Friday, January 11, 2019

Death of a President

Death of a President


This event is considered to be one of great heed to a country or nation in desperation with a solid outcome that has no choice but to shift gears as the changes occur.  It is a shocking experience when this type of mayhem happens and the world is taken back a bit until the settlements have been made and stability once again calms the fears of the people.  But what occurs when a national president is assassinated or removed?  How does the world respond to such an ordeal?  As of this moment, we have no idea for such a move has not transpired as of yet, but unless we change our hearts and return to God we shall see such a horrific event occur which will have life-changing settings on every level of every nation in this world.  God is calling and tugging this nation back to His confines of Covenant and if we do not heed this warning our presence on this earth as we are known today shall cease forever; it is written.

During the span of my lifetime, there have been approximately 47 presidential/prime minister assassinations that have occurred around the world.  Most of the names on this list, if they were noted, would not mean much to people in the western hemisphere because they lived in small nations that did not and continue not to require the necessary notoriety that larger nations seem to command, but in any case the leaders who lost their lives did so in such a horrific manner that all of their deaths should be noted for their countries were involuntarily placed into further dire straits through these acts.  Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin are two names on this list and for the most part, are recognized as top leaders of nations who lived and served through difficult times in the Middle East.  In either ideological case, these acts declared national emergencies within their borders and had the potential of creating international consequences throughout the respective regions.

This nation has been blessed with a lack of political assassinations during my lifetime with the last one being the murder of John F Kennedy in 1963 with the attempted assassination of President Ford in 1975 and the assassination attempt on President Reagan in 1981 being the closest to such a tragedy during my lifetime.  The time is ripe for such another attempt or some other political violence to take place on a sitting US President.  When President Reagan’s life was in danger there were mixed emotions concerning what occurred.  Some of the interior levels of our society went into a panic mode while others continued to stay calm while the day unfolded.  Many people cheered this event while others cried in the horrors of the possible outcome.  The nations around the world also stood in wonder lined with the same-sided emotions, some ready to strike us or our allies if their governments wished.  As it became clear that the scare concerning the President’s life was just that, normalcy began to return and all heightened emotions settled with only a whimper remaining which would soon dissipate.  Today, an abhorrent minority seeks to end this sitting president’s life in order to lose all obstacles in accordance with their ideology of life in this nation.  Can we actually consider ourselves to be a civilized society when a listed amount of people wish the President dead by means of assassination?

Looking back at history and noticing when the large empires and dynasties fell, it is not difficult to notice that when this tumultuous time arrived the entire known civilized world suffered greatly.  New nations and regions formed, wars began, assassinations and plots against governments were planned and then executed, and numerous other non-rested agencies transpired as the world tried its best to keep calm and direct their pressures in an even and outward projection so that their constituents did not panic and totally revolt.  One of the more recognizable results of such a fall from a “superior” nation comes in the form of shattered dependencies on that global status and if there should ever be a condition of time where the one providing such dependencies loses its status and power of course fear and control shall fight for control of the remains.  It is easily conceived that this type of dependence continues today with the majority of other nations when looking up to this nation and this fact needs to understand for when this nation does lose its status due to its arrogance and selfishness, the nations and their stability shall be changed forever.

It is this factor that many people fail to see and to recognize on a spiritual level.  Oh, do we ever understand our “status” on the physical aspects of societal organization yet at the same time ignore the most important condition of it all.  We have taken the blessings of God and have thrown them around like the old saying goes “we have money to burn” and have rubbed everyone else’s noses in our blessings as if it was us who originated such things.  We have grown exponentially over the years since our creation and establishment and ever since these early days of our presence have been doing our best to incorporate our selfish ways into the blessings.  No longer do we feel the need to glorify God for everything we have or to even have a basic appreciation for the resources that we have developed.  This is a sign of inner weakening infrastructures due to a lack of gratuitous inhabitants who fail to understand that these blessings are meant to be shared in a manner in which other less fortunate nations do not readily have access.  However, with such blessings said it the key ingredient of this equation lacks the authority in which it is being given for correct procedures of delivering gifts are selfishly and manipulatively divided up according to what some people wish to give while others do not.

