Sunday, May 27, 2018




Everyone has at one point in their lives come into contact with this word and its meaning.  For some, it means a good thing but for most, it means an end of a contract that has not served its intended purposes.  In any manner, this word means that the intended fulfillment did not materialize in an adequate manner and is laid waste.  A void means there is an incompleteness or lack of a finished product, a state in which God cannot condone or live within.  Humans tend to thrive in such conditions so they can live in blame and circumstantial evidence against their existence, but God wants us to understand that this is not the life He created for us and that there is an eternal difference at hand.  To know and experience such awesome living experiences, God wants our hearts so that He may express His blessings of eternal life to those that choose His Ways as the example to follow.

One of the more popular things humans do is to go out in the world to find them and to find the answers that they have concerning their motivations and desires while on the earth.  There cannot be any more definitive design and definition of void and trying to fill it than this example for it presents a hole or void in that person’s life that they recognize and also knows that it needs to be filled.  Some people wander around the globe in search for this finding while others stay within themselves and look for alternative ways of expressing their desires of fulfillment.  All of us at one point in time find ourselves looking for a direction or some type of knowledge that we believe will provide us with the answers in life that we want; however, it has been proven many times over that if God is not a part of this process and the center of all our heart the answers that we find only lead to another found void and the cycle repeats.

Many times we do not figure out why this void continues to live and thrive in our lives but if we understood that God and His Word is the answer for the voids in our life so many of our issues would simply disappear and close by themselves without any problems incurred.  Throughout the Bible, God demonstrates this truth to us and as we go through this article we will find that God does know exactly what our hearts are needing and just how much closure is in order, all at the same time.  The world cannot provide such answers and right from the beginning of God’s Word we have this example and it comes in one of the most read passages in the Bible and it proves that God is the only being that can properly and eternally fill such voids in our lives.

Some of you may know that I have been divorced and through this process of my past I went through many patterns of acceptance and denial due to what had occurred in my life.  I did not ask for this process to occur but because I did not listen and understand just what was at stake it was inevitable that this process would eventually rise up enough and burst onto the scene.  I ignored it even though I knew it was a great possibility of producing a vile result at some point in my life.  After it was completed, there was an emptiness that was present inside my life and I felt like a good portion of my life and heart had been ripped away, and while that feeling was true I immediately recognized this defeat of mine and needed to have it refilled as soon as possible.  Yes, I began dating after a short while but never really found the correct person and while I continued to pursue others I was not filling the void in the correct manner but through a selfish manner instead.  My void would have continued to deepen if I did not stop and allow God to change my heart and fill that selfishly created void before I seriously considered living again.

We must begin this message with Genesis 1:1 but only the first few words of that verse need to be spoken and read to adequately defend God and His ability to fill our needs.  “In the beginning God” are the words that are needed here and to set the stage of ending all voids.  These simple few words define God and how He was actually present at the time that our beginning came into existence which means that according to His eternal truth He has no reference point or beginning and that His existence has always been.  Now, that is a huge concept for our finite (feeble) minds to wrap around but in order for us to understand just how important God is to our lives and to be the ONLY being to fill such questions and voids, one must fall in love with this verse for it gives us hope, trust, and direction for our lives.  I am not going to reiterate the voided life of Satan here but it is through his loss that defines what a void means and is to anyone who subjects themselves to such a calamity, which means all of us are subject due to the nature of our status.

Anything that establishes nothing or creates a void in any substance cannot be a good construction or design and if one trusts a construction company who builds a house or any other structure that contains holes in the foundation, walls, or ceilings and deem it structurally sound, may need a lesson in completeness.  We read the definition of void as being: not valid or legally binding; completely empty; discharge or to drain away.  There is nothing there worth mentioning for nothing present exists in a voided state.  When we read the next verse in Genesis it lists the condition of the earth and how it looks in the eyes of God.  We must remember that God cannot lie at all nor can He change His eternal status which means that when His eyes see a certain person their condition is automatically revealed to Him according to His definition.  So, if God sees that the world is dark and void then it is just that dark and void.  It is this exact condition that Genesis 1:2 describes the world and it means that at some point in time before this verse occurs that God allowed such a project to form by a hand other than His, for God cannot create a lie or anything that is “sub” or “below standard” anything. 

