in Hawaii we have no control over for it is a warning that we did not create, but only God.  God sees exactly what is occurring in our hearts as we wake each day and He does not like to see such voided lives being placed into a state of dissolution because that is not how He created us to operate in and to live under.  It is this example that should show us that God does use nature to grab our attention because everything that nature can throw at us we harbor as a part of our bodies and since this is a scientific fact we cannot argue against this truth.  As we just learned in Jonah 1:9, why do we have to go through the warnings?  It is because God is trying to tell us that something is very wrong with our lives and beliefs and that He wants us to change our hearts before He must take the next step.  We may not have any control over this natural warning but we do have control over our individual and national controlling ideas and beliefs and we can change things before it becomes ugly.


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