When the divisions of a nation become intertwined with the distribution of services the outcome of such deliveries cannot bring forth any good whatsoever.  Our hearts have become so infiltrated with a status that as we “gladly” hand out these gifts to others we demand that the media cameras be present so that pictures can be taken of our good deeds towards men.  I am reminded of many narratives of Rome when the Barbarians were at the gates of that empire’s capital for many wanted to welcome them into the lands without understanding why and what they were doing there, completely ignoring the truth concerning the siege that was around their city yet doing their best to pacify the invaders with the same type of gratitude.  Rome was so arrogant and protruding that it had lost her capability of understanding the events around her and could not imagine that some other lands or ruler could be aroused enough to challenge her stance on any modern issue.  The demands at the negotiation tables have been directionally subjected to one goal and no other option considered a comparison that is easily defined over and over today.  Emperors rose and fell while the Empire continued on its course of physical destruction, and while the people who loved the State along with those who did not also watched as their beloved standard fell to the ground never to be picked up again.

While Rome, Egypt, and Greece may have had their dynasties ups and downs, post societies had enough stamina and viable contingents to continue needs as they came along.  When our society and nation falls things shall become more complicated, joint freedoms from smaller and previously “non-negotiable” nations will be thrust into the open and suddenly have an equal opportunity to rule as any other country.  The fall of this nation can be demonstrated and then orchestrated as the death of a president for it shall be just as such.  Not only will regional countries be affected, but the entire world shall be included in this fall due to the presence of its leader being no longer capable of existing.  Our borders shall no longer be intact as they are now in fact, they will not be as such in that day.  Many commands, controlling points, companies, businesses, cities, countrysides, and countless other amenities shall be gone and washed away.  Yes, churches shall be torn out and no longer listed on a map, for when God declares His presence known and His hand an operative, all things are subject since He is the Creator of all things.

We see this type of assassination occur in the New Testament as well, for the eternal Head of the Church was brutally crucified for no real crime, which brings us to the passage of John 19:28-30 which gives us a slight glimpse of the death of Jesus.  Just as today there were leaders within the local and religious communities that either loved Jesus or hated Him.  Of course, many had their doubts about who He was but when ones truly opened their hearts to what His mission was they began to understand exactly why He was sent to the earth.  Jesus faced an array of presentations each day, I mean, one would easily become a tad paranoid if you had the major religious leaders constantly following you as you went along your daily business, wouldn’t you?  Jesus was taken by the world and cruelly executed as a common criminal, actually dying between two convicted thieves.  Everything Jesus said and did during His ministry years was for a Divine purpose yet those who failed to recognize this did everything in their power to end not only His ministry but His presence as well.  Jesus was not the person that many thought He would be, nor were they impressed about His common appearance and how He did not look and fit the part of what the religious establishment believed the Messiah would be like. 

The people who did follow Jesus and took after His ways reacted in a very humanly manner, they scattered and ran away as fast as they could and placed themselves into hiding.  They were in a state of disarray and division that they had not known before but could not avoid or ignore because they lacked the confidence of what Jesus taught and preached to them, so much so that His closest companions did not believe that He was alive again even after He had told them that He would be.  Complete chaos ruled the followers of Christ and the Early Church members had no reason to form another gathering due to the fear that they would suffer the same fate as Jesus did.  Right here, we have the unbelief patterns that were implanted into the Church shortly after Jesus died and rose again, so how easy is it today for us not to completely understand or believe in what the Bible says about our purpose and lives?  From this moment forward no nation had singlehandedly ruled the world again, many have tried since this time and even the physical Church has tried to do so but only fulfilled the actions of a certain disciple in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Along comes a nation made from nothing that over a given period of time becomes the single most powerful nation on any and every level the world can imagine or offer.  The United States is considered the ultimate democracy and representative of freedom for every person who draws breath and while our foundations were established in a holy proclamation we were set apart for this Divine act from God another option for those who wished to seek God and His ways without persecution or commands from others.  But just a period of time was section off of history for our foundations, so is another period of time that took the separation issues of holiness and shoved it aside for inclusion with otherworldly standards.  With this time period accessing itself we have grown accustomed to being a selfish nation that indulges in our own reflections and technologies trying to reach immortal status on our own.  This lifestyle was okay for a while but eventually began to creep into our daily devotions and business duties, growing at a rate quick enough that this condition of superiority now flowed internationally and without repentance.