We can even relate this specific verse to the existence of sin and how it became such a part of our lives through the actions of choices.  I find it very difficult to believe that God would change His standard or could change His standard by creating something void and dark and just leaving it there for no reason at all.  This is impossible and God could not do it if He even tried for truth and eternal purity IS His existence which means He had another purpose for this condition.  It makes sense to me that God would have allowed Lucifer to challenge God’s existence by proving to Him that he could authorize such life and creative imaginative life.  But as we see in Genesis 1:2 there is nothing there but a huge black and meaningless void, so once again, God goes to work to create the perfect living setting right in front of Satan’s eyes; then, God does the unthinkable and creates humans just like Him and even gives us the eternal breath of life.  All of a sudden, the void is gone and eternal perfection rules once again.

Luke 1:37 gives us confirmation about how God exists and what it means to be born and live for God when it says: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”  Then add this eternal truth to John 10:10 where it states: “The thief cometh not, for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  There is no mention of the word void in these two verses containing references to God, only our enemy and what he can provide.  God gave him an opportunity to try and create the perfect establishment on earth, Satan could not do it, and Satan tricked us into believing that his way was better but God still provided the perfect way of being restored.  Each and every time God has provided us the perfect and true way of representing, being, and living life as it was created to be, without void.  So, why do we continue to choose the side of a loser in every category?  I wish I could say that I have never fallen into the traps of the devil and could be exempt from his lies, but I cannot for I have done so many times before and probably will do it again at some point down the road, but I have hope in God that I shall see His eternal truth in front of me so that those failing opportunities are few and far between.

God has shared with us many times over these past few years within these articles that He cannot change, and it is this truth that we base our relationship with Him and it is this eternal truth and foundation that we present our lives onto for restoration and eternal keeping by our Creator.  God also wants us to understand that our enemy cannot change either, once he fell from God he cannot reverse his position which means he cannot ever, in no way possible tell the truth.  It is VERY important that we understand this part about our enemy because it has come to the attention of God that we have once again fallen for the deceptive and colorful lies of Satan, so much so that this nation is now grabbing the eyes of God in such a manner that is not to our liking.  We have allowed Satan’s void to be present and then grow into our hearts at a reckless pace and it is now encompassing our entire life’s existence.  It is this reckless pattern of existence we would expect to experience from those who reject God and His Ways, in other words, the world.

However, we face the concept and sad truth that the Church has fallen into this reckless abandonment of God and have accepted the same lie as the truth that Adam and Eve believed.  It is difficult to understand why Adam and Eve fell for such a trick but it is even more confounding to think that when a perfect opportunity appears to redeem us back to the holy and pure state of existence that we do not take it without condition.  Sadly, we have come to the conclusion that our lives deserve to live in such voided conditions and there we must remain during the life torture period that surrounds us all.  When we accept the world as any standard, we can accept nothing more than a void or darkness, plain and to the point.  We have been so blinded that we now cannot even recognize what is truth and what is a lie, for when we look upon a transgender person and see that the appearance of that person is considered more standard than either a male or female we are spiritually void which means we have no desire to have any connection to God; thus, a condition and status of Genesis 1:2.

Be aware be very aware, of what occurred after Genesis 1:2 and it is this truth that we must understand and grasp for it holds so true today.  When God saw the world sitting there being void and in total darkness, He could not stand to hear its groaning to Him.  He could not sit back and watch nothing rule the day, so He changed it.  So, how does the state of Genesis 1:2 differ?  It differs because at that point Satan could not do anything so God had to start from our beginning.  Today, there is something present and when the void is celebrated and loved more than life God has to reset the picture according to His Ways and Creation, He cannot just sit back and watch Satan win, especially through lies.  This means that God at some point will have to reset the map and place things back on a scale of His choosing in order to give us another opportunity to see who really loves us and who really lies to us.

You do not believe me?  Study the entire Bible and you shall see that what God has just shared with us is true and what God is sharing with us today is that an unimaginable change is headed our way unless we stop and repent of our sins and then allow Him to throw away the world from our hearts.  If God allowed such destruction to come to the Children of Israel, the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah, what makes you think that we and today’s society are any better than they were and would be exempt from such similar destruction?  In no other time in human existence have we had it so easy and had so many opportunities to show others that God is real and that He is the One that Created us.  Yet, we have sat in our church buildings and sang our little songs and did not mean one ounce of it, all the while the world taking control of our existence without any inhibitory measures taken. 

It is time we understand that we are knowingly, willfully, and desiring to re-create the status of Genesis 1:2 and with this lie as our fulfillment goal, our lives will change shortly.  Church, stop and repent completely repent and allow God to flow through our hearts to the world again with the truth about who we are and how God wants to live.  It is strictly up to us to complete this truth for it is the command that Jesus gave to us to do.  God does not want us to retreat to a Genesis 1:2 status, but a Genesis 1:3 – Genesis 3:6 status and it is all possible if we place Him first in our lives and live for His Ways at all times.


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