Thursday, May 31, 2018

You Are A Thief

You Are A Thief


All of us at one time in our lives have taken things that do not belong to us, but it is this small fact that is not what is considered important right at this moment.  There is another truth that we need to understand that far outweighs this minute detail but at the same time explains why the title of this article is a true statement.  This thievery that I am talking about encompasses a greater being and entity and it defines being born into sin.  It is our lives that provide this example of theft and it is because we chose to live in our own mechanisms that we have to shamefully admit this fact.  However, just as God’s Word was relevant in the lives of Adam and Eve its life is still true for us today and its Author is the only one that can rightly return our thievery, especially since it is He who we steal from with each breath we take.

How dare I suggest a statement such as this?  I can almost hear some people say this and ask such a pointed question, along with a few other statements and questions that follow the same pattern.  But it is okay for it would be a logical question for those who do not understand what our lives mean and how we were created and to be honest, when God revealed to me about this article, I had to stop for a second before it really set into my heart.  This is not an easy topic to write about for it deals strictly with our hearts and the condition that we have become to believe in concerning our existence itself.  The title of this article is one of complete truth and it is one that we need to not only understand for ourselves but to share with others because it is just as important for your brother as it is for you.

It is important that we take a step back and review another article that God has given us.  The specific article in mind is “The Definition of We” which was published on 1/23/17, and it is this article that contains the beginning of what this article will be talking about.  Our minds cannot comprehend something that has no real beginning yet it is the only Being that Created us that this eternal status can be attributed and it is this one Being that starts our existence and the eternal standard of the “The Definition of We” for if this eternal Being was not present our lives would have no directional meaning and purpose.  It is this definition that our existence was established, and thus, if any differences occur then it shall mean that our original and perfect design by the perfect and original Creator would be changed.  It is through this eternal and holy principle that we chose to violate thus believing a liar instead of the One true Creator; therefore, we by our own choosing chose to steal from God His one true creation and standard and THAT single issue alone proves that our lives being born into sin establishes us a thief unto our Creator.

Let us go back to the first few chapters of Genesis to see this truth about our lives for it is these two chapters that give us the status of our creation and the conditions that we were created in and within.  When God looks over something and says that it is good, you can count on every detail of what He sees is just that, good to His standard.  This means that every spec of detailed issuance is perfect and that nothing is made below His eternal and holy position and definition.  It is this setting that we see in place after Genesis 1:2 is stated which means that the liar who had his opportunity to make life eternal and perfect failed again in his efforts to outsmart and outwit God.  The establishment of the human presence on this earth cannot be denied nor can it ever come into question concerning our creation and status.  We were perfect and lived in a perfect dominion and it was our responsibility to keep that dominion as God created and established it.

So what occurred that brought us to the truth concerning our lives that we are thieves?  The period of time of when Genesis 3:1 and Genesis 3:7 occurs is not specific, nor is the time period from Genesis Chapter 2 until Genesis Chapter 3.  We do know that a bunch of information must have exchanged hands and that some type of relationship developed between Adam and Eve and Satan for when Genesis 3:4-6 rolls around there is no startled settings in place, only a comfortable atmosphere that cannot be argued.  The level of communication is not part of the biblical text yet one can easily attribute that the conversation has been about the duties, workings, and status of Adam and Eve with God.  This means that the thief had already gained access to the prized Creations of God, and also had already unknowingly devalued their existence enough to warrant a trip to the forbidden tree and a position that God had warned about previously.

How many times has one of our children or even ourselves brought someone home to meet the family and instantly known that it was not going to be a good match?  I am not suggesting any type of class warfare or degradation here, but there comes a time when it is well known that the paring of such people will not result in anything good.  It is this case that we find Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:6 for their attempts to entertain the Serpent have had successful results and he is about to pull the plug and identify his true plan for their relationship.  By now, the humans are warped enough to grasp the opportunity and so he does in Genesis 3:5 and the “fruits” of the relationship come to a head in Genesis 3:6 and the plan of the Serpent are completed.  I understand that we have heard this portion of the article many times before but it is most imperative that we know who is responsible for the actions that all of us face today.  Modernity would state it is the fault of the Serpent but that is not the truth, it was our decision to eat and then bear the consequences, plus it serves as the basis for why we are a thief in the eternal setting of our existence.

We have read, studied, and even sang about how everything belongs to God because He is the one who has created everything.  This is a true statement that so much weight behind its meaning and such weight we tend to forget about when it comes to our responsibilities as a presence on this earth, in other words, do you truly believe what you say, read, and sing?  Part of dressing and keeping of the Garden of Eden was to make sure that no invaders were allowed to flourish and another part of our dominion was to ensure that all parts of the environment were maintained according to God’s standards.  These standards also included our minds and hearts and the only way that any of these standards could have been kept up in an orderly and holy fashion was to receive such standards from God Himself, in which He did.  When we decided to go in our own direction and believe the thief our standards changed from our original position and status which means we were no longer at the same level that God had created us in.  So, if this is the truth, and it is, that means we stole from God that portion of His Creation from our lives and voluntarily gave it to our enemy.  How can this be true?  Well, we must remember that when Lucifer fell from Heaven He stole from God what God had previously made whole and holy so it is through this definition of thievery that binds Satan into the job that he fortuitously committed in the Garden of Eden and continues this act today.  Since he is bound to such a life, then all he can do is to lie, steal, cheat, and destroy for that is the position he chose to accept when he challenged God for His position in Heaven.

