Wednesday, January 9, 2019

An Aborted Life

An Aborted Life


Whether we understand this word or not we are all affected by its definition at some point or circumstance in our existence.  Not many scenarios will place this word in a good context but we have to contend that some folks just limit its definition to one setting and justify its presence through such doors.  God never intended to have this word a part of our lives, but through the choices that humanity made so long ago we are stuck with its grotesque ability to dominate our hearts.  God wants His children to understand that there is healing that He wishes for us to have when it comes to this word and when it is applied to our lives in such an amplified manner.  This is an inherited word that God warned us about and that Jesus defeated when He rose from the dead and we need to start administering His authority over this death word’s deadly authority for if we continue to accept it as a part of our existence then we have no alternative but to live its consequences.

The world has a wonderful manner of inflating or deflating a cause that suits their opinions, beliefs, and ways of living.  This notion and specification of word usage is a dangerous practice for it serves one's purpose only and does not take into consideration the word’s entire meaning and overall function in language use.  Anytime a person, place, or thing is used as a singular item of interest and subjected to ridicule by an opposing opinion the direct content of such noun probably has been misused or misdefined largely enough that if one steps back and looks over the situation can see that it is used in violation to the meaning of the word itself for selfish reasons or gains.  It would be easy for us to limit such a topic to one item and focus solely upon the ramifications of such devastation in a person’s life, but the word abort has so many more features to it that cannot be ignored and God wants us to understand these features so we can combat this word according to His Ways.  Also, we must contend that God cannot create such devastation in any created being He authorizes to live, therefore it must be a word derived opposite to life and has the definition of ceasing or ending; such a word is death.

Have you ever watched an action movie that has something to do with a governmental mission involving a certain amount of people going to another place and performing some type of operation there?  Or have you ever watch some type of military movie during your lifetime?  What about a spy movie, or any other type of espionage setting, James Bond comes to mind?  If you have, then you will understand that sometimes when the operation has just begun or is about to take place an order from someone high up shouts the command to abort, abort!  It is this word that tells the people involved in such missions to immediately stop the mission and to get out of the area as soon as possible for some type of breach has occurred and the attacking forces are at an increased risk of exposure before the target can be neutralized.  While many of the spy movies and military action movies are fiction based stories, these types of operations have been stopped for various reasons and thus fall into the category of an aborted mission.  It is this type of action, or stopping of action that is going to be used here in this article as a reason why God did not plan for this word to be used in our lives but left the option open to us whether or not to abide by His Ways or by the ways of the world.  So, if you are wondering, yes the word abortion is used in the Bible and it is a word that was chosen by us to accept, for we must remember that God is a complete God on all areas even when it comes to the words He uses in order to make His point to our hearts.

The definition of abort is one that explains it all and while there is an obvious definition that many automatically refer to in conversation the overall and complete definition does reflect the same conclusion a stoppage of some type of referenced mission.  Webster defines abort, abortion, aborted as follows: to terminate a procedure prematurely, to become checked in development so as to degenerate or remain rudimentary, to terminate the pregnancy before term, to terminate prematurely or to cancel.  As it can be read, the complete definition of the word abort has a general desired meaning but just to one area of life as usually directed by popular demands.  It can be drawn as a conclusion that the overall meaning and definition of this word equals to death before it was supposed to naturally occur and it is this truth that one can honestly say that abortion is directed and spoken about in the Bible, for when God uses a word in reference He does so in such a manner that follows His own definition which is eternal and complete and therefore we have this defined word first used in Genesis 2:17.

The entire definition of this word seems pretty bleak with no way out of its finality and fatality but in order to understand its realm we must first return to its origin and we can find this beginning in the Bible in Genesis 2:15-17.  We see here that God is instructing Adam about his duties concerning the Garden of Eden and important it is that he obeys God’s command concerning such duties.  God also makes a command that Adam do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and it is what God says next that brings into play an exotic yet dangerous word and condition that had to have Adam’s mind spinning, but with God being God and through the operations that He exists told Adam everything he needed to know about the word.  That word was death and the entire phrase was given to Adam in such a clear and precise manner that Adam had no reason to ignore its content.

But as with any other figure of speech that we fully do not understand, Adam had to toy with the idea about this deadly condition in which at first he must have been very frightened with it and vowed to himself not to even entertain the notion of such finality but as any “good” human does eventually Adam began to think otherwise about the command and it was at this moment that he and the woman became subject to the other side of the block and were already playing into the hands of the enemy.  We should also find it intriguing that God brings up this word at this point in time, which means that death was not in the immediate lineage of humans at that moment, for if it was then there would have been no reason for God to bring that word into play for it would have already been established as a sentence within our lives.  We also know that when God creates something He cannot produce any flaws within that Creation, it is perfect in every way yet He gives them gifts of choices that convene inside and allows the Creation to follow as needed.

Human understanding and categorical language differentiation astound me sometimes in that we pick and choose which words to say but not always use them in a correct manner.  All of us are guilty of such usage and while most do not correct the usage we accept the words used in a context that is more popular to our daily lives instead of looking at the entire definition.  I am so guilty of this pointed out deficiency for when I was in high school supposedly learning about grammar and sentence structure I had no intentions of studying that deeply in order to produce finer and more accurate sentence structure, I wanted my “C” in English and go on with my life.  Regretfully, this attitude of mine way back when cost me dearly over the next few decades and I must admit I still struggle with mastering words and structure.  But God uses my heart to share with you exactly what He wants us to know so that we can follow His guidance at all times without having to experience any type of termination of our purpose that He has given us to complete.  Our only flaw is that we tend to run across this word in particular and then freeze because we do not understand or know how to wisely defend God and His views on the matter.  We compartmentalize free will into a selfish category and place it on a worldly level of equality which bastardizes the holy intention of what God did not want humans to ever face.

