Friday, August 30, 2019

Leaving Empty

Leaving Empty


Every human being has experienced the loss of something or someone that they have desired or loved and when this experience arrives there is no greater feeling than the emptiness of such desertion.  It does not matter which circumstance one wishes to include in this setting, for when anyone leaves a place without the desired thing sadness accompanies these people.  God never meant for us to feel such pain and personal agony over things that are no longer viable yet we are continually inundated with such activities.  However, we do not have to live under this permanent separation pattern, if we only keep God first in our lives and proclaim His mercies every day, we are guaranteed the assurance that He shall never leave us no matter what our physical outcome may be.

Lamentations 3:22-23

It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy

Being in the medical field for quite some time and even being mainly involved in rural hospital settings, my eyes have witnessed the world in action numerous times enough to know that there is nothing good that the world and its lifestyle offers.  While not every bad setting that I have been involved or have heard is a result of a violent act, the toll that occurs on the human and their surroundings does makeup such an ugly picture.  I wish the people leaving the hospital setting could leave with the best of circumstances and with the good results they had hoped for, but I cannot sit here and write to say these outcomes are true.  We cannot forget that there is a reason people visit the hospital or be checked into its confines and it is in this contextual truth that often forces us to reflect on our own lives as our loved ones and friends attend these ventures.  But it is always at these crossroads that we arrive at that shape our hearts to what lies ahead for every person who enters the doors of a hospital at some point no matter what the outcome will be shall leave that building.  It is always a nervous placement when anyone goes into a non-secure place and when that person places their lives into the hands of unknown people, the tension and stress can be thick as a London fog.

Some of you know that it has been almost a year that I left my hospital setting with a helicopter ride, unlike my two previous serious travels from a hospital setting by leaving in an ambulance.  My heart condition warranted such a move and for the most part, I was not nervous at all about being cramped up in a flying oil drum with two other people next to me.  Oh yes, God did His miracle work in that helicopter and showed me a few onions that described the condition of many of our hearts and a sure connection as to why the world is falling apart each second of the day.  But that day was not all sadness with doom and gloom for while I did leave the hospital in a transportation vehicle, that the vehicle did not leave the hospital empty and it this aspect of our lives that God wants us to understand His mercies and His faithfulness.  Not that these qualities of God are necessary to have such results but for those who know God no matter if that transportation vehicle leaves empty God has His child in His hands even through difficult times.

When a circumstance of humanity provides such a setting that requires deeper medical attention everyone knows that an unconventional route taken to another facility cannot be good news.  It is always worrisome for those left behind and great fear and wondering to follow a natural course of action.  However, as I stated above, when a person leaves in such a vehicle, there is always hope that still remains but when our eyes watch the stretcher be loaded without an occupant, the feeling of despair goes deeper for it is then publicly known that the transportation vehicle has no one on it to transport.  Death on any level presents a sorrowful experience and it hits close to our lives but the question remains and the one all of us ask is: will we have joy and sorrow or just sorrow fill the next few moments of our world.  This week our laboratory family was rocked with the news of the death of one of our previous lab member’s husband.  While the younger and newer lab personnel do not know this gentleman, he touched so many lives with his presence and graced our lives just knowing him.  Yes, it is a sorrowful time for some but not too terrible for others and it is concerning to me to see the difference between the two physical institutions.

The first words in this passage give us the reason why all of us are still walking on this earth and why we have the opportunity to experience life as we know it.  “It is of the Lord’s mercies” is a powerful statement and it defines the single reason that we are allowed to take countless numbers of breaths each day and according to this first part of this passage, it is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed and ever since that dreadful moment way back in the Garden of Eden when sin was chosen over obedience, God had every bit of authority to wipe humanity off the earth.  So we are going to take a closer look at a couple of words in this passage in order to give us a better idea of what God does for us each day of our lives.  When we look at the word “mercies” used here it comes from the Hebrew word “hasde” is originally translated from the words “loving devotion.” “Hasde” literally means goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and supports and reinforces the truth when it comes to our continued existence through the mercies and loving devotion from God.  It is not because of what we have done that gives us life but it is God who provides such gifts.  It is this word alone that provides us with the plan of God for our lives for He operates through holy and pure love at all times.  Yes, sometimes love is harsh and cruel to the outward eye, but when a parent loves their child they will do their best to protect the child from falling away from the guidelines that they need to adhere.