We fail to recognize just how far we have fallen to the lies of wealth and prosperity instead of witnessing to others through these blessings that God gave us.  I have often wondered why people desire to come to this nation when our own attitudes portray us as an arrogant and egotistical society that cares nothing for anyone else especially when we are looking at our profiles and then publishing them over as many networks as possible.  It is this type of example shown that should be repulsive to anyone trying to enter this country, yet they still come.  This inciting type behavior shall be the key to our downfall and the main reason that the President and leader of the physical world shall be taken down by the sovereign hand of God.  Ever wonder why the United States and its land description and its people and presence are not mentioned in the end times according to the Bible? 

There is a reason for this and it stems from this nation being dead with no ability to govern law and restraint over other nations any longer.  Sadly, what we did portray to the other nations during this tenure of leadership shall be reflected in a horrific manner on nations by other nations for the children almost always reflect what they have witnessed growing up.  When one reads the bible, especially the end book of Revelation, there is nothing good going on in the world and any idea of happiness and tranquility is not mentioned.  Why?  Through our own arrogance and selfish maladies, we transformed a good societal setting into a greedy manipulative congressional election that infiltrated each national heart with their own individualistic indulgences.  Our hearts are completely hidden around our perfectly shaped onion layers and unless we allow God to change the blackness of our hearts He shall begin to peel away each layer of our established country until our heart is exposed, then He shall change our inner layers in such a way that one cannot believe.

What is so devastating about this truth is that we have a perfect example of this type of behavior in the ONLY book that can provide a way for us to crawl out from this pig pen and it, not the passage that God wants us to understand for this article either.  Israel demonstrated this exact attitude in 1 Samuel 8 when it wanted to leave God for the ways of the world.  Their demise began in their individual hearts and eventually presented this demise publicly and nationally.  Look at what occurred to their nation when they elected this process into existence, over time their nation was split into two kingdoms then destroyed one by one both sent into captivity and doomed themselves as a definitive and recognized nation for millennia.  Do we really believe that God shall not perform the same types of discipline on this nation when He has done such things to His own Created nation?  Take heed to the consequences of our hearts for they are real and accurate and so is the Word of God and the direction He has for your life and for this nation.

This article is NOT about the survival of President Trump or the thoughts about his demise or assassination.  This article is about the idolatrous patterns that we as a nation and leader to the world have followed in order to “assure” ourselves in getting our way.  It is laughable to believe that with the state of affairs this nation believes it should exist within that we could be equal to an ant walking on a sidewalk much less equal to any other nation or fellow employee.  President Trump was elected by God alone, brilliantly through a human-made process in order to give us a bit more time before He has to act in a Divine fashion and speed up the end of humanity as we know it.  Isn’t a wonder that certain people want this access of accuracy and election procedures destroyed?  You want proof?  Why is it that both sides of the divide political aisle disagree with him and his thinking?  Just the other night people were saying that they did not believe a word of what he was going to say in a prime time speech of his.  These words and these opinions came public BEFORE he said a single word.  This type of activity is EXACTLY what this nation and others like us are doing to God and the Word of God.  I have no idea if President Trump really proclaims himself as a Christian, but I do know that he does respect God and God is using him in order for us to wake up and repent before it is too late.

We still have the opportunity to delay this action by God because for whatever reason God still believes that we have a shot at redemption, but how long will this belief of His last?  Church it is time we take the reins back into our hands and once again become the witnesses to those who deem the world as their friend and lover.  As world history has taught us or should have taught us that no good thing comes from a leader being killed or have a violent death.  Our world has endured such torturous events many times over with the biggest of them all hanging right around the corner.  It is for this purpose alone that Jesus sent us into the world in order to project His light of Truth to those who are in darkness.  We can still save this President from death but it is totally and strictly up to us to prevent such a catastrophe.  We have the tools, we have the instructions, and all Jesus needs is for us to use what He has given us.  So the basic question that presented to us is this: do you wish to see the President die or live?


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