We have teetered around this word so much that it has become a common thread with one usage only, and that is the termination of babies.  While this is a part of the definition of the word it is not the idea of such action that is warranted but only manifested through the selfish free will choices that we live.  What God understands as death means a total and complete separated state from Him whereas we see this abortive action as a choice to rid ourselves of either a result our choice of an act, a result of two people consensual acts, or a choice of someone else’s acts against another.  In either way, the word still has its intended end, death to a living spirit that has a Divine purpose for humanity.  But this word does not stop here and its meaning and message continues to be a thorn in our side as each day of our lives pass, for since Eve and Adam ate of the tree that day death has always been an end game for humanity, an aborted life that we cannot ignore or get around.

Humanity has fallen for the belief that terminating a life will make their lives easier and simpler and clears a path of their planned activities and growth.  We see this type of examples in the mob activity and in the gang lifestyle; both existences torment others into getting out of their way and if stood up against think nothing about alleviating the problem.  It may sound like a totally different scenario and condition but when we go back to the word abort and look at its entire definition and keep that entire definition in mind we shall find that it means the exact same thing, life has been shortened by another human for ______ reason.  It says something about the heart of a society and nation when their number one goal is to ensure that murder can be justified through the laws of the world.  As with everyone who is reading this article knows, all I know is life and even though my genetic makeup stinks and my life could be snuffed out at any moment, I thank God every day that He has allowed certain people in this nation to have the determination to create and then establish procedures that will keep my genetic markers in check for a while longer.

As each day passes, I become more disenchanted with the societal concerns that roll across my eyes for the majority of them enrage against the responsibility of life and glorify and advance death to others on every stage of life.  It saddens God’s heart to hear His beloved Creations cry out to end life as they know it unwittingly fulfilling the curse of Genesis 2:17 upon our lives.  We have no clue, that through these actions and commitments to the results of Genesis 2:17, we have elected to sin and thus establish an aborted life as a punishment disguised by a lie we have fallen for.  A terrible waste of God’s merciful plan for our redemption even though the plan sits right in front of our faces as we cry out for answers that ultimately plagues our bodies and spirits.  We must once again come back to the truth about death and that there is nothing good about this process and we must do everything we can to prevent it from taking our lives before it is time; for if God intended for death to be a good thing then He would have instilled it within our lives, to begin with, and not issued its presence due to disobedience, nor would He have put into place a direct path in which to overcome its sting.  So, yes, abortion and all of its demise against life is addressed in the Bible and defines the line of which Kingdom has control of a person's life.

It is sometimes difficult to grasp the concept that sin creates, develops, and then establishes in our lives and serves as the foundation for death, but it is an inevitable consort that none of us can escape.  However as it has been stated many times before and it has been mentioned in the above paragraphs as well, God has established an escape plan for those who wish to know eternal life with Him.  This next statement is a harsh one but it comes from the heart of God and serves as a foundation of our lives and why we are present on this earth.  Ending a life here on earth does not mean that our lives are over, but in truth they have just begun for our eternal life still exists; however, we must contend and accept that our eternal life, while it is a glorious thing, cannot do the humans one ounce of good for their time on earth is done.  Yes, heaven rejoices and our lives then know exactly what it means to be pure and holy again but the designed eternal status on the earth is thwarted and only memories are left to those who continue to walk this earth.  Just as Keith Green famously said so many times during his ministry here, God can’t cash out of state checks in heaven, He needs you.

Sadly yet not unpredictably the world has graciously accepted this pattern of death for those who wish to follow its lead.  Our enemy has done a fabulous job in smoothing over the truth about this result concerning death, and throughout the ages of time has convinced countless people to end others’ lives while fulfilling this command of Satan.  But Satan has not stopped there for he has moved into the Church world as well and now claims millions of lives through the name of God and in the name of God.  The Church has fallen into bed with Satan and his patterns of the world and has done so with the same gratuitous heart that Satan employs against God.  The imploring of self and self-realization into our lives has produced Church leaders with false accounts of truth and the position of life where it concerns the definition and existence of God, ignoring the holy judgmental status of death and what it means to those who lose their lives at any stage of their existence.  Grotesquely this practice of abortion in all of its meaning has been accepted by the Church and is now worming its way through all demonic denominations that are present on the earth.  God created Adam and Eve as one entity through Him just as Jesus created the Church as one entity through Him.

How can we stand as individuals before God and justify any type of death sentence on anyone?  God is not talking about criminals who have done heinous crimes against humanity, or is He?  There is nothing more ugly than an unrepentant thief about to be executed, think about that one for a moment.  But the Church stands before God every day trying her best to justify equality through worldly mannerisms all the while ignoring the truth about the one who they are standing in front of.  Oh Church, it is time we get on our knees and repent before this nation falls into the greatest abyss this planet has ever witnessed.  We have allowed the enemy of life to infiltrate our hearts to the point where we now call evil good and good evil.  Our existence shall continue to splinter until we figure out that the accepted lies that we have fallen in love with actually contribute to our aborted life and when we stand in front of God to give account of our life, how can we defend our motives of abortion while death was already a guarantee due to humanity’s disobedience in the first place?


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