Friday, January 18, 2019

Being Judgmental 2

Being Judgmental 2


Having the authority to speak a person’s mind has always relied upon the truth and sometimes when this truth is viewed by others and not by the one receiving, things can become a tad heated.  We have become stuck in a quagmire of self-righteous behaviors that we deem a necessary to fit in with societies today, but at what cost has this prediction cost us where has it led us when it comes to the concerns of our dignity and the required survivability we cling?  God did not create us to be cowards or creations that skirt around the truth for any reason, but because we have succumbed to the worldly standards we have sequestered this attitude within our hearts.  God does want us to stand up for our beliefs which include His Word and Ways but we can never accomplish this holy act while joined at the hip with the world.  God’s Ways are not our ways nor is His Ways the ways of the world either and until we turn from our wicked ways our land, both personal and national, shall never be healed.

A word of warning but mostly advice concerning this article before we start, for it is not going to be a pretty or easy one to swallow because it deals with a huge worldly liability called pride.  It will place the correct lineage of authority and livelihood in its correct order and it is this aspect of the topic that may not settle too well with some, but that is okay for one must remember that the words that are typed here are not mine but God’s which means that you can delete me from your reading list but you cannot ever delete God’s Word from your eyes, ears, and heart.  God’s desire is for us to live in true peace and happiness and unless we heed the calls that He is saying to our hearts and to allow Him into our hearts, our lives shall continue to turn down ugly paths and absolute heinous conditions can only follow.  God loves you and it is His Will to see us prosper in all areas of our lives and not suffer one bit as we journey this life together.  Furthermore, always remember that the words that are used in these articles are not mine and that I am only obeying what has been given to me to give to you.  God loves you and so do I and it is His desire for you to know the eternal Truth and not a jaded lie the world spreads around.

Over the last few years, we have had a few conversations concerning this phrase and how volatile it can become when engaged between two opposing sides or personal ideologies.  The phrase “don’t judge me” or any other type of variable is a determining statement that basically shuts down any type of argument for another opinion or concern.  This type of language usage represents a powerful weapon that many use in order to secretly justify their actions and do not wish to have understanding between other concern parties, to the point where caring friends or family members become hurt by such words when used as an aggressive manner, so much so that the relationship between the parties can become damaged or even broken.  Can we imagine what a society would be like if parents bought this phrase from their children when the parents asked questions about their whereabouts or what they did on their dates?  Oh wait, that ugly scenario is already in place.  So, where does this mean in terms of authority and who actually has the placement of such a position?  Do we remember that this type of authority questioning has been given to us in the Bible?  A couple of prime examples are presented in God’s Word and ones that we really should heed for they give origin to such selfish and gainful positions and the consequences of them when acted upon.  One of the more popular Scripture passages provides us with this non-judgmental attitude that many people take and then demonstrate to those around so with that we return to Genesis Chapter 3.

Through this lack of knowledge concerning the inside makeup of every human, we cannot help but follow one of two paths with one path leading down a wide path with all sorts of highlights that adorn every step we take or the other path which narrow and stony and does not represent anything like what the wide path has to offer.  The obvious choice would be the easy way out without incurring any tough or tumultuous responses around, but that silver lining has its own dangerous curves that once taken and experienced cannot be returned or changed which means that whatever comes your way along this glorious path you alone are the one who will walk the results.  This path is one of self reliance and self preservation which means you really do not have to answer to anyone at the moment but yourself, a tempting game of fate that looks like a great gig but when crunch time arrives most are not prepared to experience what is front of them, then disastrous choices are made in the name of comfortability, and relaxation which never arrives either.  The detail that needs to be understood here is that the enemy that came to Adam and Eve had already been thrown out of Heaven for the exact same attitude and God would not have ignored this issue by allowing Adam and Eve to go about things on their own.

As Genesis Chapter 3 opens, we see that the woman is having a conversation with the Serpent and it seems to be one that is not of an excited nature but one that is calm and collected.  God has shared with us this truth a while back and should be fresh in our minds and during this article we are going to give Eve a break and address the other half here because the action taken by this other half directly relates to our lives today, and that is the state in which Adam chose to take or in this case, did not take.  After the introduction and preliminaries had finished, Satan takes command of the conversation pretty quickly by stating what God had said along with a lie attached to it.  The woman corrected him but added a lie as well which gave the necessary complimentary access to humanity and with this open door, Satan did not wait any longer and over the next amounts of time got the woman and Adam to eat of the fruit.  The key here is that Adam partook of the fruit when the woman presented it to him, and Adam had said nothing about the act that she had just committed.  It is easy for us to say that Adam was wrong in the decision to eat of the fruit but what about not standing up for the position in which he was created for and put into by God in the first place.

It is this non-action by Adam that serves as the subject of this article and how Adam passed a non-judgmental action when the woman reached for the fruit.  The question that many of us have is why would he just sit there and allow things to occur especially when he was the one that directly received the command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from God?  God did not leave anything out when He said these words to Adam nor did He leave out the consequences of such disobedient acts.  This passage oozes with this phrase being projected because Adam should have said something before things got out of hand, but all he did was take the fruit from the woman and eat it as well.  It is this act that Adam demonstrates that he was not in a leadership position nor one that would have the willingness to stand up to the Serpent when he suggested such a topic to be discussed.  In other words, Adam did not “pass judgment” against the woman or the origin of the act the Serpent and demonstrated a certain level of intimidation that had been supplanted by his original authoritative stature.  Up until the moment that the fruit was eaten, Adam could have stopped such sin from entering into our lives yet through his lack of doing anything we have our issues today.