It is also easy for us to say that Satan is our enemy but what level of respect for him do we hold, and by respect, I mean how much do we know him and his activities?  Would it be safe to say that we probably believe in him just as much as we believe God represents everything about life and our existence?  A question to ponder and to study further because it is ultimately the responsibility of the Church to show the people who need God the truth about who they are and what they mean to God and if we cannot succeed in this mission then we are the prime examples of thievery.  More in tune would be to say that we are living on the same level as Adam and Eve were in Genesis 3:4-6.  Adam and Eve abandoned the direct teaching that God gave them during their daily talks face to face by agreeing to believe the twisted lies that the Serpent spoke.  God cannot represent anything else but life, true life and while His instructions must have become mundane in some sort to Adam and Eve they had already had doubts in the back of their mind for some period of time because it fell so easy into Satan’s plan in Genesis 3:7.  The act of thievery occurred once again but because of the way God created us we were able to have a second chance for while our bodies die and that process is out of our control the choice still reigns within our hearts to choose God and to slap our eternal enemy as we enter into the presence of God.

We soon see because of the way that God created our lives He is able to once again show us His Way of separation and restoration.  Genesis 3:21 states that God made skins of clothing for Adam and Eve to restore their covering in the manner in which was needed, a manner in which God only could provide.  The first example of sacrificing occurred that day for God had to reassure both of them that He had not abandoned them and that even though they stole from Him, He was still their Father and He loved them.  God displayed to Adam and Eve that even though He understood their wickedness before Him there was a way to purely hide this wickedness from His sight, but it had to be done His Way alone.  The entire Word of God is lined with thieves that stole from God and did not understand exactly their need for God to cover them.  Anytime a person goes it alone and seeks answers on their own shall face the consequences of failure and extended thievery, it cannot be done alone God must be in control at all times for any eternal covering to be present.

It does not matter what type of action humans may take to try and cover their lives with blankets of salvation, it shall not work.  It is imperative that we understand that the world is the domain of Satan and Genesis 3:24 tells us this statement is true.  It is through our choice of abandonment that leads us into lives that we know today, it does not matter on what level you choose to exist, we all need to have God as our covering for every day we hear about varied excuses others use to justify their actions, they are all examples of thievery.  As stated above and many times previously through these articles, God cannot represent anything but life and if we are subject to death, in ANY manner, we choose to further our thievery.  God cannot represent death but He provides us a way out on the eternal death status but we must completely and 100% turn our hearts over to Him.

One more passage of Scripture that God wants us to understand to think about a bit more in depth and that is when Jesus was on the cross.  Luke Chapter 23 gives us the example of when Jesus was crucified between two thieves.  This passage tells us that even the time when Jesus was being crucified was all pointing the Truth about God, His Sons’ life and true meaning of our lives as well.  It is NOT a coincidence that Jesus was crucified between these two men, because it all points back to the “Definition of We” and whether or not we accept this disciple of true separation from the world or if we become thieves to our Creator; it restates the passage of Genesis 3:21 and Genesis 3:24.  This is a harsh statement but it is an eternal statement that we need to really consider because it represents exactly the choice that is set before our lives.  It is this truth about our thievery that brings into our hearts concerning obedience and 100% completeness in serving God for it was the exact reason why Jesus gave His life for us.

It is impossible for our finite minds and eyes to fully understand the truth about eternal forgiveness and faith for that matter.  When our eyes and hearts stare squarely at the examples of humans it is simple for us to reject anything invisible for what we can ourselves justify.  Even the absurd becomes logical if we delve into the settings around us for any lengthy period of time, a method so methodically planned by our enemy that it really manifests itself without even having to be presented in a fashionable manner.  All of us struggle with everyday life issues and what we have to witness as we step across their boundaries, this makes sense for it is the only guarantee that this world can give us as we rise and fall asleep.  But as God covered Adam and Eve and showed them once again that He was the only way possible for eternal life, God gave us His Son to show us again that He meant business way back in the Garden of Eden and He still means business today.

Just as the one thief next to Jesus chose to change his life that dreadful day, so can you today.  God is not a religion or a denomination but He is a living and breathing individual that wants to have a relationship with you.  So many times we have read how the so-called church and the people who attend its meetings have done horrific things towards others.  It is easy for us to be turned off to God through others actions but God is not like that, He is perfect in every way and He wants to show you that there is a better way of life, the one He wants for you.  I do not have to explain just how hard the world is and how difficult it treats all, that is not what God wants for our lives and even though we must tread through what the world offers we do not have to participate in its filth.  The filth that the world offers represents the thievery that Satan took from God and then the lies that he convinced us so long ago.  When we accept this life then we strengthen our thievery against God but when we accept His Ways, then we are just like we were as God created us before the theft occurred.


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