A parent that demonstrates a loving devotion to their child will never leave that child.  They may disagree with the child and advise against certain paths that are taken but their love for that child shall never cease.  Also, a parent with a loving devotion sees that their child is on the wrong path they shall always seek a way to convince their child that the path that they are on is not right for them and that danger shall soon follow if they do not change course.  God cannot just idly sit back and watch His children envelop themselves in disobedience He must correct them as it becomes necessary, and this necessity comes when the child blatantly fills their heart with disobedient heart songs that go against every aspect of their Created lives.  We have previously discussed the word “love” and how the views of the world distort and twist the Truth about love, for God is love and cannot represent anything but eternal and holy love.  Here lies the key to this word and phrase, for if one who says they love yet does not correct when the truth is varied from, they do not love they only lie.  A lie, in short, is sin and sin, in short, is disobedience from Love.

The second word that we need to discuss is the word “consumed”. The first part of verse 22 gives us the reason why we are not consumed; I absolutely love it when God gives us the answer to our questions of “why” even before He addresses the question.  What do we think about when we hear this word being used?  Right, food but just as it means for a system of eating it also was used back in earlier days for a physical condition that meant sure death, today that old word consumption means primary tuberculosis and while modern drugs can relieve people of this nasty process it still provides countless deaths around the world.  The word consumed here comes from the Hebrew word “tamenu” and has the meaning of to be complete, completely, wholly, to be finished, and come to an end.  In short, the word means that death will follow and all evidence of our presence wiped out from this thing we call life.  Now, there is no mention of specific nations, groups, or tribes here and since there are no specific mentioning of people it can be guaranteed that this consumed portion is an eternal one and comes to everyone without exception.  Remember, God is very specific when He calls upon His authority to strike and if no specifications are mentions present it can only mean humanity itself.

Interestingly, there is a word in the New Testament that corresponds with this word “tamenu” and it is the Greek word “katakrima” which means the punishment after a wrongdoing and this punishment is death.  This Greek word means punishment following condemnation which is defined to us in Romans 5:18 where it says that all of mankind is doomed to condemnation.  This is not a coincidence folks; it is a guaranteed pattern of our existence that we cannot escape.  This also means that until we accept Christ as our Savior and walk under His blood Covenant it does not matter what we do, where we go, how we speak, how we sing, or where we live for when we leave those instances we do so empty.  In an existence that is consumed with death on its physical and natural plane, it is a normal item for thinking with the same mentality.  You want to know why this culture of our world today is so obsessed with death.  It is because we have voluntarily chosen to follow the god of this world and since the ONLY thing he can represent or give is death, it is that result that we will desire the most.  This is a scary position to believe in, Church, and we need to recognize RIGHT NOW that we have fallen into the world’s trap by embracing such lies.

So, the second verse comes into play now with another one of those beautiful words and this word here is faithfulness.  It comes from the Hebrew word “emunateka” which literally means is Your faithfulness and is translated to mean firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, and steadiness.  Why is it so important that this word follows the other two words in this trilogy of laws from God?  It is because they all follow each other in an unbreakable cycle that if adhered to by us shall never be broken or tampered with for as long as we take a breath.  It also means that no matter what, where, when, do, say, think, or go we shall never leave empty no matter if we physically walk out of a hospital without a loved one alive.  If God did not place this word faithfulness here, the first two words would be subject to corroboration with failure because mercies and consumed are not words that go hand-in-hand and mean that mercy and consumption are always at war with each other.  Therefore, God puts in this third word, faithfulness into the picture and adds to it the eternal aspect with a descriptive word “thy” which directly refers to God Himself.  These three words alone form an eternal cycle of compassion – another word in this passage – that we cannot truly understand for we are of limited abilities with a very limited mind and understanding which proves once and for all that we do not need to rely on a failed system but one that is always correct, honest, true, holy and eternal.