Adam fell down as a leader and as a husband by sitting around and not taking the lead in the situation, at least he could have done was delay the act by reminding the woman of what God had said but according to Scripture not a word was uttered by Adam during this passage and thus doing so failed to act as her protector and equal authority figure.  There could not be any question that both parties understood what was about to occur and what transpired afterward and within a few verses down in Chapter 3 we see the entire attitude of Adam change with how he declares to God about who He gave him as his wife.  It is this future statement that reaffirms that Adam was not going to challenge either party or himself at the time of the fall, a procedure that through the will of a leader to stand up and say that what another is doing is wrong and should not be done.  We can only imagine what the woman would have said if Adam had stated something against the action at the tree but it probably would not have been very nice for it is obvious that the detrimental thinking had already been invoked and processed by the Serpent into their lives for an extended amount of time.

Once again we find ourselves following in the directional footsteps of Adam and Eve and many other people that are included in biblical settings, yet do not heed the wisdom of this history lesson and travel by way of by the moment living instead.  Our minds have developed such cautionary phrases for a reason and while I would love to say that every time these phrases are used they are done so in a loving manner but that would be a lie just as Satan used in the Garden of Eden.  The usage of this phrase of “do not judge me” can be heard just as loud through the eyes of another as if it was coming directly from their mouths and it is a phrase that gains leverage or tries to gain leverage over another so that the selfish will or made up mind can complete the task at hand.  Yes, we should always be in control of ourselves enough to make correct decisions in harsh conditions but from the passage and tone of the passage, Satan had done enough blurring the line of distinction concerning death that both Adam and the woman no longer feared what it meant.  This is where Adam should have stepped in and took control over what was being stated to them and defended God and His Ways but he did not and thus allowed the words of the enemy to take root in his heart. 

In normal relationships, it would seem logical that each would stand up for the other and since the attack was directed towards the woman it would have been Adam’s responsibility to do the standing, but as stated above and probably due to the fact that Satan had worked on his heart, that never occurred and when nothing immediately occurred to the woman he took of the fruit then the entire single unit was compromised.  It is this part that tears many relationships apart when the other half does not adequately and properly stand up for what is important and right concerning the sanctity and unity of the relationship.  Passing on judgment is exactly what Satan wants out of our lives for when we do this and allow injustices to occur the process of separation and devastation is on course.  If Satan is for something that automatically means that God is against it for Satan stands for disobedience period and nothing else, a law that so many of us forget or try and pass on the judgment about.  Stop and think about this passage for a while and see the difficulties that change our lives when we do not stand up for what is right and commit to the road that we are given by God.

The Church now plays the part of Adam in Genesis 3:1-6 and regularly supports his silence as we accept the world into our lives and continues to believe that we are saved and can be welcomed into Heaven as Christians.  It is our obligation to warn people about sin and how it affects our lives both in the present and in the future including the supernatural status of our existence.  But we have become so fixated at pacifying the world and its creed that we stand still in silence as baby after baby is chopped up and then scream profanities at those who come against such heinous acts of disobedience.  So many other issues can be placed into this equation and fit comfortably without distorting truth measures and it is this act of “passing” judgment that is going to cost us not only our nation but our lives as well.  We have lost the truth when it comes to the importance of standing up and telling the Truth according to God’s Word and what it says about what is good and what is evil.  Church, why are we sitting idly by and watching people partake of the sin of the world and us not even standing up and warning them?  It is because we have taken up the mantle of Adam in this passage and are partaking of the fruit as well.

Satan’s perfect setting is for God’s children to run amuck and not have any accountability in their decisions or over their lives.  This society is in full swing of destroying every system that has been put in place so that we do not have to answer to anyone or any law.  Do not judge me has been rapidly deployed and thoroughly demonstrated as cultural norms while the ways and means of such a foundation while being seen every day are completely ignored.  Ignoring the truth is the best example of not doing anything about the phrase “do not judge me”.  It cost Adam and Eve their eternal bliss with the impending result hanging over our heads until we draw our last breath, so why would we entertain such devastation?  When we do not tell people that the things they are pursuing are wrong and harmful then we are falling into the same trap that Adam was in when he sat silent and then took participation in eating of the fruit.  There is a reason why this verse mentions this scene, for while Adam and Eve had full cognitive recognition of their actions God knew what they were doing yet allowed them to fall.  We do not have to follow in their footsteps but we have the ability to live for God once again.

We have systematically accepted the opposite to be true and thus cannot see what this deceptive maneuver has done to our societies.  Church, we are running out of time and we no longer have the relaxed freedom from God, it is time that we gather our loved ones around and to share with them and to remind them that God loves us and that there is a Savior that shed His blood for us so that we can escape this terrible act of death.  The question was presented above about what would have occurred if Adam had acted as he should have and not just being a willing participant.  The answer to that question would be witnessed if the Church decides to follow through with the command that Jesus gave to all of us for both commands directly related to our protection, salvation, and restoration through the Godhead.  It is time we repent from our non-judgmental status and stand up for God and what is right for how can we stand before God and plead our innocence or deeds when we cannot even be more than a willing wretch supporting those who are not in the accurate position of judging when it is necessary?


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