Sadly enough it is commonplace to see people’s lives end without knowing the faithfulness and the mercies of God before they stand in judgment; it is too late to understand them at that point.  Yes, as their life is being presented in front of them they shall be asked, according to their choices, if they accepted the blood of Christ to cover them, most shall not have a clue to the answer.  The word that we have not covered here that appears in verse 22 is compassion, and God uses this word here because His mercies are due to His compassions for His people.  God knows we do not have the ability to secure our eternity alone and He understands that if He did not have compassion in the first place the Bible would have ended in and around Genesis 3:24.  But even as Adam and Eve were being thrown out from their house, God provided for them the eternal symbol of covering when He made for them coverings from a sacrifice.  HE made for them, remember the fig leaves they made were not sufficient, they were not sufficient during that time nor are they sufficient for us today.  Only the words that are spoken and given to us in Lamentations 3:22-23 form the eternal foundation that God has made for us so that we may have eternal life.

When I first came to Colorado back in the early 1990s, one of the families of the church here faced a heavy tragedy, and then shortly afterward faced a more difficult tragedy.  It was a trying time for that group for these two losses touched many lives and had long-lasting effects that still haunt them today.  I was on duty at work the next day when I ran into the paramedics that arrived on the scene of that horrible accident and I heard them talk about what their eyes had seen.  There was no way possible that this person could have physically survived they stated yet it was the next words that came from their mouths that defined the opposite of the title of this article for they said that as they were looking for personal information on the individual, they said that amongst all the papers lying inside the car “Bible stuff” dominated the wreckage.  These two Christian paramedics did not know I knew who this person was and when I spoke to them and gave them a few general details about him, tears swelled up in their eyes and a huge sigh of relief came over them.  One of them even stated that she knew that the family would not leave empty.

The ambulance may have not transported a patient to the hospital that day and I know that there have been many occasions where medical helicopters have flown away empty as well but it is whether or not the person and the family who are involved walk out of that facility empty or not that matters.  Tragedies are not the time for people to silence themselves about the conditions of the hearts; it is a time of reckoning that shows others who lived for Jesus and who did not.  There is no greater tragedy than a person who had no clue about or any relationship with Jesus for truly they left this world empty.  But for those who do know Jesus and have a walk and relationship with Him, may still suffer sorrow but at the same time have the confidence to know that Lamentations 3:22-23 just went into eternal mode which is the completion of God at its fullest.

Okay Church, what is your response to this Word from God?  He has given this article to us for a reason.  It is because we have not completed our mission properly to those around us who do not know God nor do they have a relationship with Him or His Son.  We are the ones who are supposed to be telling people that Jesus loves them BEFORE their bodies lay inside a casket.  It is our responsibility to shed light into the darkness, not dim the lights to make them more comfortable and relaxed.  We are to preach the Gospel to the dying world, not speak softly or whisper so that they cannot hear.  I do not care what you think about how I presented this message to you, it came from God and His Words are eternally true, not mine.  While God understands that billions of lives are lost every year who do not know Him, He also knows that there are countless others who DO know Him yet do nothing to share this eternal Truth to those that are lost.  We are so caught up in who is correct, which denomination is superior to all the others, who have the least offensive sermons, or who has the best worship service.  Can’t you see these physical and superficial titles are such sin?!?  Our hearts are blackened and dark with worldly evil and God wants us to project and to tell the world of HIS TRUTH NOT OUR TRUTH!  Repent, Church!  It is time we change our hearts and begin a new life account of Christ in this nation before God has to set into motion another devastating supernatural event so that revival can return again.  Knowing the mercies and faithfulness of God does not give us the authority to live as we please in the world and then claim “grace” when it comes time to stand before God.  That is what Satan and his kingdom want you to believe but since he is the father of all lies, that belief is a lie and represents a body walking out of doors and leaving empty.


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